Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3705: Tian Jue Sword Grand Formation

  Chapter 3705 Tian Jue Sword Grand Formation

  The trembling of the Sword Moon Ancient Palace became more intense, and after just two seconds, bursts of extremely terrifying power were immediately released.

   Seeing the gate of Jianyue Ancient Palace opened, Zhuge Bai's expression was full of surprise.

   "What happened? Could it be that Chen Xuan came out of it?"

  Zhuge Yun originally wanted to use means to break the Tian Jue Sword grand formation, and then went in to rescue Chen Xuan, but then he saw a figure flying out of the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

   "Chen Xuan!" Zhuge Yun's expression was full of joy. Just now, he thought that Chen Xuan was likely to have died in the Jianyue Ancient Temple, so he wanted to break the Tian Jue Sword grand formation and rescue Chen Xuan as soon as possible.

  As a result, in the next second, Chen Xuan came out of it, and he also released a terrifying aura, which was obviously a breakthrough in his cultivation.

  "What did you meet inside?" Zhugebai suddenly fell from the sky, his face was full of joy.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly and said: "Elder Zhuge, Sovereign, I did encounter the clone of the Gorefiend inside, but I am safe now, and the clone was destroyed by me!"

After hearing this, Zhuge Yun opened his eyes wide and his face was full of surprises: "Good boy, you actually did something I didn't even dare to think about. Even I couldn't completely defeat the clone of the Gorefiend. You did it. , I must reward you well!"

   "Are you okay?" Zhuge Bai asked quickly, now he was afraid that something went wrong with Chen Xuan, which would affect his subsequent cultivation.

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm not only okay, but my cultivation level has also broken through!"

  In the two months in the Ancient Temple of Sword Moon, Chen Xuan's cultivation level successfully broke through, and the harvest was extremely rich, and he even killed the clone of the Gorefiend.

  But Chen Xuan knew very well that he was able to succeed this time thanks to the mysterious powerhouse.

  If it weren't for the fact that he had overdrawn all his power and directly killed the Gorefiend clone, Chen Xuan would have no way to improve his cultivation in the Sword Moon Ancient Palace.

  Zhu Gebai smiled and said, "Very well, Chen Xuan, you guys did a great job. The old man wants to kiss you now!"

  Although Chen Xuan felt nauseous, he still smiled and said: "Elder, there are many former Sect Masters of our Sword Moon Sect in the Sword Moon Ancient Palace. They helped me improve my cultivation..."

"Chen Xuan, this time you have paid hard work for our Jian Yuezong, I can promise you a request, as long as you make it, I will definitely give it to you!" Zhuge Yun laughed, his face was full Joy.

  In the past six months, a rock has been hanging in his heart.

  Sword Moon Sect has a clone of Blood Demon, and this blood demon is still trying to control the soul of the former Sect Master of Sword Moon Sect.

  If the blood demon is really successful, it will definitely be a disaster for Sword Moon Sect.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan has now destroyed the clone of the Gorefiend, and Jian Yuezong is once again safe.

  Chen Xuan whispered: "Sect Master, I want to find someone. I wonder if you can help me?"

  "Who are you looking for?" Suzerain Zhuge's face was full of doubts. He didn't expect Chen Xuan's request to be that simple.

   "The person I want to find is named Li Qiuyu. If I didn't guess wrong, she might have been taken away by the Li family." Chen Xuan said.

   "What did you say? I was taken away by the Li family. Is this girl from the Li family?" Suspect Zhuge asked in confusion.

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, “I’m not sure, but I want to see the head of the Li family.”

  "Then do you want to meet from the branch or from the headquarters?" Sect Master Zhuge asked again.

  Chen Xuan thought for a while: "You can do whatever you want, but you must let me know where Li Qiuyu is."

   "Okay, but I want to tell you a piece of news. When you were practicing in Jianyue Ancient Temple, two people from the Li family came to look for you." Sect Master Zhuge said.

   Chen Xuan's face was a little surprised: "Who is it?"

"One is Li Zongfeng from the branch, and the other is Li Qianyuan from the headquarter. You probably have never heard of him. He is coming to challenge you, and he came twice, but you have been cultivating in the Jianyue Ancient Temple, so I just I refused!" Sect Master Zhuge replied.

  In these two months, Li Qianyuan has been closely monitoring Chen Xuan's wind.

  But Chen Xuan never came out of Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  He is not in a hurry.

  Anyway, Chen Xuan could run away. The monk could not run away from the temple. Even if Chen Xuan came out of Jianyue Ancient Temple and his cultivation level was improved, Li Qianyuan believed that his cultivation level could suppress Chen Xuan.

   "What did he come to find me for?" Chen Xuan's face was full of doubts, and he didn't understand why Li Qianyuan wanted to find him.

  "He said he would challenge you!" Zhuge Bai said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "He should have been sent by Li Jiuyuan!"

   "You have to be careful, Li Qianyuan's cultivation has reached the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm, and I heard that he is about to enter the late stage. The reason why he came to challenge you is to kill you." Zhuge Bai said.

   "Chen Xuan, don't worry, as long as I am here for a day, they will not dare to blatantly ask you for trouble!"

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "Since he came to trouble me, I can't refuse. Does he want to challenge? I want Li Jiuyuan to know that no matter how many people he sends, it is impossible to kill me!"

Zhuge Bai wanted to continue talking, but when he saw that Chen Xuan was about to leave, he could only wave his hand at Sect Master Zhuge: "This kid is a dead brain, so leave him alone. It might be true based on his cultivation. You can beat Li Qianyuan!"

After Chen Xuan left the Jianyue Ancient Palace, he went to rest in his own independent courtyard.

  In the last two months, Chen Xuan has gained a lot and his cultivation base has improved a lot.

  Now his cultivation base has firmly stayed at the Seven Major Consummation of Shenluo Realm. Even if he encounters Lei Pojun, Chen Xuan can be sure to fight with him.

  He believes that Lei Pojun must have a killer that he hasn't used, otherwise, Lei Pojun will definitely not be so easy to learn from him.

  As for Li Qianyuan, Chen Xuan would not be afraid of the other party at all. Chen Xuan's current cultivation level had already achieved a significant breakthrough, and he was also searching for news about Li Qianyuan during this period.

  According to the information he got, Li Qianyuan was very famous in Yunxiao City. Among the monks of the same age, few were his opponents.

   "No matter how strong his cultivation is, I don't believe that he can still be my opponent now!" The corner of Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly.

  Now he is looking forward to Li Qianyuan's challenge to him.

  As long as he kills Li Qianyuan, the next few months will be free.

  In addition, this battle between him and Li Qianyuan will surely shock the top of the Li family, and he will be able to inquire about Li Qiuyu's whereabouts.

  In the past two days, Chen Xuan has not left Jianyuezong. He knows that there are still many people outside who want to kill him. If he leaves, he is likely to be in danger.

  Chen Xuan’s current cultivation base is only a matter of time before joining the inner gate.

  The only person who has the ability to enter the inner door is Lei Pojun.

  Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to enter the inner door, anyway, his current cultivation level was only the Seven Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm, and he was only one step short of entering the eighth realm.

  Only disciples who have reached the eighth level can enter the inner gate.

  Although Chen Xuan's true strength has far surpassed the realm of the early eighth layer, he still needs to continue to cultivate the sword soul.

  Chen Xuan will join the inner gate only after he is ready to make further breakthroughs.

  After all, in the Inner Sect, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, many of the disciples' cultivation bases are very close to the Divine Soul Realm, and even a small number of disciples have reached the first level of Divine Soul Realm.

  Of course, these are the very top disciples among the inner sect. Most of the inner sect disciples still stay in the Nine Major Consummation of the Shenluo realm.

  The nine levels of the Shenluo realm is a world of difference from the first level of the Divine Soul realm.

  This difference is greater than any previous great realm.

  Only when you enter the realm of Divine Soul, can you awaken Divine Soul.

  Every warrior who possesses a divine soul can greatly increase his cultivation base, and even increase the strength of his soul hundreds of times.

  A warrior in the Divine Soul Realm, with only one look, it is very possible to kill a cultivator in the Divine Soul Realm.

  After all, the power of the soul has a huge hanging gap.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan was suppressed by many powerful people in the Divine Soul realm. If it weren't for the Soul of Vermillion Bird, he would have been killed long ago, and he wouldn't be able to defend for that long.

  Although Chen Xuan's current status is still an outer disciple, he already has the qualification to enter the Jianyue Tower to practice.

  Although they entered the Jianyue Tower once in the outer game, the place they went was only the independent space of Jianyue Tower, not the real Jianyue Tower.

  This time, Chen Xuancai really entered Jianyue Tower.

Many of   Jianyue Tower were inner disciples. When they saw Chen Xuan entering Jianyue Tower, they didn't show any unexpected expressions, but focused on their own cultivation.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's pupils exuded a red light, and under the condensing of the power of the Vermillion Bird, he began to continuously absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

  "Very good, my cultivation level is about to break through. It only takes one step at most, and it is very likely to reach the next small state." Thinking in his heart, Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

  Although the improvement of cultivation level cannot be achieved so quickly, he is not prepared to waste the cultivation time of these few days.

  Cultivation time is precious, and Li Qianyuan is likely to challenge him in a few days, so Chen Xuan cannot relax.

  According to the news received by Chen Xuan, Li Qianyuan is a strong young man, and he is very famous in Yunxiao City.

  If the opponent's cultivation base also broke through to the late eighth stage of the Shenluo realm within these two months, Chen Xuan wanted to defeat him, it was really not that easy.

  At this moment, in the Li family mansion.

  Li Qianyuan's eyes suddenly opened, he looked around, and then fierce energy burst out all over his body.

  Very good, my cultivation base has broken through to the next level!

   "Hehe, I don't believe that Chen Xuan can still be my opponent!"

  In the past few days in Jianyue Ancient City, because of the constant supply of spirit grass, Li Qianyuan’s cultivation was still very rapid. It only took two months before he reached the late eighth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  This kind of breakthrough speed, looking at the entire Jianyue Ancient City, it is impossible to find a second one.

  Li Gongfeng walked over and asked, "Li Qianyuan, has your cultivation level broken through?"

Li Qianyuan whispered: "Of course, my cultivation is too easy to kill Chen Xuan. He is only the Seven Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm. Even if he cultivates in retreat, it will only be the early eighth stage of the Shenluo Realm. Two levels, isn't it easy to kill him?"

  Li Zhufeng smiled sinisterly and said: "You are right, then we will ask tomorrow to see if Chen Xuan has come out of Jianyue Ancient Palace!"

   "I think this kid is afraid of you, so he hides secretly!"

  Li Qianyuan laughed: "That's right, he must be afraid of me, so he will retreat and practice!"

  Although Li Qianyuan's expression is very arrogant, he is still very cautious in his heart.

  He didn't make sure that he could kill Chen Xuan, after all, Chen Xuan's cultivation was still very strong.

In   Sword Moon Tower, Chen Xuan began to close his eyes and rest his mind. In the past few days, he felt that his sword soul level was about to break through a small realm.

  It is very difficult for the power of the sword soul to break through a level.

  But the sword intent in the Jianyue Tower is very strong, and Chen Xuan has been in the Jianyue Tower for the short three days.

  Because he is the first place in the outside competition, he has privileges.

  Even other inner disciples can only stay away.

  Jianyuelou's cultivation time is not particularly long. Each outer disciple can only stay in it for an hour. Only Chen Xuan's identity is very special, so he can stay in it for a longer time.

After walking out of Jianyue Tower, Chen Xuan always felt that something was missing.

  (End of this chapter)

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