Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3693: Defensive fortress

  Chapter 3693 Defensive fortress

  Zhang Pingyun’s expression is very hideous: "Gather all of them for me, quickly kill him, as long as we kill him, we can win!"

  He knew very well that Chen Xuan was the only one who could threaten him now. As long as Chen Xuan was killed, they would be able to easily win and occupy the entire Sun Moon Fortress.

  At this critical moment, Chen Xuan's pupils released red light, and the power of the dragon pattern was exerted to the extreme by him.

  "Go to death for me!" Chen Xuan yelled, and then the long sword pierced Zhang Pingyun's neck directly.

  All the snake **** martial artists showed their shock. How could they not believe that Zhang Pingyun would be defeated by Chen Xuan.

   "This is absolutely impossible. It must be a dream I had. How could Master Zhang Pingyun lose to him!"

   "It's so bizarre, Chen Xuan's cultivation is only the sixth level of the Shenluo realm, why can he deal with Zhang Pingyun."

  Even people in the five big families can’t believe that Chen Xuan can win.

  I heard everyone's comments and saw the fear on the faces of many Zombie Sect warriors.

  Chen Xuan just smiled softly: "Hehe, just now it was just the tip of the iceberg, and now Zhang Pingyun has been killed, it is impossible for you to be my opponent!"

   "Master Chen, kill all these miscellaneous things!" said an elder of the five big families.

  Suddenly, Sun Moon Fortress began to attack.

  After Zhang Pingyun was killed, the Snake God Sect lost its backbone. Originally, the Snake God Sect and Zhang Pingyun supported the scene. After all, his cultivation is the strongest, reaching the early eighth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  Once he is killed, the remaining Snake God Sect warriors can't make waves at all, and their strongest cultivation is only in the mid-sixth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  With Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, they can be easily killed with a single sword.

  Under the attack of the entire Sun Moon Fortress, the remaining Zombie Sect warriors were killed and injured.

  In the end, two zombie gods teach the warriors to escape.

  Chen Xuan is not ready to let them go.

  His body turned into a red light, and it rushed over in an instant.

  Liaoyuan sword began to swing continuously, and Chen Xuan's body was filled with a layer of light red light.

  "Go to death for me!" Chen Xuan roared, and the bodies of the remaining two Zombie Warriors were instantly penetrated, and no one escaped from his hand.

  This matter came to an end.

  In a hall of the Sun Moon Fortress, the elders of the five major families raised their glasses one after another.

   "Master Chen, thanks to you this time!"

   "If it weren't for you to help us out, our Sun Moon Fortress would be finished this time!"

  "Fortunately, Master Chen covered our Sun Moon Fortress, hahaha!" Many people began to talk.

   Taixu Zhuangzhu also smiled, and walked over to Chen Xuan and said, "Brother Chen, this time I really thank you, otherwise there is no way to deal with them with our cultivation base."

  Chen Xuan smiled softly: “You don’t need to be so polite. By the way, the owner, I want to get some spirit grass, don’t know if you have any here?”

The owner of Taixu Village said boldly: "Brother Chen, as long as it is your request, I will definitely agree. You have made great contributions to our Sun Moon Fortress and our Taixu Villa. No matter what it is, I will give it to you. you!"

After   , Chen Xuan obtained more than 20 dragon soul grasses and various other rare herbs in Taixu Villa.

  Chen Xuan began to count the spirit herbs. After a while, he nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, as long as I have these spirit herbs, I can refine many precious medicines."

  He is not going to stay in Sun Moon Fort for a long time.

   When rushing to the direction of Jianyue Ancient City, Chen Xuan took a trip to Sky Dragon City along the way.

  The development of Sky Dragon City is very stable. When Chen Xuan first took over Sky Dragon City, it was just an unknown small city.

  As it is today, the scale of development of Dragon City has grown day by day, coupled with the growth of commercial land transportation with Sunyue Fortress, Sky Dragon City has become the largest commercial city in the west.

After returning to Jianyuezong, Chen Xuan just came to his independent courtyard.

   saw a man in a gray robe in front of him, looking at him in the distance.

  Who is this?

  It didn’t take long for the mysterious man to leave alone.

   Chen Xuan's expression was a little surprised. Although he knew that he had provoked a lot of forces, these people would certainly not blatantly trouble him in Jianyue Sect.

  He stayed in the Sun Moon Fort for nearly seven days, Chen Xuan had the final say, and found that there were no more days left than Da Bi from the outer gate.

   And he also heard that the Sect Master of Sword Moon Sect had already left the customs not long ago.

  Tomorrow, it will be the competition of the outer door.

  So Chen Xuan was going to the spirit sword area to try his luck, maybe he could make his cultivation level break through to the seventh level of the Shenluo realm.

  Although Chen Xuan's cultivation level had also broken through before, he mainly improved his dragon pattern power, and did not focus on cultivating spiritual energy.

  After arriving in the spirit sword area, Chen Xuan looked forward, and the Liaoyuan sword in his hand released a light red light, which immediately revolved around his body.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan heard a voice in his ear.

   "Boy, if you want to improve your cultivation, just do what I said."

   Chen Xuan's face was extremely surprised, he knew that it was the mysterious strong man in the Liaoyuan Sword who had spoken.

  "Excuse me, senior, what should I do to improve my cultivation?" Chen Xuan's face was very respectful.

   "Don't worry about so much, I say you do one step at a time." said the mysterious strong man.

  Unconsciously, following the hints given by the mysterious powerhouse, Chen Xuan's cultivation level is constantly increasing. Now Chen Xuan's cultivation level has reached the seventh peak of the Shenluo realm.

  Even at the outer door, Chen Xuan can definitely reach the top five.

  The next morning, he got up very early.

  Many outside disciples are concentrated on the competition field on the highest peak.

  Although the competition has not yet started, these outer disciples have already geared up and are ready to do their best to get a better ranking.

  Only when they get a better ranking, will they be eligible to enter the inner gate.

  It is not that any disciple can enter the inner sect for cultivation, only people with strong talent and cultivation can enter the inner sect.

  In the entire inner gate of Jianyue Sect, there are also many people who belong to Huang Tianlong.

  One of them was named Li Yanchen, his cultivation base was very strong, and he had been cultivating for a long time in Sword Moon Sect.

In order to kill Chen Xuan and avenge his son, Huang Tianlong made a great determination.

  At all costs, he even gave a large amount of heaven, material and earth treasures to these outer disciples, and asked them to kill Chen Xuan in the outer sect assessment.

  As long as Chen Xuan can be killed, Huang Tianlong can pay a higher price.

  In an inconspicuous corner of Jianyuezong, two disciples in white robes smiled coldly.

   "Master Huang, don't worry, we will definitely kill this group this time."

   "I am different from the previous trash, as long as I do it, I will definitely be killed by me!"

  Huang Tianlong smiled coldly: "Very good, but you must do it without knowing it, and you must not be seen by Old Man Zhuge!"

  In the competition platform, all the disciples are concentrated nearby.

  Even Sect Master Zhuge came here in person.

It was the first time that Chen Xuan saw the Sect Master of Jianyue Sect, naturally with a puzzled expression on his face: "I didn't expect him to be that old. I thought he looked even older than Elder Zhuge! "

  Sect Master Zhuge released an extremely fierce aura.

  Chen Xuan clenched his fist tightly, he could feel extremely terrifying power from the opponent, and he was definitely a top powerhouse who had reached the realm of Divine Soul.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a faint voice coming from the space ring.

   "Boy, this is the Sect Master of your sect. His cultivation is really good, but I can feel his breath is very weak..." The mysterious powerhouse's voice came out.

   Chen Xuan's face was slightly surprised: "How is it possible? Sect Master Zhuge has reached the realm of Divine Soul, who can hurt him?"

   "He has a breath of blood demon, but I am not sure, after all, I am too far away from him." said the mysterious powerhouse.

   "What did you say, the breath of the blood demon?" Chen Xuan's expression changed slightly. Sect Master Zhuge is a powerhouse in the Divine Soul Realm, so how could he have the breath of the blood demon on his body.

  "Could it be said that he was transformed from a blood demon?" Chen Xuan asked in confusion.

  The mysterious strong man replied again: "You think too much. He should have fought with the blood demon. It is very likely that he is a very powerful blood demon. Otherwise, he cannot be injured..."

  Chen Xuan was thinking wildly in his mind.

  No, if you really fought with the blood demon, that is to say, there is a blood demon in the Sword Moon Sect?

"You think too much. Blood demons basically use clones to appear. However, this blood demons sect master has a very strong cultivation base. Although it is nothing in my eyes, it is very easy to deal with your Sword Moon Sect." The mysterious strong man said again.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to continue thinking about it, but suddenly he heard Sect Master Zhuge speak slowly.

   "Disciples, I have been in retreat for many years, and you must have almost forgotten me."

  All the disciples dare not say a word, they respect Zhuge's lord very much.

   has reached the dual realm of the Divine Soul Realm, even in the entire Jianyue Ancient City, it is a rare powerhouse.

   "Our Sword Moon Sect holds a competition every two years. Today's Outer Sect Assessment officially begins, but before that, I have a word to say to everyone."

  As soon as he spoke, the scene suddenly calmed down. All the disciples looked over, dare not say a word, and remained silent.

Sovereign Zhuge paused and was very satisfied with their performance: "Very good, what I want to tell you is that this competition is the same as usual. The first round is a melee. There are more than 200 disciples participating in the competition. , Only the disciples who survived last can enter the next round!"

  Hearing this, all the disciples nodded one after another.

  The first round of melee can quickly eliminate disciples who are not high in cultivation. Only when entering the next round of challenge can you decide the real strong.

  In fact, disciples with a truly high level of cultivation do not even bother to take action in a melee. They just stand there, and no one dares to trouble them.

  "The rules are still the same as before. Have you heard that, boys!" Elder Zhuge stood up and said.

  Everyone answered in unison: "I heard it!"

Finally, Elder Zhuge began to explain the specific rules of the game: "I have told you many times. The rules are the same as before, but you must pay attention to it. This is just an assessment. !"

   "All the disciples who can enter the top five in this assessment can get corresponding rewards. Don't let the water go!"

   "According to our high-level discussions, disciples who can enter the top five in this competition can go to the Sword Moon Tower to practice. You must seize this opportunity!"

   Hearing the words Jianyue Tower, all the disciples let out a soft cry.

  Sword Moon Tower can only be entered by inner disciples. It has a very fierce sword intent. Just practicing for two hours in it is equivalent to practicing in the spirit sword area for a day.

  "Not only that, if you can get the first place, you will also get a spiritual soldier forged by Elder Li himself!"

  After hearing his words, all the disciples suddenly fell into madness.

  As long as you can enter the top three, the benefits are too much!

"Unexpectedly, I can enter the sword tower. It seems that this year's rewards are much richer than before. Once I can enter the top five, I will be able to enter the tower training, which will definitely enhance my cultivation!" A warrior Said.

  Countless disciples were excited, but after they thought of their own cultivation base, they suddenly became a bit disappointed.

  People who can enter the Sword Moon Sect cultivation basically have a strong talent, but compared with some top powerhouses, they are a little insignificant.

  The game officially begins!

  (End of this chapter)

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