Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3694: The game officially started

  Chapter 3694 The game officially begins

  With the order of Elder Zhuge, more than two hundred outer disciples stepped onto the middle stage.

The area of ​​the    competition platform is very large, there are a total of two kilometers on the left and right, even if it is dark and dark, it will not have any effect at all.

  Because a spirit formation is set up near the competition platform, the sword energy that blooms will not leak to the surroundings.

  Moreover, it is also a competition platform specially set up for the assessment of the outer door, enough to accommodate more than two hundred people.

  After the game officially started, these warriors took out their weapons one after another, showing nervous expressions on their faces.

  Chen Xuan also took out the Liaoyuan Sword. He squinted his eyes and looked around. He didn't do anything, but walked to the edge.

  Being on the edge can prevent others from sneaking on him, and only people with a strong cultivation base can occupy the edge.

  Other people that Chen Xuan can think of can naturally also think of.

  At the edge, you only need to guard against the enemies in front of you.

  Some weak disciples have heard of Chen Xuan's reputation, and now they dare not come to trouble him, but there are also a few disciples with strong cultivation bases who want to try their luck.

   "Chen Xuan, let me see how your cultivation is!" A disciple in white rushed over, his body turned into a white light.

  Chen Xuan gently swung his long sword, releasing a fierce aura from his body, and immediately repelled the disciple.

  The warrior who originally wanted to trouble Chen Xuan, is now looking at him from a distance, no one dared to move forward.

   "Chen Xuan's cultivation has broken through to the seventh level of the Shenluo realm, I am afraid I am no longer his opponent!"

   "Chen Xuan's cultivation level has actually become so strong?"

   Little by little time passed, several weak disciples who came to provoke Chen Xuan all blasted him out of the competition stage.

  Although there were a few more powerful disciples who caused Chen Xuan a little trouble, they did not affect him at all.

   After the half-hearted incense time passed, there were only less than fifty disciples left on the competition stage.

  Some disciples knew that their cultivation level was not enough to support this melee, so they voluntarily gave in. All that can really support them are elites, and almost everyone's cultivation level has reached the sixth level of the Shenluo realm.

  Most of the disciples still stayed at the seventh level of the Shenluo realm.

  Lei Pojun, ranked first in the outer door, has a very strong cultivation base, and no one dares to trouble him.

  Lei Pojun just stood quietly on the edge, ignoring all the outer disciples.

  Even the top ten people in the outer row did not dare to trouble Lei Pojun.

  They had also fought with Lei Pojun, knowing that Lei Pojun’s cultivation base had reached a very terrifying state.

  Chen Xuan also squinted his eyes and scanned Lei Pojun. He knew that the opponent's cultivation base was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

   At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a figure shuttle towards him, and a fierce aura was released instantly.

   Chen Xuan saw this, and the long sword in his hand immediately blasted out, directly blasting the figure into the air.

   "So strong!" The disciple was slightly surprised and exclaimed.

  After the time of the two sticks of incense, there are only 30 disciples left in the end.

  In the end, these thirty disciples basically achieved their cultivation level above the seventh level of the Shenluo realm.

  To be precise, there were only 37 disciples left in the end, and Chen Xuan was one of them.

  After the melee is over, it will soon enter the second round.

  All the disciples choose their enemies according to the lottery.

  Chen Xuan got the first place.

At this moment, a disciple wearing a white long dress stepped onto the stage with an arrogant expression on his face: "Chen Xuan, your cultivation level has just reached the seventh level of the Shenluo Realm. It is not my opponent at all. , I think you should give up as soon as possible!"

   Chen Xuan was not angry after hearing this, but smiled and said, "Are you so confident in your own cultivation?"

   "Hehe, it's not just as simple as self-confidence. You can't be my opponent at all. Even if you fight, you will only ask for trouble. I can kill you in two or three rounds at most!"

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and shook his head helplessly: “There are always people who are as confident as you, but they all lost to me in the end, and they still don’t know how they lost to me!”

   "Hahaha, the trash I encountered are not the same as those you encountered. Don't think that I am the same as them, you show me your favor, I only need three rounds to defeat you!"

  The long sword in the hand of this disciple burst out with a red light, and instantly rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction.

   Feeling the terrifying murderous aura released from the opponent, Chen Xuan also waved his long sword and stared at him in shock.

  This is just a match, and the opponent actually released a murderous look, indicating that he must be Huang Tianlong's person.

  In order to kill Chen Xuan, Huang Tianlong did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy out many disciples from outside, let them kill Chen Xuan in this match.

   Seeing that this disciple was about to rush in front of him, Chen Xuan suddenly kicked it out.

   directly kicked the disciple’s body for more than a hundred meters.

  When he fell to the ground, Chen Xuan's expression was very unhappy: "You actually used our Sword Moon Sect's top swordsmanship. This is just a battle. Do you want to kill someone?"

   "Ah, what you think is really simple. Although this is only a game, the winner must be determined. If I don't show top swordsmanship, how can I defeat you?" the disciple replied.

   Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and a fierce killing intent was instantly exposed on his face: "Since you want to trouble me, don't blame me!"

   Above the competition platform, both elder Zhuge and Sect Master Zhuge are watching carefully.

   "This young disciple named Chen Xuan, although his cultivation level is not that strong, but his potential is very terrifying." Sect Master Zhuge whispered.

After hearing this, Zhuge Bai laughed and said, "Master Sovereign, you don't know anything. This kid has just joined our Sword Moon Sect this year, and he has shown a very extraordinary talent. One day, his cultivation level will definitely be fine. Breaking through to the realm of the soul, it is very likely that it will surpass us."

   "What did you say?" Sect Master Zhuge was a little surprised: "Is his cultivation really that strong?"

  Zhuge Bai nodded and said: "Yes, this time we Jianyuezong picked up the treasure. Chen Xuan's cultivation is the strongest one I have ever seen."

  After hearing this, Sect Master Zhuge just nodded and didn't say much.

  At this time, the disciple in white rushed over again, the long sword in his hand burst out with a light blue light, and quickly squeezed towards Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan curled his lips: "It's a pity that your swordsmanship has no effect on me."

  He just wielded the long sword, and the Suzaku sword aura was immediately released.

  The sword aura created by the disciple in white can't cause any harm to him, but the sword aura that carries the power of the Suzaku poses a huge threat to the disciple in white.

  Finally after half the incense, the disciple in white felt that his cultivation level was much different from that of Chen Xuan, and suddenly threw the long sword in his hand on the ground and said, "I am not your opponent."

   "What? He actually gave up?"

   "Even he is not Chen Xuan's opponent, what a terrifying state Chen Xuan's current cultivation level has reached..."

  All of the disciples began to discuss.

  They all knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation base was unfathomable, but they never thought that even those who had reached the seventh peak of the Shenluo realm were not his opponents.

   Seeing that the opponent conceded on their own initiative, Chen Xuan did not ask for trouble, but clasped his fists, and walked off the competition stage under the gaze of everyone.

  The person in the second game is Lei Pojun.

   Before Lei Pojun could take action, the disciple surrendered directly.

   "I gave up, Lei Pojun, I can't be your opponent..." The disciple gave a wry smile.

  He only feels that his luck is very bad. He originally wanted to get the top 20 in this game. As a result, he met Lei Pojun in the first game and could only fall behind the 30th.

  Lei Pojun did not speak, but smiled satisfied.

  Many disciples nodded one after another. They felt that this disciple’s approach was very wise.

  Lei Pojun is, after all, the top disciple of the Outer Sect. Until now, no one can surpass his cultivation level.

  If you forcibly fight Lei Pojun, you will definitely be seriously injured.

  Although they may not be killed, after they are injured, it takes half a month to heal their injuries. It is better to hurry up and improve their cultivation.

  In the next few games, basically the top ten disciples in the outer door won, and most of their opponents have surrendered.

After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan played the next game.

  His opponent is a warrior who has reached the Seven Major Consummations of the Shenluo Realm. Among the outer gates, his cultivation is definitely not bad.

  This warrior stepped onto the martial arts stage with a smile on his face: "Very well, Chen Xuan's cultivation is at best the Shenluo Realm Great Perfection, not much different from me. As long as I work hard, I can definitely defeat him!"

  Chen Xuan jumped onto the martial arts stage, holding the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

   "Chen Xuan, your performance just now was really good, but the two of us are destined to be a hard fight!" This disciple thought he and Chen Xuan were equal opponents.

  Chen Xuan just shook his head: "You are not my opponent, at most it only takes half a scent of time, and you will lose to my hands."

"What are you talking about?" The pupils of this disciple were full of anger, and said with anger: "You are really arrogant, do you really think it is my opponent? You look good to me, as long as I burst out With all cultivation bases, you absolutely cannot be my opponent!"

  As soon as his voice fell, Chen Xuan saw this disciple’s body rushing over like a cheetah, and his whole body exuded terrifying power.

After feeling the aura released by the other party, Chen Xuan frowned slightly: "It's really strong, but there is still a gap with me!"

   "Hehe, stop talking big, I want to see if you can stop my blow!" The disciple roared, and the speed of rushing over increased again.

   At this moment, Chen Xuan's body was filled with the power of a light red dragon pattern, and the breath of the whole body burst out instantly.

  Sect Master Zhuge’s eyes flashed a hint of surprise: “This kid actually still possesses the power of the dragon pattern, he is still the seventh level of cultivation in the Shenluo realm, and it is indeed a very rare genius...”

Zhuge Bai laughed: "Brother, didn't I just tell you? He is the most talented disciple I have ever seen, and I recruited him personally. You see, he skillfully uses the power of the dragon pattern. , And he can also raise his cultivation to the seventh level of the Shenluo realm. It is indeed a rare good seedling!"

  Sect Master Zhuge nodded slowly.

   Zhuge Bai did not notice, but he could definitely find that Chen Xuan was not only very talented, but also very talented in sword repair.

  If you continue to practice swordsmanship, you can definitely become a strong swordsman.

   "He is indeed the strongest genius I have ever seen. Even my brother at the beginning is not as talented as the young man in front of him..."

Zhuge Bai always had a smile on his face: "Good boy, it really didn't disappoint me. It only took a short year to enter our Jianyue Sect, and he has grown into such a field. In time, he enters the inner gate. It's just a matter of time!"

  On the competition stage, the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand released a light red light, and the powerful force instantly gathered on the tip of the sword and slew towards the opponent.


  This disciple originally wanted to resist, but he felt the terrifying power released from the sword aura, and instantly evaded to the side.

  Chen Xuan's speed suddenly increased, and just a few minutes later, he came behind this disciple, then clenched his fist, and blasted out a punch with his powerful physical strength.


  The body of this disciple flew directly off the competition stage.

  All the disciples who were watching nearby showed shocked expressions.

   "No way, even the Seventh Consummation monk in the Shenluo realm is not his opponent. What realm has Chen Xuan's strength reached..."

   "It's horrible. He is only the seventh peak of the Shenluo realm. Why does such a terrible power burst out..."

   "It knocked him into the air with just one punch. I'm afraid his power has reached 50,000 catties. Will it be the same as Lei Pojun?"

  These disciples felt unacceptable in their hearts.

  In their minds, Lei Pojun is already a top powerhouse.

  And Lei Pojun has always dominated the list for three consecutive years, and no one is his opponent.

  These disciples knew exactly how far they were from Lei Pojun.

   Chen Xuan’s eruption of cultivation base had actually approached Lei Pojun.

  (End of this chapter)

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