Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3688: Black cloud forest

   Chapter 3688 Black Cloud Forest

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "You haven't told me the exact number? Say it quickly, or I will castrate you now!"

  As soon as these words came out, the warrior of the Zombie Sect could only say helplessly: "There are more than fifty people in total!"

  "Where are they?" Chen Xuan continued to ask, he must accurately grasp where the group of zombie warriors hide, and then defeat them one by one.

   "I don't know. The two of us controlled the monster beasts to attack the Sun Moon Fortress in the Black Cloud Forest. They didn't know anything else..." said the snake **** martial artist.

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "Since you are not going to say it, don't blame me for being rude!"

   Swinging the long sword in his hand, an extremely fierce red air current was released instantly, cutting towards his head.

  The body of the snake **** warrior broke into two pieces, while Chen Xuan's body slowly disappeared into the black cloud forest, rushing in the direction of Taixu Villa.

  Today’s Sun-Moon Fortress, Taixu Villa is already the number one power, especially the owner of Taixu Villa has become the leader of Sun-Moon Fortress. Even the five big families in Sun-Moon Fortress must give him face.

  Taixu Villa is able to have this step today, thanks to Chen Xuan.

  So the owner respects Chen Xuan very much.

  "You are finally here. In the past few days, the people of the Zombie Sect have been attacking the Sun Moon Fortress. Our Taixu Villa sent many warriors to the past, but they were all killed by them..."

   "I wrote a letter before and asked Dugulun to help me deal with them, but..."

   "It's just what?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Master Dugu seems to be unable to come over something, I didn't expect you to come..." a warrior from Taixu Villa said cautiously.

  He knows how strong Chen Xuan's cultivation is. He also knows that Chen Xuan has a connection with Wanjian Villa, and he has even practiced thousands of sword arts.

"Chen Xuan, this situation is very urgent. Since you are here, it will be easy to handle. I heard that there is a person named Zhang Pingyun in the Serpent God Sect, and he is leading this group of Serpent Sect warriors to attack the Sun Moon Fortress. His cultivation is very powerful, and it is very likely that he has reached the eighth stage of the Shenluo realm. There is no one in the entire Sun Moon Fortress that is his opponent..." Taixu Zhuangzhu said softly.

  Chen Xuan nodded gently: "Okay, I already know, do you know where Zhang Pingyun is? If you want to kill all these snake gods, you must capture the thieves first..."

Taixu Zhuangzhu’s expression was a little low: "Chen Xuan, I don’t know exactly where he is. In the past few days, Sun Moon Fort has been attacked by people from the Zombie Cult, and there are many very terrifying monsters. The 30-odd red sun ghost dragons and tigers were all controlled by them..."

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression was a little surprised.

  He knows that the Chiyang Ghost Dragon Tiger is a very powerful monster in the desert. Most of the Chiyang Ghost Dragon Tiger cultivation bases have reached the Seven Major Consummations of the Shenluo Realm.

   "Why are these red sun ghosts, dragons and tigers controlled by them?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

  Even if you use the Royal Beast Jue, you can only control monsters whose level is much lower than you at most. If the level of monsters is stronger than yourself, ordinary monks can't control them.

"I don't know this, but I heard that these monsters have very strong cultivation bases. The Chiyang Ghost Dragon Tiger is more than 30 meters tall. When they rushed over, the walls of the Sun Moon Fortress could not resist. ......" Taixu said with a wry smile.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "I think the fortifications of Sun Moon Fortress are still very strong, but there are some cracks."

The owner of Taixu smiled bitterly and nodded and said: "You don't know anything. Our Taixu Villa dispatched a lot of powerful people, and then we managed to repel the Red Sun Ghost Dragon and Tiger. Fortunately, the five major families in the Sun Moon Fortress were all Send the strongest combat power to fight against the Zombie Cult together, so we can hold on for half a month, otherwise there will be no way to fight them..."

  Through the conversation with Taixu Zhuangzhu, Chen Xuan learned about the current situation.

The people of the Zombie Cult launched a total of three rounds of offensive, and they would harass the Sun-Moon Fortress in normal times.

When Sun Moon Fortress was built, many spirit formations were set up around it, and Chen Xuan also set up a Vermillion Bird formation here, so that he could barely resist the attack of the Zombie Cult. If it weren't for him, Sun Moon Fortress Has long been occupied.

   "These people of the Zombie Cult are very hateful." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Although the Zombie Cult’s offense was very fast, their first round of offense did not take advantage, because the resistance of the Sun Moon Fortress was very fierce.

  Although Taixu Villa is now the number one power in Sun Moon Fortress, the other families are all against the sun and do not recognize the status of Taixu Villa.

   is just a set on the front and a set on the back.

  The relationship between these families and Taixu Villa is not so good.

  If it weren't for the Zombie Sect, they would definitely fight back and forth.

The reputation of   Snake God Sect is very bad. Although they do not belong to the magic door, their approach is almost the same as that of the magic door.

  Many people of the Zombie Sect are very paranoid. Once they occupy the Sun-Moon Fortress, they will definitely kill all the people inside.

  That's why the family in the Sun Moon Fortress will resist stubbornly and stand on the same line with Taixu Villa.

  Now the person who controls the Sun-Moon Fortress is Taixu Villager, and he is also equivalent to the fort-master of Sun-Moon Fortress.

  Taixu Villa has been passed down for hundreds of years and has a high reputation in Sun-Moon Fortress. Therefore, the people in Sun-Moon Fortress did not resist Taixu Villa as a leading force.

  In addition, Taixu Villa has helped Sun-Moon Fortress many times. Someone from the Black Blood Sect wanted to attack Sun-Moon Fortress, but Taixu Villa was repelled.

Although the five major families in the Sun Moon Fortress are not weak, they are incomparable with Taixu Villa.

  Since Taixu Villa has become the largest force in Sun Moon Fortress, no family can shake his position.

  Sun Moon Fortress resisted the first round of the Zombie Cult’s attack, but the second round of attack was not so easy to defend.

  Sun Moon Fortress paid more than a hundred monks' lives before blocking the second round of attack. It was not until the third round of attack that they accidentally discovered that the Suzaku formation could be activated.

  It is by virtue of the power of the Vermillion Bird formation that Sun Moon Fortress can survive the most difficult third round of attack.

  In another half month, the Zombie Cult will launch the fourth round of offense, and this offense will be more intense than the previous three times.

   "What is the origin of Zhang Pingyun?" Chen Xuan asked.

The owner of Taixu grabbed the gray beard and said with a wry smile: "I heard that he was just a small lord of the Zombie Sect in Leizhou before, but his cultivation level is indeed not weak. There is no one of us who is his opponent. ."

   "Why didn't Zhang Pingyun come to participate in the battle to attack Sun Moon Fortress before?" Chen Xuan asked again.

  "I don’t know this. It seems that Zhang Pingyun was slightly injured before this. It seems that he had a dispute with a person in Leizhou, and his injury has not fully recovered..."


  Chen Xuan's expression became joyful. He was still wondering whether his cultivation level could deal with Zhang Pingyun. Since he was seriously injured, it became easier to kill him.

   Seeing Chen Xuan’s joy, the owner of Taixu scratched his head in doubt: "Chen Xuan, why are you laughing?"

  Chen Xuan hehe hehe smiled: "Zhuang Master, you don't know, I am currently practicing in the Jianyue Sect of Jianyue Ancient City, and my cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Shenluo realm."

  "It's just the sixth layer of the Shenluo Realm?" Taixu Village Master nodded a little disapprovingly.

  He knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was very strong, but he didn't think Chen Xuan's cultivation was able to deal with Zhang Pingyun.

  Zhang Pingyun is a top powerhouse who has reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, but he thinks that Chen Xuan has already entered the Jianyuezong practice, and his face is still surprised.

"Chen Xuan, I didn't expect to see you for so long. You actually went to Jianyuezong to practice. Jianyuezong is a very famous two-star sect in our Shenfeng dynasty. It is definitely a middle-upper sect!" Taixu Zhuang Master whispered Said.

   Their Taixu Villa is not even a star in the division of the strength of the Kamikaze Dynasty.

There was a smile on Chen Xuan's face: "Yes, my cultivation level has now broken through two levels, and my sword soul has broken through a small realm. You should also know that I have cultivated the power of dragon patterns? "

  The last time he returned to Sun Moon Fortress, he had met with the Taixu Zhuangzhu. The other party must have known that Chen Xuan had now cultivated the power of dragon patterns, and it was still a very terrifying dragon pattern law.

   Taixu Zhuangzhu slowly nodded: "However, even if your cultivation base is very strong, there is no way to deal with so many believers on your own. Their cultivation base is very scary..."

  Taixu Zhuangzhu also participated in the war, but with his cultivation base, he could only barely support it. Even an ordinary snake **** martial artist, his cultivation base had reached the first level of the Shenluo realm.

  "Don't worry about it. I will look for Zhang Pingyun in the Taixu Mountain Range in a few days. If I can find him and kill him, I will be able to reduce the danger this time." Chen Xuan whispered.

  At the same time, a young man wearing a black robe with a hideous face was crawling out of a dirty pit full of mud.

  "Damn it, how could the terrain here be so complicated..." The man who spoke was Lin Ziwei who wanted to plot against Chen Xuan.

  After Lin Ziwei recovered slightly from his injuries, he has been quietly following behind him through the power of his soul.

   "Where did this kid go? He must be nearby. He might have entered the Sun Moon Fortress..." Lin Ziwei thought in his heart, patted the dirt on his body, and continued to chase forward.

  This place is too difficult to get around. I would have taken it out of the sky if I knew it!

  Although Lin Ziwei's mouth was cursing, he knew that flying in such a place would bring unexpected danger.

  There are many powerful monsters lurking in this black cloud forest, and on the way, he encountered a snake **** cultivator.

  "Leizhou is just south...Sun Moon Fort is just close to Leizhou, the terrain becomes so complicated, I don't know what Leizhou is like." Lin Ziwei thought in his heart, the speed did not slow down.

   Chen Xuan knew nothing about Lin Ziwei's pursuit.

  In Chen Xuan's eyes, Lin Ziwei was equivalent to a reptile, and he couldn't get into his eyes at all.

  If you want to kill Lin Ziwei, you can do it in one round.

  For Chen Xuan, the most important thing is to find Zhang Pingyun.

  Only if Zhang Pingyun is killed, the Zombie Sect will retreat and stop fighting for the Sun Moon Fortress.

   "This plain cloud is probably because it suffered a loss in Leizhou, so it came to Sun Moon Fortress." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  Zhang Pingyun's cultivation base cannot be regarded as a top powerhouse in Leizhou.

  Leizhou is also a very powerful region in the Kamikaze Empire.

The   Kamikaze Empire’s control over Leizhou is gradually weakening, because Leizhou’s Zombie Sect is too powerful, even many civilians believe in the Snake God Sect.

The Snake God Sect has been developed in Leizhou for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

  Although there are rumors that the Zombie Sect came from the Morrowind area, this is no longer true.

  The current Kamikaze Dynasty has also admitted that the Zombie Sect first appeared in Leizhou, and then gradually expanded to the Qiushuang Empire.

  (End of this chapter)

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