Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3728: The origin of the blood soul gate

  Chapter 3728 The origin of the blood soul gate

The origin of the Blood Soul Gate is very mysterious, because there are many warriors of the Dragon Blood Empire in the Blood Soul Gate. No one knows when the Blood Soul Gate was established.

  Everyone only knows that the martial artist of the blood soul gate is very strong and proficient in assassination. As long as you give them enough price, the blood soul gate will find ways to complete the task and kill your enemies.

   Although the reputation of the blood soul gate is very bad, it is much better than the magic gate.

  After all, the Blood Soul Gate only takes money to do things, and it won't hurt the innocent. They do things differently from the Demon Gate.

  The people of the Blood Soul Gate would not be involved in anything other than completing the task.

  As long as they can afford the price, even if they are the lord of the nine major cities, they dare to send someone to kill.

  Even if the cultivation base is not enough, the blood soul gate will ask the backer to come out of the mountain.

  The face of an old man in a white robe was full of blood, and he was walking in the direction of the Blood Soul Gate.

"Chen Xuan, wait for me. I don't believe in the blood soul door and there is no way to kill you!" After the white-haired old man finished speaking, he immediately quickened his pace and continued to walk towards the blood soul door. past.

   Outside the Blood Soul Gate, there were many men in red armor. When they saw the white robe old man walking over, they suddenly showed a guarded look.

  A warrior of the blood soul gate holding a long knife, suddenly asked: "What are you doing here?"

  The white-robed old man replied: "That's it. I have already talked to your blood soul elders. We have arranged to meet in the afternoon!"

  "Afternoon? Which elder did you make an appointment with"

  Blood Soul Gate’s style of doing things is very rigorous. Although they take money to do things, they will not harm the innocent. It is not that they can kill people just by coming and paying for it.

  Blood soul gate people have to weigh again and again, if the cultivation of the person to be killed is too strong, or the identity is too mysterious, they will never do it.

   "It's Elder Liu of your blood soul door, I wonder if you can meet me for a while?" the white-robed old man asked.

   "Okay, since Elder Liu told you, then come with me!" said the warrior of the blood soul door.

  After a while, the blood soul martial artist took the white robe old man to a dark room, and then he retreated.

  The old man in the white robe was a little nervous, after all, he came to the Blood Soul Gate alone.

  Blood Soul Gate is very dangerous, and there are many strong people inside.

  The leader of the Blood Soul Gate, it is said that his cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Divine Soul Realm, but no one has actually seen him.

  This old man in a white robe was Li Jiuyuan, who had been trying to kill Chen Xuan before.

  Because the disciples of the Li family had failed, he had to find a new way to kill Chen Xuan.

   "Li Jiuyuan, you said in your letter that you want to kill a person. I don't know who it is?" Elder Liu said.

  Li Jiuyuan's face was extremely gloomy, and he whispered: "He is a disciple of the Sword Moon Sect. This kid has a very strong cultivation base. Although I can kill him, I can't enter the Sword Moon Sect!"

  Think of Chen Xuan, Li Jiuyuan hates his teeth.

  If it weren't for Chen Xuan's hiding in Jianyuezong, he would have killed Chen Xuan a long time ago.

  "Then why didn't you kill him in the secret realm?" Elder Liu asked curiously.

  He also knows the time when the secret is opened.

  Li Jiuyuan originally wanted to kill Chen Xuan in the secret realm, but he could not wait.

"I heard that this kid has improved his cultivation very quickly. It only took half a month to reach the Seven Great Consummation of the Shenluo Realm. If you don’t kill him, once the secret is opened, I’m afraid my disciple won’t have it. Way to deal with him!" Li Jiuyuan whispered.

"A disciple of the Sword Moon Sect?" The elder of the Blood Soul Sect did not take Chen Xuan to heart at all: "Don't worry, it is not difficult to kill him. You only need to pay the spirit stone, about 150,000 high-grade spirits. stone."

Li Jiuyuan gave a grinning smile, and then said: "Yes, I can still get the money, but I have to see his head, and you must kill him by the blood soul door, otherwise I have Right to get this money back!"

  The elder of the Blood Soul Sect smiled and said: "Don't worry, our Blood Soul Sect will take action by ourselves. This young man named Chen Xuan will definitely be killed."

  "Do you have any information about him?" the elder of the Blood Soul Gate asked again.

  Li Jiuyuan thought about it for a moment, and then took out a bunch of information from his arms: "This is all the information I searched, you have to look first!"

The elder of the Blood Soul Gate held it in his hand and began to observe the information. According to the information displayed on the information, Chen Xuan was a disciple of Jianyuezong, and his cultivation reached the seventh level of the Shenluo realm.

  As a disciple of the Sword Moon Sect, his cultivation level is already very strong.

   But for the Blood Soul Gate, they didn't care about it at all.

   "Hey, a kid of the seventh level of the Shenluo realm, can't you kill him with your cultivation base?" the elder of the blood soul door asked.

Li Jiuyuan replied: "It's not that I can't kill him, but because this kid has been hiding in Jianyuezong. I can't kill him. There are many strong people in Jianyuezong, and our Li family doesn't want to fight with the sword. Yuezong tears his face!"


  Li Jiuyuan took out hundreds of thousands of high-grade spirit stones from the space ring.

  As the elder of the Li family, Li Jiuyuan must have a huge amount of wealth on his body. These 150,000 high-grade spirit stones are simply a drop in the bucket for him.

   "Very good, you go and count, and see if there are 150,000!" The elder of the Blood Soul Gate said to one of his subordinates.

  The expressions of the two men were full of greed, they walked over and started to light the high-grade spirit stones.

  "My lord, it is indeed a top-grade spiritual stone of 150,000, not much, not a lot." The subordinate replied.

Li Jiuyuan once again took out a few Ganoderma lucidum from the space ring, and said to the elder of the blood soul door: "These are extra gifts for you. As long as you can help me kill Chen Xuan, I have more good things for you. you!"

   "As expected to be Elder Li, it is indeed very happy, you can rest assured, this time we will definitely help you kill Chen Xuan, you wait for my good news!" The elder of the blood soul door laughed.

  Li Jiuyuan nodded. He trusts the Blood Soul Gate very much. Li Jiuyuan has been walking around the world for many years. He is very clear about the Blood Soul Gate's behavior.

  As long as the Blood Soul Gate accepts the task, they will complete the task at all costs.

  If the task is not completed, they will also refund the amount in full.

   "Since this is the case, then I will go first. You must be more cautious. This Chen Xuan's cultivation is very strong, and you must not relax your vigilance!" Before Li Jiuyuan left here, he reminded the elder of the Blood Soul Gate.

  He was worried about the people of the Blood Soul Gate and looked down upon Chen Xuan.

  If the task is not completed, although Li Jiuyuan can get the high-grade spirit stone that he has returned, he still hopes that the people of the blood soul door can complete the task.

   "Don't worry, we will definitely help you complete this task, hahaha, just a junior at the seventh level of the Shenluo realm, and you can kill him by just one person!" The elder of the blood soul gate said with a smile.

   "Who would like to go?" He suddenly turned his head and looked at the many killers of the blood soul door behind him.

   "I am willing to kill him!" A warrior stood up and said.

Seeing this person, Elder Liu of the Blood Soul Gate smiled, and then said: "Very well, you must be more cautious when you go by. I heard that Chen Xuan's cultivation is good, and you must not relax your vigilance. !"

  At a certain place in Yunxiao Mansion, a man with an extremely cruel expression was practicing.

"I heard that the elder Jianyuezong's cultivation is very strong. If I don't practice for a few days, maybe I really can't kill him!" After the man finished speaking, he threw the sound transmission jade pendant into the sky. .

   "Although this kid's cultivation has reached the Seventh Level of the Shenluo Realm, with my strength, he can definitely be killed easily!" The killer of the blood soul door was named Zhang Shuwen.

  He has worked in the Blood Soul Clan for many years and has accumulated a lot of wealth for himself, but for the people of the Blood Soul Clan, they cannot withdraw.

  Once they have embarked on this path, they will be killers for their entire lives.

  Once they are separated from the blood soul gate, many people will come to kill them.

"The trickiest thing is that this kid is currently staying in the Sword Moon Sect. It is very difficult to get into the Sword Moon Sect. You have to find a way!" Zhang Shuwen thought in his heart, he knew the elder of the Sword Moon Sect. The cultivation base is very strong, with his strength alone, there is definitely no way to sneak in quietly.

  But thinking that after killing Chen Xuan, he could get tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones at one time, and his face became cruel again.

   "Unexpectedly, killing a junior in the seventh realm could bring so many spirit stones. I am afraid this task is not that simple..." Zhang Shuwen thought in his heart.

  For these assassins, as long as they can give them high-grade spirit stones, these assassins will complete the task desperately, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, they will find a way to complete it.

  According to the news obtained by Zhang Shuwen, Chen Xuan's cultivation is only the seventh level of the Shenluo realm.

  With his current cultivation level, he can easily deal with Chen Xuan, and even kill him directly, not to mention that Zhang Shuwen usually attacks in secret, and will not give the enemy a chance to resist.

"It's really weird, but it has nothing to do with me. It may just be that this kid has been staying in Jianyuezong, so his life is so valuable!" Zhang Shuwen suddenly looked forward and after performing the exercises, His body gradually disappeared.

  Blood Soul Gate’s technique is very weird. They can put their body in an invisible state, even if the opponent’s perception ability is strong, it is difficult to find him.

  After that, Zhang Shuwen began to set out in the direction of Jianyue Ancient City.

  Jianyue Ancient City is not far from the Blood Soul Gate, only more than a thousand kilometers in between.

  Two days later, Zhang Shuwen came to the vicinity of Jianyue Ancient City.

Looking at the majestic Jianyue Ancient City, Zhang Shuwen exclaimed in a low voice: "It is indeed a very huge main city, worthy of the Jianyue Ancient City. However, this time I have no chance to stay in Jianyue Ancient City any longer. I must hurry up. Kill this kid Chen Xuan!"

  Although Zhang Shuwen is not the first time to come to Jianyue Ancient City, every time he comes here, he will be shocked by the majestic Jianyue Ancient City.

   "Let’s kill Chen Xuan as soon as possible, hehe, one day, I will revive the entire Jianyue Ancient City and let them all know my name Zhang Shuwen!"

  Although Zhang Shuwen has always been a killer in the Blood Soul Gate, he desperately yearns for fame and wants to make his name ring through the entire Yunxiao Mansion.

   Zhang Shuwen's strength is not weak anymore, his cultivation base is placed in Jianyue Ancient City, and few people are his opponents.

   "Chen Xuan, you die for me!" Zhang Shuwen looked at Jian Yuezong in the distance.

  Zhang Shuwen was wearing a black robe, but after he changed his clothes, he was no different from an ordinary passerby.

  Except for the hideous scars on his face, no one can perceive that Zhang Shuwen is actually the killer of the Blood Soul Gate.

  As a killer, Zhang Shuwen's behavior is very low-key. He wants to avoid letting himself be discovered, even if he is dressed in a very ordinary way.

  If you want to get into the Sword Moon Sect, you have to dress up like ordinary people.

  If Chen Xuan stood next to Zhang Shuwen, he would not associate him with the killer of the Blood Soul Gate at all. He would only think that this was an ordinary person in Jianyue Ancient City.

  "Go to a bar first, Chen Xuan has always been in Jianyuezong anyway, I want to kill him, I can go anytime!" Zhang Shuwen thought of this, and quickly walked towards a restaurant.

  Zhang Shuwen ordered a few glasses of wine, and just sat on the table, a few warriors from the sect walked towards him.

  Only through the clothing, they could not recognize which school the two sect martial artists belonged to, but they had the courage to provoke Zhang Shuwen, and they could only say that these two sect disciples were looking for death.

   "This place is obviously my first possession, get out of here!" A sect warrior walked over and said, his expression was very arrogant.

  In his eyes, Zhang Shuwen is an ordinary person, not a monk with aura at all, so his tone is so arrogant.

  Another Zongmen martial artist also smiled and said: "Yeah, are your ears deaf? Our brother told you to go away and you didn't hear it. If you don't get out, don't blame us for being rude!"

  For these two warriors of the sect, an ordinary person in the ancient city of Jianyue would not attract their attention at all.

  In addition, Zhang Shuwen's dress is very simple, and he looks like ordinary people.

  Zongmen martial artist believes that there is a difference in status between himself and the people of the secular world. Seeing Zhang Shuwen sitting motionless in the chair, the expressions of the two of them became savage.

  "Did you not hear?"

   "Get me up and **** off, or I will kill you now!"

  Even the city lord of Jianyue Ancient City would not provoke the sect disciples.

  The martial artists of the major sects are very strong, and they also represent their own sects.

  The two-star sect is already a powerful force in Yunxiao Mansion, no one dares to provoke this group of sect disciples.

  Zhang Shuwen is still sitting on the chair, drinking alone, but his eyes are full of mockery: "If you want to die, then continue talking. If you want to live, get out of me now!"

   "Oh, hey, this guy's tone is quite big, he dares to talk to me in this tone, doesn't he know who we are?"

  "Show him a little color, this guy doesn't know our name yet, right?"

   Zhang Shuwen's face suddenly turned black, and a touch of anger was released from his pupils. He did not want to kill the two warriors of the sect.

  After all, he is here to perform the task this time. Once they are killed, it is likely to bring him danger.

  (End of this chapter)

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