Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3649: Wei Tianlun

  Chapter 3649 Wei Tianlun

  One minute later, Li Qiong felt his dantian exuding bursts of turbulent aura, and bursts of flames were burning desperately.

  The other Li family disciples retreated one after another, and no one dared to approach Li Qiong, and the flames of the Vermillion bird blooming from the other side made these Li family martial artists frightened.

   "What to do, he has been burned to the fire by the Suzaku..."

   "Our cultivation base can't save him at all, let's run quickly!" A Li family disciple finished speaking, and ran away.

  Li Qiong saw that his dantian was hit hard, there was no way to gather aura, and his dark faces were full of hideousness: "Damn, how did this kid do it? Why is my dantian blocked!"

   Seeing Li Qiong was seriously injured, Zang Feiyu also smiled gratefully, and then walked step by step in Li Qiong's direction.

  "Li Qiong, you still want to grab my things, haha!" Zang Feiyu roared, his body turned into a cold light, and he waved the long sword in his hand.

  The long sword directly reached Li Qiong's neck. After the cold light flickered, Li Qiong's head fell to the ground and lost its vitality.

  After doing all this, Zang Feiyu returned to Chen Xuan, his face was full of gratitude: "Brother, thanks to you for coming this time, otherwise we will all be killed by him!"

   "This **** Li Qiong, actually wants to kill us in Jianyuelin to **** the treasure, if it weren't for Brother Chen, we really can't deal with him!"

   "Brother Chen, thank you very much this time..."

  Chen Xuan stood with his hands in his hands, with a slight smile on his face: "It's just a matter of raising your hand, don't worry about it."

   "By the way, I just found the Moon Sky Sword in the Sword Moon Forest, should you also know?"

Zang Feiyu and others nodded: "Of course we know that many people in our school are looking for your whereabouts. Brother Chen, you have to be careful. These people are not good people, and they have reached the realm of Shenluo. In the early seven-fold period."

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "Don't worry, if they don't unite to deal with me, they will definitely not kill me!"

  Chen Xuan has his own self-confidence. His dragon pattern power is about to break through to the third level. In addition, Chen Xuan himself has the power of Vermillion Bird, and the speed of escape is also first-class. Can he not run if he can't beat it?

"By the way, Brother Chen, I got a piece of news before. I heard that the same moon sky sword appeared in the middle of Jian Yue Lin. This moon sky sword also contains extremely terrifying power. The two Moon Sky Swords can be merged into one, and there is a magic weapon for inheritance!" Zang Feiyu whispered.

   "It is said that there is a map hidden in the two moon sky swords, and there are many treasures inside, Brother Chen, now you have got a moon sky sword, and the last moon sky sword, you must not let it go!"

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan's eyes flickered: "I didn't expect the two moon sky swords to be combined into one. It seems that there is a secret hidden in it!"

After bidding farewell to Zang Feiyu and the others, Chen Xuan quickly leaped in the direction where they were.

  One day later, Chen Xuan's body was flying in the air, but there was still some distance from the place Zang Feiyu said.

   "There are already so many people here, it seems that they all want this second moon sky sword!"

Looking around, hundreds of warriors have appeared around the entire Jianyue Forest area, some of them belong to the Jianyue Sect and some of the Feiyun faction, but the Li family has the most people, accounting for almost 40%. .

  After walking down, Chen Xuan discovered that there were many disciples of Jianyuezong who had been friends with him in the first place.

   Chen Xuan asked, "Why are there so many people here?"

  A disciple of Jianyuezong saw Chen Xuan's arrival, his face was full of joy: "Great, Chen Xuan is here, our chances of winning have increased!"

  Under Chen Xuan's questioning, he learned that the disciple of Jianyuezong had a conflict with the people of other sects.

"Zhang Tinghe, don't deceive others too much. Do you know what this place is. The number of disciples of our Sword Moon Sect is much higher than you. If you have to trouble us, don't blame us for being polite. !" The name of the disciple who spoke was Wei Tianlun, and his cultivation was also very strong, and he had reached the early stage of the seventh stage of the Shenluo realm.

  Among all the disciples, Wei Tianlun’s cultivation is definitely considered top-notch.

  Wei Tianlun is a disciple of Jianyuezong. His cultivation level has also reached the seventh level of the Shenluo realm. He is also regarded as the top cultivation level in the entire Jianyuezong.

  A lot of Jianyuezong disciples followed, staring at Zhang Tinghe in front of them with cold eyes.

After all, Jianyue Sect is still the number one sect in Jianyue Ancient City, and it is also a well-known two-star sect in Yunxiao Mansion, but once it is in Jianyue Ancient Vein, other sects want to get the treasure, so naturally they can’t control that much. Will come directly to attack.

  Zhang Tinghe’s cultivation is almost the same as Wei Tianlun. They both had a battle at the beginning, but Zhang Tinghe lost to each other in the end.

  As the top powerhouse of Jianyuezong, Wei Tianlun's cultivation is indeed a tough one. Although Zhang Tinghe was defeated, he was still unconvinced in his heart, thinking that Wei Tianlun could win because of good luck.

  Wei Tianlun didn't think so, he only felt that Zhang Tinghe was provoking himself.

   Zhang Tinghe, as a disciple of the Feiyun Sect, had reached the seventh level of the Shenluo Realm in his entire body. Before they had entered the Jianyue Ancient City to cultivate, the two of them had already become enemies.

  It is rumored that Zhang Tinghe’s family and Wei Tianlun’s family are themselves feuds. The two once held a battle in Jianyue Ancient City, but Wei Tianlun eventually defeated Zhang Tinghe with a weak advantage.

  Wei Tianlun won that game not so easy. If it weren't for Zhang Tinghe's overdraft of a lot of aura at the beginning, Wei Tianlun would probably lose.

The Zhang family in Jianyue Ancient City can also be regarded as a second-class family. He also wanted to join the Sword Moon Sect at the beginning. Unfortunately, after this battle, Zhang Tinghe did not enter the Sword Moon Sect in the end, and could only join the ranking. Three Feiyun faction.

  The two martial sects also fought, and Zhang Tinghe also had a lot of trouble with Wei Tianlun, but the several battles between the two of them ended in a tie.

  Meeting Wei Tianlun again in the Jianyue Ancient Vessel, Zhang Tinghe would never let go of the opportunity, so he teamed up with several disciples to prepare to attack the people of Jianyuezong here.

   "You doglegs of the Sword Moon Sect, think that you can go crazy if you get the Moon Sky Sword, ha ha, this is not a place for you to do whatever you want!"

   "Today, I will put my words here. With me, Zhang Tinghe, here for one day, it is impossible for you people from the Sword Moon Sect to move forward!"

  Wei Tianlun’s face was full of cold, and he smiled softly and said, “Zhang Tinghe, you were defeated by my hands at the beginning. Today I want to beat you, so it’s easy!”

Zhang Tinghe let out a grinning smile: "Oh? You are so confident. Now my cultivation level has broken through to the seventh level of the Shenluo Realm. You can't beat me so easily. If you have the ability, we will compete with each other. I I want to see how your cultivation is!"

  The next moment, a fierce aura appeared around Zhang Tinghe's body. This long sword had hidden mystery, and Qianyuan's clam poison was immediately released and killed Wei Tianlun.

  The Zhang Family's exercises inherently contain poisonous skills. If they are attacked, they will be killed in an instant.

Wei Tianlun’s face was light and light. When these Qianyuan clam poisons were about to approach, he suddenly raised his long sword, and a wave of vigor condensed around Zhang Ting. And kill fiercely.

   "Small carving skills, even if you reach the Seventh Level of the Shenluo Realm, what about? You Zhang Family can only use poison to attack, it is impossible to be my opponent!"

  Zhang Tinghe’s face was furious. He was defeated by Wei Tianlun before, causing him to suffer humiliation.

   "Go to death for me, today I will show you how powerful our Zhang family exercises are!" Zhang Tinghe roared, and the fierce aura condensed from his body bloomed once again.

  Wei Tianlun always had a sneer on his face. He and Zhang Tinghe had been fighting for many years and knew how much each other was.

   The long sword in his hand was swaying quickly, Wei Tianlun's body was suspended in the air, and a cold sword light appeared, and it slammed into Zhang Tinghe's Qian Yuan clam.


  A fierce air current bloomed, and the two breaths violently collided in the air, making a sound of explosion.

  Wei Tianlun and Zhang Tinghe both stepped back.

Zhang Tinghe’s exercises were very poisonous, and Wei Tianlun didn’t dare to get too close. After he stopped, his face suddenly became jealous: "This Zhang Tinghe, unexpectedly, he has already cultivated the poison. At the point of sophistication, it seems that these days he has been practicing under the guidance of his family elders!"

  Although Wei Tianlun had the upper hand, in fact he still had to resist the invasion of Qianyuan clam poison. On the surface, Wei Tian had the advantage, but he did not dare to relax.

  Zhang’s poisonous power is very fierce, and it takes only two rounds at most to kill his enemies.

   shot from Zhang Tinghe.

  Wei Tianlun is very clear that Zhang Fei will definitely kill him this time.

   Seeing the two people fighting back and forth, Chen Xuan also watched coldly. He asked a warrior: "What happened? Why are these two people fighting here?"

A Jianyuezong disciple said immediately: "Chen Xuan, did you not see what happened just now? Zhang Tinghe wants to **** treasures from our Jianyuezong. We definitely can't do what he wants. These treasures are all. We worked so hard to find it!"

  "If they were snatched away, wouldn't the time be wasted?" the disciple said fiercely.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "The two of them were enemies before?"

  The disciple nodded and replied: "Yes, don’t you know?"

  Chen Xuan couldn’t help scratching his head: “Well, let’s see first of them who can win!”

   Turning his head, Chen Xuan noticed a sword aura wielded by Wei Tianlun, which directly knocked Zhang Tinghe back several steps.

Zhang Tinghe, who stabilized his figure, changed his face slightly, his face was surprised, and a strong killing intent appeared in his pupils: "Damn, why is this kid's cultivation level so strong? I am no longer his opponent at all..."

  He already felt the power of Wei Tianlun. Even though he displayed his family's poisonous power, it would be difficult to win for a while.

   "It's really strange, why didn't we Zhang Ting and brother suppress Wei Tianlun? Is his cultivation so strong!"

   "This Wei Tianlun's cultivation base in Jianyuezong is definitely not top, why can he play with our brother Zhang for so long!"

   "I don't know anymore. Our Senior Brother Zhang has a very strong cultivation base. Don't worry, Wei Tianlun is definitely not his opponent!"

Zhang Tinghe's expression also showed fierceness. Among the entire Jianyue ancient vein, only Wei Tianlun could pose a threat to him, so he must do everything possible to kill the opponent, otherwise, it would be difficult for him. Get the Moon Sky Sword from here.

"We must kill Wei Tianlun, the Moon Sky Sword is mine, no one can **** it from my hand!" He let out a low growl, and Zhang Tinghe once again released a wave of fierceness. The ray of light rushed directly into the entire sky, shining in front of everyone.

In an instant, Wei Tianlun and Zhang Tinghe had fought for two or three rounds, and their battle was still not over.

Chen Xuan looked at the battle between the two, with a shock on his face: "The cultivation base is indeed very strong. I am afraid that it has reached the mid-seventh stage of the Shenluo realm. If I use my current cultivation base, I want to overcome it. Either of them, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort."

As he spoke, Chen Xuan raised his head and vaguely saw a disciple of the Feiyun faction who was looking at him up and down.

"Oh, isn't this Chen Xuan? I heard that you killed many disciples of our Feiyun sect before, but I want to ask for advice on your cultivation level and see if you are so good!" His name is Zhao Zhijian, and his cultivation is not weak, and he has reached the six major consummations of the Shenluo realm.

   Among the Feiyun Sect Outer Sect, he can be regarded as extremely talented.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Zhao Zhijian, with a scornful smile on his face: "What are you, you dare to trouble me?"

  Zhao Zhijian laughed suddenly: "Chen Xuan, you are as arrogant as the legend, I came to trouble you today, what can you do to me?"

  (End of this chapter)

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