Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3732: Guardian of the Blood Demon Sect

  Chapter 3732 Blood Demon Sect’s Law Protector

  In a moment, the entire Jianyue Tower began to sway continuously.

  The other inner disciples came out one after another, all looking at Jian Yuelou with surprised expressions.

   "What the **** happened inside? I just cultivated in it well. This Jianyue Tower suddenly began to shake violently, and there was a breath of magic door exuding, there must be something strange in it!"

"That's right, it should be a member of the Blood Demon Sect. Didn't these Blood Demon Sect's clutter have been destroyed hundreds of years ago? Why do they still have their breath? Could it be that there is a Blood Demon Sect warrior inside? "Many inner disciples began to talk to each other, and their faces were full of surprise.

  Even Chen Xuan didn't think that the blood moon demon sword actually sealed the elders of the blood demon sect, which was different from the guards of the blood demon sect he had encountered before.

  The number of elders in the Blood Demon Sect is unknown, but most people believe that the Blood Demon Sect has a total of 32 inner elders and 72 outer guards.

  The guardians of these blood demon sects are very powerful, and they are only one step away from becoming a blood demon.

  Moreover, the blood demon sect elder's cultivation has basically reached the spirit realm. If there are more than 30 people in a sect can enter the spirit realm, it means that the sect has completely reached the level of the three-star sect.

  Blood Demon Sect is at the level of the three-star sect. In the original battle, many sects of Yunxiao Mansion joined forces to finally destroy the Blood Demon Sect.

  After so many years, the news of the blood demon sect's return to the arena has been echoing in everyone's ears.

  But this group of inner disciples in Jianyue Sect will definitely not ask about world affairs. They have been cultivating in the sect, let alone the news of the appearance of the Blood Demon Sect.

  In the previous fifty years, the Blood Demon Sect seldom appeared in the eyes of everyone, that is, in the last few years, there has been a lot of news about the appearance of the Blood Demon Sect.

   "Is it really from the Blood Demon Sect?"

   "These blood demon sect warriors are very cruel, everyone must be careful, if there is a blood demon sect mixed in them, it means that there are many blood demon sect warriors in our Sword Moon Sect!"

  They didn't know that the blood demon sect's guardian in Jianyue Tower actually sneaked in through Li Tianlin.

  Although the Sword Moon Sect is now a two-star sect, the formation of the mountain guard outside the Sword Moon Sect was formed 700 years ago.

  When the first Sect Master founded Jianyue Sect, this formation already existed in the vicinity of the entire Jianyue Ancient City.

  Because of the sword and moon formation, it is impossible for the people of the blood demon sect to sneak in secretly. Unless someone secretly destroys the core of the formation, the martial artist of the blood demon sect is likely to sneak in.

   "Hurry up and report to Elder Zhuge, saying that there is an aura of Blood Demon Sect in Jianyue Tower!" said an inner disciple.

   Chen Xuan fixed his eyes and found that this inner disciple was Lei Pojun.

  Lei Pojun has shown extraordinary cultivation skills since entering the inner door.

  His sword soul has reached the third level of Consummation, and there are not too many people in the entire inner sect who have a better cultivation base than him.

  Inner Sect has more than two hundred disciples in total. Lei Pojun’s current ranking can reach about 100. Most of the inner disciples have not entered the Divine Soul Realm, but only stayed at the Shenluo Realm Eighth Layer.

  Each person’s talents are high and low, and everyone’s ambitions are also different. Some disciples want to be more diligent in their cultivation, and they spend their time in cultivation every day, so their cultivation skills break through quickly.

  Lei Pojun is this kind of person. He has a very unique sense of mission. It seems that the only purpose of surviving is to improve his cultivation level. Lei Pojun will not bother about other things at all.

  It is precisely because of his personality that Lei Pojun can use a few short years to make his cultivation breakthrough so fast.

  If it weren't for Chen Xuan, Lei Pojun would most likely get the inheritance of the next suzerain.

  But the appearance of Chen Xuan completely disrupted Lei Pojun's plan.

  Although Lei Pojun also agreed that Chen Xuan's cultivation was better than him, he did not admit defeat.

  In the past few days, Lei Pojun will come to the sword tower to practice every day. Even if he is too tired, he still has to exhaust his last bit of strength in it, and seize every minute of his time to make his cultivation breakthrough.

  Chen Xuan knows Lei Pojun’s character, and knows that he and him will fight again someday.

  But Chen Xuan is not in a hurry. He believes that when that day comes, there will be a victory or defeat between the two of them.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun also looked at Jianyue Tower.

   "Chen Xuan, could you make the breath just now?" Lei Pojun suddenly turned his head and asked.

   Chen Xuan explained: "There is a blood soul door killer who wants to kill me. The blood demon sect people are hidden in the blood moon demon sword and he was brought in."

  Lei Pojun nodded slowly, and a fierce murderous aura was released from his pupils.

  For so long, Chen Xuan feels that Lei Pojun is a cultivating madman, he only knows about cultivation, and he doesn’t ask anything else.

  He rarely saw Lei Pojun showing such an angry expression.

   "Damn all the **** of the Blood Demon Sect, all die to me!" Lei Pojun roared, and he wanted to walk into the Jianyue Tower.

  Several inner disciples hurriedly walked over and said, pulling Lei Pojun.

   "Brother Lei, you can't be so impulsive. The blood demon aura inside is very terrifying. It is very likely that it is a blood demon sect protector. If you enter rashly, you will definitely be killed by him."

   "That's right, Junior Brother, we must not relax our vigilance now. If there is really a blood demon sect's guardian, your cultivation base is not his opponent at all."

  Lei Pojun’s pupils were full of icy coldness. He looked at Chen Xuan and asked in a low voice: "These people are all rats, don't you know if you dare to follow me in?"

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Lei Pojun’s mocking eyes, he finally agreed.

"We must be more cautious when we go in. Don't fight directly with the people of the Blood Demon Sect. Believe me, there is a Blood Demon Sect's protector. His cultivation is very strong, even if we two join hands. , They are not necessarily his opponents."

   Lei Pojun’s expression seemed to be saying that all he said was nonsense.

  As the guardian of the Blood Demon Sect, his cultivation level has definitely reached the realm of Divine Soul.

  But because of the battle hundreds of years ago, the foundation of these blood demon sect warriors was severely damaged, and it was very difficult for them to restore their cultivation base.

  The Blood Demon Sect has been silent for hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, many new blood demons have taken their place.

  It can be said that the current blood demon sect is in the transition between the old and the new. The group of blood demon sect warriors who participated in the battle have been absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon in the past few hundred years, but they are also breaking through the cultivation base.

  But they are more important to exhaust their own blood and use them to resurrect the Gorefiend.

  There are twelve blood demons in the Blood Demon Sect.

  The status of these blood demons is above the elders.

  Being able to become a gorefiend, it shows that they have initially mastered the immortal body, and they can also use the method of phantom to move their clones around the world.

The   Blood Demon clone possesses almost 90% of the strength of the body, not only the cultivation base is strong, but also can assist the body in the cultivation.

   "It's not the blood demon clone, but the elder of the blood demon sect. He probably hasn't fully recovered from his injury. We do have a good chance of winning, but don't be too optimistic." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Lei Pojun snorted coldly, as if he was taking revenge, he rushed directly into the Jianyue Tower.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to give him a hand, but Lei Pojun had already rushed in, and he finally followed.

   once again walked into Jianyue Tower, Chen Xuannian moved Fajue and came into the previous space.

  He found that Li Tianlin had been killed, but the blood demon sect’s guardian was nowhere to be seen, and he did not know where he was hiding.

  At this moment, outside of Jianyue Tower.

  Because Jianyue Tower is very close to the resting place of Inner Gate elders, elder Zhuge rushed over very quickly.

   "What happened inside?" Elder Zhuge hurriedly asked.

  An inner disciple came over immediately: "Elder Zhuge, when we were cultivating inside, we found that the Jianyue Tower began to shake constantly. I thought someone had reached the nineteenth floor, so I wanted to come out and have a look."

   "Unexpectedly, when I just came out, I saw that the entire Jianyue Tower was covered with a layer of blood, so I guessed that this must be a member of the Blood Demon Sect!"

  Elder Zhuge stroked his gray beard lightly, his eyes filled with coldness, and then said to the disciple: "Your idea is correct, there is indeed a blood demon sect protector!"

   "Elder Zhuge, I just saw Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun enter!"

  "What are you talking about?" Elder Zhuge's heart became a little uncomfortable. Lei Pojun and Chen Xuan were rare geniuses. The two of them went in to find the trouble of the Blood Demon Sect, which was tantamount to death.

  "When did these two boys become so courageous? Do you think that you have a strong talent and that no one in the world is their opponent?"

  Blood Demon Sect’s guardian, his cultivation level has definitely reached the realm of souls.

  Neither Lei Pojun nor Chen Xuan, their cultivation bases have not entered the realm of Divine Soul.

   "These two boys are too impulsive, no, I have to go in and take a look!" Thinking of this, Elder Zhuge once again thought of Fa Jue, and rushed into the Jianyue Tower.

  The rest of the inner disciples, look at me, I look at you, and finally followed.

   "There is only one gossip from the Blood Demon Sect, then it's easy to handle. The two of us still have a high chance of winning together, Chen Xuan, do you know the secret of Jianyuelou?"

  When he asked this, Chen Xuan's expression was a little surprised. He really didn't know what the secret of Jianyuelou was. He only knew that the sword intent here was very abundant. Cultivating in it could make the breakthrough faster.

   "What do you mean?" Chen Xuan asked.

Lei Pojun smiled lightly and said to Chen Xuan: "It seems that you don't know. This Jianyue Tower was built hundreds of years ago. Legend has it that it was built by the first generation of suzerain, but in fact, There is another person who really built Jianyue Tower."

"Even if I told you now, I'm afraid you don't know it, but I can use the power of these sword moon spirit swords in the sword moon tower. This time we can definitely win. You follow me and we can join hands. Kill him."

  Lei Pojun always had a confident smile on his face.

  But Chen Xuan didn't think so. He felt that Lei Pojun was too confident. It would be so easy to kill the elders of the Blood Demon Sect.

   While the two of them were talking, a dark red light flashed in the sky, and then, an extremely fierce spiritual power quickly bloomed, slamming down on Chen Xuan's body.

   Feeling the horror of this spiritual power, Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly burst into flames of Vermillion Bird, and immediately burned toward the red spiritual power in the sky.

   When these two forces collided in the sky, Chen Xuan's body immediately retreated several steps toward the back.

  When he stabilized his body, an old man in a red robe appeared.

"It's really the guardian of a blood demon sect, you all the clutter of the blood demon sect, you deserve to die!" Lei Pojun roared, gently provoked the long sword in his hand, and burst out a sword aura towards the blood demon. Zongwuzhe killed the past.

The Blood Demon Sect’s guardian’s face was full of blood, and he smiled coldly: "Hehe, two juniors have come. After I killed the blood soul sect killer just now, I absorbed his flesh and blood, and his cultivation is very good. I’m about to recover soon. If I can absorb the two of you, I will definitely make a breakthrough in my cultivation, hehe!"

  You want to be beautiful!

  (End of this chapter)

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