Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3698: The power of Lei Pojun

  Chapter 3698 The power of Lei Pojun

  The power of the dragon pattern can greatly increase the speed. After Chen Xuan exerted this power, Zhang Chengle could not capture his figure at all.

   Seeing Chen Xuan approaching towards the fourth floor, Zhang Chengle's face was completely gloomy.

   "This kid dared to play with me, hurry up and kill him, absolutely can't let him live!"

  After seeing Chen Xuan rushing out, Lei Pojun didn't stop, and rushed towards the fifth floor.

  Lei Pojun’s cultivation base was stronger after all, and within the next half an hour, he was infinitely close to the fifth floor.

  As long as you reach the fifth level, you will be repelled by a fierce force.

  Only those who can bear this kind of power can finally get the treasure of inheritance.

  No one in the outer door is Lei Pojun’s opponent, but even Lei Pojun, wanting to enter the fifth floor, is also very difficult.

  The spiritual pressure in the fifth layer is very powerful. If it is a warrior who has just reached the seventh level of the Shenluo realm, it is likely to be crushed into a mass of flesh by this force.

  Anyone who can withstand the fifth layer of spiritual pressure can be recognized by the Sword Moon Tower, indicating that they have a very terrifying talent for sword repair.

  Who can enter the sword moon tower to fight for the treasure of inheritance, which one is not a genius of kendo?

  But only one person can get the treasure of inheritance.

  Where is it so easy to get the treasure of inheritance, Lei Pojun spent three years for this, and practiced every day, so that his sword soul reached the fourth level!

   Seeing Lei Pojun getting closer and closer to the fifth floor, the faces of the other three people showed a deep gloom.

  Of course, they also wanted to chase Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun, but the closer they were to the fifth floor, the stronger the strength of the spiritual pressure, and the slower their speed.

  Lei Pojun is only 20 meters away from the fifth floor, and his speed is several times slower than before.

  But at this moment, Chen Xuan's speed suddenly increased, and he directly caught up with Lei Pojun.

   Zhang Chengle's face showed a look of shock.

how can that be? Why is his speed so fast?

  He felt that his cautious liver could not accept this fact.

  If Lei Pojun got the treasure of inheritance, Zhang Chengle might not be so desperate, but if Chen Xuan, who had joined Jianyuezong for a few years, got the magic weapon, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

   "Lei Pojun, why did you become such a waste? Don't you even compare to a new disciple?" Zhang Chengle began to sow discord.

After hearing this, Lei Pojun's face was also very gloomy.

  His current speed is already at the limit. If he wants to increase his speed forcibly, it is very likely that his dantian will explode instantly.

  On the contrary, after seeing Chen Xuan, his face also showed a look of despair.

  Why is he so fast?

  I have been practicing hard for three years, and I can only use this speed to get to the fifth floor.

  But he is just a new disciple who has just joined the Sword Moon Sect for a short time. It only took a year, and the speed has exceeded me...

  They didn't know that the reason why Chen Xuan was able to have such a fast speed was because the power of the dragon pattern strengthened his body.

  In addition, Chen Xuan's body was also carved with many dragon patterns, which strengthened his physique.

  Chen Xuan's defensive power is several times stronger than a warrior of the same realm, and can completely withstand the terrifying spiritual pressure.

  Even if the fifth layer's spiritual pressure is twice as strong, Chen Xuan's current body strength can still be defensive.

  If it were before, Chen Xuan would definitely not blatantly expose his cultivation base, but now it is different. His Vermillion Bird's power has reached the second state, and his cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds, even if his physical strength has increased a lot.

  Faced with Zhang Chengle's offense, Chen Xuan seemed to be able to do well.

  At this moment, there was a wild aura around Chen Xuan's body. The Liaoyuan sword in his hand was swung at will, and bursts of fierce spiritual power were released.

  A violent sword aura suddenly filled the entire sky.

  This sword aura is composed of two powers, one of which is the fire of the Suzaku, and the other power is the power of the dragon pattern.

  With the cooperation of these two forces, Chen Xuan increased the power of his sword aura more than ten times.

   Feeling the terrifying power carried in the Suzaku sword aura, Lei Pojun's face suddenly changed. He obviously did not expect Chen Xuan's cultivation to be so tough.


   Jian Qi instantly pierced in the direction of Zhang Chengle.

   A loud noise erupted, and at the same time, bursts of fiery red light in the sky skyrocketed directly.

  Chen Xuan just displayed the sixth level of the Suzaku swordsmanship, and the power that burst out made the faces of other people shocked.

  Following, Chen Xuan's body rushed out again, and another fierce sword aura slammed in the direction of Zhang Chengle.

  Zhang Chengle's expression was very shocked. He originally thought that Chen Xuan's cultivation base was not much stronger than him. As a result, the sword energy power that Chen Xuan displayed was far stronger than him.

  The next moment, his body was directly hit by the sword qi, and then he flew out and landed on the ground.

  Zhang Chengle wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror: “How is this possible, why is his cultivation level so strong? Why I don’t even have the opportunity to resist!”

  When Chen Xuan displayed his sword aura, he only felt like an ant, facing Chen Xuan’s attack, he had no chance to fight back.

  This made Zhang Chengle's heart unacceptable.

  He ranked fourth in the outer door, but he was not the opponent of a new disciple.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was emitting a fiery red light all over his body, just like killing a god.

   "If you still want to trouble me, just come here, I want to see if you can kill me here!" Chen Xuanhan said.

  After hearing his voice, Zhang Chengle and others came to a sense of shock, and their pupils were full of jealousy.

  Why is he so strong?

  Chen Xuan's cultivation base is already very strong and outrageous, even in the entire outer door, it is difficult for anyone to be stronger than his cultivation base.

  Although Zhang Chengle wants to kill Chen Xuan, he is not stupid.

  He could feel that the power that Chen Xuan had just exuded had far exceeded his limit. If Chen Xuan wanted to kill him, it would only take three rounds at most to do it.

After seeing Chen Xuan's cultivation level, he knew that he had no chance of winning at all.

   "This kid must have obtained the treasure of heaven and earth, so that his cultivation level can be improved, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to break through to this state!" Zhang Chengle kept shouting in his heart.

  He slowly stood up from the ground, and finally swallowed a pill.

  The other two people were staring beside them, and no one dared to come over.

  How did Chen Xuan knock Zhang Chengle out just now? They can all see it.

  Although their cultivation base is very strong, they also know that the gap between themselves and Zhang Chengle is not too obvious. Even Zhang Chengle is not Chen Xuan's opponent, and they are even more unlikely.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan turned his eyes slightly, and looked at Lei Pojun, who was swiftly climbing towards the third floor.

  Lei Pojun also turned his head, cautiously said: "Chen Xuan, your cultivation is indeed very strong, and it is indeed beyond my expectation."

  When Chen Xuan first entered Jianyue Sect, Lei Pojun had never heard of him.

   After all, Chen Xuan was just an unknown new disciple, but two months ago, Chen Xuan leapfrogged and defeated an outer disciple who was much stronger than his own cultivation base, and Lei Pojun began to pay attention to him.

  In the beginning, Lei Pojun only felt that this junior junior's cultivation level was pretty good, but there was no way to compare it with himself.

  As a result, during the outer door competition in the morning, Chen Xuan exploded with extremely terrifying power and even suppressed Zhang Chengle.

  He thought that Chen Xuan could not threaten his position. As a result, Chen Xuan exploded with such a terrifying talent. One day, Chen Xuan would definitely enter the inner gate of Jianyue Sect at a speed faster than him.

  Lei Pojun finally discovered that Chen Xuan's talent can be described as unfathomable.

  His pupils flickered constantly, but he found that he couldn't see through what Chen Xuan's cultivation level had reached.

   "Zhang Chengle can't support his sword aura, his cultivation is indeed very strong..." Lei Pojun said with emotion in his heart.

The Suzaku swordsmanship that Chen Xuan just displayed is a very powerful sword technique. Even Lei Pojun has never seen the Suzaku swordsmanship before, who can combine the power of Suzaku and the power of dragons at the same time. There is no one in the Black Rock World.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun looked at each other, and then both of them smiled slightly.

   "Your cultivation level really exceeded my expectations, but I won't let you go to the fifth floor casually." Lei Pojun said in a low voice.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "Of course I know, but I have to go to the fifth floor. Now I'm only one step away from the fifth floor. It's not that easy for you to stop me!"

  Lei Pojun squinted his eyes: "I know your cultivation is very strong, let's use one move to determine the outcome!"

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's body was condensed with waves of terrifying sword intent, the Liaoyuan sword in his hand released the power of the Vermillion Bird, and a strange trace was drawn in the sky.

  When the Liaoyuan Sword drew a circle in front of him, bursts of fiery red light fluttered around Chen Xuan's body.

   The majestic sword aura exploded with extremely powerful power under his control.

  Lei Pojun carefully looked at the sword energy that Chen Xuan displayed, and a long sword appeared in his hand at the same time.

   "Chen Xuan, let me see what realm your cultivation level has reached!"


  From the long sword in Lei Pojun's hand, an extremely fierce sword aura was released, and it shot in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Seeing this powerful sword aura, Chen Xuan's pupils shrank sharply.

  His Suzaku swordsmanship takes a while to compress aura. Before Chen Xuan was ready, Lei Pojun had already launched an offensive.

  Chen Xuan could only dodge to the side.

  Fortunately, the power of his dragon pattern increased his speed a lot, and he easily avoided this sword aura.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils revealed a burst of light, and a stormy sea was also set off in his heart: "What a powerful force!"

  This sword aura looked plain, but the power contained in it was very terrifying.

   is indeed a strong man who has reached the fourth epee soul!

  (End of this chapter)

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