Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3690: Jiulong Alchemy Furnace

  Chapter 3690 Nine Dragon Pill Alchemy Furnace

  After Chen Xuan looted their space ring, he went to a nearby lake and took a bath.

  But the **** smell on the body is still not washed away.

"The techniques of these snake gods teach martial arts are really weird, they can actually swallow me, **** it, the smell of blood is all over my body, it's disgusting!" While thinking, Chen Xuan worked hard to wipe with the clear spring water. body.

  After putting on clothes and going ashore, Chen Xuan opened the space ring of the two zombies, and found many treasures of heaven and earth in it.

   "It seems that they have also searched for a lot of good treasures in the Taixu Mountain Range recently, otherwise there will definitely not be so many things." Chen Xuan thought in his heart, with a happy smile on his face.

   "With these good things, you can refine the God-Returning Pill!"

   Huishen Pill is also a very popular pill.

  But after Chen Xuan's refining, even the ordinary pill can be refined by him to produce the best medicinal effect.

The effect of   Rejuvenating Pill and Rejuvenating Pill is almost the same, but the main purpose of Rejuvenating Pill is to restore the power of soul and the power of aura.

   does not have any repair effect on physical injuries.

  After taking out the alchemy furnace, a burst of red light radiated from the entire alchemy furnace. Half a year ago, Yuwentian had helped Chen Xuan raise the alchemy furnace by one level.

  The number of golden dragons moving in the alchemy furnace has become nine, and the power has become stronger.

  Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction: "Yu Wentian is really proficient in refining tools, but unfortunately I still prefer alchemy."

  A alchemist will definitely master refining tools.

  It's just that the refiner who does not have a special refiner is more proficient.

After putting the medicinal materials in the space ring one by one, Chen Xuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "Unexpectedly, there are so many medicinal materials. It seems that they have plundered a lot of good treasures in the Taixu Mountains. Killing other zombie warriors will definitely allow me to get more good things..."

  For three days in a row, Chen Xuan searched for the whereabouts of the Zombie Sect warriors in the Taixu Mountains.

  He was not in a hurry to find Zhang Pingyun. If he could consume the power of the Zombie Sect little by little, it would not be a bad thing.

  According to the news he received at the beginning, there were 53 members of the Zombie Cult. Chen Xuan has now killed nearly ten members of the Zombie Cult, which means that there are still forty of them left.

  Chen Xuan smiled and said with satisfaction: "It's pretty good, killing so many people, even if they are going to carry out the fourth round of offensive, their strength must be greatly reduced."

  At the same time, in a cave, a man in a red long coat had a hideous face.

   "What's the matter? Why are so many people killed?"

   "My lord, I don't know, but there have been few people in the last few days..." A zombie cultist said in a low voice, for fear of making the other party unhappy.

Zhang Pingyun patted the table next to him fiercely, and said angrily: "It's just a nonsense. I asked you to search in the Taixu Mountains. I didn't ask you to give them away. Now a dozen people have died. Our number was originally small. In case the fourth round of offense is unsuccessful, we will definitely be beaten back to Leizhou!"

  Several Zombie Cultists were afraid to speak, and respectfully knelt on the ground.

After venting the anger in his heart, Zhang Pingyun coldly snorted: "Forget it, I know I can't count on you trash. Now my puppet has been created, let him go out to inquire."

  In an inconspicuous corner of the cave, a man in a black long coat suddenly opened his eyes.

  A red light radiated from his pupils, and there were two small snakes wrapped around his shoulders.

   "My lord, his cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Shenluo realm. You are now in the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, right?" a cultist asked.

Zhang Pingyun smiled very satisfied and said: "Of course, the puppet I refined is definitely not that simple. I placed two red spirit snakes on his body, and the power of these two red spirit snakes can increase him by percent. The cultivation base is about ten, and there is still a part of my soul in it..."

  In a corner of the Taixu Mountain Range, Chen Xuan finally succeeded in refining all the pills.

  He has not rested in recent days.

  Where is it so easy to make more pills.

  Although he learned the method of refining pill from Liu Yuanjian, this method of refining cannot be completely replicated.

  Some of the pill must be exhausted before they can make a stronger pill.

  Chen Xuan had refined Huishen Pill before. This kind of pill was related to the power of the soul, and it was impossible to refine it casually.

  Returning God Pill is several levels higher than Rejuvenating Pill.

  These two elixirs are very basic restorative elixirs.

  One is to restore soul power, and the other is to restore injury.

The aroma came from the alchemy furnace again, and Chen Xuan greedily sniffed the scent of the elixir: "It seems that the level of the elixir I refined has improved a lot compared to the previous level. With these recovery pills, it will definitely ensure me Kill Zhang Pingyun..."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a small sound coming from behind. He turned his head hastily, but found a man in black.

   "No way, I always think he is a bit familiar..." Chen Xuan was slightly surprised.

  He had seen this person when he was on the plain, and it was Lin Ziwei who had conspired against him.

   "Why do you feel that his appearance has changed a bit?"

  Lin Ziwei's expression was very hideous, and the red pupils released a fierce killing intent.

  The two red spirit snakes on his shoulders suddenly raised their eyes, spitting scarlet letters.

  Two red snakes suddenly vomit.

   "Unexpectedly, it was you!"

   Chen Xuan's face was surprised, and asked in confusion: "What is me, what's the matter with you?"

  Although he and Lin Ziwei have hatred, the scene in front of him is really weird.

  Lin Ziwei was like being controlled by two red snakes on his shoulders.

   "Hehe, boy, are you the rescuer invited by Taixu Villa?" Lin Ziwei said.

  Chen Xuan frowned slightly, he had guessed that Lin Ziwei was controlled by the snake gods: "Are you Zhang Pingyun?"

   "You actually know my name, it seems that my reputation is still very famous!"

   "Has he been controlled by you?" Chen Xuan continued to ask, and he was also surprised in his heart, why Lin Ziwei would follow him, and he was still killed in the Taixu Mountain Range.

  Zhang Pingyun sneered and said, “I’ve noticed you a long time ago, but I don’t know where you are in the Taixu Mountain Range. In the past few days, our snake gods have been dead. You should have done it, right?”

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "So what?

"Haha, killed so many of our Zombie Cult, thinking I would let you go now? I tell you, now you kneel down and kowtow to me and apologize, then cut off your head and give it to me, hahaha!" Zhang Pingyun sneered.

  Chen Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Zhang Pingyun, do you really think you can deal with me with your cultivation? What's more, this is just a puppet of you. If I didn't guess wrong, your injury has not recovered yet, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang Pingyun replied again: "What does this have to do with you? You should take care of yourself. I can kill you in two rounds at most. A six-layer waste in the Shenluo realm is simply impossible. My opponent!"

   "Even if I am seriously injured, I can kill you easily!"

   "Stop talking nonsense!" Chen Xuan roared, and the Liaoyuan sword began to swing.

  A fierce sword aura floated around his body, and under the full release of Thousands of Sword Art, even Zhang Pingyun’s face showed a shocking expression.

   "This is impossible, why did he practice the swordsmanship of Wanjian Villa!"

  In Leizhou, Zhang Pingyun once met with people from Wanjian Villa.

  But he failed miserably.

  Although many people are qualified to go to Wanjian Villa to practice thousands of swordsmanship, they just give up after only practicing to the first level.

  The Thousand Thousand Sword Art is an extremely difficult sword technique to master, and it also requires a large amount of spiritual power. It is an act that exhausts all of your spiritual power during battle, which is not worth the loss.

  In addition, every time Wan Jian Jue wants to upgrade, it takes great effort. Many people take the initiative to give up the practice of the sword technique in the middle of their cultivation, and turn to practice other sword techniques.

  If you really cultivate thousands of sword arts, then the power is naturally unmatched.

  Lin Ziwei's body suddenly rushed, and the long sword in his hand also released a light red light, which instantly covered Chen Xuan's direction.

   Seeing that this sword aura was about to explode, a light red light suddenly formed around Chen Xuan's body.

   has a body-refining defense, and the opponent's offense can't bring him any threat at all.

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of sneers: “Do you really think your cultivation level can deal with me? Today I will show you the gap between the two of us!”


   Thousand Thousands of Swordsmanship was released with full force, and it continuously penetrated towards Lin Ziwei's body.

  It didn't take long for Lin Ziwei's body to be filled with sword energy.

  The Thousand Thousands of Sword Art is condensed with the power of the soul, but it can have substantial lethality.

  As a result, Lin Ziwei began to shed blood on his body.

  Although the Thousand Thousands of Sword Art had already repelled Lin Ziwei, Chen Xuan keenly discovered that Lin Ziwei's soul had been suppressed in the depths of his soul.

  It is the two red snakes on the shoulders that really control his actions.

   "Thinking I don't know where your body is, and want to control him through the power of your soul?" Chen Xuan shouted again, waved a sword aura, and killed him in the direction of the red snake.


   Zhang Pingyun’s shocked voice came out. He did not expect Chen Xuan’s sword energy to reach the depths of his soul.

   After this sword qi hit, the two red snakes immediately dissipated in the sky and the earth.

  A few seconds passed, Lin Ziwei suddenly opened his eyes.

  The red light in his eyes has disappeared, obviously he has regained his sanity.

   "What the **** happened..." Lin Ziwei's face was full of shock. After returning to his senses, he saw Chen Xuan standing beside him.

   "It's you, you die!" Lin Ziwei just wanted to attack, but found that there was pain in his body.


  Because of the contest between Chen Xuan and Zhang Pingyun, Lin Ziwei has always been injured.

  Therefore, Lin Ziwei had many wounds on his body. After Zhang Pingyun's soul was recovered from his body, Lin Ziwei's injuries did not recover.

  Chen Xuan squinted at Lin Ziwei who was lying on the ground, and said with a smile: "Lin Ziwei, I know you hate me, but I also saved you once."

  Lin Ziwei closed his eyes and began to recall what happened before he was unconscious: "You mean Zhang Pingyun of the Zombie Sect?"

  Chen Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, your soul was occupied by him just now, thanks to me for saving you."

   "Then what do you want to say?" Lin Ziwei spit out a mouthful of blood, his expression was very cautious.

  He didn't make sure that Chen Xuan would kill him with a single sword now.

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Don't look at me with a guarded expression. If I want to kill you, I can do it just now. Why didn't I kill you when I was in a coma, but waited for you to wake up and talk to you? Say this?"

Lin Ziwei thought about it carefully and felt that what Chen Xuan said was very reasonable, so he said: "Then what do you want to do? My cultivation level is not his opponent at all. Even if the two of us work together, it may not be possible. Kill him."

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "Zhang Pingyun is not as strong as you think, not to mention that he is still injured now. Together, we can definitely kill him."

   "But I am now a waste person, my arms have been cut off, and there are countless wounds. What should I fight with him?" Lin Ziwei said.

  (End of this chapter)

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