Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3731: Blood Moon Demon Sword

  Chapter 3731 Blood Moon Magic Sword

  In order to break through the cultivation base, Chen Xuan has been cultivating the sword soul in the past few days. He must be fully prepared if he wants to increase the power of the sword soul again.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan began to breathe in heaven and earth aura. Just two days ago, he had just refined five dragon scale pills.

  This kind of pill can increase his defensive power, and when combined with the power of the dragon pattern, it can cause unexpected attacks to the enemy.

  In the last few days, Chen Xuan felt that it was very difficult to break through the power of his dragon pattern. The most important thing is to improve the power of the sword soul.

  Because there were too many inner disciples who went to Jianyue Tower to practice, the training time Chen Xuan received was reduced accordingly.

  Chen Xuan is not in a hurry, anyway, he still has a long time to cultivate.

There are still a few days before the magic sea secret realm opens. Chen Xuan intends to make his cultivation breakthrough to the next level within a few days. As long as he can break through to the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, he can guarantee that he can deal with the Shenluo realm. The strong in the mid-Nine times.

  Most of the warriors who enter the secret realm are the eight and nine layers of the Shenluo realm.

  As long as Chen Xuan can enter the early eighth stage of the Shenluo realm, and then the disciples who can enter the secret realm, few people can pose a threat to him.

  On this day, Chen Xuan rushed in the direction of Jianyue Tower. There are still many disciples who are cultivating near Jianyue Tower.

The aura around   Sword Moon Tower is also very abundant, even if it doesn't enter the Sword Moon Tower, it can still make a lot of breakthroughs in cultivation.

  After entering Jianyue Tower for several hours of cultivating, Chen Xuan quickly left here.

  Although he now feels that his cultivation is about to break through, Chen Xuan has vaguely felt that someone wants to kill him in the last few days.

  This is a very subtle aura. After Chen Xuan displayed the power of the dragon pattern, he could clearly perceive this power condensing around him.

   Obviously, someone definitely wants to kill him, but Chen Xuan now dare not make sure that his cultivation level can deal with these assassins.

  A few days ago, Chen Xuan had already killed an assassin from the Blood Soul Gate. Although the opponent's cultivation base was very strong, he was not yet Chen Xuan's opponent.

  If the Blood Soul Sect continues to send warriors with stronger cultivation bases, Chen Xuan really doesn't dare to ensure that his cultivation base can deal with them.

  After all, these martial artists of the Blood Soul Gate are very powerful.

  Chen Xuan does not go to trouble, but trouble will definitely come to him.

  One morning, Chen Xuan set off in the direction of Jianyue Tower. He wanted to make his own cultivation level break through.

The cultivation of   Sword Soul has increased Chen Xuan's power many times. If you want to continue to temper your sword intent, the best way is to go to Jianyue Tower.

  When Chen Xuan walked into Jianyue Tower, he immediately walked towards one of the secret realms.

  It doesn't matter if it doesn't go, just as soon as he walked into the independent space, Chen Xuan vaguely felt the voices of two men coming from behind.

"We have been waiting for you for a long time, you finally came here, ha ha, you killed a warrior in our blood soul gate before, you will never leave safely from here today, your little life will be ours Harvest!"

   "That's right, Brother Li, don't talk nonsense with this kid, we have to kill him this time, or else the presbytery Liu will kill us both!"

  The bodies of the two blood soul gate killers turned into phantoms. When they reappeared, a fierce sword aura suddenly slew in the direction of Chen Xuan.

These two assassins carried a terrifying murderous aura. Chen Xuan displayed the power of the dragon pattern. When the dragon pattern refining body emerged, fierce fire lights continued to revolve around his body. The sword gas blocked it.

  As the leader of this operation, Li Tianlin's cultivation has reached the mid-ninth stage of the Shenluo realm. He believes that his cultivation can definitely deal with Chen Xuan, and even kill him in seconds.

  But the ensuing battle filled Li Tianlin's face with gloom, and he found that Chen Xuan's cultivation was not that simple to deal with.

   "He actually cultivated the power of the dragon pattern, no wonder our people will die in his hands, this kid's cultivation is not that simple, you must be careful!"

  Li Tianlin's expression was very shocked. Although he took over the task of assassinating Chen Xuan, according to the information he received, Chen Xuan's cultivation was not that strong.

  Although one of the killers in the Blood Soul Gate was killed by Chen Xuan, Li Tianlin completed ninety-four missions and none of them failed.

  His success rate is close to 100%. The most important thing is that Li Tianlin's actions are all with his brothers. The two of them join hands, and few can escape from their hands.

   "His cultivation base is not as weak as we thought!"

  Chen Xuan's pupils released a light red flame. The next moment, these flames continuously revolved around his body, and a shocking force suddenly splashed into the sky.

  The battle in Jianyue Tower did not alarm the other inner disciples, because these disciples only focused on their own cultivation, and did not hear the movement from Chen Xuan's independent space.

   "Hehe, it's just whimsical that you two want to do something to me." Chen Xuan's body flew up into the sky, waving the Liaoyuan sword once again, and a wave of turbulent sword energy permeated the Jianyue Tower.

  In the face of the two assassins, Chen Xuan always seemed comfortable. He did not show all of his cultivation. If he showed the power of Suzaku, he could ensure that he could easily kill the two assassins in front of him.

  Li Tianlin launched another attack on Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan's body swayed slightly to the left and escaped his sneak attack.

  This made Li Tianlin feel a little uncomfortable. He didn't believe that Chen Xuan had such a strong cultivation base.

   "It's impossible, die for me!" Li Tianlin was holding a long sword, and his whole body once again radiated dark red spiritual power.

  As his attacking sword qi continued to grow stronger, Chen Xuan unexpectedly discovered that he had cultivated the magic technique.

  This sword aura vaguely contains demonic aura. If you were not a member of the demonic sect, you would definitely not have such a sword aura.

   "Who are you guys?" Chen Xuan's expression was a little surprised. These days, he not only provokes the blood souls, but also killed many warriors from the Blood Demon Sect.

  In the sword vein, Chen Xuan killed a dozen warriors of the Blood Demon Sect alone. Now Chen Xuan is not sure whether these people are from the Blood Demon Sect or the killers of the Blood Soul Sect.

   "What is your origin?" Chen Xuan asked in a cold voice.

   "Hehe, little bastard, don't think you have the upper hand, I haven't displayed the cultivation base yet, you show me your best!" The next moment, Li Tianlin's body was filled with a layer of fiery red light.

  With the bursts of devilish qi constantly emanating, the Blood Moon Demon Sword in his hand instantly shot towards Chen Xuan's direction.

   Feeling the **** air emanating from the Blood Moon Demon Sword, Chen Xuan immediately evaded to the left.

  If he is really hit by the Blood Moon Demon Sword, it is very likely that his blood will be drained by the Blood Moon Demon Sword.

  Is this person also connected with the Blood Demon Sect, isn't he a killer from the Blood Soul Sect?

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of surprise. He originally thought that the opponent was just someone from the blood soul sect, but judging from this blood moon demon sword, Li Tianlin is very likely to be connected with the blood demon sect.

  Although the Blood Soul Gate is a killer organization, the Blood Soul Gate will not unite with the Blood Demon Sect, and there will be no connection between the two forces.

  Chen Xuan became more and more interesting: "It seems that your origins are not simple. Maybe if you kill you, you will get the secret I want."

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has also been investigating the news of the Blood Demon Sect. He does not want the Blood Demon to return to the arena, and the entire Yunxiao Mansion will be in chaos.

  If this happens, it will be even more difficult for Chen Xuan to find Li Qiuyu. He must completely crush their conspiracy before the blood demons are resurrected.

   "Do whatever so much, boy, today you will die in my hands!"


  The Blood Moon Demon Sword once again attacked in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Feeling the **** devilish energy carried in this Blood Moon Demon Sword, Chen Xuan immediately swung the long sword, and wisps of light red light burst out of his body.

  Chen Xuan has released the power of the dragon pattern to the extreme. Facing his attack, Chen Xuan roared, releasing a surging spiritual power from his dantian, and quickly rushed towards the two killers.

Seeing Chen Xuan's sword aura rushing towards his body, Li Tianlin once again held the Blood Moon Demon Sword tightly, and bursts of **** sword aura suddenly radiated out.


  Two sword auras collided violently in the air, and Chen Xuan's body quickly retreated two steps toward the rear.

   Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his body was about to fall apart.

  This force is too strong, even if the dragon pattern refining is used, it is difficult for Chen Xuan to defend.

The defensive power of the    dragon pattern is obvious to all. After Chen Xuan cultivated the power of the dragon pattern, no one of the warriors of the same realm can match his defensive power.

   But this is just the tip of the iceberg of the power of the dragon pattern. Although it can greatly increase the defense power, Chen Xuan will not be passively beaten.

  He must attack!

   "Die me!" At this moment, Chen Xuan displayed thousands of swordsmanship.

After Chen Xuan displayed this sword technique, Li Tianlin's face was surprised.

  He knows that the power of Thousand Thousands of Sword Art is very terrifying. If he is really hit, even if he has ten lives, it will not be enough.

"Good boy, you have practiced thousands of sword arts, but today you are destined to die under my sword. Didn't you see my Blood Moon Demon Sword? I killed a blood demon sect before. The elder of, he snatched it from his hand, hehe, even he is not my opponent, you still want to defeat me, it is a idiotic dream." Li Tianlin let out a wild laugh, by chance, he used to be in an ancient Elders of the Blood Demon Sect were found in the ruins.

After   killed him, Li Tianlin seized the weapon of the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, which was the Blood Moon Demon Sword in his hand.

   "As long as there is the Blood Moon Demon Sword, isn't it easy for me to kill you?"

  At this moment, two red lights suddenly appeared in Chen Xuan's pupils, and the Vermillion Bird's fire quickly burned toward the other assassin.


  The assassin had no defense at all. He never thought that the Suzaku's fire would burn on him in this way.

  When the flames began to burn, the killer of the blood soul gate could only die under the flames.

   Seeing that his brother was burned to death by the Suzaku fire, Li Tianlin's face suddenly became savage: "Good boy, you're done, you die!"

  The Blood Moon Demon Sword in the sky once again exudes a **** light,

  Chen Xuan felt that something was wrong.

  The elder of the Blood Demon Sect was probably not killed, but sealed his soul in the Blood Moon Demon Sword.

  If what Chen Xuan thinks is true, then the blood demon elder will soon see the sun again.

  Sure enough, it was the same as Chen Xuan thought. Just as he was waving the Liaoyuan sword and preparing to attack, a soul suddenly appeared in the blood moon magic sword.

  A very thin old man wearing a red robe appeared.

   His face was filled with a vicious smile, and bursts of blue flames radiated from his pupils: "Hehe, I am finally resurrected, this kid actually dared to count me and die for me!"

  Li Tianlin's face was full of panic. He didn't expect that the Blood Moon Demon Sword he threw out just now turned into an old man and came to kill him.

  He fixed his eyes and realized that this was the elder of the Blood Demon Sect who had been murdered by him before.

   "This old thing was not killed by me. Could it be that his soul has always been hidden in the Blood Moon Demon Sword?" Li Tianlin's expression was very panicked, and he felt the monstrous killing intent from the opponent.

  Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and hurriedly thought of Fa Jue, and then left the independent space.

  (End of this chapter)

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