Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3700: Baptism of Jianyuelou

  Chapter 3700 The baptism of Jianyuelou

  After two hours passed, the baptism of Jianyuelou finally ended. Chen Xuan felt his body light and fluttering, and bursts of extremely fierce power continued to dissipate.

  After the baptism was over, Zhuge Yun slowly nodded: "Very well, now he has accepted the baptism of Jianyuelou, his cultivation level may be further improved!"

"Chen Xuan, the cultivation of your kid is really terrifying. How long has passed since you have reached the seventh level of the Shenluo Realm, and even Lei Pojun is not your opponent!" said the old man Zhuge. .

  Chen Xuan smiled: "Elder Zhuge, thanks to your promotion!"

In the recent years of Jianyuezong's practice, Elder Zhuge has been paying attention to Chen Xuan's cultivation, and at the same time he has provided him with a lot of elixir for cultivation. Otherwise, it would be really difficult with Chen Xuan's own power It took such a short time to rise to the seventh level of the Shenluo realm.

   "Yes, his talent is indeed very strong, even our previous brothers are not necessarily better than him!"

  Among the many elders, only one has a gloomy expression.

  This person is Li Guoxin.

  Li Guoxin originally wanted to kill Chen Xuan before the game, but when Elder Zhuge suddenly appeared, he could only cancel the plan and look for another time to assassinate Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan naturally knew nothing about Li Guoxin's plan.

  He only knew that after being baptized by Jianyuelou, his strength had indeed improved a lot. Although his cultivation level did not directly break through, he had gained a lot of benefits.

  Next, all the disciples who persisted in the Jianyue Tower for two hours were rewarded.

  Lei Pojun did not get the first place, but he also got the second place.

   Just when everyone was about to retreat, Sect Master Zhuge slowly walked towards Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, you won the first place, and now you have the opportunity to enter the Jianyue Tower to practice. There is an independent space on the sixth floor of the Jianyue Tower, which is very suitable for practicing sword intent. Only the first place can enter. Sect Master Zhuge whispered.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "I want to go to Jianyue Ancient Temple to practice."

  Sword Moon Ancient Palace?

   Zhuge Yun and Zhuge Bai’s eyes showed a touch of surprise, and then the expressions of the two of them darkened.

   "Chen Xuan, why did you go to the Jianyue Ancient Hall to practice? Could it be that Jianyue Tower can't accommodate you anymore?"

   Chen Xuan's expression was also a little surprised, he didn't know why Sect Master Zhuge would talk to him in this tone.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know, but Zhuge Yun knew the situation inside the Jianyue Ancient Palace best.

  Just a few months ago, Zhuge Yun had just finished his cultivation from the Jianyue Ancient Temple.

  He knew very well what was going on in the Jianyue Ancient Hall, and now Chen Xuan suddenly said that he would enter the Jianyue Ancient Hall to practice, his heart was naturally very surprised.

  He finally gave the blood demon clone in the Jianyue Ancient Temple to the town, and he certainly wouldn't let a genius disciple like Chen Xuan enter the Jianyue Ancient Temple.

  Once Chen Xuan fell inside, Jian Yuezong would suffer a huge loss.

   Chen Xuan's talented disciple is hard to find. If Chen Xuan is really killed inside, Jian Yuezong will miss the opportunity to enter the three-star sect.

   "Chen Xuan, I can't agree to your request, do you know why?" Zhuge Yun asked.

  Chen Xuan's face was very surprised: "Because of what?"

  He didn't know the situation inside the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  Chen Xuan only knew that the sword intent in the Jianyue Ancient Palace was stronger. After all, this was the highest peak of the inner gate, and the sword intent contained in it far exceeded that of Jianyue Tower.

Zhuge Yun said softly: "Chen Xuan, you are still an outer disciple. Only the inner door can enter the Jianyue Ancient Temple to practice. Moreover, this is the forbidden area of ​​our Jianyue Sect. There is no way for ordinary people to enter. You should go back and practice first. Well, you can go to Jianyue Tower to practice in the last few days."

   Zhuge Bai and Zhuge Yun left after speaking.

   Seeing that the backs of the two of them gradually disappeared, Chen Xuanpo was a little speechless.

  Why won’t you let me in?

  I just want to go to Jianyue Ancient Temple to practice!

   Back in the independent courtyard, Chen Xuan took out the alchemy furnace, and casually refined a few pills, and then he took the alchemy furnace back.

  At this moment, the Liaoyuan sword flew out of his space ring.

   "Boy, what I said is right?" said the mysterious strong man.

  Chen Xuan asked suspiciously: "Is there really a clone of a blood demon in there?"

   "Of course, I definitely don't feel wrong, Zhuge Yun must be afraid that you will be killed by the blood demon clone inside, so I rejected you!"

   "By the way, you probably don't know my name..." said the mysterious strong man.

  Chen Xuan nodded.

   "It's okay, you don't need to know my name."

   Chen Xuan said disgustingly: "Aren't you trying to cheat my appetite? Forget it, even knowing your name can't improve my cultivation."

"I'm telling you, if you want to improve your cultivation, you must enter the Sword Moon Ancient Temple for cultivation. The sword intent in it is very strong. Only by cultivating inside can your sword soul break through to the next small realm." The mysterious strong man said.

  Chen Xuan said: "But what can I do if he doesn't let me in?"

"You kid, if he doesn't let you in, you can think of a way. You have to know that the Jianyue Ancient Temple is a treasure of cultivation, and the sword intent contained in it far exceeds that of Jianyue Tower. You will cultivate for an hour in it, which is equivalent to I have been cultivating in Jianyue Tower for a long time!" said the mysterious strong man angrily.

  Sword Moon Ancient Hall is the forbidden place of Sword Moon Sect. It contains extremely full sword intent. Only people with strong cultivation base can enter. Even ordinary inner disciples are not qualified to enter the sword moon temple to practice.

  Chen Xuan curled his lips: "What's the point of saying so much? It's not that I don't want to go in, but Zhuge Yun refused my request!"

   "Haha, Chen Xuan, in a few days you will go around the Jianyue Ancient Temple twice, I might let you in." The mysterious strong said suddenly.

"What are you talking about? You won't want to break through the grand formation of the Heavenly Jue Sword in the Ancient Sword Moon Palace. Let me sneak in. Isn't this too dangerous? What if the blood demon really kills me?" Chen Xuan Asked doubts.

   "Don't worry, just go and check it out. If it is really dangerous inside, I will definitely not let you in." The mysterious powerhouse's voice came out from the Liaoyuan Sword.

  The next morning, Chen Xuan quietly came to Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  Now his cultivation has reached the seventh peak of the Shenluo realm, although he is not qualified to enter the inner gate.

  But he has already got the first place in the outer competition.

  Even Lei Pojun entered the inner door, and Chen Xuan could enter and leave the inner door casually.

When he came near the Jianyue Ancient Temple, Chen Xuan suddenly squinted his eyes and looked at the ancient palace in front of him: "There are indeed very majestic spiritual auras in this area. If I can enter it to cultivate, it will indeed improve my cultivation. !"

"Of course, but there is a layer of heavenly majesty parcels near the Sword Moon Ancient Palace. It must not be so easy for you to get in. If I didn't guess wrong, this Sword Moon Ancient Palace of your Sword Moon Sect must have something unspeakable. Secret!" said the mysterious strong man.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils were shining with brilliance. He knew very well that once he entered the Ancient Palace of Sword Moon, the improvement of his cultivation was a certainty: "Can you do anything? Let me enter the Ancient Palace of Sword Moon?"

  The mysterious powerhouse said: "Isn't this nonsense? The Tianjue Sword Grand Formation is very difficult for you to break through, but for me, it is just a piece of paper, and it is easy to break through."

   "Then what should I do now?"

   "Don't worry, you may be shocked by the Sect Master of Jianyuezong now when you enter. He will definitely not let you in. After all, there is a blood demon clone inside, which is very dangerous!"

   Chen Xuan asked helplessly: "Of course I know, I'm asking you how can I get in!"

  As the so-called rich and wealthy insurance seeks.

  As long as he enters the Ancient Temple of Sword Moon, even if there is a Gorefiend clone in it, Chen Xuan can ensure that after his cultivation level breaks through, he can safely escape from it.

  "Chen Xuan, aren't you very familiar with an elder of Jianyuezong? You can ask him, and he will definitely let you in." said the mysterious powerhouse.

  "Are you referring to Elder Zhuge Bai?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

   "It's not wrong, he will definitely try to get you into the Sword Moon Ancient Palace."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded temporarily: "Well then, I'll go find him tomorrow."

  The next morning, Chen Xuan quietly set off in the direction of the inner door while it was still dark.

The outer gate of Sword Yuezong is only three kilometers away from the inner gate, and it only takes a few seconds to reach it with Chen Xuan's cultivation base.

After arriving in the area where Elder Zhuge lived, Chen Xuan slipped into his room quietly.

  Elder Zhuge was still sleeping, and suddenly heard the movement, his face suddenly showed a surprised expression: "Chen Xuan, what do you kid do so early? The old man is still resting!"

  Chen Xuan walked over and asked: "That's right, Elder Zhuge, I still want to enter the Jianyue Ancient Temple to practice, can you let me in?"

  Elder Zhuge glanced at him, and said in a cold voice: "Why do you guys always want to enter the Sword Moon Ancient Palace? I am not qualified to let you in. This matter must be done by the Sect Master!"

  Chen Xuan smiled bitterly: "Elder, then can you persuade the boss to let me in?"

Elder Zhuge said helplessly: "Chen Xuan, there is a layer of Tianjuejian Grand Formation near the Jianyue Ancient Temple. Even if I alone can't open it, only a strong person with a cultivation level like the head brother can open it, but he I will never let you in!"

  "Can't you just ask?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

   "Well, I will help you in a while, but you have to be mentally prepared, the head brother will never let you in!" Elder Zhuge said.

  Two hours later.

  Chen Xuan finally met Zhuge Yun.

  But his reply was the same as the previous two days, he didn't even want to enter the ancient palace gate of Jianyue.

  Chen Xuanpo was a little helpless.

   "Sect Master, can't you let me go in and practice for a few days?" Chen Xuan asked again.

  Zhuge Yun frowned slightly. Two days ago, he even went to the Jianyue Ancient Temple and found that the blood demon clone inside had not completely dissipated, and there was still danger remaining.

  If Chen Xuan enters the Jianyue Ancient Palace, the chance of being killed is very high.

   "Chen Xuan, you are also an inner disciple of our Jianyue Sect. You should abide by the rules of our sect. I said that if you are not allowed to enter, you will not be able to enter!"

  Among Jianyue Sect, Zhuge Yun's power is the highest, and if he speaks, the other elders dare not refuse.

   "But Sect Master, if I enter the Jianyue Ancient Temple to practice, my cultivation level will definitely make a breakthrough. I don't want to let this opportunity go!" Chen Xuan said decisively.

Zhuge Yun's expression became a little cold: "Chen Xuan, I am also the head of Jianyuezong anyway, don't you even listen to me? The reason why I don't let you in is because there is an unknown risk inside. You'd better be obedient, if you are killed inside, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said, “If I didn’t guess wrong, there should be a blood demon clone inside, right?”

   Hearing this, Sect Master Zhuge's expression suddenly became surprised, and his eyes flickered at Chen Xuan: "How do you know that there is a blood demon clone inside?"

Chen Xuan did not say the mysterious powerhouse, but instead said: "When I passed the Jianyue Ancient Temple two days ago, I released the power of the dragon pattern and found that there was a very mysterious power in it, so I guessed that there was a blood demon in it. Clone of ."

   "Okay..." Sect Master Zhuge sighed helplessly: "Since you already know it, it's okay for me to tell you. There is indeed a clone of the Gorefiend, but you can't fight him at all."

  (End of this chapter)

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