Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3704: Kogetsu Furudono

  Chapter 3704 Sword Moon Ancient Palace

  Although the Li family had a strong power in Yunxiao Mansion, they did not dare to provoke Sword Yuezong blatantly.

  Sword Moon Sect is definitely a great power in Jianyue Ancient City, and other sects must give Jianyue Sect face.

   But as far as the position of the Li family headquarters is concerned, he didn't put Jian Yuezong in his eyes.

  The Li family has been cultivated in Yunxiao Mansion for thousands of years and possesses a very powerful influence.

  After returning, Li Gongfeng asked immediately: "Li Qianyuan, what shall we do now?"

Li Qianyuan’s pupils were full of killing intent: “Don’t worry, I will use the sound transmission jade pendant to convey a message to the master, and then let people take these disciples back to Yunxiao City. I will stay in Jianyue Ancient City for the rest of the time. , Just wait for Chen Xuan to come out of retreat!"

  Li Gongfeng nodded: "That's fine, but we still can't relax our vigilance. If Chen Xuan comes out of retreat and his cultivation reaches the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, I am afraid you are not his opponent!"

  Li Qianyuan coldly snorted: "Don't worry, I have reached the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm, and the power of the sword soul has reached the peak of the fourth level. Chen Xuan is definitely not my opponent!"

  Outside the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  Zhuge Yun and Zhuge Bai are back again.

  There was no movement in the entire Jianyue Ancient Hall, which made Zhuge Bai's expression a little puzzled.

   "What happened? Why is there nothing in Chen Xuan? Could it be that he is in danger?" Zhuge Bai asked.

  Compared to Zhuge Yun, his cultivation base was weaker, and he didn't know what happened in the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  Zhuge Yun's cultivation has reached the second major consummation of the Divine Soul Realm, and he can even break through to the next level with only one step.

   "Reassure, Chen Xuan is not in danger for the time being, but I don't know what he is doing inside. If I go in now, it is likely to loosen the Tian Jue Sword grand formation..." Zhuge Yun whispered.

  At this moment, in the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

  There was a ray of red light in his pupils, and the flaming Suzaku gradually faded.

  After waking up, Chen Xuan found that he appeared in a dark space. Looking around, he could not see anything.

   Chen Xuan stood up, and said in a surprised tone: "Where is this place? Is it the Ancient Palace of Jianyue?"

   "But it's a bit different from the Jianyue Ancient Temple, it's an independent space..." Chen Xuan's face was extremely shocked.

  He felt that this sword moon ancient temple was full of endless void power, no matter how he walked, there was no way to leave here.

  In this dark space, there was a burst of gloomy aura.

  Chen Xuan could even see a white light coming from a distance.

  Where is this...

   Chen Xuan felt terrified inside.

  You won’t be trapped in Jianyue Ancient Hall, right?

   While he was thinking, Chen Xuan suddenly saw the white light in front of him burst out with a more dazzling light.

  The earth began to tremble constantly, causing Chen Xuan's body to lean to the left and fell directly to the ground.

   Just when Chen Xuan got up, he found a blue light and shadow in the distance.

   An extremely fierce sword aura suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction.

   Chen Xuan's expression was full of surprise, and he hurriedly raised the long sword in his hand and slew towards the blue figure.

  When the sword aura hits the blue figure, a fierce sword aura suddenly erupted.

  The blue figure suddenly disappeared, but within a few seconds, another figure came from a distance.

   Chen Xuan's expression was very shocked: "No, right? What happened? Could it be that the Heavenly Jue Sword Grand Formation in the Ancient Sword Moon Palace has been opened again?"

The battle between   and the blue figure made him feel nervous, and he felt that the swordsmanship the blue figure showed was exactly the same as that of Jian Yuezong.

   "Are all these phantoms condensed from the great formation of the Heavenly Jue Sword?" Chen Xuan whispered.

  In just a few hours, Chen Xuan had already felt exhausted.

  These blue phantoms are like endless. Every time Chen Xuan breaks one of them, the next phantom will appear.

   "No, I can't continue wasting time with these phantoms, I must find a way to leave here..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  In just half a day, he has consumed a lot of spiritual power, and even the God of Returning Pill in the Space Ring has been eaten by him.

  But he couldn’t leave this Jianyue Ancient Temple either.

  In this way, Chen Xuan has been fighting these phantoms constantly, even if he feels that his body is very tired, there is no way to stop it.

   "It's really strange, is it possible that these phantoms were all transformed by the previous generation of suzerain?" Chen Xuan asked in doubt.

  He did not stop.

  The attack power of these phantoms is very powerful. If they don't use the power of refining, he is likely to be killed.

  One day later, Chen Xuan wiped the sweat off his head. He was already exhausted: "No, if I don’t want to leave here anymore, I will be exhausted!"

  Suddenly marching away from the sky, Chen Xuan quickly fled towards the distance. After flying two thousand kilometers, he found that he was still staying in the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

   "This Ancient Temple of Sword Moon is really weird. I knew I had asked Sect Master Zhuge how to come out before I came..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan still couldn't leave the Jianyue Ancient Palace, but he had already killed many blue phantoms.

  The cultivation level of these blue figures is almost equivalent to the Seven Major Consummations of the Shenluo Realm.

  Even if his cultivation is not as good as Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan still finds it very difficult to fight so many blue figures at once.

  As he kept breaking through the blue figure, Chen Xuan vaguely noticed that his sword intent had actually improved.

   "Could it be possible that these blue figures carry sword intents. After I destroy them all, I can absorb all these sword intents?" Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  In the next few hours, it really confirmed Chen Xuan's thoughts.

  Whenever he breaks a figure, he can detect the increase in the strength of the sword soul.

  It is very difficult to increase the power of the sword soul.

  Chen Xuan now clearly feels that his strength is constantly improving.

   "Very good, then I will just be practicing here for a few days. Maybe I can make the cultivation level break through to the next level and reach the Seven Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm!" Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's face was suddenly full of war spirit.

  Time passed quickly, and more than half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan has been in the Jianyue Ancient Temple for so long, his cultivation level has naturally reached the Seven Major Consummations of the Shenluo Realm.

  This made Chen Xuan very excited. If he was cultivating in Jianyue Tower, he would definitely not be able to increase his cultivation at such a fast speed. The most important thing was that he could clearly notice that the power of the sword soul was increasing.

  Although the degree of improvement is not too obvious, but fortunately this kind of power has improved him.

Outside the Jianyue Ancient Hall, Zhuge Bai and Zhuge Yun were about to give up waiting.

On this day, Zhuge Yun came to the outside of Jianyue Ancient Hall, and looked at Jianyue Ancient Hall with twinkling eyes: "Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan has actually been tried by my master. I don't know what level of cultivation will he reach after he comes out... "

Inside the Jianyue Ancient Palace, Chen Xuan did not feel the passage of time at all, and he did not know how long it had passed.

  In fact, one and a half months have passed.

  Chen Xuan saw a figure appeared in front of him, and released an extremely terrifying power.

   Feeling the spiritual pressure released from the opponent's body, Chen Xuan frowned slightly: "The cultivation base is very strong, much stronger than the previous figure, I must be more cautious!"

  In an instant, Chen Xuan displayed the sixth stage of the Suzaku swordsmanship.

  Now that he has cultivated the sixth level of the Suzaku sword technique to the realm of Dacheng, the power released is extremely terrifying.

  The blue figure rushed over again!

Seeing that the opponent was about to rush to him, Chen Xuan quickly swung the Liaoyuan sword, bursts of extremely fierce power, and instantly killed the blue figure.

  The blue figure's hand also held a long sword releasing blue light, and a fierce blue sword aura shot in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan desperately resisted, but his body was shot off after all, and a scar was wiped out on his arm.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan's body instantly bounced in the air, and his pupils flashed with a hint of light: "The cultivation base is indeed very strong, it seems that I must find a way!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan displayed the power of thousands of swords!

  Because he has not used thousands of swordsmanship before, because this swordmanship will consume a lot of his spiritual power.

  When fighting the enemy, it is not worth the loss to overdraw a large amount of aura at one time.

  Now the Suzaku Sword Technique has reached the sixth level, and the Thousand Thousand Sword Art has also reached the fifth level of Consummation.

  Cooperating with the power of Thousand Thousands of Sword Art, Chen Xuan suddenly released an extremely fierce aura.

  The spiritual energy of the whole body soared, and Chen Xuan waved the Liaoyuan sword and stabbed it fiercely at the blue figure.


  The body of the blue figure was knocked out in an instant, and then gradually disappeared.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the voice of an old man from the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

   "Unexpectedly, our Jianyue Sect will have such a talented disciple, it is our blessing!"

  When the blue figure waved away, Chen Xuan's expression was a little surprised: "It seems that it is really the former lord of Jianyuezong..."

  He knew that Blue Phantom wanted to improve his cultivation level, and then Chen Xuan held a fist at the illusory space in front of him: "Thank you, senior!"

   "No thanks, now you can leave!"

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes and found himself reappearing in the original Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  This time, Chen Xuan has gained very rich results. Not only did his cultivation reach the Seven Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm, but even the power of the sword soul has entered the third level.

After   , Chen Xuan gently shook his wrist, and a fierce sword aura was released instantly.

   "Suzaku swordsmanship has been promoted to the seventh level by me, and even with thousands of swordsmanship, it has also reached the sixth level. Now even if I encounter the powerful late eighth stage of the Shenluo realm, I am sure to win!"

  After thinking a little bit, Chen Xuan was not ready to continue thinking anymore. Now that his cultivation has broken through, he is now leaving the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  In this short period of two months, Chen Xuanxiu's rate of improvement has far surpassed that of ordinary monks.

  If Zhuge Yun knew about it, he would definitely say to him in a very surprised tone.

  This is simply the most enchanting genius I have ever encountered!

  At this time, outside the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  Zhuge Yun is still waiting. Although he does not stand here every day, as long as he is not cultivating, he will come outside the Jianyue Ancient Hall, run the spiritual energy in his body, and observe the aura released by Chen Xuan.

  If Chen Xuan is really at risk, he will break the Tian Jue Sword grand formation, and then rush in to rescue Chen Xuan.

   "This kid Chen Xuan has been in for so long, why is there still no movement now? Shall we go in and have a look?" Zhuge Bai suddenly asked.

  It can be seen that Zhuge Bai is indeed very concerned about Chen Xuan's life and death. After all, Chen Xuan has questions about whether their Jianyue Sect can be promoted to the three-star sect.

"It has been so long, there is still no movement inside, and I just felt Chen Xuan's aura dissipated a bit, it is very likely that it has already..." Zhuge Yun's face was full of tension, even though he couldn't believe it. Chen Xuan's breath was weakening little by little.

   "Sect Master, you mean that Chen Xuan still has a little breath now, he shouldn't die yet, right?" Zhuge Bai asked hurriedly.

   "You can say that, but his breath of life is gradually dissipating, and it is very likely that he can't hold it..."

  As the two were talking, they suddenly felt the earth tremble.

   "No, I feel that his breath is almost gone, the two of us quickly open the Tian Jue Sword grand formation, we must rescue Chen Xuan, we must not let him die in it!" Zhuge Yun said loudly.

  "I'm ready to prepare!" Zhuge Bai then rolled up his sleeves and flew over the Jianyue Ancient Palace, hoping to destroy the Tianjuejian grand formation.

  (End of this chapter)

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