Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3697: Quadruple Sword Soul

  Chapter 3697 Quadruple Sword Soul

  Many disciples outside of the Sword Moon Tower are paying attention to this battle.

   "No way, they actually besieged Lei Pojun!"

  "They did the right thing. If Lei Pojun is not defeated, he will definitely win this time!"

   "Lei Pojun's cultivation base is indeed very strong, I don't know if he can block the three of Zhang Chengle!"

  Zhang Chengle originally wanted to teach Chen Xuan a lesson in the next game, but he did not expect that the last game would actually be in the Jianyue Tower.

  Although he wanted to teach Chen Xuan, he thought of the reward he brought to him after entering the fifth floor of Jianyue Tower. Zhang Chengle temporarily gave up the trouble of finding Chen Xuan, and instead concentrated on dealing with Lei Pojun.

  Compared to Chen Xuan, Lei Pojun’s threat is obviously greater.

  Chen Xuan sighed helplessly, and then walked towards the upper floor of Jianyue Tower.

  Sword Moon Tower only opened a small gap, but did not open the training area.

  And the Sword Moon Tower area they entered was only a place dedicated to competition, and it was still in the south of Sword Moon Tower.

  It is rumored that the Sword Moon Tower has a total of 19 floors, and every five floors will have a heritage treasure. Only those who enter the fifth floor have a chance to get the inherited treasure.

  And here is the independent space inside Jianyue Tower.

   and Sword Moon Tower, there is not much connection.

  When Chen Xuan walked inside, he immediately felt a fierce breath coming from around him.

"It's really a bit different. It's worthy of the Sword Moon Tower. I heard that when you reach the fifth floor, you can get the treasures passed down by the first Sect Master. I don't know what good things are..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and then stepped forward. Stepped away, and quickly walked in.

  As soon as he reached the second floor, Chen Xuan felt a wave of fierce power coming from all directions, constantly squeezing his dantian.

   "What's going on..." Chen Xuan's expression was very surprised. He originally thought that the second layer was not that terrifying, but after walking in, he felt an extremely fierce sword intent and terrible spiritual pressure.

  Chen Xuan came to the middle of the first and second levels, and was not in a hurry to enter the second level.

  He felt that in the Sword Moon Tower, he was very quick to comprehend the sword intent.

  Running the aura around, Chen Xuan began to breathe the power of heaven and earth.

   "Very good, maybe I can raise my sword soul to the third level." Chen Xuan's sword soul power has always stayed in the second level. It is not so easy to enter the third level.

  When he entered the Sword Moon Tower, he finally saw a glimmer of hope.

  Time passed by one minute and one second, Lei Pojun, Zhang Chengle and others were still fighting, and the four of them were evenly matched.

  Lei Pojun could not win, and Zhang Chengle and the three of them could not defeat Lei Pojun.

  In fact, the four of them did not dare to burst out all their power, otherwise there would be no way to go to the fifth floor.

  This is destined to be a war of attrition.

  Chen Xuan has been tempering his sword intent at this critical juncture, and at the same time, he is absorbing the aura of the world around him.

   Feeling the front, there was a burst of huge energy suddenly, and Chen Xuan suddenly raised his head.

  I only saw a long sword rushing towards him suddenly in front of him, and this sword appeared like a blue phantom.

  Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan Sword, and released an extremely fierce energy from his body, which began to spread to the surroundings.

  The Phantom Longsword dissipated immediately, and Chen Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

   "It seems that it's not that safe here..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  The Lei Pojun and others who were fighting suddenly realized that something was wrong, and they discovered that Chen Xuan had entered the second floor and was still walking in the direction of the third floor.

   "Can't let this kid go up, stop him quickly!"

   "Just because you still want to enter the fifth floor, it's a foolish dream!" Zhang Chengle said with a sneer.

   "This kid wasn't going to help us deal with Lei Pojun, should we kill him now?"

  The three of them let out a cruel smile, and they rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan, trying to stop Chen Xuan.

  Lei Pojun’s eyes flickered, and he was relieved to see the three people chasing in Chen Xuan’s direction.

   "You still want to deal with me, you guys wait for me!" After cursing, Lei Pojun immediately followed, and also rushed towards the third floor.

  Lei Pojun’s cultivation base is indeed very strong, because Zhang Chengle certainly did not stop him, so his speed was fully demonstrated, and he entered the third layer in a short while.

  All of a sudden, the entire Sword Moon Tower became a mess.

   Before Chen Xuan entered the third floor, he saw Zhang Chengle and others raising their swords and killing him.

  In Zhang Chengle's eyes, Chen Xuan's cultivation base was very weak, and he couldn't compare to any of the three of them.

  They were ready to join forces to quickly kill Chen Xuan, and then they went to trouble Lei Pojun.

   "Zhang Chengle, Lei Pojun may be about to reach the fifth floor, we must not let him succeed!"

Zhang Chengle's expression is very low: "Don't worry, the fifth level is not so easy to go up. Even if Lei Pojun's sword soul has reached the fourth level, it will take an hour or two for his cultivation level, enough. Let's kill Chen Xuan!"

  "Go to death for me!" Zhang Chengle smiled cruelly, his body turned into a red light, and quickly chased in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Perceiving the killing intent they released, Chen Xuan said with cold eyes: "Hehe, you still want to kill me here, do you really think I am a waste?"

   "You are a trash, I don't believe that your cultivation level can surpass us, hahahaha, Chen Xuan, today you are destined to die here!"

   "Kill you here, Elder Zhuge will definitely not know!" Zhang Chengle said with a sneer.

  Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly, and instantly displayed the Suzaku sword technique.

  At the same time, a dragon pattern appeared on his body.

  As the power of the dragon pattern exploded, Chen Xuan's whole body condensed an extremely fierce red light.

  A sword aura was released from the Liaoyuan Sword and slayed the three of them fiercely.


  Sword Qi exploded instantly and crashed in front of the three of them.

  Before Zhang Chengle rushed over, Suzaku's sword energy directly repelled him.

   Seeing this scene, Lei Pojun’s face was also a little surprised: "This Chen Xuan will definitely pose a threat to me. I never thought that his cultivation has become so powerful. This is only a month..."

The fierce sword aura created by Chen Xuan shocked Zhang Chengle's face.

  Under the next attack of Suzaku Sword Qi, Zhang Chengle urged the power of his whole body and began to resist the power of Suzaku Sword Art.

  Sword Qi began to bombard Zhang Chengle's body continuously, and a layer of fiery red light filled the entire Jianyue Tower.

  After the Suzaku fire continued to burn, there was a burst of hot air from inside, causing sweat to drip on everyone's heads.

  Backed for a few steps, Zhang Chengle finally barely resisted the attack of Suzaku swordsmanship.

   His face was full of surprise, and he looked at Chen Xuan incredulously: "How is this possible? Why has his cultivation become so strong?"

  Before, Zhang Chengle thought that with his own power, he could easily kill Chen Xuan.

  As a result, Chen Xuan only spent two rounds now, and instantly suppressed the three of them.

   "Zhang Chengle, it seems that his cultivation is not that simple." A warrior said.

  Zhang Chengle squinted his eyes and replied with a sneer: “Don’t worry, I don’t believe that his cultivation can surpass the Shenluo Realm Eightfold. Together, the three of us will definitely kill him!”

  Zhang Chengle and the three of them had reached the eighth stage of the Shenluo realm in their cultivation, and the sword soul was also very powerful. Although it was not as powerful as Lei Pojun, it had already entered the third epeemed sword soul.

  The reason why Chen Xuan was able to suppress Zhang Chengle for a short time was because the power of the Vermillion Bird he burst out was terrifying.

  Suzaku's fire can burn all things in the world, even if it is stained with a little, it is very likely to be scattered.

  Zhang Chengle is very aware of the horror of the Vermillion Bird Fire. He did not dare to face the Vermillion Bird Fire head-on, but stared at Chen Xuan cautiously.

  "What do we do now? Don’t we continue to consume it with him? What if Lei Biaojun enters the fifth floor? If he gets the treasure of inheritance, wouldn’t all our efforts this time be wasted?"

  The three of them only reached an alliance temporarily, and the relationship is not stable.

  Zhang Chengle sneered and said, “Don’t worry, the three of us do it together, hurry up!”

  The other two warriors also rushed out in an instant. The long sword in Zhang Chengle's hand quickly released a fierce sword aura and killed him in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  A disdainful smile appeared on Chen Xuan’s face: “It’s better to save time. The three of you can’t beat me, but I really can’t kill you either.”

   "What are you talking about? Just relying on your trash, you still dare to say such big things, you are not afraid to flash your tongue!"

  He didn't believe that Chen Xuan could resist the three of them at the same time.

  If Chen Xuan can really stop the three of them, it means that Chen Xuan's cultivation is almost the same as Lei Pojun.

  This makes him unacceptable in his heart.

  In his eyes, Chen Xuan's cultivation is only the Seven Great Consummation of the Shenluo Realm, and now he is in a matchless fight with him.

"Chen Xuan, let me show you the third level of the Sword Art of Extinguishing the Heavens, hehe, let me die!" The long sword in Zhang Chengle's hand released a black glow and rushed in Chen Xuan's direction again. come.


  Chen Xuan shook the Liaoyuan sword slightly, and a burst of sword energy burning with the flames of the Vermillion Bird cut through.

  Two sword auras collide violently in the air

  The other two also took out their long swords one after another, and attacked Chen Xuan's back.

  Lei Pojun's face was very surprised, he just watched the battle from a distance, and did not do anything.

  Like Zhang Chengle thought, Lei Pojun also didn't think Chen Xuan's cultivation level was very strong, let alone Chen Xuan's strength and his own.

   But now judging by Chen Xuan's burst of power, Chen Xuan's cultivation is very likely to be very close to him.

  Lei Pojun felt very uncomfortable. He has been practicing in the outer sect for more than three years, and he has been tempering the soul of the sword.

  His current cultivation base can't be considered weak even if it is placed in the inner door, but in the end a Chen Xuan popped out halfway.

  Chen Xuan joined Jianyue Sect in just over a year, and now his cultivation has become so strong.

  Although Lei Pojun could not accept it, he did not plot against Chen Xuan.

   After all, Chen Xuan rejected the proposal of Zhang Chengle and others just now, and did not work with them to deal with him.

   "I don't know if Chen Xuan can win..." Lei Pojun thought in his heart.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan had released all the power in his body, just to resist their attack.

   But after all, he still relies on his own strength, it is certainly not so easy to win.

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan’s face showed a sneer: “It’s no good to consume it here with you, goodbye!”

  In the next second, Chen Xuan's body disappeared instantly.

  (End of this chapter)

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