Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3729: Blood Soul Gate Killer

  Chapter 3729 Blood Soul Gate Killer

The   Blood Soul Gate's assassin appeared in Jianyue Ancient City, which would definitely cause a sensation. In addition, he was too rushed to come to Jianyue Ancient City this time, and he didn't have the tools to assassinate him.

  Just as he was about to get up and leave, the two Zongmen martial artists immediately pressed his shoulders and pressed Zhang Shuwen on the chair.

   "Hehe, Xiongtai, you really don’t know how to praise. Today, our two brothers will show you the horror of the two-star sect!"

   "You dare to provoke even our Li family, it's almost reckless!"

  As soon as these words came out, the warriors who had been drinking around showed their surprised expressions.

   "It turns out that they are disciples of the Li family, no wonder they are so arrogant!"

   "It seems that this person is going to be unlucky. He provokes the disciples of the Li family. Even if he is a wealthy businessman in the Yunxiao Mansion, I am afraid he will be in danger!"

   "The clothes he wears don't look like a rich man. I'm afraid he's a lot worse off this time. These two Li family disciples will definitely kill him." A warrior said.

   Hearing the comments of the people around him, the corners of Zhang Shuwen's mouth only slightly aroused, and then he stood up again.

   "Boss, check out!"

  The owner of the inn knew that the situation here was very wrong, so he could only say cautiously: "This customer, or you should check out next time."

  What he wants to say is that Zhang Shuwen may not be able to survive the next time.

   "Okay, then." Zhang Shuwen smiled, and then slowly walked out of the restaurant.

  The two martial artists of the Li family immediately followed, and their words were very provocative.

   "Hehe, you **** actually wants to run, I tell you, even in Jianyue Ancient City, I can kill you!" Li's disciple said.

   "That's right, if you have the ability, you can leave Jianyue Ancient City. I see where you can go. The entire Jianyue Ancient City is our Li family's sphere of influence. It is too easy to kill you!"

   "Hahaha, in our eyes, you are a fish that is slaughtered, and I can kill you anyway!"

  The two of them have been following Zhang Shuwen.

  Zhang Shuwen's expression was very flat from beginning to end, and suddenly after passing a corner, Zhang Shuwen's body disappeared instantly.

  The faces of the two Li family disciples were full of doubts. As they looked from left to right, a fierce light suddenly appeared in the air, which instantly hit them.


  The bodies of the two Li family disciples were cut in half, and then they fell into a pool of blood.

After finishing all this, Zhang Shuwen gently wiped the blood from the long knife with his handkerchief.

   "These two people are simply looking for death, and they dare to come to me for trouble. If it weren't for my mercy and fear of being discovered, I would have killed you a long time ago!"

  For Zhang Shuwen, it was very easy to kill two disciples of the sect. After all, the cultivation of the two martial artists of the Li family was only in the middle seventh stage of the Shenluo realm.

   "Now I have to figure out how to get into the Sword Moon Sect. There must be a formation in Sword Moon Sect. How can I sneak in without knowing it, and then kill the kid named Chen Xuan..."

  Unconsciously, Zhang Shuwen was already thinking, but he still hasn’t found the answer.

  Sword Yuezong’s formation is very terrifying. Once he is discovered, it is likely to attract Zhuge Yun’s attention.

  Although Zhang Shuwen's cultivation is very terrifying, there is a huge gap between him and Zhuge Yun.

  Zhang Shuwen's cultivation base has no way to deal with the top powerhouse of Jianyuezong.

  In recent days, Zhang Shuwen has been searching for news about Chen Xuan in Jianyue Ancient City.

  Although he wanted to kill Chen Xuan with his hands now, he had to weigh it again and again.

  If you want to enter the Sword Moon Sect, Zhang Shuwen must avoid being discovered by the strong of Sword Moon Sect, otherwise he will not be able to get out safely.

  As the killer of the blood soul gate, Zhang Shuwen can live to this day, indicating that his cultivation is very strong.

  Two days later, Zhang Shuwen set off in the direction of Jianyuezong.

  It was already evening, and Zhang Shuwen was going to sneak into the Sword Moon Sect at night. If it was daytime, it would be very difficult for Zhang Shuwen to enter the Sword Moon Sect. He must ensure that he would not be discovered.

  In these two hours, Zhang Shuwen has been searching for Chen Xuan's whereabouts.

   "If I can, I will sneak into the Sword Moon Sect in a while, and I must ensure that I will not be discovered by the Sword Moon Sect experts. Once discovered by them, it will be difficult for me to come out!" Zhang Shuwen whispered.

  Time passed bit by bit, and it was night in a blink of an eye, and the bright moonlight shone on the earth.

  Zhang Shuwen flickered and jumped directly from a boulder. At this time, wearing a black robe, he quietly walked in the direction of Jianyuezong.

   came to the gate of Jianyuezong, two disciples of Jianyuezong were defending the mountain gate.

  But Zhang Shuwen's body turned into a phantom, and soon disappeared in front of Jianyuezong's door.

  The exercises he showed were seamless, even if they sneaked in, they did not attract the attention of Jianyuezong disciples.

After entering Jianyue Sect, Zhang Shuwen rushed directly to Chen Xuan's independent courtyard.

  During the day, Zhang Shuwen had been searching for news about Jianyuezong, and he had found out where the outer disciples lived.

  At this moment, in Chen Xuan’s independent courtyard.

  Under the moonlight, a red light flickered, and then Zhang Shuwen hurried towards Chen Xuan's courtyard in a light car.

  It seems to be here!

  Zhang Shuwen, holding a long sword in his hand, slipped in quietly.

  In a room in the courtyard, Chen Xuan had just taken the alchemy furnace back, and he was now ready to rest.

   "Hehe, I will do it again when he is asleep, I don't believe this kid can fight back!" Zhang Shuwen must make sure that he can kill Chen Xuan 100%.

  Even though his cultivation level can kill Chen Xuan in seconds, he still chooses to do it when Chen Xuan is asleep.

  Zhang Shuwen was very cautious, he didn't know if Chen Xuan was pretending to sleep.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

   Although the power of the dragon pattern has not been displayed, his perception ability has far surpassed the warriors of the same realm.

  As soon as Zhang Shuwen sneaked in, Chen Xuan had already spotted him.

  Chen Xuan did not make a sound, he slowly opened his eyes and began to look around.

  Hehe, this kid finally fell asleep, it's a good time for me to do it!

  Zhang Shuwen's body turned into a phantom again, and he immediately lifted the long sword and thrust it towards Chen Xuan's neck.

  There was a burst of blood in this blood-red blade, and there are probably more than a thousand people who died under Zhang Shuwen’s sword.

   Chen Xuan's expression was very shocked, he opened his eyes suddenly, dodged towards the distance, and directly avoided Zhang Shuwen's sneak attack.

   "Hehe, I have long felt something is wrong." Chen Xuan said.

  The moment Zhang Shuwen entered his independent courtyard, Chen Xuan felt danger.

  Moreover, the long knife in Zhang Shuwen's hand had a very fierce murderous intent because it had killed too many people.

  Chen Xuan's dragon pattern power has been keenly captured, and Chen Xuan had been pretending to be asleep before, so when Zhang Shuwen attacked, he dodges aside.

   Zhang Shuwen released a terrifying murderous intent, and this killing intent can only be possessed by people who have killed countless people.

  The disciples of Sword Moon Sect would never have this kind of murderous aura.

   "Who are you?" Chen Xuan asked immediately. He could conclude that the man in black in front of him must be a killer.

  Is it possible to be a person of the blood soul door?

   Seeing Chen Xuan avoiding his own attack, Zhang Shuwen smiled and said, “I didn’t expect you to have discovered me. It seems that I underestimated you!”

   Zhang Shuwen suddenly tore off the black robe from his body, and a grinning smile appeared on his face: "Even so, you will still die in my hands!"

   "Why are you here to kill me?" Chen Xuanhan asked in a voice.

   "What do you care about so much? In my eyes, you are already a dead person, you don't need to know so much!" Zhang Shuwen snorted coldly, and once again raised the sword and charged towards Chen Xuan.

  This is Sword Yuezong after all. If Chen Xuan cannot be killed in seconds, it is very likely that the elders of Sword Yuezong will come.

  Although Zhang Shuwen's cultivation is very strong, he does not make sure that he is the opponent of the elders of Jianyuezong.

  "Go to death for me!" Zhang Shuwen roared sharply, releasing a terrifying blood red aura from all over his body, and the sharp blade in his hand quickly slew in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   The moment this majestic blood-red murderous aura emerged, a wave of waves was suddenly rolled around, directly knocking Chen Xuan's body back two steps.

  Chen Xuan waved the Liaoyuan sword to block this attack, and then he squinted at Zhang Shuwen in front of him.

   "Very well, it seems that you should be a killer hired by someone. I won't be killed by you casually, let me die!" Chen Xuan roared and began to swing the Liaoyuan sword.

  A thunderous Suzaku fire was released from his long sword and slammed towards Zhang Shuwen.


  Suzaku's sword qi hit Zhang Shuwen's body.

  Zhang Shuwen also raised the long knife in his hand, wanting to defend.

  But the sturdiness of the Liaoyuan Sword is very terrifying, plus the Liaoyuan Sword is already a heavenly magic weapon, and its power is infinite.

  The long knife in Zhang Shuwen's hand could not be resisted at all. At the moment of contact, the long knife in his hand suddenly split into two halves.

  At this moment, Zhang Shuwen’s pupils were full of shock. He did not expect Chen Xuan's cultivation level to be so strong.

  After getting Chen Xuan's information, Zhang Shuwen thought he could easily kill Chen Xuan, and even kill the opponent in seconds.

  But what happened next made Zhang Shuwen know that the information he had obtained was wrong.

   "No, his cultivation level is definitely not that simple. It is not the seventh level of the Shenluo realm mentioned in the intelligence, I am afraid that he has reached the peak of the eighth level!"

  In a short moment, Zhang Shuwen had already seen that Chen Xuan's cultivation had definitely reached the eighth peak of the Shenluo realm, and it was not that easy to deal with.

  Here is still in Jianyuezong after all, Zhang Shuwen is not ready to fight, otherwise he is likely to be besieged.

   Must retreat!

   Thinking of this, Zhang Shuwen's body turned into a phantom, and he quickly fled towards the distance.

  But before he could escape, Chen Xuan raised his long sword again, and a sword aura burst out towards him.

  Because he had already set up the Vermillion Bird formation, Zhang Shuwen came to the edge and found that there was no way to break through the independent courtyard.

   "Damn it, did he know that I was coming over, this is absolutely impossible, he can't find me!" Zhang Shuwen's voice was extremely low, and he instantly turned his head and took out a long knife from the space ring again.

  But he has not dared to confront Chen Xuan head-on.

  He knew that the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand was very strong, and it was already a heavenly weapon.

   "Good boy, an outer disciple of the Sword Moon Sect actually has such a treasure. It seems that you must have inherited it before?" Zhang Shuwen said softly.

  Chen Xuan smiled disdainfully: "Stop talking nonsense, don't you tell me who sent you?"

  Although Chen Xuan can guess who is going to assassinate him, Chen Xuan is not sure.

  There are too many people who want to kill him, not to mention that he has never seen Zhang Shuwen. Judging from the exercises performed by the other party, Zhang Shuwen must be an experienced killer.

   "Boy, I originally wanted to retreat, but you actually stopped me. You forced me!" Zhang Shuwen roared, and his whole body released a fierce breath.

   Immediately afterwards, a **** murderous aura slowly overflowed from his long knife.

  (End of this chapter)

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