Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3727: Seventh Floor Jianyue Building

  Chapter 3727 Seventh Floor Sword Moon Tower

  The fifth layer of Hunyuan Spirit Sword is more powerful, but it does not pose a threat to Chen Xuan.

  While fighting, Chen Xuan said: "I can't think that the power of the fifth-level Hunyuan Spirit Sword has increased so much than before. It is really strange. Has the power of Jianyuelou increased?"

   Suddenly, another sword shadow came towards Chen Xuan and killed him in the distance.

  In just five minutes, Chen Xuan's arm had been cut with a slight wound.

  At this moment, after Chen Xuan supported a stick of incense for a while, he continued to walk in the direction of the sixth floor.

Outside   Jianyue Tower, many inner disciples noticed that the light spots on the floor were moving, and their faces showed surprises.

   "Chen Xuan actually reached the fifth floor, he took even faster time this time!"

   "It is impossible for Chen Xuan to enter the seventh floor with certainty. If he really enters the seventh floor, Liu, I am afraid that the position of my inner disciple will not be guaranteed!"

  "A disciple of the outer sect can stay in Jianyue Tower for so long. If he enters the seventh floor, there will be no place for my face!"

  Several disciples discussed the work.

  Lei Pojun was staring at Jianyue's light spot upstairs from beginning to end, his face was also cautious.

   "This Chen Xuan, he can surprise me every time. I don't know if he can actually enter the seventh floor this time..."

After Chen Xuan came to the fifth floor, he did feel the pressure.

  The fifth layer of the Hunyuan Spirit Sword is much more powerful than the first four layers, almost equivalent to the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  Fortunately, after Chen Xuan displayed the power of the dragon pattern, his power was still able to resist the Hunyuan Spirit Sword.

   "The power of these Hunyuan Spirit Swords has actually increased a little bit compared to before. Could it be that someone has done tricks?" Chen Xuan said inwardly.

  But this is a good way to hone his swordsmanship.

  The sword light on the fifth layer kept flickering, and a fiery red light appeared in Chen Xuan's arm.

   "The fifth step of the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique!" Chen Xuan whispered, and a fierce sword light was released from his body, and he quickly killed the Hunyuan Spirit Sword in front.

The   Hunyuan Spirit Sword is not a phantom condensed in the Jianyue Tower, but a real substantive attack.

  Faced with the attack of the Hunyuan Spirit Sword, Chen Xuan waved his wrist again, releasing fierce auras from his body, and finally gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword.

   "Come on, just let me test the power of the swordsmanship!" Chen Xuan whispered, and the surrounding Hunyuan Spirit Sword could not get close to him at all.

   Facing the attack of these Hunyuan Spirit Swords, Chen Xuan always seemed to be able to do well, he had not fully released the power of the dragon pattern.

  If Chen Xuan is fully exploding this power, he can easily resist the fifth layer of Hunyuan Spirit Sword.


  Hunyuan Spirit Sword and Vermilion Sword Qi collided with each other in the air, and the force released quickly spread to the surrounding area, and even Chen Xuan retreated two steps to the rear.

Seeing that Chen Xuan had been on the fifth floor for several minutes, Lei Pojun clenched his fist tightly and said slightly: "He used one minute less time than before. Unexpectedly, only half a month has passed. He The cultivation base has been raised to this point!"

  When Lei Pojun and Chen Xuan were fighting for magic weapons in Jianyue Tower, he already felt that Chen Xuan's potential was terrifying.

  He speculated that if another year passed, Chen Xuan's cultivation level would definitely surpass him.

  Chen Xuan has already proven his terrifying talent, but in just half a month, his cultivation has broken through a small level.

   "This Chen Xuan is really terrifying, he can actually persist on the fifth floor for so long!"

   "Has his cultivation level been improved?"

  At this moment, many warriors are talking about it, they don't want to believe that Chen Xuan's cultivation level can improve so quickly.

  Inner Sect disciples have their own pride.

  But their pride is shattering, because Chen Xuan's burst of power has far exceeded their imagination.

In the   Sword Moon Tower, Chen Xuan was still swinging his long sword against the power of the Hunyuan Spirit Sword.

  Hunyuan Spirit Sword is indeed very dangerous, even if Chen Xuan exerts all his power, he can only keep himself invincible.

   After two minutes passed, the strength of the Hunyuan Spirit Sword was gradually weakening, which gave Chen Xuan a chance.

   Relying on thousands of sword shadows, Chen Xuan defeated all the Hunyuan Spirit Swords on the fifth floor, and then walked towards the sixth floor.

  The sixth floor is very dangerous, and Chen Xuan stopped on this floor at the beginning.

   Now that Chen Xuan's cultivation has broken through a small level, he is sure to stick to the sixth level and enter the seventh level.


  There were bursts of orange light in the sky, and these sword shadows quickly gathered in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Feeling the terrifying power released from these sword auras, Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword, released fierce light groups all over his body, and then killed the sword shadow ahead.

  Half an hour later, Chen Xuan resolutely stepped to the seventh floor, but he did not hold on for too long, only ten minutes later, Chen Xuan walked out of it.

  At this moment, even the inner disciple showed a surprised expression.

   "He can actually persist on the seventh floor for so long. Could it be that his cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm?"

  Several inner disciples looked at Chen Xuan with blinking eyes.

  Lei Bianjun clenched his fist and his face was a little gloomy. The reason why he chose to enter the inner door was to obtain more abundant training resources and thus surpass Chen Xuan.

  But he did not expect that Chen Xuan also obtained the qualification to practice in Jianyue Tower, and easily entered the seventh floor.

  Even Lei Pojun can only hold on to the seventh floor for five minutes now. It can be said that he lost to Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, your cultivation level has improved very quickly, but don't be so proud, one day I will definitely surpass you, and I will enter the eighth level!"

After    finished speaking, Lei Pojun left soon.

  Chen Xuan was slightly surprised. When he saw Lei Pojun's figure getting further and further away, he could only smile and shook his head.

  He really did not deliberately want to break the army with anger.

  Chen Xuan just wanted to test whether his cultivation level could reach the seventh level.

  If you can stay on the seventh floor, it means that Chen Xuan's practice in the last few days has yielded results.

  Although Chen Xuan did not enter the inner gate, his name has been spread among the inner gate. Many inner sect disciples heard that Chen Xuan had persisted in Jianyue Tower for so long, and most of them did not believe it.

   "You are not mistaken, he is an outer disciple, why can he stay in Jianyue Tower for so long?"

   "You said he entered the seventh floor. It's not a joke. Even Lei Pojun can't stay on the seventh floor for too long. This is just an outer disciple. It is impossible for him to hold on for that long!"

   "That's right, you are not lying to me, are you?" An inner disciple clearly showed an expression of disbelief.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan has returned to his independent courtyard.

  The courtyard of the outer disciples is not so good, but there are always places to plant spiritual grass and rest.

  Chen Xuan took out the alchemy furnace and continued to refine the pill. After that, he threw all the dragongrass grass he had obtained before and started to burn the bottom of the alchemy furnace with the fire of Suzaku.

  Five minutes later, the smell of medicine came from the alchemy furnace, Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and then walked towards the alchemy furnace.

  "Very well, if I have these pills, when the secret realm is opened, I will have a greater certainty to find the treasure of inheritance!"

  There is still some time before the secret realm opens, and Chen Xuan is not in a hurry.

  In this month's time, Chen Xuan can improve his cultivation. He knows that there must be many strong people in the secret realm.

  Moreover, the cultivation bases of these strong men are absolutely terrifying, and all major sects want to get the treasure of inheritance

  It is definitely not so easy to get the treasure of inheritance.

Chen Xuan sighed after consuming the pill that he had just refined, "Sword Moon Tower does have extremely abundant sword energy. I only went in ten times, and the harvest was already great. Now the sword spirit It’s just one step away from being able to break through a small realm!"

  As long as he breaks through, Chen Xuan's swordsmanship will be further enhanced.

  Especially the Hunyuan Spirit Sword in Jianyue Tower. These Hunyuan Spirit Swords contain very pure spiritual power, and the Hunyuan Spirit Sword is not without IQ.

  Hunyuan spirit swords all have sword spirits, and their fighting skills are very powerful.

  While fighting these Hunyuan Spirit Swords, Chen Xuan can also improve his fighting skills, and his swordsmanship is constantly improving.

After   Suzaku's sword technique was cultivated to the sixth level, he had only spent a few hours in the Jianyue Tower, and he had already cultivated this sword technique to the realm of great achievement.

  If you want to further cultivate to the microcosm, you still need to work harder.

"Now the sword soul has reached the third realm. I want to improve the sword soul. I must stay in the Jianyue Tower, but I am still an outer disciple, and the time for cultivation is destined to be short..." Chen Xuandi Said the voice.

  If he can be promoted to an inner disciple, he will definitely get more training resources from Jianyue Tower.

  But Chen Xuan is not in a hurry. With his current cultivation level, once he enters the inner gate, there will definitely be a lot of people asking him for trouble. Without full assurance, Chen Xuan will not enter the inner gate for the time being.

  Although Chen Xuan’s token shows that he has twelve hours of training time, every time he enters the Jianyue Tower, he needs to consume a lot of spiritual energy.

  Chen Xuan certainly wouldn't stay in it for twelve hours a day. Now he only spent six hours of cultivation time, and Chen Xuan was about to sell the rest of the time.

  Cultivation time can be sold, and within one hour of cultivation time, you can sell tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones.

  One thing that made Chen Xuan feel very puzzled was the increase in strength in Jianyue Tower.

  A few days ago, Chen Xuan had not been attacked by the Hunyuan Spirit Sword when he entered Jianyue Tower, but this time, Chen Xuan clearly felt that the strength of the Hunyuan Spirit Sword in Jianyue Tower had increased a lot.

  He originally thought it was an illusion, but in fact, the source of Jianyuelou's strength was the Hunyuan Spirit Sword.

  If there are a large number of disciples in the Jianyue Tower, they will share the power of the Hunyuan Spirit Sword, and it will also consume the energy in the Jianyue Tower.

  If the number of disciples in the Jianyue Tower is small, then the Hunyuan Spirit Sword will be more lethal.

   When Chen Xuan first entered, the number of disciples in Jianyue Tower was very small, so the power of the Hunyuan Spirit Sword became stronger.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been practicing in his own independent courtyard, and he has not gone out.

  In order to have a greater certainty to obtain the treasure of inheritance when entering the secret realm, Chen Xuan would practice in the Jianyue Tower every day.

  It is impossible to make the power of the sword soul break through to the next small realm without making efforts.

   A faint red light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and Chen Xuan's wrist gently flipped, and a fierce sword light suddenly appeared.

  Because he was in an independent courtyard, Chen Xuan did not dare to release this sword energy.

  But he was very satisfied.

  Chen Xuan said with a smile: "It seems that now I have raised the power of the sword soul to the next level. If I want to make a breakthrough in my cultivation, I still have to go to the Jianyue Tower a few times!"

  Many inner disciples need to enter the Jianyue Tower to practice, and the practice time on the Chen Xuan token is reduced accordingly, only five hours of practice time per day.

  But this was enough for Chen Xuan. Every time he entered Jianyue Tower, he was tired and half dead.

The Hunyuan Spirit Sword in the Jianyue Tower is very dangerous, and Chen Xuan must raise his spirits to be sure of it.

  At this moment, in a weird fortress in Yunxiao Mansion, several men with cruel expressions wearing red armor stood on top of a tall building.

  Blood Soul Gate, is a very famous killer organization in Yunxiao Mansion.

  It is rumored that the backing behind the blood soul gate is very large, and the leader of the blood soul gate is very strong. To this day, no one dares to provoke the blood soul gate.

  (End of this chapter)

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