Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3719: Sword Moon Secret Realm

  Chapter 3719 Sword Moon Secret Realm

  Chen Xuan didn't think much, but nodded and said, "Have you met someone from the Blood Demon Sect here?"

   "Of course I met. I met three people in total, but they all died under my sword." Li Hanyi whispered.

  Chen Xuan still looked at him vigilantly.

  He doesn't know what level Li Hanyi's cultivation level has reached. If the opponent is a powerhouse in the realm of Divine Soul, he can be killed at will.

  Although the warriors of the Dragon Blood Empire are very cruel, their characters are relatively bold, unlike the people of the Kamikaze Dynasty, with one set on the surface and one set on the back.

Chen Xuan believed his words temporarily, so he said: "Before I came here, I killed two blood demon sect people. I heard that there were more than 20 blood demon sect warriors in the Sword Moon Secret Realm. The name of the leader is Zhang Youqing, and his cultivation has reached the eighth major consummation of the Shenluo realm, and has even entered the ninth level..."

   "You killed two people, and I killed three people. It seems that there are more than a dozen blood demon sect warriors in it. If you want to get the treasure of inheritance, I am afraid it is not so easy to handle!" Li Hanyi said with a smile.

  In a dark cave in the secret realm of Sword Moon.

  A red blood mist gradually transformed into a human form: "I didn't expect someone to come in. One is a warrior from the Dragon Blood Empire, and another should be a person from Jianyue Ancient City."

   "My lord, how did the two of them get in? It should be impossible to break the seal of the sword moon secret realm, right?"

  Zhang Youqing smiled coldly: “The two superpowers of the Sacred Lie Mountain came to take something from the Jianyue Secret Realm. They happened to open the Jianyue Secret Realm. The two of them should have just sneaked in."

   "Then what shall we do now?" the blood demon sect warrior asked.

Zhang Youqing's eyes were extremely cold: "A person's cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Shenluo realm, and a kid from the Dragon Blood Empire has reached the eighth peak of the Shenluo realm. The four of you will kill them, remember, You must make a quick fight and never expose!"

   "Okay, I'll take someone over now!" The blood demon sect warrior quickly agreed, and then his body turned into a red blood mist, slowly disappearing into the cave.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi were still searching for the whereabouts of the blood demon sect warriors in the Secret Realm of Sword Moon.

"Brother Chen, these blood demon sect warriors are very cunning, we must be cautious, if they find out, they will definitely summon more blood demon sect warriors, it will not do us any good." Li Hanyi carried a red one on his back. The giant sword is also carved with various dragon patterns.

  As the warriors of the Dragon Blood Empire, dragons will be carved on their weapons and bodies to increase their power.

  Chen Xuan walked over and said, "What has the power of your dragon pattern increased?"

   "What improves is power." Li Hanyi replied.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi have become familiar a lot.

   "Tell you the truth, I have also cultivated the power of dragon patterns." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Li Hanyi actually knew it a long time ago.

  His face deliberately became surprised: "Unexpectedly Brother Chen has also cultivated the power of the dragon pattern. I don't know what your dragon pattern power has improved?"

   "Improved speed and perception." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Although the power of the dragon pattern can comprehensively enhance various data, different people have different powers.

  Since Chen Xuan cultivated the demon soul, this kind of power can increase his speed and perception ability.

  Although it can also increase Chen Xuan's defense, it is far not as obvious as the increase in perception.

   "In that case, you can see if there are people from the Blood Demon Sect nearby. We have been here for a long time, and I am afraid Zhang Youqing has found us." Li Hanyi whispered.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "You are right."

  When he released the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan suddenly frowned.


  "What's behind?" Li Hanyi's expression was very puzzled. Although he had also cultivated the power of the dragon pattern, his perception ability was not so strong, and he could only detect things within 20 kilometers nearby.

   "A warrior with the Blood Demon Sect is here, get ready for battle!" After Chen Xuan finished speaking, his body instantly disappeared.

  Li Hanyi hurriedly followed Chen Xuan.

  Five minutes later, Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi hid in the lower left corner of a huge boulder, just to avoid being discovered.

   "Chen Xuan, so long has passed, and no one from the Blood Demon Sect has come here yet, don't you feel wrong?" Li Hanyi asked.

  Warriors of the Blood Demon Sect, even the lowest cultivation level, can reach the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, a mere fifty kilometers, and they can rush over soon, it is impossible to use five minutes.

  Waiting for more than ten minutes, there is still no movement around.

   "Brother Chen, where did they go?" Li Hanyi asked curiously.

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan took out the Liaoyuan sword and stared at the south direction: "It's coming soon, get ready for battle!"

  Li Hanyi took the red giant sword from his back, and the dragon pattern above released a light red light.

   Feeling the horror aura released from Li Hanyi, Chen Xuan showed a touch of admiration.

   Obviously he did not expect that Li Hanyi could actually raise his soul to this level.

   Obviously, Li Hanyi has been cultivating dragon patterns for a long time. After all, he is a member of the Dragon Blood Empire and knows the cultivation of dragon patterns very well.

  Just as the two of them were observing nearby, a red residual cloud suddenly flashed in the sky.

   Chen Xuan's expression was a little surprised: "Be careful, the people of the Blood Demon Sect should be coming soon!"

  Li Hanyi nodded and said: "These blood demon sects have very strong cultivation bases. The two of us must be cautious to win!"

  When the two of them were talking, the red clouds in the sky gradually turned into a shadow.

  A total of four blood demon sect warriors slowly emerged in the world.

  One of the blood demon sect warriors' face was full of gloomy expression: "Where did these two mice go? They can hide, if I catch them, they must be broken into pieces!"

  Another blood demon sect warrior stood up and said: "Hehe, these two mice will definitely not go too far. We will kill them directly later, and devour their flesh and blood to improve their cultivation!"

  Chen Xuan walked out, but his face was full of disdainful smiles.

  Only four people?

  If their numbers were a little bit larger, Chen Xuan might be vigilant.

  But now Chen Xuan is not afraid, there are only four blood demon sect warriors, and Chen Xuan's current cultivation base is completely capable of dealing with it.

  Through the power of the dragon pattern, he can keenly perceive the level of cultivation of these blood demon sect warriors.

   "Hehe, I didn't expect these two little mice to hide here, and have the courage to show up, do you know who we are?"

   "We are members of the Blood Demon Sect, boy, you absolutely can't escape from here today, ha ha, there seems to be someone else!"

  When he was speaking, red light flashed in the sky suddenly, covering his body instantly.

  Li Hanyi had already been waiting next to him, and at this moment, the giant sword in his hand quickly burst out with a red light, which directly fell on the body of the blood demon sect warrior.

Although the cultivation techniques of the Blood Demon Sect are very mysterious, they are not invincible in the red mist state. As long as they hit their bodies, these blood demon sect warriors will still be killed.

Chen Xuan glanced at the two blood demon sect warriors in front of him with a cold eye, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect it, I have discovered your existence from the beginning, even if you come here, what will happen? To kill?"

  As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the two blood demon sect warriors were full of gloom.

   "Damn boy, die for me!"

  Li Hanyi took out the long sword in an instant, releasing a shocking force from his body.

  The power released from the long sword covered the bodies of two blood demon sect warriors.

  Chen Xuan also swung his long sword, and slew towards the blood demon sect warrior.

  From Chen Xuan's long sword, bursts of fierce Suzaku fire burst out.

  The expressions of the two blood demon sect warriors were very shocked. They thought that Chen Xuan's cultivation could not be that strong, but the power that Chen Xuan exploded was very terrifying, and it far exceeded their imagination.

  Chen Xuan's mouth tilted back slightly, and his eyes were full of disdainful smiles: "Hurry up and tell me where Zhang Youqing is. If you don't tell me, you will all die here today!"

  As soon as these words came out, several blood demon sect warriors suddenly did not dare to speak. They felt a strong murderous aura from Chen Xuan's body, especially the Suzaku fire, which could even burn their souls.

  The power that the Suzaku fire blooms is very terrifying, even if they reach the realm of the soul, there is no way to defend the Suzaku fire.

  Li Hanyi's face was surprised. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to release the Suzaku Fire.

  The power of the Vermillion Bird Fire was extremely terrifying, and in just a few seconds, all the remaining Blood Demon Sect warriors were beheaded.

"They are not going to tell the whereabouts of Zhang Youqing, let's go to the front to find it. If you encounter them, you must be more cautious. Then Zhang Youqing must be very strong. Even if you and I join forces, you may not be able to win. !" Chen Xuan lowered his voice.

  Li Hanyi nodded and said: "You said that, but the most important thing for us is to get the dragon stone stele. We can't waste time with them here, after all, there is only one dragon stone stele!"

  In the next time, Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi searched in the secret realm of Jianyue.

  Sword Moon Secret Realm will not open for too long, and will only last for three days at most.

  In the next period of time, Chen Xuan did not find other sect disciples entering here.

  Chen Xuan was also full of surprise in his heart. It stands to reason that when this place is opened, it will definitely attract many disciples from other sects.

  (End of this chapter)

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