Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3720: I'm coming

  Chapter 3720 I'm here

In the Secret Realm of Sword Moon, Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi are still looking for the whereabouts of the blood demon sect warriors.

   "But let's find the dragon-print stone stele first. My dragon-print power is about to break through. I can't continue to waste time here." Li Hanyi said softly.

  Chen Xuan could only nod his head: "Indeed, we have been around here for many days, and we still haven’t met people from the Blood Demon Sect. I don’t know where these Blood Demon Sect warriors have gone..."

  In order to find the dragon stele, Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi had to walk towards the depths of the sword moon secret realm.

The   Sword Moon Secret Realm is very dangerous. There are not only many monsters in it, but also many warriors of the Blood Demon Sect. What's more, there are already many disciples in the Sword Moon Secret Realm now.

The news that the Secret Realm of Sword Moon has been opened has spread throughout the ancient city of Sword Moon, making the entire ancient city of Sword Moon alive.

   "Let's go to the front and look for it. As far as I know, the dragon stone stele should be inside the Moon Sword Cave." Li Hanyi said suddenly.

  Although Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi were temporarily united to find the dragon stele, after a few days of getting along, Chen Xuan found that Li Hanyi was not a bad person.

  Chen Xuan still has a slight affection for the warriors of the Dragon Blood Empire, after all, his master Yu Wentian is the grandmaster of the Dragon Blood Empire.

  The characters of the Dragon Blood Empire are more bold, and they are very free and easy. Once they get their approval, these Dragon Blood Empire people will do their best to help.

   "Well, let's go now, do you know where the Moon Sword Cave is?" Chen Xuan asked. He has been searching in the Sword Moon Secret Realm for many days, but the whereabouts of the Moon Sword Cave is still unknown.

   "The Moon Sword Cave should go further ahead. We must be more careful. If I am not mistaken, there should be many people from the Blood Demon Sect. We must not relax our vigilance." Li Hanyi whispered.

There are more than a dozen blood demon sect warriors in the Sword Moon Secret Realm, and most of them have reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm.

  Zhang Youqing’s cultivation has reached the early stage of the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm. Even if Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi joined forces, it would be difficult for Zhang Youqing to obtain benefits from Zhang Youqing’s hands.

  "This You Qing is a guard of the Blood Demon Sect. His techniques are definitely more mysterious. If we meet him, we two must join hands. If it is not his opponent, we will leave here as soon as possible." Li Hanyi said softly.

  For Li Hanyi, what he wanted more was the dragon stone stele. The treasure of inheritance in the Sword Moon Secret Realm did not help him in any way.

  Inheritance treasures are mostly for the warriors of Yunxiao Mansion. The training methods of Yunxiao Mansion and Dragon Blood Empire are completely different.

  If it weren't for Chen Xuanxiu's power to cultivate the dragon pattern, he would also look for the dragon stone stele. He would definitely not search for the magic weapon with Li Hanyi.

   "Brother, let's go ahead and take a look. We can't waste any more time. If I guess correctly, the Sword Moon Secret Realm may be closed soon." Li Hanyi said in a low voice.

   "Okay, go ahead and open the way. I use the power of dragon patterns to spread all over the neighborhood. If there are people from the Blood Demon Sect, I will notify you immediately." Chen Xuan said.

  He and Li Hanyi have formed a tacit understanding.

  The Moon Slashing Giant Sword in Li Hanyi's hand can burst out with terrifying power. He walked in front and could block the killer of the Blood Demon Sect. Chen Xuan was observing the movement of the Blood Demon Sect from behind.

  Along the way, Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi have killed two blood demon sect warriors, and there are also several monsters.

  The deeper you go, the stronger the level of the monster beasts. There are even a few monsters whose cultivation has reached the late eighth stage of the Shenluo realm. If it weren't for the joint efforts of Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi, there would be no way to easily win.

  "Hurry up and look for it, I hope I can find it." Chen Xuan whispered.

  As the two of them set off toward the front, there was a layer of red light in the sky. After a face appeared, two blood demon sect warriors appeared instantly.

   "It looks like it is them!"

"The two boys actually killed Lao Liu and the others. If I didn't guess wrong, their cultivation level may have reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm. You must be more cautious. If it is not an opponent, we will report to Master Zhang Youqing as soon as possible. !" A warrior of the Blood Demon Sect said.

"Don't worry, how can we guys not be the opponents of their two boys together? It only takes three rounds at most, and I can kill him. Don't worry!" This blood demon sect warrior is very confident , He thinks that his own cultivation level can completely crush the combination of Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi.

  Under the continuous flashing, a red cloud in the sky suddenly emitted a very fierce aura, and quickly killed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan displayed the power of the dragon pattern, and his perception ability was greatly improved. He had already noticed the movements of the three blood demon sect warriors.

   "Someone is here, Li Hanyi, be careful, he should be from the Blood Demon Sect." Chen Xuan lowered his voice.

Li Hanyi immediately took out the Moon Slashing Sword from his back, and an extremely fierce aura exuded all over his body: "This group of Blood Demon Sect people really do not live or die. They came to us for trouble before, but they were all killed. , Today we will give these gossips of the Blood Demon Sect a little bit of color and let them know that I am not annoying!"

  After finishing speaking, Li Hanyi's body immediately flew up into the sky, and two red lights shot out from his pupils.

  Because of the power of the dragon pattern, Li Hanyi's speed increased a lot, and Chen Xuan also immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword, and at this time a light red flame was released from the long sword.

  The Vermillion Bird's fire burned quickly, causing Chen Xuan's whole body to bloom with a terrifying aura.

Li Hanyi wiped his nose with his thumb, and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, it seems that your Suzaku fire can burn your soul. Then I will subdue these blood demon sect's offspring, and you will burn their souls with Suzaku fire , Can definitely kill them easily!"

  Chen Xuan nodded, and immediately replied: "Yes, but we must be more cautious. The blood demon sect's martial artist is very strong, and I don’t know if Zhang Youqing has come. Once Zhang Youqing comes, we must immediately retreat!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and began to perceive the changes in the surrounding aura carefully.

   "They are coming here!" Chen Xuan whispered.

  In just a few seconds, red clusters of light in the sky began to condense continuously.

   Suddenly, a fierce sword light slew towards Chen Xuande's body.

   "I'm here!" Li Hanyi roared, and immediately raised the Moon Slashing Great Sword, blocking Chen Xuan's body.

   Feeling the fierce aura released from the front, Chen Xuan immediately took two steps back.

  "Be careful, there are many people from the Blood Demon Sect. We must not let our guard down!"

  Chen Xuan reminded loudly.

  When this red spirit power hit Li Hanyi's sword, a dull sound was suddenly emitted.

Li Hanyi's body took two steps back slightly, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "This group of blood demon sect's trifles, it seems that they have been ambushing for a long time nearby. Don't let them succeed. Today I want to Catch them all at once, and let the dog thieves of the Blood Demon Sect know how good I am!"

  As his voice just fell, three figures gradually appeared in the sky, and a middle-aged man wearing a red robe with an extremely hideous face appeared.

   "Hehe, boy, it seems that you are very confident in your own cultivation. Do you really think that the power of the two of you can block the three of us?"

  Chen Xuan sneered: "It is very easy to kill the three of you. I advise you to tell us the whereabouts of Zhang Youqing as soon as possible, otherwise, because the three of you will all die under my sword!"

"Haha, it's so naive, let alone you two join forces together, even if it is five or six more people, we will easily kill you. You don't know anything about the power of the Blood Demon Sect. I don't blame you!" The blood demon sect warrior said with a smile.

  Chen Xuandao: "Hehe, just relying on a few of you, it is impossible to be the opponent of the two of us, go to hell!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan raised the Liaoyuan sword, and fierce auras bloomed all over his body.

  Under the burning of the Vermillion Bird Fire, a blood demon sect warrior was suddenly covered with a layer of red flames.

it hurts!

  This blood demon sect warrior has turned into a blood mist form, but he still can’t resist the Suzaku fire.

  The other two blood demon sect warriors all showed shocked expressions, obviously not believing that Chen Xuan could threaten them with the fire of Vermilion Bird.

  In fact, this is just a drop in the bucket. If the power of the dragon pattern is also released, Chen Xuan will kill all three of them in just five rounds.

  Li Hanyi’s face was full of excitement.

   "Chen Xuan, I will help you!"


  He was already very tall, and when he rushed over, even the air escaped to the surroundings.

   "Die all to me!"

  From Li Hanyi's sword of Slashing the Moon, fierce rays of light were released, and the dragon pattern on his skin also began to bloom.

  Because of the increase in the power of the dragon pattern, an overwhelming aura suddenly radiated, and it attacked the two blood demon sect warriors fiercely.

  The body of a blood demon sect warrior who turned into a blood mist form was immediately knocked out, and the heavy power caused him to hit the ground several times.

  After he got up from the ground, he immediately looked at Li Hanyi with a grim face: "Good boy, his strength is so strong, it is far beyond my expectations!"

  Li Hanyi's mouth shed a stream of blood, and he was also attacked by the opponent just now.

  But this injury is nothing to Li Hanyi at all.

  From Li Hanyi's Moon Slashing Great Sword, a terrifying aura once again exuded, and he instantly killed two blood demon sect warriors.

  The two blood demon sect warriors had no way to resist Li Hanyi's sword aura, and two wounds were cut from their bodies.

   "Chen Xuan, good opportunity!" Li Hanyi reminded loudly.

   Chen Xuan immediately swung his long sword, releasing a burst of dark red aura from his dantian.

After    the power of the dragon pattern was fully used, Chen Xuan's speed suddenly increased a lot, and he quickly rushed towards the two blood demon sect warriors.


  The body of one of the blood demon sect warriors was shot out of more than two hundred meters and hit a tree severely.

  Chen Xuan stepped out and flipped his wrist again, and another amazing sword aura was released, and he killed a blood demon sect warrior.


  Blood splashed out suddenly.

The cultivation base that Chen Xuan burst out was very terrifying, and this blood demon sect warrior had no way to defend.

  Blood slowly spilled from his body. Even though he had turned into a blood mist state, the Suzaku fire could burn even the soul, not to mention the blood mist technique in this area?

After seeing Chen Xuan burn this blood demon sect warrior to death, Li Hanyi was full of admiration and walked over and said, "Brother Chen, your Suzaku fire is really terrifying. This group of blood demon sect warriors has no way to resist it. After only a few rounds, you all burned to death."

  Chen Xuan said with a smile: “Don’t say so much, hurry up and see if there are any good treasures on them, we leave here quickly, Zhang Youqing will definitely find our whereabouts, if he comes, then we are in danger!”

  Zhang Youqing's cultivation base is very strong, Chen Xuan is not ready to stay here, once Zhang Youqing arrives here, I am afraid there will be a **** battle.

  Now Chen Xuan still needs to let his cultivation continue to break through. As long as he can guarantee that he can deal with the powerhouses in the early stage of the Ninth Layer of the Shenluo Realm, then he and Li Hanyi will have a higher confidence to win.

   "Brother Chen, there are a lot of dragongrass in their ring. It's really weird. Why can they get so many dragongrass?"

  It is reasonable to say that Dragongrass can only be found in the Dragon Blood Empire. Dragongrass is rarely found in the mountains of Yunxiao Mansion.

   "I don't know this, it is possible that these blood demon sect warriors came from the Dragon Blood Empire." Chen Xuan said.

  As soon as these words came out, Li Hanyi nodded and replied: "You are quite right. I did meet two blood demon sect warriors on the way here, and they are both in the Dragon Blood Empire."

  (End of this chapter)

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