Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3663: No grievances

  Chapter 3663 No grievances and no grudges

  In the vast kamikaze dynasty, many sects have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and these sects basically exist in various illusions and will not appear in front of the world.

  The Shen Lie Mountain that Chen Xuan and Du Gu Lun were looking for was an extremely mysterious sect. For thousands of years, no one could find the true location of Shen Lie Mountain.

  Only occasionally hear the disciples of Shenlieshan come out, unless there is a major change, the disciples of Shenlieshan will come out to preside over the overall situation.

  But these disciples of the God Lieshan, each cultivation base is extremely powerful, even an ordinary monk, in the outside world can be regarded as a top powerhouse, even very close to the realm of the gods.

  On this day, Chen Xuan is also going to the spirit sword area to practice.

  He hasn't tempered the sword soul for a long time.

  Chen Xuan's sword soul has reached the second level, which has improved him very obviously. Now Chen Xuan only needs a move of his mind to control the Liaoyuan sword.

After    came to the spirit sword area, all the outer disciples let out a cry of exclamation.

   "Look, Chen Xuan actually came here, but he was not killed by Li Jiuyuan!"

  "Are you talking nonsense? Now that two dragon masters are protecting Chen Xuan, how could he be killed!?"

  Among these sects, Chen Xuan could not feel the struggle in the world at all.

  Although the Kamikaze Dynasty and the Dragon Blood Empire killed a life and death, the people on both sides were jealous when they met, but the people of these sects did not have much scruples. They only talked about the level of cultivation, and did not care about other things.

  For the disciples of the Sword Moon Sect, they only know that Grandmaster Longwen is a super power in the northern area, and every cultivation base can reach the realm of souls.

  Now there are two dragon masters protecting Chen Xuan, even if Li Jiuyuan and Lin Dechang try to trouble him, they will not be able to succeed.

After entering the spirit sword area, Chen Xuan ignored these disciples' comments.

  It will take a long time for his sword soul to break through. After so much time, Chen Xuan has already cultivated to the second level, which surprised Zhuge Bai.

  There was a red light flashing in his pupils. After Chen Xuan used the power of the dragon pattern to the extreme, a red mist was exuded all over his body.

  Give it to me!

The   Liaoyuan Sword pierced out in an instant, and hit a huge boulder in front of it fiercely.


  The huge stone shattered at the sound, all the stones rolled on the ground, and the explosion caused many Sword Yuezong outer disciples to let out a cry of exclamation.

   "No way, his cultivation level actually improved so fast, it must be because he found a lot of magic weapons in the Sword Moon Forest area!"

  "His luck is also really good. Not only has he received a lot of treasures, but also has the protection of two dragon masters. If only I had the same luck as him!"

   "His cultivation level has reached the sixth level of the Shenluo realm, right? Our Sword Yuezong outer gate, it is difficult for anyone to be his opponent..."

  These outer disciples also knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation level far surpassed monks of the same realm, and even facing the powerhouse of the Seventh Level of the Shenluo realm, Chen Xuan could face off against them.

   Hearing the admiration of these disciples, Chen Xuan was not at all complacent. Instead, he locked his pupils tightly on a boulder in front of him.

   "This time I will test thousands of swordsmanship. If the level of this swordsmanship is raised, once the cultivation reaches the realm of Dacheng, the lethality will be further improved..."

  Chen Xuan has not slackened in the cultivation of Thousand Thousands of Sword Art. It can be said that this sword is extremely powerful. After reaching the top level, he can kill monks of the same level in minutes.

   "The Fifth Thousand Thousand Sword Art!" Chen Xuan let out an angry shout, and the sword shadows suddenly floated around his body.

  Nowadays, the power of dragon pattern is not too obvious for the increase in swordsmanship, and the lines carved on Chen Xuan's body can only improve his physique.

  It is not that Chen Xuan is unwilling to increase the power of the sword art, but because with the increase of the power of the dragon pattern, he has already strengthened the power of the sword technique without knowing it, and he can do it without carving the dragon pattern.

  When the power of this tens of thousands of sword arts was released, everyone's faces were filled with shock. Obviously, it was unexpected that Chen Xuan could explode with such a powerful force.

   After a huge stone in front of it was hit by his sword aura, it suddenly split into dozens of pieces, and it fell on the ground and rolled continuously.

  Even Chen Xuan did not expect that Wan Jianjue would be so powerful.

  During this period of time, Chen Xuan has been practicing Wan Jian Jue and Vermilion Sword Art. As for Jian Yuezong's sword art, Chen Xuan did not concentrate on practicing.

  The power of Wan Jian Jue and Vermilion Sword Technique far surpassed the sword technique of Jian Yuezong, and Chen Xuan had no need to learn.

  The most important thing for him in Sword Moon Sect is to enhance the power of Sword Soul. After all, Sword Moon Sect's unique spirit sword area can quickly temper his grasp of sword art.

  Chen Xuan also slowly exhaled, and began to absorb the strong sword intent around him.

The sword energy around the spirit sword area rolled towards his body and compressed, and after two hours, Chen Xuan left here contentedly.

  After returning from the spirit sword area, Chen Xuan now mainly needs to improve his dragon pattern power.

  He also received many magic weapons from Qiao Lixiao, and with the assistance of Yu Wentian, Chen Xuanxiu's level was improved very quickly.

  The practice Qiao Lixiao gave him can improve the power of the soul, and once the cultivation is successful, he can quickly improve his spiritual body.

  The dragon pattern also carries the power of the dragon frost. If it is displayed invisibly, it can definitely pose a threat to the opponent.

With a smile on his face, Chen Xuan whispered: "If I can cultivate to the top level, it will definitely increase my cultivation level."

  Before, Chen Xuan had been cultivating the power of dragon patterns, but the power recorded on each dragon pattern stele was different. Now Chen Xuan has just begun to realize how much the power of dragon patterns can help his body.

  After constantly killing monsters, Chen Xuan also absorbed many of the cores of monsters, and his body strength increased a lot. If he wanted to temper his soul, Chen Xuan also had to master a stronger sword soul.

  In a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan has unknowingly practiced in Jianyue Sect for more than half a month. During these five days, Chen Xuan clearly felt that the power of his soul had increased a lot.

"If every martial artist wants to improve his cultivation level, his soul cannot be bypassed. Only when he reaches the realm of the soul can he truly let his spiritual body out of his body." Chen Xuan stared ahead and began to condense his spiritual consciousness, but his attempt was Failed.

   has not reached the realm of the soul, and has not been able to further enhance the power of the soul.

  Chen Xuan Shen Luo Realm's sixth level of cultivation, being able to master the spirit body is really rare.

  In recent days, Chen Xuan is also searching for news to see if Lin Dechang and Li Jiuyuan are leaving.

   Chen Xuan's current cultivation base wants revenge is tantamount to idiotic dreams. Whether it is Li Jiuyuan or Lin Dechang, they are both strong in the realm of souls. Chen Xuan cannot kill Li Jiuyuan now.

"It's better to give up first. After my cultivation level is improved, it will not be too late to find him for revenge..." In his mind, Chen Xuangang wanted to gather spiritual power, and he saw a middle-aged man holding a hip flask in front of him. , Is slowly walking towards him.

   "Master Yuwen? Why are you here?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

  In the past few days of Jianyue Sect, Yuwen Tian has nothing to do. He usually does not refining tools, but he goes to the Jianyue Ancient Vein to find the dragon stone stele.

  Although the power of the dragon pattern of the two of them can perceive things happening around a thousand miles, it is not so easy to find the dragon stone stele.

The spirit formations gathered around the dragon stone stele can conceal the aura from the stone stele. Yu Wentian and Qiao Lixiao have been searching for the Jianyue ancient vein for several days, but they have never found the location of the stone stele.

  Yu Wentian smiled lightly: "Chen Xuan, I'll come over to give pointers on your cultivation, your dragon tattoo power should have been improved, right?"

  Chen Xuan nodded: "Thanks to the dragon stele that Qiao Lixiao always gave me, now my soul has improved a bit, but there is still a lot of distance from the realm of the soul."

Yu Wentian smiled, put the wine glass on the ground, and instantly exuded a terrifying aura, and whispered: "Chen Xuan, you are optimistic, you want to further enhance the power of the dragon pattern and temper your own. The soul body must do what I say."

  Chen Xuan watched Yu Wentian helplessly, gathering the surrounding heaven and earth aura in his dantian, and then a terrifying aura bloomed towards the surroundings.

  People are more popular than others.

   "My cultivation level can't be compared with you at all. You have entered the realm of souls, but what about me?" Chen Xuan whispered.

Yuwentian's eyes became serious, and he began to explain the mystery of the dragon pattern: "Listen to me. If you want the power of the dragon pattern to temper the soul, you must master a stronger sense of God. In this realm, There are only a handful of people who can temper the soul. You must seize the opportunity and don't let up."

  In the next time, Chen Xuan and Yu Wentian will learn the power of dragon patterns.

  Although he had cultivated this dragon pattern to the second level, Chen Xuan still had no way to temper his soul through the power of the dragon pattern.

Time is fast, and more than two months have passed without knowing it. On this day, Chen Xuan's body showed a light red light. Against the background of the power of the dragon pattern, his whole body released a wave of horror. Human breath.

   actually succeeded!

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of joy, and he raised his soul level through the power of the dragon pattern, which meant that he had been further away from the realm of the soul.

  On this day, Chen Xuan happened to ran into Qiao Lixiao in the courtyard next door.

  Qiao Lixiao and Yuwen Tian usually look for the dragon stele in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, and they will sit here and drink tea if there is nothing to do.

   Holding a cup of tea in his hand, the old man also sensed that Chen Xuan’s breath was approaching, and said, “Don’t hide. If there is anything you want to ask the old man, just ask.”

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan also smiled and walked into the courtyard where Qiao Lixiao lived.

   "Chen Xuan, how is your practice recently? Two months have passed, has your cultivation level improved?" After seeing Chen Xuan coming in, Qiao Lixiao pointed to the empty seat next to him and said with a smile.

Chen Xuan arched his hand. He still respected Qiao Lixiao, so he said, "Master Qiao Lixiao, when I was practicing dragon patterns a few days ago, I discovered that this power can only temper my soul. Cooperate..."

   "The dragon pattern technique I taught you before allows you to control the dragon pattern frost. If you want to temper your soul, you should go directly to Yuwentian." Qiao Lixiao said with a shake of his hand.

  Chen Xuan could only shook his head helplessly: "I also encountered a little obstacle with this dragon pattern frost. When I was practicing, I could only condense the dragon pattern, but it could not freeze the enemy's soul."

"You want to freeze the souls of others?" Qiao Lixiao's face showed a touch of surprise, and then he laughed: "Good boy, you have not mastered the frost of the dragon pattern, you want to use this power to freeze their souls, although This dragon pattern technique can indeed freeze the soul, but your current cultivation base can't do it yet."

   "Come on, show it, let me look at it." Qiao Lixiao stood up from the chair, a ray of red light from his pupils, and then displayed the power of the dragon pattern.

  Chen Xuan nodded, he knew that Qiao Lixiao's cultivation base was very strong, even if he burst out his strength with all his strength, it would not be possible to threaten Qiao Lixiao.

Seeing that Chen Xuan had not moved, Qiao Lixiao said with a smile: "Chen Xuan, don't worry, your current strength can't hurt me at all, even if you use your strongest strength to attack me, let me see what you are. What level of cultivation have you reached."

  "The name of this dragon pattern technique is called Ice Soul Tianpo. The technique recorded in the dragon pattern stone stele is so powerful that even the old man is also using it." Qiao Lixiao said with a smile.

  Ice Soul Skybreaker can also be called Frost Skybreaker. As a dragon pattern technique, it can only be performed through the power of dragon pattern.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also nodded slowly, and did not continue to hesitate, stepped back two steps, and the Liaoyuan sword in his hand instantly released a terrifying aura.

The power of the dragon pattern gathered by the ice soul Tianpo made Chen Xuan feel a chill.

  (End of this chapter)

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