Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3733: Defeated the Blood Demon Guardian

  Chapter 3733 Defeating the blood demon guardian

  Lei Pojun yelled, once again released a fierce sword aura, and stab at the blood demon sect warrior fiercely.

  Faced with his offense, the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect always seemed to be at ease.

"Hey, if the elder of your Jianyuezong comes over, maybe you can have two tricks with me, but now it's impossible to escape from my hands with you two boys!" He said There was a roar, and there was a burst of **** light all over his body.

  When this red light enveloped Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun, Chen Xuan's whole body was trembling suddenly.

  Chen Xuan only felt an agitated **** evil spirit, and was draining his blood.


  Chen Xuan immediately displayed the power of the dragon pattern, forming a light red light pattern on his skin.

   Just when Chen Xuan thought he had successfully defended the opponent's attack, his body suddenly flew out and directly hit the barrier of Jianyue Tower.


  Chen Xuan only felt that the blood in his body was surging, he finally got up from the ground, but saw an amazing scene.

  A blue light suddenly appeared in Lei Bianjun’s fingers, and the originally calm Jianyue Spirit Sword began to condense in his direction.

   "Hehe, this is a magic weapon I got before. When the sword veins were opened, not only you got the magic weapon, I also got it."

   After finishing speaking, the cyan bracelet on Lei Pojun's wrist suddenly flashed a light, and then the sword moon spirit sword in the entire Sword Moon Tower quickly slew towards the guardian of the Blood Demon Sect.


  The blood demon sect guardian opened his eyes wide, and looked at the Jianyue Spirit Sword that was killing him in disbelief.

   "How is this possible? How did he do it? Why can a junior of the Sword Moon Sect control the Sword Moon Spirit Sword!"

  I have to say that the power of Jianyue Spirit Sword is indeed very terrifying.

  One of the spirit swords penetrated the blood demon sect warrior's arm, and directly inlaid his body on the wall.

   is another sword moon spirit sword, directly inserted into his left leg.

  A burst of blood made the blood demon sect protector let out a scream.

  He hurriedly used the bleeding magic technique, trying to break free from the attack of Jianyue Lingjian, but what was waiting for him was an astonishing Suzaku sword aura.

  Chen Xuan had been waiting for a long time.

Even if the blood demon sect’s guardian’s cultivation level has reached the realm of divine souls, everyone has a soul. The fire of the Suzaku can burn souls. No matter how strong his cultivation is, there is absolutely no way to survive the fire come out.

"Hehe, you lose because you are too confident in your own cultivation. If it weren't in Jianyue Tower, I might not be sure to kill you, but this is Jianyue Tower, and you want to go out from here. It's just whimsical!" Lei Pojun had a cruel smile on his face.

  Blood Demon Sect people deserve to die, you'd better disappear all of you, I will kill one if I see one!

  Lei Pojun roared out hysterically, and the long sword in his hand once again emitted a dark light.

  This is the sword aura that the Sword Moon Sect's Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Art has been displayed.

  Go to death for me!

  Lei Pojun's body turned into a flashing red light, and in a short breath, he rushed to the other side.


  Under the flickering of the sword light, the body of the blood demon sect's protector slowly fell to the ground, and finally remained motionless.

After killing the blood demon sect guardian, Lei Pojun gasped for breath. Although he used the magic weapon to control the sword moon spirit sword in the sword moon tower, it also consumed a lot of his spiritual power.

   "Chen Xuan, thanks to your help this time, otherwise it would be difficult for my strength to kill him." Lei Pojun whispered.

Chen Xuan just smiled: "Don't say that, I really didn't expect you to have a magic weapon. Even the sword moon spirit sword in the sword moon tower can be controlled by you. Could it be the moon sword jade ring and the jade ring in your hand? What does Jianyue Tower have to do with it?"

  As soon as the voice fell, many inner disciples' calls suddenly came from outside the door.

  "Where are you, brother?"

   "Elder, this is really weird. We have scanned all over 30 spaces, why haven't we found them?"

  After hearing the voices of these disciples, Lei Pojun immediately put away the moon sword jade ring on his hand.

  He got up and stood up. At this moment, a blue light suddenly emitted from the sky, dispelling the original red mist.

  Elder Zhuge saw Chen Xuan, but there was a glimmer of anger and joy in the corner of his eyes.

   "Chen Xuan, you brave guy is really great, do you know how strong the blood demon sect guardian is?"

   "The gap between the Shenluo realm and the Divine Soul realm cannot be eliminated by the two of you with a passion!" Zhuge Bai scolded.

  But after seeing Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun safe and sound, his face showed joy again.

  "Fortunately, you two are fine, otherwise I don't know how to explain to the suzerain!"

"Especially you, now you have got the right of inheritance from the next lord, if you die, lord Zhuge will definitely come to my trouble, you will pay attention to me next time, if it is a comparable opponent, I will definitely not I will teach you a lesson, but the guardian of the Blood Demon Sect is not an ordinary person. They have 10,000 ways to kill you."

  Chen Xuan had been scolded by Elder Zhuge for half an hour, and at this moment, Lei Pojun's voice rang faintly.

   "Elder Zhuge, the guardian of the Blood Demon Sect has been killed by me and Chen Xuan. Junior Brother Chen has a very strong cultivation base. If it weren't for him, we would definitely not be able to do it." Lei Pojun said.

   Zhuge Bai was surprised. He looked at Chen Xuan up and down, and said in disbelief: "What are you talking about? Why did this kid's cultivation become so strong? He can actually deal with a blood demon sect's guardian?"

  Zhuge Bai was puzzled. He never thought that Chen Xuan's cultivation level would increase so quickly.

  In fact, this was Lei Pojun deliberately holding Chen Xuan, and he didn't want the news of Yuejian Yuhuan to spread.

  After all, Yuejian Yuhuan and Jianyue Tower are very closely related. If the news of Yuejian Yuhuan is spread, it is likely to be discovered by Sect Master Zhuge.

   "Chen Xuan, Lei Pojun, you two really killed the blood demon sect guardian?" Zhuge Bai asked in disbelief.

  After all, the blood demon sect guardian is a strong man in the spirit realm. Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun are only at the ninth level of the Shenluo realm, and it is impossible to deal with a blood demon sect guardian.

  But when Elder Zhuge exuded his spiritual power, he didn't notice the aura of the Blood Demon Sect. He finally believed the words of Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun.

After they walked out of Jianyue Tower, Zhuge Bai did not forget to remind: "Chen Xuan, have you heard what I told you this time? And you Lei Pojun, you are also the genius of our Jianyue Sect. Disciple, I don’t want you two to make any mistakes!"

  Lei Pojun smiled gratefully: "Elder, don't worry, I have my own measures."

  Chen Xuan also nodded and said, "Elder, you don't need to worry about me."

"Okay, then you two boys will discuss things about cultivation. The old man is going to do alchemy, so I won't talk nonsense with you!" After speaking, Elder Zhuge's body turned into a red light and disappeared soon. Here it is.

  After everyone disappeared, Lei Pojun suddenly turned his head, smiled at Chen Xuan and said, "Brother Chen, only you have seen today's affairs. I hope you can help me keep a secret."

   "This moon sword jade ring was discovered by accident in the sword veins. Only you know this secret. If you can help me keep the secret, the two of us can discuss the moon sword jade ring together." Lei Pojun said in a low voice.

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised, his relationship with Lei Pojun was not that good, let alone Lei Pojun’s hard work in order to prove that his talent surpassed himself.

   "Or forget it, I will keep this secret for you." Chen Xuan said.

After Lei Pojun heard it, he just snorted at him: "Don't be ignorant of praise, Junior Brother Chen, Yuejian Yuhuan must have a huge secret hidden in it. If you choose to help me, I will definitely benefit you. "

help him?

  Chen Xuan now finally understands what Lei Pojun said.

  Despite his strength alone, there must be no way to explore the secrets of the Moon Sword and Yuhuan, so Lei Pojun wanted to pull him up.

   "If this is the case, then it is better for me to respect my life."

  Although Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun are disciples of the inner sect and the outer sect, Chen Xuan’s current status is no longer any different from that of the inner sect.

  His cultivation base has long been equivalent to the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, and even the warriors in the early stage of the 9th level of the Shenluo realm can hardly guarantee that they can defeat Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan's current cultivation level is still only at the Seven Major Consummation in the Shenluo realm, but he deliberately prevents his cultivation level from breaking through.

  When Chen Xuan's sword soul can reach a stronger level, he will choose to enter the inner door.

  There are many geniuses in the inner gate, and their cultivation base far exceeds that of the outer disciples.

  Especially some disciples with outstanding talents, also got the right to compete for the position of the leader.

  Chen Xuan must ensure that his cultivation level breaks through to a very strong level, otherwise he can't fight these people.

  There are only three people who can get the right of inheritance at the same time.

  They must prove their cultivation level, talent, and virtue enough to be the head of the boss, before they can truly get the right of inheritance.

  Chen Xuan didn't want to be the head of Sword Moon Sect. He still had a lot to do, and he certainly wouldn't stay in Sword Moon Sect to cultivate.

  In fact, City Lord Lu had already written a letter to Chen Xuan three days ago, asking him to come and help.

  But because many people want to trouble him now, Chen Xuan did not dare to leave Jianyuezong rashly.

  Unconsciously, Chen Xuan did indeed have feelings with Jian Yuezong.

  It is not only because Zhugeyun and Zhugebai have helped him repeatedly, after all, Chen Xuan has lived here for nearly two years.

  He knew that the Sword Moon Sect was the safest place compared to the outside, and Chen Xuan was very at ease practicing in the Sword Moon Sect, and he didn't need to worry too much.

After returning to the independent courtyard, Chen Xuan's heart was always thinking about the Yuejian Yuhuan.

   "This month sword jade ring is really weird, why can I control the sword moon spirit sword in the sword moon tower? And I just felt a very familiar power from the moon sword jade ring..."

  Chen Xuan put his elbow on the table, and the more he thought about it, the more mysterious he became.

   "However, Lei Pojun must have discovered some secrets, so he wanted to pull me up. He knew that his own power could not find out the secrets of Yuejian Yuhuan."

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan gently exhaled a suffocating breath, then he took out the alchemy furnace and began to refine the pill.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been doing alchemy. He was not going to find Lei Pojun, but one day, Lei Pojun came to look for him.

   "Junior Brother, where are you?" Lei Pojun's voice came over.

  The battle between Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun in Jianyue Tower made Chen Xuan realize that Lei Pojun’s cultivation level had not been fully revealed.

  He must have hidden his cultivation base, but Chen Xuan didn't know exactly where Lei Pojun's real state had reached.

   "Junior Brother Chen, the reason why I came to see you today is that I have something to discuss with you. I heard that you are an alchemist, so you should be very proficient in refining, right?" Lei Pojun asked.

  Chen Xuan knew very well that Lei Pojun must be in trouble, otherwise he would definitely not come to him for help.

   "What trouble are you having?" Chen Xuan asked.

Lei Pojun thought for a while, took out the moon sword jade ring and said to Chen Xuan: "Junior Brother Chen, if you carefully observe this moon sword jade ring, what can you see from it?"

Chen Xuan took the Moon Sword Yuhuan over, placed it in his hand and looked at it carefully. After a few seconds, he said slightly: "In the Moon Sword Yuhuan, you can actually see the afterimage of the Jianyue Tower. Is it between the two? What does it matter?"

Lei Pojun said in a low voice: "Yes, Yuejian Yuhuan and Jianyue Tower are inextricably linked, but I haven't understood the specific reason. Have you seen the moon sword Yuhuan next to it? Kong? If I didn’t guess wrong, I would have to pass a key if I wanted to open the moon sword and jade ring’s mechanism."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan suddenly fell into thought: "Then you want me to make this key and open the Moon Sword Yuhuan?"

  (End of this chapter)

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