Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3684: Blood Underworld

  Chapter 3684 Blood Underworld Demon Realm

  As a sword repair sect, the sword moon sect has existed for thousands of years.

  Many generations of suzerains did not break through the heavens, and eventually fell into this sword moon palace.

  But their souls did not shatter, but in the form of inheritance, they existed in the Jianyue Palace of Jianyuezong.

  These souls can also defend Jianyuezong from foreign enemies in peacetime.

"He must be stopped, and the Blood Demon Sect Master must not be allowed to obtain the souls of our Sword Moon Sect Sect Masters, otherwise, our Sword Moon Sect will suffer the greatest damage in history, and I cannot let Sword Moon Sect be destroyed in my hands. "Zhu Geyun's pupils are full of firmness.

  He is the twelfth generation of Sect Master of Sword Moon Sect. Although his cultivation is not the strongest, his talent is very outstanding.

  Three years ago, Zhuge Yun’s cultivation level had already been manifested, and as soon as he entered the realm of Divine Soul, he was able to defeat many top powerhouses.

  In the entire Jianyue Ancient City, no one can defeat him head-on.

   Looking at the entire Yunxiao Mansion, even if Wuhou came in person, he might not be able to defeat him.

  In the ranking of each martial sect, only those whose head of the martial sect reaches the second level of the Divine Soul Realm can become the leader of the two-star sect.

  Before, Jianyuezong was also only ranked in the middle level of the two-star sect, and could not be ranked in the top few.

   "Sect Master, have you reached the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm now?" Zhuge Bai asked with joy.

  Zhuge Yun lightly nodded: "Yes, my cultivation base has now broken through. Even if you look at the entire Yunxiao Mansion, not many people are my opponents."

  After hearing this, Zhuge Bai also showed an excited smile. From then on, their Sword Yuezong's position in the entire Yunxiao Mansion will rise.

  At the same time, Chen Xuanzheng stared blankly at everything in the Blood Underworld Demon Realm.

  The Blood Underworld Demon Realm appeared in front of him, causing Chen Xuan's expression to sink suddenly.

  He can see red figures in the sky, floating continuously.

  A glazed flame ghost neighed and grabbed him.

   Feeling a fierce aura blooming, he immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, and an extremely shocking sword aura was released, dispelling the glazed flame ghost in front of him.

  But there are too many Glazed Flame ghosts in the Blood Underworld Demon Realm. Every time Chen Xuan kills one, countless Glazed Flame ghosts will continue to emerge.

  In this Blood Underworld Demon Realm, Chen Xuan didn't know how long he had stayed, but his spiritual power would not be exhausted, so he kept consuming with the Glazed Flame Ghost.

   Chen Xuan's expression is also a little low: "Damn, why are there so many flame ghosts, am I being sealed here?"

  Another Glazed Flame Ghost rushed towards him.

   A fierce sword aura was released, once again dispelling the glazed flame ghost in front of him.

   Chen Xuan whispered: "No, everything here is repeated. I was trapped in the Blood Underworld Demon Realm. What happened?"

  In Chen Xuan's memory, he was sucked into the black gold giant coffin and then fell into a coma.

  He knew nothing about what happened later, and when he woke up, he appeared in this blood and underworld demon realm.

  Chen Xuan can still maintain his sense. He knows that he is trapped in the Blood Underworld Demon Realm, and he must break the seal if he wants to go out.

  Chen Xuan was not prepared to continue to consume these glazed flames, his body suddenly jumped into the sky, preparing to escape here.

  But at this moment, a spiritual pressure fell in the sky, squeezing his body to the ground by the way.

  Chen Xuan looked at a red light in the sky with a grim face: "Damn it, he must be trapped inside!"

  The blood demon sect guardian's cultivation base is indeed very strong, and Chen Xuan did not directly kill him in the first place.

   "No, I can't continue to spend time here. My time is very precious. If I can't get out of here, I'm afraid I will be killed here."

  Chen Xuan knew one thing very well. He was only trapped in the Blood Underworld Demon Realm with his soul, but his body was still locked in the black gold giant coffin.

  If the time is too long, Chen Xuan's body will not get nourishment and will eventually wither and die.

   "Could it be that..." Thinking of this, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his mouth and his face was full of shock.

  He vaguely felt a bad feeling.

  While fighting with the Glazed Flame Ghost in the Blood Underworld Demon Realm, Chen Xuan felt that his aura had not been reduced.

  But Chen Xuan could feel that the power of the formation that suppressed him was constantly increasing.

  This Blood Underworld Demon Realm must have been created by Situ Hao, the purpose is to trap him in it.

  I can absorb my aura through the Blood Underworld Demon Realm?

  As long as the absorbed power is enough, Situ Hao will be resurrected from the black gold giant coffin.

   "No, this **** Situ Hao, I have to find a way to kill him!" When Chen Xuan looked up, he saw a red core in the sky, emitting dim spiritual power.

  'S face also showed a touch of surprise, Chen Xuan knew that if he wanted to get out of here, he had to get rid of the core of the formation.

  The body jumped into the sky again, and the Liaoyuan sword in his hand was constantly waving, and it instantly hit the inner core.


  The inner core produced a violent explosion, but something that surprised Chen Xuan happened.

  When his sword energy hit the inner core, Chen Xuan actually felt a pain in his body.

   "What happened? Is it bound to my soul?" Chen Xuan's expression was very distorted.

  It’s so painful!

  This sword aura was cut out by all his power.

  Suddenly, waves of ripples occurred in the Blood Underworld Demon Realm.

  A stream of red spiritual power also spread to the surroundings.

  The core is not moving.

Chen Xuan leaned on the ground with a sword, spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale: "Damn, this Blood Demon Realm is really weird, the blood demon sect's techniques are really hard to figure out, how can I escape from here? Get out."

   Just then, there was a gloomy laugh in the sky.

   "Hehe, boy, I didn't expect to be trapped in this **** demon realm. No matter how strong your cultivation is, it is absolutely impossible to escape, hahaha." Situ Hao's voice came from the sky.

  Chen Xuan's expression was gloomy, once again swung the Liaoyuan sword, and slayed fiercely towards the sky.

  The sword energy that formed suddenly, once again formed an explosion in the sky.

   Waves of sword aura continued to spread to the surroundings once again.

  Suzaku swordsmanship sixth!

   Chen Xuan yelled angrily.

  When the sword energy formed a full moon in the sky, the whole world was condensed with thrilling power.

   "I don't believe you can't kill you!" Chen Xuan glared at him, and flames burst out of his pupils, and a wave of shocking power swelled all over his body.

Situ Hao also let out a surprised voice: "Good boy, your potential is indeed terrifying, but you will never escape from the Blood Underworld Demon Realm, hahahahaha, you will be trapped here for the rest of your life. , As long as we absorb enough nourishment, Situ Hao will one day break through the seal and leave here!"

  In the sky, another red light was released, and it hit Chen Xuan's body fiercely.

  The ghosts of the flames are also howling in Guiwailang.

  Although the power of Glazed Flame Ghosts is not strong, there are too many.

  Such dense flame ghost spirits caused a lot of trouble to Chen Xuan.

   took a deep breath, Chen Xuan kept swinging the Liaoyuan sword, and a fierce light burst out all over his body: "I don't believe it, you can still stop me!"

   After displaying the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan's body was agitated with a fiery red light ball. In conjunction with the power of the Vermillion Bird, his body instantly jumped into the air.

  "Go to death!" Chen Xuan didn't know where Situ Hao was hiding.

  But he can only try now.

   Must break free from the blood and underworld demon realm, otherwise all previous efforts will be lost.

   Facing Chen Xuan's repeated shocks, in the air, a glazed flame ghost also showed surprise.

"This kid is actually so strong, no, if it exceeds the critical point, this blood and underworld demon realm will be shattered, and he can't let him continue to destroy it!" Situ Hao vomited red mist again, and he vomited these The red mist that came out instantly transformed into a glazed flame ghost, biting towards Chen Xuan.

   Seeing the auras in the air continue to drop, Chen Xuan's expression is also extremely hideous: "I don't believe that this blood and underworld demon realm can't be destroyed!"

  An angry shout came out again, and an aura directly hit the formation, making a sensation.

  At the same time, in the Sword Moon Palace of the Sword Moon Sect.

   Zhuge Yun said softly: "I want to seal the gorefiend clone in Jianyue Palace. He has not been killed by me, but I have defeated him."

   Zhuge Bai’s face was surprised. He thought that his senior brother had already destroyed the clone of the Gorefiend: "Brother, there is a sword formation in Jianyue Palace. It is impossible for him to escape from it."

Zhuge Yun just shook his head slightly: "You don't know, this clone is not a simple clone, but the clone of the Gorefiend Sovereign. His clone carries part of the body's power. If this clone is sealed, it can definitely be sealed. He controlled it."

  Of course, this is just a stopgap measure.

  If the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect came to rescue, they would be helpless.

"Our Jianyuezong's formation is definitely not something he can break casually, senior brother, don't worry, as long as there is me in one day, these Blood Demon Sect people will not be able to come over!" Zhuge Bai Said with a smile.

  Zhuge Yun nodded slightly: "Alright, that's the only way to do it now. We two urge the formation together to trap him inside."

  After that, a light red aura burst out of Zhuge Yun's body, urging a tyrannical force and directly controlling the formation.

  Two hours later, the sword formation around Jianyue Palace was activated again, and a roar of sword aura enveloped the two of them.

  Zhuge Bai clapped his hands, and his expression was filled with joy: "Very well, as long as there is our Jianyuezong sword formation, he is absolutely impossible to escape from it."

  But at this moment, Zhuge Yun's face became pale again, a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his body was lying softly on the ground.

  "Brother head, are you okay?" Zhuge Bai's face changed drastically, and he ran towards his senior in an instant.

  Zhuge Yun waved his hand: “Don’t worry, because I forced my cultivation base, my vitality is badly injured, and I only need to recuperate for a few days to recover.”

  "Don't tell outsiders about the things here, especially people from other sects. I want to retreat for a few days." Zhuge Yun said.

  Although the Blood Demon Sect Master clone was sealed in the Sword Moon Palace, the people of the other sects did not know, but after he came out of retreat, the entire Sword Moon Ancient City basically knew about it.

   "No way, Sect Master Zhuge's previous cultivation base was very strong. Now that he is out of retreat, I am afraid that he has reached the second peak of the Shenluo realm, right?"

   "His cultivation base is indeed very strong. I am afraid that the Patriarch of the Li family is not necessarily his opponent now."

   "That's right, Sect Master Zhuge has reached the second level of Divine Soul Realm in his entire body, and in the entire Jianyue Ancient City, no one can provoke him."

  Time flew fast, two or three days passed in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan still did not escape from the giant black coffin.

  But he has woken up from the Blood Underworld Demon Realm.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was lying in the black gold giant coffin with a look of surprise, his face was full of horror: "Damn it, it's really sealed here."

  (End of this chapter)

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