Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3679: Breakthrough

  Chapter 3679 Breakthrough Array

  Five minutes later, Liaoyuanjian flew to Chen Xuan's side.

With a smile on his face, Chen Xuan got up and stood up, and then walked towards the inner core: "I didn't expect that the formations set up by the people of the Blood Demon Sect were so weird. They chose to stay in the formations. With the kernel, it’s definitely not that simple..."

  Chen Xuan is not going to let go of his only chance. If he does not look for the core of the formation, he will most likely be trapped here and die.

  After waiting for five minutes, Chen Xuan walked to the core of the formation.

  There were bursts of fiery red light floating around the core of the formation, and there was even a vague burst of blood.

   Chen Xuan's hands stretched to the core of the formation, and bursts of turbulent energy spread out, instantly knocking his body out.

  Spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, Chen Xuan frowned tightly: "Impossible, why is this power so strong? Obviously there has not been any change just now."

  Chen Xuan stood up from the ground again, the Liaoyuan sword in his hand flew out and rushed towards the core of the formation.


  The core of the entire formation exudes a burst of fiery red turbulent energy, once again knocking Chen Xuan's body out of hundreds of meters.

  After several consecutive rolls on the ground, Chen Xuan stood up with difficulty, his face filled with despair: "What's the matter? Is there no way to crack the core of this formation?"

The power of the Liaoyuan Sword has become very terrifying, but now even the Liaoyuan Sword can't be broken, and Chen Xuan really has no choice.

   "I have to think of other ways, and I can't continue to waste time here." Although Chen Xuan's face is full of despair, he still has to find a way to leave this formation.

  Once I stay here, I don’t know how much danger I will encounter.

  Chen Xuan could even feel the ghosts behind him, coming in his direction.

  Die me!

  Waving the Liaoyuan sword, a fierce sword wind rushed out and fell on the two soul-removing ghosts.

  The cultivation base of the ghost is in the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm, and there is no way to resist Chen Xuan's sword aura.

  In just two minutes, Chen Xuan killed all these ghosts.

   Seeing the red light in the sky still continuously released, Chen Xuan's body jumped over again.

  I don’t believe that there is no way to crack it!

  At this moment, Chen Xuan continuously swallowed several spirit pills, and he also released bursts of fiery red light.

  After this power was concentrated in the Liaoyuan Sword, the aura exuding from Chen Xuan's body increased several times in an instant...

   Break it for me!

   Chen Xuan roared, this terrifying spiritual power was directly released, and it slammed into the core of the formation.

  In an instant, the core of the formation began to crack, but the **** breath continued to float and permeated the formation.

  Smelling this **** smell, Chen Xuan even felt his head dizzy.


  Chen Xuan's body fell straight to the ground, and instantly fell into a coma.

  Time passed by one minute and one second, and Chen Xuan was completely unaware of the things around him.

  At this moment, the red **** breath in the formation is slowly fading, but there are two figures watching him from a distance.

  Finally after half an hour, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, raised his head and looked around blankly.

  A surprise appeared on Chen Xuan's face: "I didn't expect it to be finally broken by me, my method is really right."

  Coughed, Chen Xuan hurriedly took out the pill from the space ring.

  After swallowing three rejuvenating pills, he felt a little better in his body.

   "Finally broke the formation, Huangfu Jing, you wait for me, if I find you, I will definitely kill you!"

  The most urgent task is to recuperate. Chen Xuan was slightly injured when he broke the formation just now. If he wants to recover, it will take several hours.

After    left the formation, Chen Xuan found that the core of the destroyed formation was emitting a red gloomy light.

   walked over and took the formation core in his hand, Chen Xuan also had a touch of joy on his face: "It seems that this core also contains a lot of spiritual energy, so quickly absorb..."

  Sitting on the ground, Chen Xuan released the power of the dragon pattern to ensure that there was no danger around, he took the inner core and began to absorb the energy in it.

  In just a few seconds, the energy in the inner core was completely absorbed by him, but at this moment, Chen Xuan found two figures in the distance, constantly looking at him.


   seems to be just two sculptures.

  Chen Xuan walked over and found that the appearance of these two sculptures was very similar to that of the Devil's Ice Toad, but there was one difference. It was impossible for the Devil's Ice Toad to have human hands and feet.

  But these two sculptures have human bodies, and their appearance is similar to that of the Demon Ice Toad.

  It’s really strange...

  Chen Xuan was not prepared to think too much, but continued to walk forward.

  He came to the Moon Dragon Secret Grotto to obtain the most inherited treasure, and Chen Xuan was not interested in the secrets here.

  The statues of the two Demon Ice Poison Toads suddenly flashed a red light, and the pupils were also full of **** light.

  A kind of horror appeared on Chen Xuan's face, and he turned back in an instant, waving his long sword towards the statue of Demon Ice Toad.

   "You have actually cultivated into a monster..." Chen Xuan showed a panic.

  The two Demon Ice Poison Toads have been cultivated into demons, and their cultivation bases have become stronger than before.

  When the sword energy fell on the Devil's Ice Poison Toad, the two Devil's Ice Poison Toad did not change in any way.

  The voice of one of the poisonous toad spirits was extremely low: "Humans, do it if they don't agree with each other. Doesn't it mean that we don't have our eyes?"

  Chen Xuan also replied coldly: "Didn’t you just attack me? Why can’t I do it?"

  The demon ice poisonous toad spirit smiled: "Don't worry, the two of us won't do anything to you. As long as you take out the inner core of your hand, you can pass safely today."

  This inner core has been absorbed by Chen Xuan half of its power, and there is no loss when it is taken out.

  "Are you sure?" Chen Xuan asked softly.

  He knew that the cultivation bases of these two Demon Ice Poison Toads must be very strong, reaching the ninth level of the Shenluo realm.

  With Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, he couldn't deal with the two of them at all, so he could only hand over the inner core.

  However, Chen Xuan also kept an eye on him. He left a wave of Vermillion Bird's power in the core of this formation.

  After getting the inner core, the two Demon Ice Toads smiled with satisfaction.

   "Then kill him..." said one of the demon ice toads.

  The next moment, the bodies of the two Demon Ice Poison Toads suddenly ran away, and bursts of red light appeared on their bodies, which instantly diffused towards Chen Xuan's direction.

Feeling this fierce power, Chen Xuan instantly jumped to a safe place, his hands released a red light, and his face was full of blood.

"I know you two don't know how to talk and count, but fortunately, I had planned!" With Chen Xuan's anger, the body of a demon ice toad suddenly flashed with the flames of the Vermillion Bird, and he directly killed him. The body is swallowed.

  Even though this Demon Ice Poison Toad has a very strong cultivation base, it has absolutely no way to withstand the burning of the Vermillion Bird's fire.

  Even souls can burn, not to mention that the body of this demon ice toad is far from reaching the three-star Dao body.

  As the Vermillion Bird's fire continues to burn, the demon ice toad spirit next to him is suddenly anxious, and wants to cast spells to save his partner.

  Chen Xuan rushed out in an instant, displaying the power of the sword soul, and the Liaoyuan sword flew out directly towards the other Demon Ice Poison Toad.

  Chen Xuan's body instantly retreated two steps.

  His sword aura did not cause any damage to the Demon Ice Toad Spirit.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly left here.

  Without taking a few steps, Chen Xuan felt a terrifying breath coming from behind him.

  When he turned his head, he saw the big face of a Demon Ice Toad in the sky, and then the Demon Ice Toad’s mouth spewed waves of water, directly controlling his body.

   "What's the matter? I was actually controlled..." Chen Xuan's face was full of shock.

  The waves of water spit out from the spirit of the demon ice toad confined his body firmly.

   "I don't believe that I can't break through!" Chen Xuan roared, and another fierce aura was released from his body, constantly impacting the surrounding water lines.

  The lines of water are so fierce, no matter how Chen Xuan attacks, there is no way to shake the lines of water.

  The Demon Ice Poison Toad also fell from the air, his face was full of **** murderous intent: "Good, you human, you actually killed my brother, you don't want to leave here today!"

  There is only one chance, and Chen Xuan will never let it go.

  A red light was released from his pupils, and he immediately rushed towards the Demon Ice Toad Essence.

  The defensive power of the demon ice toad essence is very strong, and Chen Xuan only uses the energy in the inner core, plus the burning of the Vermillion Bird's fire to kill one.

  The demon ice toad essence in front of him has a stronger cultivation base, and Chen Xuan has no way to deal with it.

not good!

  Chen Xuan's heart was also full of panic. He didn't give up, but kept waving the Liaoyuan sword and attacking the surrounding lines.


  A deep sound continued to emanate, and Chen Xuan's body bounced in the air, and then the lines of water immediately suppressed him again.

  Chen Xuan’s first attempt ended in failure.

  The Demon Ice Toad also let out a ferocious roar: "Damn human beings, killed my brother. You can't go out from here today. I must use your life to worship the spirit of my dead brother in heaven!"

  Chen Xuan said disdainfully: "Just relying on you demons, you still want to talk about justice, don't be kidding!"

  Hearing Chen Xuan’s ironic voice, the face of this demon ice toad was also full of blood: "Human, now you have been controlled by me, I see how you escape from here."

   Chen Xuan's expression remained unchanged, but the long sword in his hand flew out again. With the power of the sword soul, Chen Xuan released an extremely fierce energy.

  Constantly impacting the limits of the enchanted ice toad essence.


  A layer of water lines covering him, cracks began to appear.

   Chen Xuan's eyes showed joy: "It's just one step short of getting rid of it. Increase your strength!"

  Following Chen Xuan's anger, the Liaoyuan Sword released terrifying energy once again, constantly impacting the lines of water that controlled him.

  Two minutes later, the cracks in the lines further increased, and Chen Xuan seized the opportunity to soar into the sky.

After jumping into the sky, Chen Xuan instantly flees towards the depths of the Moon Dragon Cavern.

  He knew that he was not the opponent of the Demon Ice Toad Spirit, and continued to fight with this Demon Ice Toad Spirit, it was no different from asking for his own death.

After seeing Chen Xuan escaping, this demon ice poisonous toad was vigorously jumping, and a pair of flushed eyes were also full of murderous intent: "Damn human beings, don't want to run, I will definitely catch you and swallow you. Up!"

After escaping to a safe place, Chen Xuan gasped for breath.

   Almost he was swallowed by the Demon Ice Toad.

   "This Demon Ice Poison Toad Essence is indeed very strong. If it doesn't improve, I cannot be their opponent at all." Thinking in his heart, Chen Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground to improve his cultivation.

  (End of this chapter)

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