Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3689: The power of the Zombie

  Chapter 3689 The power of the snake god

   Although the Qiushuang Empire did not exist for that long, the interior of the empire was not too stable.

The   Snake God Sect took advantage of the emptiness five hundred years ago and occupied most of the administrative organs of the Autumn Frost Empire.

  Although Leizhou is still one of the areas of the Zombie Sect, it is not their most important base area.

  Even so, the number of Zombie Sect warriors active in Leizhou is also very large, and even these Zombie Sects have internal disputes.

  Snake Godism is a very big concept. Anyone who believes in snake gods can be called a snake **** believer.

  They can obtain very mysterious powers from the snake god, which not only improves their cultivation, but also extends their lifespan.

  Chen Xuan knows very well that this is all because of their practice.

  Snake God’s exercises can prolong life.

  An ordinary human cultivator can only live up to three hundred years old if his cultivation base does not break through. This is because the world of Black Rock has ample aura, even the most ordinary human beings have some cultivation base.

  But the people of the Zombie Sect are different. Although they are just ordinary believers, their life span can be increased by 50 or 60 years.

  Even if he is fifty years old, his age looks no different from that of young people.

The   Snake God Sect’s exercises are very mysterious, plus they are not spread.

  All those who join the Zombie Sect have to go through a series of weird rituals, otherwise there is no way to enter the Zombie Sect.

  Chen Xuan’s understanding of the Snake God Sect is limited to this.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan did not bring a helper, but set off alone in the direction of the Taixu Mountains.

  If you bring a helper, not only will you not help him, but it will even drag you back when it is critical.

  Chen Xuan wanted to quietly enter the Taixu Mountain Range to find Zhang Pingyun, and once seized the opportunity, he would kill him.

  In fact, Zhang Pingyun’s personality is very cautious.

  As early as Chen Xuan entered the Taixu Mountain Range, he already had to know.

  In a certain cave, Zhang Pingyun was full of small snakes in front of him. The most surprising thing is that these small snakes can actually vomit.

After hearing the words of these little snakes, Zhang Pingyun nodded hesitantly: "Unexpectedly, a strong man has arrived. What realm has his cultivation level reached?"

   At this moment, Zhang Pingyun suddenly frowned tightly. These little snakes were separated from his soul. Not only could they speak, but they could also share vision with him.

  Zhang Pingyun saw a sneaky man wandering nearby.

   "Who is it? Is it him?"

  Zhang Pingyun’s body shuttled out instantly, and several warriors of the Zombie Sect hurriedly followed behind him.

  Outside the cave, a young man in a black robe showed doubts and began to look around the neighborhood constantly.

  The next moment, his face instantly became low, and he quickly fled towards the distance.

  Zhang Pingyun’s face was full of murderous aura, and the long sword in his hand was taken out immediately, and the fierce sword aura killed the man in the direction of the man: "You still want to run, give me death!"

  The man hit by this sword aura was Lin Ziwei.

  Lin Ziwei's back was hit by sword qi, and the blood was dripping with blood, and the blood was constantly flowing out: "Damn, I didn't think I came to the base camp of the Zombie Sect by mistake, this is bad luck!"

   hurriedly stood up from the ground, Lin Ziwei took out the pill from the space ring in a panic, swallowed it quickly into his abdomen, and then fled forward.

   "You still want to run, ha ha, just a waste came, I will use your body to create a puppet, I can definitely restore my cultivation!" Zhang Pingyun smiled grimly.

  The next moment, dense clusters of red light appeared in the sky.

  Invisible to the naked eye, small snakes still live in these rays.

  Lin Ziwei only felt that his body was constantly being bitten, and before long, he fell into a coma.

  Ten minutes later, Zhang Pingyun looked at the "corpse" on the ground with satisfaction, and said with a sneer on his face: "I can become my puppet temporarily. I want him to go out and inquire about the origin of that mysterious strong man."

  A zombie cultist suddenly came over and said, "Master Zhang, are you sure to use his body?"

Zhang Pingyun nodded and said: "Yes, I heard that there is a mysterious strong man in Taixu Villa. His cultivation may have reached the Seventh Great Consummation of the Shenluo Realm, or even the Eighth Realm. I don't know his cultivation for the time being. My body has passed and it is very likely to be severely injured. If this puppet's body is chopped in half, I won't have any physical pain, hehe."

   "Okay, sir, you go to rest first, leave it to me here." Said the snake **** martial artist.

  Zhang Pingyun nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, you must pay attention to it. Recently, you must not relax, Sun Moon Fortress wants to attack!"

  All the believers in the vicinity of the cave mobilized for a while and began to search for Chen Xuan's whereabouts in the Taixu Mountains.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was walking in the black cloud forest of the Taixu Mountains, but suddenly saw two figures in front of him, leaping towards him with teeth and claws.

   Chen Xuan's expression was slightly surprised, and he immediately lifted the Liaoyuan Sword, and cut out a sword gas in the front direction.

  Sword Qi exploded instantly, only to see the bodies of two Red Sun Ghost Dragons and Tigers shuttled out.

  On the bodies of the two red sun ghosts, dragons and tigers, stood two zombies wearing red long clothes.

The warrior of the    Snake God Sect said grimly: "Unexpectedly, he really came here. It seems that Lord Zhang is right!"

   "Hehe, even if he comes here, what can he do? With his cultivation base, he can't be our opponent at all, just a junior of the sixth level of the Shenluo realm!"

  The two warriors of the Zombie Sect were full of arrogance. They released the power of the Zombie God, only to find that Chen Xuan's cultivation had only reached the sixth level of the Shenluo Realm, and was not their opponent at all.

   These two Zombie Sect martial artists, even their cultivation in the Snake God Sect, can be regarded as powerful, and they have reached the six major consummations of the Shenluo realm.

  In addition, they controlled two red sun ghost dragons and tigers by controlling the beasts.

  Through the number advantage, Chen Xuan can also be crushed.

   "Boy, I thought your cultivation level was very strong, but that seems to be nothing more than that. Master Zhang is too worried."

   "There are only six major consummations in the Shenluo realm, which is almost the same as my cultivation base, but you are only one person, and we have four, hahaha."

  Chen Xuan frowned slightly, as long as he kills a zombie warrior, the opponent's strength will be weakened accordingly.

  "Stop talking nonsense, come here if you have the ability." Chen Xuan roared, and a light red light suddenly released from his body, and he quickly killed the two snake **** martial artists.

  Under his attack, the Zombie Sect warrior had no way to resist, and there was a scar on his body.

  One of the Zombie Sect warriors opened his mouth wide and his face was full of incredible expressions: "This is impossible at all. Isn't his cultivation level that strong?"

   "I don't believe he can stop my sword spirit!"

  The warriors of the Zombie Sect basically use daggers.

  But their dagger is very unusual, called the snake dragon dagger.

  Very poison lurks in it, and the snake-dragon dagger can also release the mysterious energy that controls the souls of others.

   Chen Xuan's pair of pupils released a fierce murderous intent: "You zombie cults harm others and yourself, and you want to occupy the sun and moon fortress. It is simply whimsical!"

  With his angry shout, a fierce sword aura was released immediately.

  The two Zombie Cultists showed shocking expressions after seeing them.

  Wanjian Villa is also in Leizhou.

The reason why the   Snake God Sect expands slowly is because of Wanjian Villa.

  The strength of Wanjian Villa is very strong, even in the entire Kamikaze Dynasty, it can be regarded as a not weak existence.

  Compared with some top five-star sects, Wanjian Villa is not top-notch, but Wanjian Villa has existed for a long time, almost two thousand years.

  These warriors of the Zombie Sect, after seeing Chen Xuan's use of the Ten Thousand Sword Art, their faces suddenly showed despair.

   "This is terrible, his cultivation is so strong, and he is still a member of Wanjian Villa, the two of us are not necessarily his opponents!"

   Lightly stroked the Chiyang Ghost Dragon Tiger under him, and the two warriors of the Zombie Sect suddenly wanted to escape.

   The two red sun ghost dragons and tigers let out an angry roar, their eyes flushed, and instantly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Red Sun Ghost Dragon Tiger has been controlled by the people of the Zombie Cult. He has completely lost his reason, and his offense has no rules.

  After the red sun ghost dragon and tiger rushed over, Chen Xuan immediately raised his long sword, a burst of fierce energy was released, and quickly hit the body of the red sun ghost dragon and tiger.


  The body of one of the Red Sun Ghost Dragon Tiger was shot out hundreds of meters.

  If you are seen by other warriors in Taixu Villa, you will definitely be shocked.

  They tried their best to kill a Scarlet Sun Ghost Dragon Tiger, but Chen Xuan easily killed one.

  Even the two members of the Zombie Sect were filled with exclamation in their hearts. They wanted to escape, but Chen Xuan's speed suddenly accelerated, and another sword aura slew towards their bodies.

Facing Chen Xuan's fierce attack, the two warriors of the Zombie Sect were filled with despair, but they were completely unable to resist Chen Xuan's sword aura.

   was another fierce Liaoyuan sword aura. After killing a red sun ghost dragon and tiger, Chen Xuan's speed did not slow down, and a strong Vermillion Bird fire burst out all over his body.

  The red flames all over his body made Chen Xuan's eyes cruel.

   "You still want to run, leave it to me!" Chen Xuan roared, and the Liaoyuan sword flew out instantly.

  Thousands of sword shadows continuously appeared in the sky, and they were killing them in their direction.

  One of the red sun ghost dragon tiger's body was like a hornet's nest, lying motionless on the ground.

  The two snake **** martial artists were full of anxiety, and instantly displayed the snake god-shaped exercises, turning them into a small snake moving on the ground.

  Chen Xuan smiled disdainfully: "You still want to slip away from under my nose based on your cultivation base, it's almost reckless!"

   Loud, Chen Xuan waved the long sword in his hand again, and a wave of fierce sword aura was continuously released.

  Liaoyuan Sword Qi chased and killed the Snake God Swordsman from the back. Even though they had turned into a small snake and moved on the ground, they could not resist the attack of Liaoyuan Sword Qi.


  The body of this zombie warrior was immediately knocked into the air.

  Chen Xuan's body was suspended in the air, and he began to carefully search for another zombie cultist.

   "No, he was here just now, why did he disappear suddenly." Chen Xuan frowned tightly.

  At the moment when these two zombie warriors ran away, Chen Xuan saw a red light flashing in the sky.

  A big mouth of the blood basin suddenly opened, instantly swallowing Chen Xuan's body.

  In just three seconds, a giant snake covered with red scales slowly emerged.

   "Ahaha, you **** kid, you were swallowed by me, didn't you think of it?"

   "If I eat my stomach, it only takes three minutes at most to be digested by my stomach acid. I don't believe you can escape from it!" The zombie warrior smiled contentedly.

  But in the next second, two red lights suddenly shot out from his pupils, and then there was an explosion.


  The body of the snake **** teaches the warrior exploded into pieces, and the blood flew around.

  Chen Xuan got out of his stomach and wiped the blood from his body: "It's disgusting!"

  (End of this chapter)

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