Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3680: Huangfujing's Martial Spirit

  Chapter 3680 Huangfujing's Martial Spirit

  Half an hour later, Chen Xuan finished his cultivation.

"It's very dangerous here. I can't continue to practice. In case of a sneak attack, it is impossible to react." Thinking of this, Chen Xuan lifted his foot and left the safe place, and continued to go deep into the Moon Dragon Secret Grotto. .

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw two figures appear in front of him.

  One of them is Huangfujing, and the other figure is obviously a warrior of the Blood Demon Sect.

  Huangfu Jing was killing this blood demon sect, and bursts of spiritual energy were constantly released.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes and looked at him quietly in the distance: "This Huangfujing actually wanted to plot against me just now. That's good. As long as they get tired of fighting, I will seize the opportunity to kill him."

  Time passed, Huangfujing and Blood Demon Sect warriors were still fighting each other.

  The difference between the cultivation bases of the two of them is not big, and Huangfujing can't get the upper hand for a while.

  The red cloak draped on the blood demon sect warrior exudes bursts of red aura: "Human, it is indeed your blessing that you can find this place."

   "But don't be proud, you will never get the inheritance treasure. If you want to get this inheritance treasure, you must break the seal with the blood demon sect's techniques, hahahahaha!"

  Huangfujing’s face was also full of murderous aura, and said grimly: “Stop talking nonsense, can you get the treasure of inheritance? It’s not your decision!”

  After displaying the martial spirit, Huangfujing released a light red aura all over his body.

   punched the blood demon sect warrior, and his body immediately released an extremely fierce energy.


  This punch directly hit the blood demon sect warrior, but it did not cause him much damage.

  When the two of them were fighting, Chen Xuan’s pupils were full of murderous aura: "Everyone is going to die."

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan thought of a strategy, and there was a joy in the corner of his eyes: "Maybe you can rely on that demon ice toad spirit to kill both of them."

  Associated with this, Chen Xuan's figure suddenly disappeared.

  The Demon Ice Toad Spirit is constantly looking for him in the Moon Dragon Cavern.

  Chen Xuan suddenly appeared, making the face of the demon ice poisonous toad spirit suddenly show killing intent: "Okay, you dare to come over and die for me."

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of contempt: “It’s just a beast who has cultivated to become a spirit. You can’t be my opponent at all. If you want to kill me, come here.

  The Demon Ice Poison Toad became anxious, and did not stop at all, and rushed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

  Chen Xuan displayed the power of the dragon pattern, and the speed instantly increased, even the Demon Ice Toad Essence could not catch him.

  In just five minutes, Chen Xuan came to the place where the blood demon sect warrior and Huangfujing fought.

   Waves of turbulent spiritual power are still being released, and there is no difference between them.

   instantly hid the aura in his body, and Chen Xuan hid in a hidden corner with a smile on his face: "I want to see who can win."

  A few minutes later, the magic ice poisonous toad spirit also rushed over.

  The body of the demon ice poisonous toad spirit released cold air, and began to look around.

  After he rushed over, he didn't find Chen Xuan, but saw Huangfujing and Blood Demon Sect warriors fighting in the distance.

   "There are so many humans who have set foot on our territory, what a damn!" The Demon Ice Poison Toad spirit yelled and directly joined the battle.

   Seeing the three-way melee, Chen Xuan's face was filled with a smile.

  It was all because of him.

   "Very good, I don't know if this magic ice toad spirit can surprise me."

  The body of the demon ice poisonous toad spirit released bursts of blue light, and a burst of ice was released in an instant, and it froze towards Huangfu Jing.

  Huangfujing was obviously shocked, and did not know where a demon ice poisonous toad spirit ran out: "What's the matter?"

  The blood demon sect warrior's face also showed surprise: "A brute came over, kid, let's kill this demon ice poisonous toad first, what do you think!?"

  Huangfu Jing nodded and agreed.

  The cultivation base of the Demon Ice Toad Essence is too strong, and it has reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm.

  If you don't kill the Demon Ice Toad Essence first, they are likely to be killed by this Demon Ice Toad Essence.

  The three-way melee has turned into Huangfujing and the blood demon sect warrior teaming up to constantly fight the magic ice toad spirit.

  Huangfujing’s cultivation is indeed very strong, and he has reached the early eighth stage of the Shenluo realm.

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes in the distance, and a smile appeared on his face: "Very well, let this demon ice toad essence consume their physical strength first, and I will go out after the battle is over and give Huangfu respect. Kill!"

  As soon as he thought of Huangfujing framed himself, Chen Xuan hated it from one place.

  "This group of Feiyun faction is so insidious, I will never believe them next time

   "No, there is no next time." Chen Xuan's face was full of anger with a smile.

  After a few rounds, the magic ice toad spirit was finally lost and was killed by both of them.

  And this provided Chen Xuan with a chance. In an instant, Chen Xuan's body rushed out, and a fierce Suzaku sword aura violently killed Huangfu Jing.

  Under the constant swing, the Liaoyuan Sword produced a dragon pattern, and this power instantly increased many times, and it directly slammed Huangfujing.

  Compared to the blood demon sect warrior, Chen Xuan hated Huangfu Jing more, so this sword qi went straight to Huangfu Jing's face, in order to kill him with one sword.

   Sword Qi was released in an instant, and it slammed directly in front of Huangfujing's body.

  Seeing the sudden sword energy rushing over, Huangfujing's face was also surprised.

  He saw Chen Xuan in the distance, and was showing him a hideous smile.

   "This is impossible. Isn't he already trapped in the formation? This kid only has six major consummations in the Shenluo realm, and it is absolutely impossible to rush out of it!" Huangfujing's face was full of horror.

  When he was practicing in the Feiyun Sect, he had also heard of Chen Xuan's name.

  But he didn't know much about Chen Xuan, only that Chen Xuan was on their Feiyun school blacklist.

   "This kid really has such a strong cultivation base, is it true that what the lord said is true?" Huangfujing's face was full of surprise.

After seeing this surge of sword aura rushing over, he did not relax his vigilance, but quickly raised the sword to start defense.

   "I don't believe you can kill me!" Huangfu shouted a long sword in front of him.


  Suzaku's sword aura suddenly turned into red sword lights at the moment it hit Huangfujing's body, killing him from different directions.

  Huangfu Jing's stunned expression was seen by Chen Xuan.


  Huangfujing’s body was directly shot out hundreds of meters, and his chest was also cut with a scar on his chest.

  The blood demon sect warriors in the distance all exclaimed: "Who is it?"

  Chen Xuan fell on the ground, his pupils filled with **** killing intent: "Huangfujing, do you think I am still trapped in the formation?"

Huangfujing, who was lying on the ground, kept shouting. He felt that his body was falling apart, and his ribs had been broken in two: "Chen Xuan, how did you come out alive? This is absolutely impossible... …"

   "The formation was set by the master of the Blood Demon Sect, you can't get out of it!"

  Hearing his roar, Chen Xuan's expression was very plain.

  At the beginning, he really thought that he couldn't get out of the formation, and could only be trapped inside for the rest of his life.

"Huangfu Jing, I’m afraid you didn’t expect it. My soul has increased by a level with the power of the Vermillion Bird, so I can find the core of the formation, escape from it, and increase my cultivation level by a level, how about it? Do you regret it?" Chen Xuan walked over with a sneer.

  The warrior of the Blood Demon Sect also spoke: "Hehe, I don’t think there is still hatred between you two humans. Go to death!"

   Following the roar of the blood demon sect warrior, a layer of red light suddenly filled the air, covering Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan backed up two steps, with a light cloud on his face: "Blood Demon Sect? Ha ha, you have harmed countless people, and I must kill you today to prevent you from harming the world."

   Lifted the Liaoyuan sword again, Chen Xuan's body jumped in the air, and a burst of fiery red light floated around his body.

  Go to death for me!

  Fifth Suzaku Sword Technique!

After the   Sword Soul broke through, Chen Xuan had not really performed the fifth Suzaku sword technique.

   Sword Qi began to continuously transform, and finally transformed into the appearance of Suzaku, and slew towards the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect.

Feeling the terrifying energy of the bearer in this sword aura, the blood demon sect warrior's face was also full of shock: "His cultivation is so strong, it's impossible, obviously only the six major points of the Shenluo realm are perfect! "

  While Chen Xuan and the blood demon sect master were fighting, Huangfujing’s eyes kept turning randomly.

  Having seized the opportunity, Huangfujing escaped in an instant.

   "Damn it!" Chen Xuan roared and rushed towards Huangfujing quickly.

  He must kill Huangfujing, otherwise this person will definitely bring disaster to him.

   Huangfujing, who was full of sinister expression, smiled coldly at him: "Chen Xuan, this can only be blamed on yourself. If you kill me directly, I will not be able to escape, hahaha!"

Before Chen Xuan rushed over, he saw Huangfujing holding a magic talisman in his hand.

  The spirit talisman released bursts of lightning and thunder, which instantly blocked Chen Xuan's body from the outside.

  Damn it!

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of shock, and he had no way to rush over.

"He actually has a magic talisman in his hand, he must have brought it from the Li family, maybe it has something to do with Li Jiuyuan..." Chen Xuan's face was full of murderous intent, and he had to erase anyone who was in contact with Li Jiuyuan. Drop.

  Following the flashes of electric light, another burst of red light bloomed, and Chen Xuan couldn't help covering his eyes.

  When he opened his eyes, he found that Huangfujing had disappeared.

   "Definitely still in the Moon Dragon Secret Grotto, I don't believe how far he can escape..." Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he did not continue to fight the Blood Demon Sect warrior, but quickly evacuated.

  This warrior also showed surprise, and suddenly retreated after he fought well.

   "Why are you leaving? Stay and fight with me!" The blood demon sect warrior roared, and the red cloak on his body began to shake.

   A wave of fierce aura was released and surrounded in Chen Xuan's direction.

Feeling this terrifying power, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly darkened: "I don't have time to fight with you now!"

The Liaoyuan sword kept shaking, and Chen Xuan's body suddenly jumped into the air.


  Red sword lights floated around his body continuously, directly knocking back the blood demon sect warrior.

   and Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and hurriedly pursued and killed Huangfujing.

  With dragon pattern refining, Chen Xuan's perception ability has been greatly improved.

  He did not entangle with the blood demon sect warrior.

  In just half an hour, Chen Xuan found that a man in black was licking his wound on an ice altar full of icy ice in the distance.

  "Huangfu Jing, I thought I wouldn't be able to find you when you ran here, haha." Chen Xuan's face was full of sneers, and a terrifying murderous aura was released from all over his body.

   "You..." Huangfujing's face was a little desperate. He originally thought he could escape Chen Xuan's chase by hiding here.

   "Damn it, if it weren't for your sneak attack, how could I be injured? If we have the ability, we will have a fair and honest contest to see who is stronger between you and me!" Huangfu roared in anger.

  Chen Xuan just shook his head slowly, smiling very cruelly: "Huangfujing, didn't you also trick me before?"

   "That's different!" Huangfu said harshly.

"Hehe, what's the difference? You pushed me into the formation and wanted me to be trapped by the formation. In the end, I got a blessing in disguise. Not to mention the breakthrough, now even the strength of the sword soul has increased by one. Little realm, what are you fighting with me?" Chen Xuan said with a sneer.

  Huangfujing continued to take out a few magic charms, and quickly threw them into the air.

  A variety of auras radiated from the magic talisman, and instantly attacked in Chen Xuan's direction.

   With a light wave of his hand, the aura from the magic talisman dissipated instantly, Chen Xuan was unscathed, and a plain expression appeared on his face.

"Huangfu Jing, you are at the end of the road. No one can save you. You Feiyun Sect's trifle, let me die!" Under Chen Xuan's anger, a red sword aura instantly charged. He went out and hit Huangfujing's body.

  Huangfujing's whole person was directly knocked out, and the ice above the ice altar began to break.

  At this moment, the ice altar began to sway continuously.

   Chen Xuan showed a horrified expression, and looked at the altar in disbelief: "What's the matter? Did I open the seal of the ice altar?"

  (End of this chapter)

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