Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3734: Moon Sword and Yuhuan

  Chapter 3734 Moon sword jade ring

Lei Pojun nodded slowly and said: "Yes, in the entire Sword Moon Sect, I am afraid that only you have this ability. I heard that you have practiced with Yu Wentian before. He is a refiner. You can definitely refine this. Kind of keys?"

  To be honest, although Chen Xuan is proficient in alchemy and has some understanding of refining tools, it is definitely not that simple to get him to refine the key to the moon sword jade ring.

Seeing Chen Xuan’s contemplative face, Lei Pojun continued: “Brother Chen, now I can only count on you. I don’t want the Yuejian Yuhuan incident to be discovered by other inner disciples. Otherwise, they will definitely He managed to **** it from my hand."

  Lei Pojun said that it is very reasonable. Since Yuejian Yuhuan is connected with Jianyuelou, it will definitely attract the attention of other inner sect experts.

The cultivation bases of these inner sect powerhouses are very strong, and there are even a few people whose cultivation bases have reached the realm of souls. If they have to start to **** the moon sword jade ring, relying on the strength of Lei Pojun alone, there is definitely no way to defend the moon. Jian Yuhuan.

  But the key to open the Moon Sword Jade Ring cannot be easily refined. Chen Xuan found that the small hole on the left side of the Moon Sword Jade Ring was very small. If you want to refine this kind of key, you must be proficient in refining tools.

   "Let's take a look first, I may not be able to refine it. We should better prepare with both hands. Didn't you find this kind of key where you found Yuejian Yuhuan?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

Lei Pojun slowly shook his head: "I used to look for it there carefully, but there was no key. Besides, as you have seen, the small hole is so small that even if there is a key, I am afraid it has been lost. Up."

  Chen Xuan put the moon sword jade ring on his hand and began to observe carefully. He found that blue spiritual power faintly exuded from the moon sword jade ring, which was continuously condensing towards his dantian.

"It seems that the power of the Moon Sword Yuhuan is not as simple as I imagined. Brother Lei, if we want to explore the secrets of the Moon Sword Yuhuan, we must search and search carefully these days. If we can find the key, it is best, if we can't find it. , I will find a way to refine the key." Chen Xuan replied.

  Lei Pojun first thought about it, and felt that what Chen Xuan said was very reasonable: "I will go and see if there is really no key to the moon sword and jade ring, you can find a way to refine it."

  Time flickered, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

  Lei Pojun did not find the key to the Moon Sword Yuhuan in the sword veins. In the end, Chen Xuan still had to refine it himself.

  It is certainly not so easy to refine the key of the Moon Sword Yuhuan, after all, the keyhole of the Moon Sword Yuhuan is like a strand of hair.

  To create this kind of key, Chen Xuan must ensure that his craftsmanship has reached the level of proficiency, otherwise it will be difficult to refine a key the size of a strand of hair.

  In an independent courtyard, Chen Xuan took out the alchemy furnace.

The   Pill Refining Furnace can not only be used to refine pills, but also can be used to refine tools. In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been preparing.

  But he even tried several times, but ended in failure.

  It is very difficult for Chen Xuan to make a key the size of a strand of hair.

   "Chen Xuan, can you refine it?" Lei Pojun became a little impatient. He obviously wanted to go to the Jianyue Tower to explore the secret of the Moon Sword Yuhuan, but Chen Xuan still hadn't refined the key in recent days.

   "Don't worry, give me a few more days, but you have to do me a favor." Chen Xuan said.

   "What can I do for you?" Lei Pojun said a little uncomfortable. After all, Chen Xuan had been delayed for so long. If they hadn't refined the key before the secret realm was opened, it would be difficult for them to break through.

"If you want to create such a small key, I'm afraid you need to use the purple azure frost stone. The flexibility of the purple azure frost stone is dozens of times that of steel. If I use steel, there is no way to make this. The key, only the Purple Soul Blue Frost Stone can do it." Chen Xuan said lightly.

  Lei Pojun had never heard of the Purple Soul Cyan Frost Stone. It was really hard for him to ask him to find it.

   "What is the Purple Soul Cyan Frost Stone?" There was doubt on his face.

  Chen Xuan could only sigh helplessly: "Forget it, since you don't know, it's useless to tell you, I'll find it myself."

   "Don't you look down on me? Let's go together, I don't believe that the Chamber of Commerce in Jianyue Ancient City can't buy it." Lei Pojun said.

Hearing that, Chen Xuan originally wanted to let Lei Pojun pass by himself, but Lei Pojun had never seen the Purple Soul Blue Frost Stone. If he didn't buy it, he would waste more time.

   "Why don't we go there together." Chen Xuan said.

   "Chen Xuan, I heard that there are many people outside who want to kill you, you want to go with me?" Lei Pojun asked a little puzzled.

  As an outstanding disciple of the Inner Sect, he has a lot of knowledge about Chen Xuan and knows that many people outside want to assassinate Chen Xuan.

  Don't say that someone outside wanted to kill him, even Chen Xuan hid in Jianyuezong, and there were blood soul killers who wanted to come to him.

   "Don't worry, Sect Master Zhuge gave me a magic weapon that allows me to leave quietly." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Take out the magic weapon from the space ring, Chen Xuan muttered the magic trick silently, and it didn't take long before his body disappeared in the independent courtyard.

  A few hours later, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun set off in the direction of Jianyue Ancient City.

  They originally wanted to buy the Purple Soul Blue Frost Stone in the Treasure Pavilion at the inner door, but the final result was exactly the same as Chen Xuan thought.

  There is no purple soul blue frost stone in the Treasure Pavilion.

  Zipai Cyan Frost Stone is a very precious metal. Not only is it more flexible than ordinary steel, it is also very strong, and it can also be used to build weapons.

  To create the key to the Moon Sword and Jade Ring, it only takes a small piece of purple soul blue frost stone at most.

  Although the price of the Purple Soul Cyan Frost Stone is very expensive, Chen Xuan has the final say, and he can buy a small piece of the Purple Soul Cyan Frost Stone with almost 3,000 top-grade spiritual stones.

   "Chen Xuan, how much budget do you have?" Lei Pojun asked.

  Although he was an outstanding disciple of Jianyuezong, Lei Pojun seldom left Jianyuezong, so naturally he didn't have much money in his hands.

Chen Xuan smiled and replied: "Don't worry, I still have a lot of high-grade spirit stones here, and the spiritual energy storage of the spirit stones is very high, I can definitely afford the purple soul blue frost stone, you don't have to worry about it. "

  Lei Pojun put away the bag in which he had hidden the money, and said with a smile: "Very well, since you have enough high-grade spirit stones, then I don't need to worry about it."

  After arriving in Jianyue Ancient City, it is still prosperous as always.

  As the nine main cities of Yunxiao Mansion, Jianyue Ancient City is a city with very developed commerce.

There are several chambers of commerce in   . The largest chamber of commerce opened in the West City of Jianyue Ancient City. It will take half an hour to walk there.

  "Let’s go to a chamber of commerce and ask to see if there is a purple soul blue frost stone." Chen Xuan said.

  Walking into a chamber of commerce, a deacon of the chamber of commerce suddenly ran towards them cautiously.

  As disciples of the sect, the people in these chambers of commerce dare not provoke them at all, and even come to please them.

   "Two adults, I don't know what you want to buy?" the deacon of the chamber of commerce said.

   "Do you have a purple soul blue frost stone here?" Chen Xuan asked.

  He first thought about it, and then asked a few people, but the final answer was no.

  Chen Xuan refused to give up. He continued to find several chambers of commerce, including many shops that specialize in selling refining materials, but none of them found the purple soul blue frost stone.

   "It's weird, how come all these purple soul blue frost stones have disappeared. It stands to reason that Jianyue Ancient City is a big city, how can you not even find a single purple soul blue frost stone?" Lei Pojun said in surprise.

  Chen Xuan also felt very puzzled. As the nine main cities of Yunxiao Mansion, Jianyue Ancient City couldn't buy the Purple Soul Blue Frost Stone at all.

   "Could it be bought by someone?" Lei Pojun asked.

   "Who on earth wants to buy so many purple soul blue frost stones?"

  "Don't worry about so much, let's go over and ask, if it still doesn't, it may be bought by someone."

  Sure enough, when Chen Xuan asked the person in charge of the last chamber of commerce, his reply was that the purple soul blue frost stone had been bought by Huang Tianlong.

  Speaking of Huang Tianlong, Chen Xuan felt a terrible headache.

  At the beginning, he killed Huang Tianlong's son. Now Huang Tianlong is still asking him for trouble, trying to kill Chen Xuan again and again.

  To get the Purple Soul Cyan Frost Stone from his hand, it will definitely be difficult to ascend to the sky.

  In addition, Huang Tianlong's cultivation base is not bad, Chen Xuan certainly can't grab it blatantly.

   "Brother Chen, we have to find a way. Huang Tianlong bought so many purple soul blue frost stones. It is definitely useful. If we ask him in the past, he will definitely not give it to us." Lei Pojun said.

  Furthermore, Lei Pojun also knew that there was a contradiction between Chen Xuan and Huang Tianlong.

   Chen Xuan had a clever move: "I and Huang Tianlong have a **** feud, but you don’t have one, and I have a good way..."

   "What can you do?" Although Lei Pojun's cultivation is very strong, his head seems to be unable to turn.

"Huang Tianlong definitely wants to kill me. You take the initiative to look for him and say that you have the strength to kill me, but you must get the Purple Soul Blue Frost Stone from him. I think he will definitely give it to you." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  Lei Pojun looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, and then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Okay you, I really didn't expect you to come up with this method, but this method is really good, I will go and find him now." Lei Pojun said as he prepared to move towards Huang Tianlong's mansion. walk over.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly stopped him: "Don't worry, I have a very bad relationship with Huang Tianlong. If you let him know that I am in Jianyue Ancient City, he will definitely come to me for trouble! "

Lei Pojun didn't seem to care at all. He suddenly said, "Chen Xuan, don't worry about that much. The most important thing for us now is to find the key. If we can't open the moon sword jade ring, we don’t know about the moon sword jade ring. Don’t you want to know what kind of secret lies between Yuejian Yuhuan and Jianyuelou?"

  Of course, Chen Xuan wanted to know, but he knew that he could not worry now, otherwise Huang Tianlong might find out where he was hiding.

   "Go back in the evening, it's more convincing," Chen Xuan said.

  Lei Pojun can only nod slowly, which is considered to have agreed to Chen Xuan's statement.

  In a blink of an eye, it was night.

   "Lei Pojun, you go over now, I am waiting for you outside Jianyue Ancient City, if Huang Tianlong knows that I have come to Jianyue Ancient City, he will definitely find a way to find me!" Chen Xuan lowered his voice and said.

  The place where Chen Xuan hides is very hidden, and will certainly not be discovered by Huang Tianlong.

   "Then you wait for me here, and I will come as soon as I go!" He whispered.

  About three quarters later, Lei Pojun walked towards the Huang’s mansion alone.

  At this moment, a warrior stopped him suddenly.

  The face of this warrior was full of coldness, and he felt that the origin of Lei Pojun was very mysterious.

  "Who are you? Is there anything to do with us?" the warrior asked.

Facing his questioning, Lei Pojun smiled faintly, and then began to explain: "Tell Huang Tianlong, it is said that Lei Pojun of Jianyuezong is asking to see you, you said I can help him kill Chen Xuan, if you don’t see me , He will definitely not be able to kill Chen Xuan in the future."

  This warrior said uncomfortably: "Who are you? You dare to call Lord Huang by name, do you want to live?"

  Lei Pojun was not angry, but smiled slightly: "I advise you to report the news to him as soon as possible, otherwise, Huang Tianlong might kill you!"

  The warrior scolded, but he went back and reported it.

  (End of this chapter)

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