Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3699: Jianyuelou

  Chapter 3699 Sword Moon Tower

  Chen Xuan sighed in his heart, and then he tightly held the long sword in his hand, exuding an even greater force from all over his body.

  At this time, Chen Xuan had already displayed the Sixth Suzaku Sword Art.

  The sixth epee skill has been cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, and the power that bursts out is also very terrifying.

  After a fiery red light dissipated, another amazing red light was released from his Liaoyuan sword.

  Let me see how your cultivation is!

   Chen Xuan roared, and then his sword aura swept the entire Jianyue Tower.

  The sound of sword aura burning the air continued to emit, and the wild sword intent was continuously released throughout the entire Jianyue Tower.

  Everyone stared at Chen Xuan with shocked eyes.

  At this moment, Jianyue Tower was covered by a burst of red light, and no one could see exactly what happened inside.

  Even the outer disciples outside Jianyue Tower opened their eyes, staring at the inside of Jianyue Tower.

  When the flame dissipated, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun stood in two places, with smiles on their faces.

   "Your cultivation base is indeed very strong..." Lei Pojun whispered.

  Everyone was surprised.

  They only saw Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun standing beside the east and west, but their expressions were very flat.

  It was only a short time to fight, Chen Xuan did not explode all of his cultivation base.

  For Lei Pojun, he also did not display all of his cultivation base.

Even Sect Master Zhuge showed a puzzled look, constantly looking at Chen Xuan: "This kid's cultivation is indeed terrifying, but Lei Pojun has been practicing in the outer sect for more than four years, and his strength is also very strong, I don't know. Who can win!"

   At this moment, Lei Pojun's pupils suddenly opened, and he exuded a wild aura from all over his body.

  The smile on Lei Pojun’s face was even greater: "Chen Xuan, although your cultivation level is good, don't underestimate me!"

what did you say?

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of surprise, he felt that Lei Pojun had hidden his cultivation.

  If Lei Pojun not only made the sword soul's power reach the fourth level, but also raised his cultivation level to a level, then it would be very difficult for Chen Xuan to win.

  Only heard the roar of Lei Pojun's body.

  This kind of voice can only be heard when the cultivation base breaks through.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes: "Could it be that his cultivation level really broke through?"


  An outside disciple called out loudly.

After seeing this scene, everyone showed shocked expressions on their faces.

  They never thought that Lei Pojun had hidden the cultivation base in the past few years. Not only did the sword soul enter the fourth stage, but now it also broke through to the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm.

   "Chen Xuan is really not necessarily his opponent now!"

   "Lei Pojun's cultivation base is indeed very terrifying. It has reached the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm. Chen Xuan is definitely not his opponent!"

  In fact, Lei Pojun’s cultivation base had already been able to break through, but he was not in a hurry to let his cultivation base break through to the next level, but chose to suppress his cultivation base and improve his sword soul.

  He is a first-class powerhouse in the outer door. In terms of talent, no one can compare with him.

  Chen Xuan was the first person he encountered who could threaten his status.

  If Chen Xuan did not appear, Lei Pojun might continue to hide his cultivation base, but he must obtain the fifth-tier inheritance treasure. It seems that he has no need to continue suppressing the cultivation base.

  If Chen Xuan is allowed to obtain the fifth-tier inheritance treasure, he will most likely fall behind, and the time to enter the inner gate will also slow down.

  Once he gets the treasure of inheritance, even if he enters the inner door, he is definitely not the bottom disciple, but is likely to reach the middle level directly.

"Chen Xuan, now you are no longer my opponent, but you can still rank second in the outer door. When I enter the inner door, I will wait for you there. Your cultivation level is indeed very strong, and it is also It gave me a lot of surprises, and I hope you can bring me more surprises in the future..." Lei Pojun smiled lightly, he now doesn't think Chen Xuan's cultivation level can suppress him.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan shook his head coldly: “Lei Pojun, you shouldn’t be so confident in your own cultivation. If you have the ability, let’s compare.”

  Lei Pojun just nodded slowly. He is also an open-minded gentleman, and will not use conspiracy and tricks to deal with Chen Xuan.

   "Very good, then let me see how your cultivation level is. If you can hold me for three rounds, maybe I will give you the treasure of inheritance!" Lei Pojun said with a smile.

  As soon as he said this, Zhang Chengle's face suddenly darkened.

  The inheritance treasure of his heart is nothing in the eyes of others.

"Why are you giving him the treasure of inheritance? Lei Pojun, this is a new disciple. If you give him the treasure of inheritance, your cultivation level will definitely not break through so quickly!" Zhang Chengle shouted loudly. Came out.

  If Lei Pojun were to get the treasure of inheritance, Zhang Chengle could bear it in his heart.

  But Chen Xuan got this heritage treasure, which Zhang Chengle absolutely couldn't tolerate.

  In Zhang Chengle's heart, Chen Xuan was at best a new disciple, a **** stepped under his feet. As a result, Chen Xuan not only turned over now, but also had a cultivation level that surpassed him.

  Lei Pojun glanced at Zhang Chengle coldly, his voice was extremely flat: "What does this matter have to do with you? You should take care of yourself, right?"

   was glared at by Lei Pojun, Zhang Chengle suddenly did not dare to speak.

  He himself was injured in the battle with Chen Xuan, and now it is absolutely impossible to be Lei Pojun’s opponent.

  Looking at the conversation between Lei Pojun and Chen Xuan, the two of them must have reached an agreement.

  If Zhang Chengle and others attack Chen Xuan now, Lei Pojun will definitely do it.

   "Chen Xuan, stop talking nonsense, let the horse come here now!" Lei Pojun held a long sword, and his whole body released a terrifying aura.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "Very well, then I will pass now!"

  When the Liaoyuan sword in his hand burst into red light, Chen Xuan’s pupils released a flame of Vermillion Bird, which instantly burned in the direction of Lei Pojun.

Feeling the fierce flame, Lei Pojun's face was slightly surprised: "The power of the Vermillion Bird's fire is really terrifying, and my current body strength can't resist it!"

  Although Lei Pojun was surprised in his heart, he knew that the power erupted by the Suzaku Fire was limited. Only the strength of the body training reached a certain level to defend against this horrible flame.

  Chen Xuan did not relax his vigilance, he knew that Lei Pojun’s cultivation was much more than that.

  As the two were fighting here, many disciples who were watching outside all showed shocked expressions.

   "His cultivation level has actually reached such a strong level?"

   "Lei Pojun has entered the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, and Chen Xuan can actually fight him regardless of the outcome. His talent is simply unfathomable!"

   "I have never seen such a terrifying talent, Chen Xuan is likely to surpass Lei Pojun?"

   "I think Chen Xuan's current cultivation may not be able to surpass Lei Pojun, but his talent must have surpassed him!"

In the continuous discussion, Zhuge Bai stroked the gray beard, and carefully looked at Chen Xuan in Jianyue Tower: "Good boy, your talent is indeed the strongest I have ever seen, and it only took so short. In the time, let his cultivation reach such a terrifying realm!"

  In the Sword Moon Tower.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun are still at war.

  After three rounds, Lei Pojun suddenly put down the long sword in his hand and whispered to Chen Xuan, "Chen Xuan, I will give you the treasure of inheritance."


   Chen Xuan’s face was full of horror.

  He never thought that the other party would take the initiative to give up the treasure of inheritance.

   "Why are you giving up?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Lei Pojun just smiled slightly, but he did not answer: "The treasure of inheritance is yours. I am waiting for you at the inner door. I hope you can bring me surprises!"

After    finished speaking, Lei Pojun retreated directly from the edge of the fifth floor.

  He originally thought that Lei Pojun was going to kill himself in the dark, but the other party voluntarily withdrew from the fight for the treasure of heaven and earth, which made Chen Xuan confused.

  Lei Pojun wants to gain a foothold in the inner door, he must get the inheritance treasure. As a result, he has now given up fighting for the inheritance treasure.

What is the reason for   ?

   Can Lei Pojun not rely on the treasure of inheritance to make his cultivation breakthrough?

  Although Chen Xuan was surprised in his heart, he saw that Lei Pojun had left Jianyue Tower.

  Many disciples standing outside Jianyue Tower showed shocked expressions on their faces.

  What is the reason for Lei Bianjun to give up the treasure of inheritance?

  This is the treasure of inheritance, why should he give up this kind of treasure!

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a voice coming from his ear.

   "I gave up fighting for the treasure of heaven and earth this time because I found that I am inferior to you. Don't worry, when you get to the inner gate, I will talk to you!"

  Lei Pojun’s voice came over.

   Seeing the back of Lei Pojun leaving, Chen Xuan nodded slightly. This person was also a gentleman, and did not use conspiracy.

   "Very good, then I will be waiting for you over there." Chen Xuan whispered.

   Seeing that Lei Pojun had taken the initiative to give up the treasure of inheritance, Chen Xuan immediately rushed towards the fifth floor.

  In just five minutes, Chen Xuan came to the fifth floor.

  However, at this moment, bursts of fiery red light were released from the fifth layer, which instantly wrapped his body in it.

  In just a few seconds, Chen Xuan felt that his body had lost control. It was only when he opened his eyes that he realized that he had come into an independent space.

  In this space, Chen Xuan saw a long sword inserted in the altar ahead.

  So Chen Xuan walked towards the altar.

   "What's going on, didn't it mean that there is a treasure of inheritance? Why is there only one altar here?" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously, and then put his hands on the altar.

   Suddenly, an extremely fierce red air current immediately wrapped his body in it.

Chen Xuan let out a scream when he felt a tearing pain coming from his body.

  Why does it hurt so much!

  The pain did not abate, but as time passed, Chen Xuan felt that his body was getting more and more painful.

  More than half an hour passed, Chen Xuan finally felt that his body was much better.

  But he found that a red light suddenly appeared on his arm, and then it slowly gathered into his body.

  "What happened?" Chen Xuan opened his eyes wide, and he did not notice any changes in his body.

The    cultivation base did not break through, and the power of the dragon pattern did not improve.

  This is the treasure of inheritance? It's not as strong as I thought!

   Chen Xuan thought that the inheritance treasure in the fifth layer was a rare magic weapon, but he was disappointed.

  If you let the disciples of the outer door know, you will definitely scold him for not knowing the goods.

  But Chen Xuan has actually received the inheritance of the first suzerain, and now he is the son of the inheritance.

  As the son of inheritance, Chen Xuan has the status of competing with the Sword Moon Sect Sect Master.

  In the entire Sword Moon Sect, there are only a handful of disciples with this status, and there will only be three at most.

   Just when Chen Xuan got the inheritance, a majestic sword intent suddenly radiated from the entire Jianyue Tower, and another fierce aura poured into Chen Xuan's body.

what happened?

   Chen Xuan's face was full of surprise, and now his gaze has returned to the fifth floor of Jianyue Tower.

  The entire Jianyue Tower began to sway constantly, and Chen Xuan could even feel his body swaying from side to side.

  He is being baptized by Jianyuelou!

  An outside disciple said!

   Hearing this, all the disciples looked towards the fifth floor one after another, only to see the sword intent gathered in the Jianyue Tower, converging towards Chen Xuan's Dantian.

  After accepting the baptism of Jianyuelou, his cultivation level will definitely be further improved!

  Chen Xuan's cultivation base is already very strong. If he breaks through to the next level, he still doesn't know how terrifying he will be.

  All the disciples’ eyes were full of envy: “If I had half of his luck, it would be great.”

  (End of this chapter)

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