Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3648: Elder Li

  Chapter 3648 Li's parents

  In the northeast of Yunxiao Mansion, in a huge city.

In the center of a manor, an old man dressed in white is slowly holding up a cup of tea: "I don’t know what happened to Tianpo in Jianyue Ancient City. I asked him to go there to practice before. Raise two levels."

  The white-clothed old man who spoke was Li Jiuyuan, who was famous throughout the Yunxiao Mansion. He had a high status in the Li family and was also one of the elders of the Li family.

"Master Li, you don't need to worry about the broken sky at all. Now that Li Zifeng is instructing him in his cultivation, coupled with the extremely sufficient sword intent in the ancient city of Jianyue, Li Gongzi's cultivation is definitely a breakthrough!" A disciple Said respectfully.

  Li Jiuyuan smiled, he was not worried about Li Tianpo at all.

After all, when Li Tianpo left him, he also got a lot of treasures. The most important thing is that Li Jiuyuan himself is an extremely powerful spiritual pattern master. The talisman he carved can save his life at critical moments. .

   "When the sky breaks, I don't worry about it. I hope he won't cause trouble in Jianyue Ancient City!"

  Li Tianpo is usually arrogant, thinking that he is unparalleled among the younger generation of disciples, and he does not cause trouble less when he is around Li Jiuyuan.

   "Young Master Li should indeed go out to practice experience at his age!" A servant in black also said.

"Hehe, that's right, let him go to Jianyue Ancient City this time, just let him sharpen it. I have already greeted Li Gongfeng before and let him take good care of my son. I hope that there will be no moths!" Li Jiuyuan Hehe smiled and raised a cup of tea again.

  But at this moment, he found a burst of blue light in the sky, and the sound transmission jade pendant suddenly appeared.

   "What's wrong?" Everyone's faces were filled with surprise.

  From the sound transmission jade pendant, bursts of light red aura gradually appeared.

  They all knew how Chen Xuan killed Li Tianpo.

  "Young Master Li has..." The servant's face was full of shock.

  There are cracks in this jade pendant, and the light and shadow released from it are gradually dissipating.

  This only shows one thing, Li Tianpo has been killed.

not good!

  Li Jiuyuan's heart was extremely anxious, and he flew into the sky instantly, holding the sound transmission jade pendant in his hand: "The one who killed him was Chen Xuan of Jian Yuezong!"

After hearing the news, Li Jiuyuan seemed to be half old for a moment. He was already full of white hair. At this moment, his hair turned into silver wire: "Damn, who would dare to kill my son? I must Let him kill for his life!"

With a cold smile, Li Jiuyuan released a gloomy breath all over his body: "The Jianyue Sect in Jianyue Ancient City, their courage is really big, they dare to kill my son. It seems that I have to go. It's time!"

  Li Tianpo is the only heir of Li Jiuyuan. Although he is his illegitimate child, Li Tianpo has a strong talent when he was young, so he got Li Jiuyuan’s personal guidance.

Because when Li Tianpo was practicing, no one was his opponent, and he also developed Li Tianpo's arrogant temperament. That's why Li Jiuyuan asked him to go to Jianyue Ancient City to practice and let him know how to cultivate. difficult.

   "This man named Chen Xuan, dare to kill my son, **** it, I will never let him live!"

The old servant next to    was too scared to speak, and squatted on the ground tremblingly.

  The murderous Li Jiuyuan on his face released a violent aura. The entire manor was destroyed in an instant: "Dare to kill my son, I want him to die!"

   "But Master Li, this is a member of Jian Yuezong, we can't kill him blatantly, right?" a young disciple said.

  Li Jiuyuan smiled cruelly: "What kind of Sword Moon Sect is nothing but a two-star sect. Our Li family is not afraid of him at all. Don't worry, I am also the elder of Li Jiuyuan, can't I still deal with the people of Sword Moon Sect?"

After returning to Jianyue Forest again, Chen Xuan felt the spiritual energy of his body and uttered a sigh of emotion: "Although the power of the dragon pattern has not broken through, the cultivation level has finally entered the five major consummations of the Shenluo realm. Now, even the most complete. The top six powerhouses are not necessarily my opponents."

  Among the entire Jianyue Ancient Vein, the disciple with the strongest cultivation base is also in the mid-seventh stage of the Shenluo Realm. People with a stronger cultivation base cannot enter the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

  In other words, in this Jianyue Forest, there are very few people who can surpass Chen Xuan in cultivation. Even if their cultivation is stronger than Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan can guarantee that he can escape from their hands.

  After traveling a few times in Jianyuelin, Chen Xuan did not find Jianyuezong’s people: “Where did they go? It’s really strange. There are obviously many disciples who have entered here, but now they don’t see them.”

   scratched his head, Chen Xuan's face was puzzled: "I just ran too far to chase Li Tianpo, I almost couldn't find the way back!"

  Sword Moon Forest is very large. Chen Xuan has been wandering in it for several hours, but still did not go out: "I came from the west just now. Keep going west, maybe you can find them."

  If placed alone, Chen Xuan will definitely be attacked by the monster clan. This is the depths of Jian Yuelin, and Chen Xuan alone will definitely not be their opponent.

  At this moment, not far from Chen Xuan, a young man in a blue long coat is walking forward talking and laughing.

   "Brother Zang Feiyu, we have been walking here for so many days, but we still haven't encountered any treasures."

   "By the way, I heard that Brother Chen has already obtained the Moon Sky Sword, his cultivation level must have become stronger?"

  If Chen Xuan is here, you can definitely see that these warriors in front of them are Zang Feiyu and others who came to Jianyue Ancient City with him. They have joined different sects.

   But Chen Xuan maintained friendship with them.

  During the conversation, there were a few warriors in the sky wearing black clothes with a murderous look on their faces: "Look, there are a few people below. Let's go and take a look. Maybe we can kill them!"

   "Hehe, since we can't find heritage treasures here, let's kill them and see how many good things they have!"

  In an instant, a black-clothed disciple landed on the ground, staring at Zang Feiyu.

   "Who are you?" Zang Feiyu said in a cold voice. He also knew that in this Sword Moon Forest, several sects were fighting each other.

"Whatever you do, we are here to kill you!" This black-robed disciple is also a disciple of a sect in Jianyue Ancient City. The most important thing is that he is an inner disciple, and he has reached the realm of Shenluo in his cultivation. The six major things are complete.

  Zang Feiyu's cultivation level has also been improved very quickly in recent months, but it has only reached the early stage of the sixth stage of the Shenluo realm. Under the attack of several warriors, he has been defeated and retreats.


Zang Feiyu's body was instantly knocked out hundreds of meters.

   With the support of several disciples, Zang Feiyu struggled to stand up from the ground. He knew very well that he was definitely not the opponent of the other party. If he continued to fight with only one end, he would be killed.

  The Li family disciple smiled grimly: "Boy, I advise you to take out all the treasures, otherwise, I will kill you all today!"

   "You should also be able to see that, just because you guys are not my opponents at all, it only takes two rounds to kill you at most!" The Li disciple's face was full of arrogance.

   Although he is not strong in the Li family, he is more than enough to deal with Zang Feiyu.

   "What are you talking about? Even if you kill me, I won't be able to give it to you!"

"You are looking for death!" The disciple of the Li family roared, and a chill suddenly appeared on his face. As the inner disciple of the Li family, although he is nothing in the younger generation, it is very easy to deal with Zang Feiyu. .

  There are only ten of the Li family disciples he leads, but these people are all his relatives and friends.

  Under his leadership, the disciples of the Li family did not find any heritage treasures along the way, but they met Zang Feiyu on the way.

  Since he couldn't find the inherited treasure, he just grabbed it. Anyway, he killed a person in Jianyuelin, and the outside world would never know.

  Zang Feiyu gritted his teeth and said: "If I remember correctly, your name is Li Qiong, isn't it? Anyway, it's all a death. If it's a big deal, I'll come back with you. If you have the ability, you can kill me!

"Really? Really naive. Even if you blew yourself up, I won't have any loss. If I want to die, I will fulfill you!" Li Qiong snorted, and the long sword in his hand suddenly burst into a blue light group, towards Zang Feiyu killed fiercely in the direction.

  Zang Feiyu's body was suddenly knocked into the air, blood was vomiting, and his face was pale. When he struggled to stand up from the ground, he found Li Qiong rushed over again.

  The sword intent that Li Qiong condensed was extremely terrifying, and in this instant, he slammed into Zang Feiyu's body.

  Zang Feiyu couldn't resist at all, spit out a mouthful of blood and landed on the ground.

  The several warriors who followed Zang Feiyu were all surprised that they did not dare to speak, and watched Li Qiong slowly walking towards them without moving.

"How? Do you feel the gap between us? I usually see a lot of trash like you. It seems that you still don't know how strong my cultivation is, hahaha!" Li Qiong said loudly Laugh, he can't be regarded as the top in the Li family, many disciples' cultivation bases have surpassed him.

  Li Qiong feels very good now, he is the first time to completely suppress a cultivator of other sects in Jianyue City.

  Zang Feiyu closed his eyes, knowing that he is no longer an opponent: "If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want, but you will never open my space ring!"

  Li Qiong let out a sneer: “It’s so simple to think about. The spirit pattern cultivated by our Li family can easily open your space ring!”

  As soon as he said this, Zang Feiyu suddenly felt desperate. He worked so hard, but the space ring still had to be taken away.

  "Go to death for me!" Li Qiong shouted angrily, and the sword suddenly pierced towards Zang Feiyu.

  Between the electric light and flint, an afterimage suddenly appeared. Zang Feiyu was ready to die, but in the end he felt a fierce and familiar aura emerge.

   Immediately after Zang Feiyu slowly opened his eyes, he suddenly found that Chen Xuan was already standing in front of him.

  Zang Feiyu’s voice was a little hoarse, blood was constantly overflowing from the corners of his mouth, but his face was full of joy: "Brother Chen, when did you come here!"

  Chen Xuan's cultivation is very strong. After seeing him standing in front of him, Zang Feiyu knew that his life was not in danger.

  "Brother, he still wants to **** my things!" He stood up hard, Zang Feiyu's face was full of murderousness: "He is from the Li family, you must not let him go!"

  Li Qiong, who was retired by Chen Xuan with a punch, was also full of shocked expressions: "Who is this? No, is it Chen Xuan of Jianyuezong?"

   knocked him into the air with just one punch, and the burst of cultivation base made everyone amazed.

   "His cultivation base has become so strong. Before, he was clearly the five peak of the Shenluo realm, and now he has entered the realm of Great Perfection!"

  The many disciples behind Li Qiong all walked to him one after another: "Brother Li, this person is Chen Xuan, his cultivation is very strong, we must be careful."

  At this moment, with a disdainful smile on his face, Chen Xuan pointed to Li Qiong and said, “Fei Yu, he has been seriously injured by me, and now you should be able to kill him.”

  As soon as these words came out, Li Qiong's face suddenly became savage: "Hehe, who do you think you are, you can hurt me with just one punch, it's a joke!"

  Chen Xuan hehe smiled: "You are thinking too simple, it only takes a minute at most, your injury will show up, I see how you resist it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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