Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3685: Gorefiend clone

  Chapter 3685 Blood Demon Clone

  Inside the black gold giant coffin, there was only a pair of dead bones and a piece of spiritual sealing book, with two spiritual patterns carved on it, but the red light had disappeared.

  Chen Xuan could feel that the Glazed Flame ghost attacking him in the Blood Underworld Demon Realm was exactly the same as the aura from the Book of Ling Qi.

"Could it be that this is the Lingqi Book?" Chen Xuan's expression turned hideous. He just wanted to raise his hand to pull the Lingqi Book from the black gold giant coffin, but found that his body sank and his whole body moved. No more.

  With doubts on his face, Chen Xuan wanted to break free, but no matter what, he couldn't raise his hand.

   "It's still sealed..." Chen Xuan whispered, "Do I want to be trapped in it all the time?"

   Several hours passed, Chen Xuan couldn't shake the energy in the black gold giant coffin.


  Suddenly there was a burst of light red light on the book.

   Chen Xuan's face was full of surprise: "Are you Situ Hao?"

  The strange book on the top of the black gold giant coffin was originally very dry, but it began to absorb the spiritual power in Chen Xuan's body. After a while, the strange book on the spirit emitted a red light.

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of shock: "Who is it? Are you Situ Hao?"

   "Hehe..." A gloomy voice came from Feng Lingqi Shu: "Unexpectedly, I have been sealed for so long, and there is still a human being able to enter here."

   Chen Xuan's heart was shocked. He felt that the voice of this strange book was completely different from that of Situ Hao.

   "Hahahahaha, kid, you go to my death!" Feng Lingqishu's tone changed suddenly.

   Chen Xuan only felt a surge of spiritual power, and attacked his neck.


   Before the power of Feng Ling Qi Shu touched his body, Chen Xuan's body was agitated with a layer of dragon pattern power.

  A smile on Chen Xuan's face: "I didn't expect that I still have a dragon-patterned body guard, haha."

  This Feng Lingqi book made a trembling sound, and then, a red spirit disappeared.

  A simple and old voice came out: "Human, it is also a chance that you can enter here. You just helped me drive his power out. I want to thank you very much."

   "What?" Chen Xuan's expression was extremely low, and he couldn't figure out whether this Lingqi Book was Situ Hao or some other powerful person.

  "Are you human?" Chen Xuan asked.

  An old voice came again from the Book of Ling Qi: "Of course I am a human being. I have been imprisoned here for many years. I thought I could absorb enough energy to open the black gold giant coffin to be reborn."

"As a result, three years ago, many people from the Blood Demon Sect suddenly appeared. They occupied my black gold giant coffin, and they also absorbed my last trace of aura. Now, Situ Hao is about to control even my consciousness. "

  "Fortunately, you just dispelled his power, Situ Hao should have been completely killed by you," said the old voice.

"A long time ago I felt that many people from the Blood Demon Sect came here, but my strength has not recovered, and I have no choice but to take them. I have been waiting for someone who is destined to come over and kill them. Wait three years."

   "I felt a very familiar breath from your body, exactly the same as the power on him, hahaha, what a coincidence."

   "What did you say?" Chen Xuan's expression was full of surprise. He wanted to raise his wrist, but found that his body was still unable to move.

  Feng Lingqishu did not go on, but said, "Can you do me a favor?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "Senior, I don't know who you are, why should I help you? What if you were transformed by Situ Hao and deliberately deceived me?"

   Feng Lingqi book laughed: "I know you are very cautious, but you can rest assured, I am not Situ Hao, I have no connection with the people of the Demon Sect."

   "Even if I mentioned my name to you, I am afraid you will not know it. I died three hundred years ago and have been sealed in this huge black gold coffin."

"After more than three hundred years, only people from the Blood Demon Sect came over. During these endless years, I absorbed a lot of energy, just to open the seal of the black gold giant coffin. When you are sucked in, I will Knowing that you can definitely release me." Feng Lingqishu said.

  Chen Xuan was slightly surprised. He could hear that the soul in this book of spiritual sealing must have been an indomitable and powerful man before his death.

  But Chen Xuan did not relax his vigilance, and he didn't know if this piece of Feng Lingqi book would harm him.

   "If I let you out, how would you repay me?"

  Feng Lingqishu laughed: "Do young people now value interests so much?"

  "Don't worry, as long as I get out from here, I will definitely give you an inexhaustible treasure. Whether I can resurrect or not depends on you!"

  Chen Xuan knew very well that there was still his thoughts left in the Qi Lingqi book on the black gold giant coffin.

"As long as you open the black gold giant coffin and place an ordinary high-grade spiritual stone in front of me, I will rush into the high-grade spiritual stone and follow you all the time, waiting for your cultivation to reach the point of resurrecting me. , I can fully resurrect." Feng Ling Qishu said.

   "Then how do I get out from here?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

Feng Lingqishu laughed again: "Don't worry, my current strength can barely restore you. As long as your cultivation level is restored, you can naturally open this black gold giant coffin, and the two of us can go out together... "

   Suddenly, bursts of light red spiritual power came from the black gold giant coffin, entwining Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of surprise. As this force filled his pubic area, Chen Xuan realized that his wrist could already be lifted.

  Very good!

  Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with a ray of light, and the Liaoyuan sword was released instantly, directly smashing the lid of the black gold giant coffin, and he jumped out.

   Seeing the Liaoyuan sword that Chen Xuan took out, Feng Lingqi Shu's face also showed a shock.

   "There is actually a Silver Frost Dragon in your Liaoyuan sword?"

  Flying dragons are also divided into three to six or nine grades. The Silver Frost Flooding Dragon is extremely powerful, several times stronger than the ordinary Flooding Dragon.

  Chen Xuan was also a little surprised. He didn't expect this piece of Ling Ling Qishu to know that his Liaoyuan sword contained the soul of the silver frost dragon.

  Since Chen Xuan sealed the dragon in the Liaoyuan sword, the original demon soul was directly swallowed by the silver frost dragon.

Although the silver frost dragon's power has been enhanced, his strength has not been restored.

  In addition, the seal formation in the Liaoyuan Sword is very powerful, and even the Silver Frost Dragon cannot break free from it.

   "Boy, your luck is pretty good. I didn't expect this dragon to recognize you as a master." Feng Lingqishu said.

  Chen Xuan was slightly surprised. He wanted to leave directly, but found the voice of Feng Lingqishu coming again.

   "Senior, where are you?"

   "Hehe, I am in your hands."

   Chen Xuan fixed his eyes and found that a scar appeared on the back of his hand, and Feng Lingqi Shu was lying on it.

   Chen Xuan, with a surprised expression, immediately shook his hands, but did not shake off Feng Lingqi.

"Boy, if it's an ordinary sword, I naturally can't integrate it, but your Liaoyuan sword is different. There is also a silver frost dragon sealed in it. You can put me in your long sword." Feng Lingqi The book said again.

  Chen Xuan was surprised at first, and found that he could not get rid of the Qi Lingqi Book, so he had no choice but to take out the Liaoyuan Sword: "Well, senior, please go in."

   Now Chen Xuan's mood is also very upset, this piece of Feng Lingqi book obviously depends on him.

  But he has no choice. Just now, he agreed to help him reshape his golden body.

  In the following time, the Liaoyuan Sword showed a light red pattern, and this piece of Fengling Qishu began to withdraw from the back of Chen Xuan's hand.

  A wave of thoughts is slowly dissipating.

  Liaoyuan Sword suddenly floated in the air, exuding an astonishing force.

   Chen Xuan's face also showed shock.

  Liaoyuan sword originally contained three powers.

  As a result, only the Silver Frost Dragon is left.

  The original demon soul was completely swallowed by the dragon.

  This Jiaolong obviously thinks that the Liaoyuan Sword is his territory and cannot tolerate the invasion of foreign enemies.

  Although this sword belonged to Chen Xuan, Jiaolong had lived in it for several months, and he was living quite well.

  Unless it is a last resort, Chen Xuan would not use the power of the Silver Frost Dragon, only to seal the dragon in it, and occasionally borrow his power.

  During this period, Jiaolong was also struggling constantly, and he did not allow outsiders to enter.

  The demon souls were all swallowed by the dragon, so I would definitely not let the idea of ​​the strange book of spirits occupy the entire Liaoyuan sword.

  Liaoyuan sword shook for a while.

   Chen Xuan's face also showed surprise. He found that the remaining thoughts of the mysterious strong man were constantly condensing in the Liaoyuanjian.

  The demon soul is not strong enough, and will be swallowed only when it loses to the Silver Frost Dragon.

   But the mysterious powerhouse’s Cannian is different.

  His strength is stronger, far stronger than Jiaolong's strength.

  Because there is a dragon as the sword spirit, the aura of the Liaoyuan sword is very abundant, so the remnant thoughts of this mysterious powerhouse can be integrated with the Liaoyuan sword.

   Feeling that the power of the Liaoyuan Sword has increased a lot, Chen Xuan's face was filled with joy: "Senior, I never thought that after you merged with my sword, his power actually increased so much."

  In the long sword, an old man's hoarse voice came.

   "Hmph, of course, the old man has finally seen the sun again now, and has been sealed in the black gold giant coffin for thousands of years. The air outside is very fresh."

  "Can you breathe the air?" Chen Xuan asked a logical question.

   "It's your business!"

In the   Liaoyuan sword, there was the roar of this mysterious strong man.

After the    and the long sword are fully integrated, the mysterious powerhouse also becomes unscrupulous.

   "By the way, I think your talent is really good. Since you helped me out, I will give you some sweetness." said the mysterious strong man.

   Chen Xuan's face was slightly surprised, he really wanted to improve his cultivation level now.

  When he heard that this mysterious powerhouse had been alive for tens of thousands of years, he also knew that this person's cultivation was absolutely terrifying, at least he had reached the realm of God Emperor.

  Even above the realm of God Emperor.

The realm of God Emperor is a watershed.

   No matter how talented it is, it can take hundreds of years to enter the realm of the emperor.

  But as long as it reaches the realm of the emperor, it will take thousands of years for each small realm to be promoted, otherwise it will be impossible to promote.

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said to the mysterious powerhouse in the Liaoyuan Sword: "Can you make my cultivation level directly break through to the same level as yours?"

A disgusting voice came from the mysterious strong man: "Boy, what you think is really wonderful. Cultivation is a step-by-step process. I can only give you a little benefit. If you make a breakthrough in your cultivation, I am afraid I will run out of life. Jingpu can't do it!"

  Chen Xuan also just made a joke, he didn't take it seriously.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan noticed that there were waves of light red lines coming from the Liaoyuan Sword, surrounding his body tightly.

   "During this process, don't move around." said the mysterious strong man.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of surprise. He didn't know if this mysterious powerhouse was occupying his body, so he was also unconsciously resisting.

   But this force is too strong, and Chen Xuan has no way to fight it.

  As time passed, Chen Xuan felt that his strength was gradually increasing.

  A light shot out from his pupils, and Chen Xuan agitated a terrifying aura all over his body.

  There were two Demon Ice Poison Toads around, trying to attack him, but they were directly hit by this ray of light, and their body disappeared instantly.

   Ten minutes later, Chen Xuan's spiritual power slowly dissipated.

  He clenched his fist, his face was filled with surprise: "Senior, did you actually increase my physical strength?"

   "Haha..." The mysterious powerhouse's voice came again: "Boy, I'm just giving you some sweetness this time, of course I won't lie to you."

   "Since you brought me out, I also want to instruct you to practice. Only when your cultivation level is improved can you help me reshape my body and the old man can be resurrected!"

  Chen Xuan was a little puzzled. The mysterious powerhouse's cultivation base was already so strong, why didn't he directly occupy his body?

   seemed to see the doubts on Chen Xuan's face, the mysterious strong man said: "Do you know why I didn't occupy your body?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head.

"It's not that the old man doesn't want to, but because you have the Suzaku divine body in your body, which is invincible, my mind can't occupy your body at all." The mysterious strong man said: "The old man still has many enemies outside, and I don't want that Resurrection soon."

   "If I occupy your mind and my cultivation base has not been restored, I can only be killed when I encounter them." The mysterious powerhouse said.

   "So..." Chen Xuan nodded slightly. As long as he knew that the other party could not occupy his mind, it would be easy to handle.

   "It seems that the suppression of Heaven's Path has not deprived my soul, but has reduced my cultivation base and suppressed my strength..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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