Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3662: Long Yingqi Meteor

  Chapter 3662 Long shadow strange meteorite

  Qiao Lixiao had an excited smile on his face. With such a big piece of dragon shadow, let alone repairing his broken sword, he can do it even if he raises his magic weapon to a level.

   "This is the Dragon Shadow Qiyun I asked a friend to get, don't worry, the power of this Dragon Shadow Qiyun is exactly the same as the one we got before." Chen Xuan said in spirit.

Qiao Lixiao’s face was also full of excitement: "Chen Xuan, Long Yingqiye is a very precious magic weapon. You worked so hard to find Longyingqiye, don’t worry! I will definitely treat you kindly. Whatever you need, please. Tell me, my Joe is not such a stingy person, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you!"

As soon as he said this, Yu Wentian pulled Chen Xuan aside and said with a long smile: "Chen Xuan, this old man Qiao has a very deep family background. You must be very polite. He has lived for nearly five hundred years. He’s an old monster, and his cultivation is only one step away. Don’t worry, everything he doesn’t use is a treasure to you!"

  Naturally, Chen Xuan would not refuse. He is not stupid with such a good opportunity.

  Qiao Lixiao is the master of the dragon pattern, and his background is very deep, his cultivation is also very strong, he naturally has many magic weapons.

   What Chen Xuan did not expect was that Qiao Lixiao did not have a dragon shadow on his body.

  Is this dragon shadow really so precious?

Where did   Dugulun come from?

Although Chen Xuan was surprised, Du Gulun had already sent Long Yingqi to him, and Chen Xuan didn't think too much.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xuan also took a sip of tea, with a smirk on his face, said: "Master Qiao, I have also been cultivating spirit bodies recently. You also know that the power of dragon patterns can temper the soul, but I The trick has not been captured yet."

   Hearing this, Qiao Lixiao laughed suddenly, and he also knew what Chen Xuan meant: "Didn't Yu Wentian tell you how to practice?"

  "The cultivation of the power of the dragon pattern must be done step by step, and I can't make your cultivation level directly break through, but you can rest assured, I can give you a dragon pattern stone tablet."

The power of the   dragon stele can also be passed on, but if you get a new dragon stele, you must start from scratch and cannot directly inherit the power.

"Look at what this is!" Qiao Lixiao fumbled for a moment in his ring, and then took out a piece of animal skin, and a piece of dragon pattern carved on it: "It just so happens that I have a dragon stone stele I got before. If you need it, just take it."

  Chen Xuan also smiled. He knew that the dragon stele was very precious, and it would take a long time to look for it piece by piece.

The techniques recorded on the   dragon stele are almost equivalent to the sword techniques practiced in the Sword Moon Sect, and the essence is the same.

  However, the dragon pattern technique recorded on the top of the dragon stone stele is very powerful, but some of them are used to replenish the number, which is of no use to improving the cultivation base.

  Qiao Lixiao can give Chen Xuan a stone stele with a dragon pattern. The dragon pattern exercises recorded on it are naturally not a mere replenishment, and they must have extremely powerful power.

After receiving the inside of his storage ring with a smile, Chen Xuan drank tea quietly without saying a word.

   Seeing Yu Wentian coughing slightly, Chen Xuan could only scratch his head in embarrassment, and took out Long Ying Qiyu from the ring again: "Old man, I gave this to you."

   "What did you say?" Yu Wentian showed a slight anger.

  Although Yuwentian has been alive for more than two hundred years, he seems to be only forty years old at most.

  It was the first time that he was called an old man. When other people saw Yuwentian, they would respectfully call him Master Yuwen.

  But only when he arrived at Chen Xuan, his tone was extremely disrespectful.

  Yu Wentian's personality is very hearty. Although he showed a slight anger, he did not feel angry at all in his heart.

  Because Chen Xuan has already handed Long Yingqi to his eyes: "I don’t need this piece of Long Yingqi, it’s better to give it to you...

  With Chen Xuan’s current cultivation base, this piece of Long Ying Qiyu does not have much effect. Instead of putting it in his space ring, it is better to give it to Yu Wentian.

  After all, Yu Wentian has been protecting him for the past few days, even fighting with Li Jiuyuan at all costs

  After getting Long Yingqi, Yuwentian laughed suddenly: "Okay, okay, you still have a conscience."

  Although Chen Xuan did not worship Yu Wentian as his teacher, Yu Wentian also vaguely regarded Chen Xuan as his apprentice.

  Chen Xuan gave him this piece of dragon shadow, and Yu Wentian was naturally very happy.

   "By the way, Chen Xuan, you must practice hard these few days. I will stay near Jianyue Ancient City in the next few days, but you must be careful and beware of several of them."

  Chen Xuan nodded, but did not continue to speak.

   Then, Yuwentian helped Qiao Lixiao repair the weapon.

  When they were halfway through, Qiao Lixiao had low pupils and a look of surprise on his face: "I didn't expect them to also arrive in Jianyue Ancient City?"

  "Is it Li Jiuyuan and the others?" Yu Wentian asked immediately.

  Both of them are dragon masters, they can perceive things within thousands of miles around, and they can also feel the aura of the strong. Naturally, they can perceive that Lin Dechang and the others have not gone far, but stayed in Jianyue Ancient City.

   "There is nothing wrong, it is definitely them." Qiao Lixiao said softly.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan's expression also sank. He thought about it, and finally said: "Two masters, the ancient city of Jianyue should not be very safe, or you should go to Jianyuezong with me, they Even if you want to make trouble, you definitely don't dare to make trouble on the site of Jianyuezong."

After    heard, Yu Wentian also nodded.

  When he was refining tools, his defenses were already very weak. If Lin Dechang and others suddenly attacked, they would definitely be counted.

   "Alright, but, do you Jianyue Zonghuan welcome outsiders?" Qiao Lixiao's implication meant that they were members of the Dragon Blood Empire.

The sect of the Kamikaze Dynasty did not have a deep hatred for the Dragon Blood Empire, but many of the disciples who practiced in the Sword Moon Sect were also from the Yunxiao Mansion, and did not have much interaction with the Dragon Blood Empire, and even had a lot of hatred.

   "Don't worry, the matter between these two empires has nothing to do with Jianyuezong. You can just go with me directly." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  Zongmen does not care about worldly affairs, even if Yuwentian is the royal family of the Dragon Blood Empire, it will not have any influence on Jianyuezong.

  Under the leadership of Chen Xuan, they also rushed in the direction of Jianyue Ancient Vessel.

  Jianyuezong is in the middle of Jianyue Ancient Vein and Jianyue Ancient City. The majestic hall stands between the heaven and the earth.

  Just walked into Jianyuezong, Chen Xuan saw two old men in white clothes in front of him, waiting for their arrival.

  Elder Zhuge?

  Chen Xuan was slightly surprised.

   Zhuge Bai smiled lightly, and said to Chen Xuan: "You are finally here, I have been waiting for you two for more than an hour!"

As soon as   's voice fell, Yuwentian suddenly laughed boldly: "Unexpectedly, Jianyuezong is also very bold, very in line with my temper!"

  On this day, the Sword Moon Sect was very lively.

  Many Jianyuezong elders headed by Zhuge Bai, and even thirteen Inner Sect elders, all came out to welcome these two dragon masters.

  The Sect Master of Sword Moon Sect is still in retreat. It is said that his cultivation is about to break through. Once he exits the barrier, he can reach the next level. At that time, no one in the entire Sword Moon Ancient City can be his opponent.

  The person who presides over the overall situation is now handed over to Zhuge Bai.

  Zhuge Bai himself is the master’s junior, and his cultivation is also very strong, he is also very calm, and has made many contributions to Jianyuezong.

   is also the second strongest of Jianyuezong, no one can shake his position.

After    walked over, Zhuge Bai suddenly said: "The two have come from afar, so why not stay in our Jianyue Sect for the time being in the last few days."

  Qiao Lixiao heard it and knew what the other party meant.

With Zhugebai’s own cultivation base, it’s difficult to deal with the combination of Li Jiuyuan and Lin Dechang. If only Li Jiuyuan is alone, Zhugebai can cope with it, but there are too many of them, and there are also a few elders from the Li family. May be dispatched.

In order to protect Chen Xuan, Zhuge Bai also wanted to keep these two dragon masters here temporarily.

Thinking that he still had a dragon stone stele that he hadn’t found, Qiao Lixiao smiled heartily and said, “Hahaha, that’s right, it just so happens that I also need to look for a treasure in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, how about you? Yuwentian, anyway you don’t have it. It's better to stay here with me for a few days."

  Yuwentian smiled: "Old man Qiao, I don’t need to say that I will be here too, Chen Xuan is in Jianyuezong, if his enemy finds him, I can make a move in time!"

  Finally, Yuwentian and Qiao Lixiao were both arranged in Jianyuezong.

  Zhuge Bai deliberately arranged them in a place not far from Chen Xuan's residence, and this is only the area where the outer disciples live.

  As the top elder of Jianyuezong, after Zhugebai gave an order, many outer disciples moved out one after another.

  In just one day, Zhuge Bai repaired the room here again, which was several times more prosperous than before.

  In the next time, Yu Wentian helped Qiao Lixiao repair his weapon and searched for another dragon stone stele inside.

  And Chen Xuan is trying to improve his cultivation.

  He didn't need to talk about the affairs of Sky Dragon City for the time being, Chen Xuan had already made it clear to Du Gulun.

  In the past few days, he will stay in Jianyuezong to practice, after all, the spirit sword area of ​​Jianyuezong can temper Chen Xuan's sword soul.

  Before, Chen Xuan used to cultivate the power of the sword soul in Wanjian Villa, but he came to Jianyuezong with a more important purpose, which is to investigate who Li Qiuyu was taken away.

  According to the intelligence investigated by Dugulun, the person who captured Li Qiuyu is likely to belong to the Li family.

   But whether someone from the Li family took Li Qiuyu away, Chen Xuan can't make a decision until now.

  Because of Yu Wenqiu, Tianlong City is developing vigorously.

  Chen Xuan also knew that Dugulun could not be counted on. This old boy usually likes spending time and drinking.

  He was also very surprised. Even if Dugulun practised very little, his cultivation breakthrough was very fast.

The descendants of the   Dugu family possessed extremely strong talents, and Chen Xuan was no stranger to it.

  How to say the Dugu family is also a big family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years in the Mofeng Empire.

  Even the several three-star sects of the Demon Wind Empire must give face to the Dugu family.

  (End of this chapter)

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