Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3741: prepare

  Chapter 3741 Preparing

  After returning to Yunxiao City, Li Jiuyuan was always brooding about this matter.

  At this moment, a disciple asked: "Elder Li, where have you been in the past few days?"

  Li Jiuyuan snorted and replied: “Don’t ask too much about things that you shouldn’t ask. Hurry up and give me a good practice. After the secret realm opens in a few days, you must find the treasure of inheritance!”

   "Yes!" After the disciple finished speaking, he hurriedly left here.

  In the Sword Moon Sect.

  Chen Xuan only woke up after being in a coma for one day.

  And his injuries are basically healed, and there are no traces of wounds all over his body.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan has cultivated the power of the dragon pattern, and the strength of his body is much higher than that of ordinary people. In addition, he has cultivated the power of the Vermillion Bird himself, and the recovery speed of his body is much faster than that of an ordinary warrior.

  That’s why within a short day, the injury has completely recovered.

   When Chen Xuan was injured, Zhuge Yun had always guarded him personally.

  Zhuge Yun worried that Chen Xuan was poisoned and died.

  After all, the toxin of the Blood Soul Gate is a very terrifying existence. Many ordinary people will be killed every minute if they only occupy a small amount of the toxin.

  If it weren't because Chen Xuan's defensive power was too strong, and the venom hadn't penetrated into his pubic area, I'm afraid Chen Xuan would be poisoned and die.

  With the passage of time, the time for the opening of the Sea of ​​Magic Secret Realm is getting closer and closer, and all the two-star sects are looking forward to it. They hope that their sect can get the treasure of inheritance, so as to join the three-star sect.

  It is certainly not that simple to make a two-star sect reach a three-star sect.

The three-star sects have existed for almost a thousand years, and most of the two-star sects have only existed for 700 or 800 years at most.

  The news of Chen Xuan's recovery from injury soon reached Zhugeyun's ears.

  When he learned that Chen Xuan only took a day to recover, Zhuge Yun's expression suddenly became surprised.

   "This kid will recover so quickly. How many days is this? He has completely detoxified. It seems that I really underestimated him before."

  Zhuge Bai also heard the news.

  After all, in the entire Jianyue Sect, only the two of them knew about Chen Xuan's assassination.

  So, Zhuge Bai and Zhuge Yun rushed over soon.

  Chen Xuan not only recovered from his injury, but he was also very handy in mobilizing the aura of heaven and earth. He even found that his cultivation was a little bit better than before.

   "Have you recovered from your injury?" Zhuge Yun walked over and asked when he saw Chen Xuan gathering heaven and earth aura in the independent courtyard.

  Chen Xuan smiled and nodded and said, "My injury has recovered seven or eight, so there should be no serious problems."

Zhuge Yun thought for a moment. He saw the blue light emerging from the surface of Chen Xuan's skin: "Chen Xuan, it seems that you had an adventure before. There is a sealed spiritual pattern on your forehead. This kind of spiritual pattern can be found on your forehead. Save your life when you are dying."

  On the forehead?

   Chen Xuan instantly thought of the blue-haired woman he met in the Black Rock Forest.

   "It's hard to say that the spirit pattern that the woman put on my forehead did not completely disappear."

  After so many years, Chen Xuan originally thought that the spirit pattern had already disappeared over time.

"By the way, Chen Xuan, now that your injury has recovered, you must prepare well for the Secret Realm of the Fantasy Sea. The Secret Realm of the Fantasy Sea will be opened in a few days. There are a total of twenty disciples who went to the Secret Realm of the Fantasy Sea this time. Five people are basically inner disciples." Zhuge Yun said.

   "Basically all?"

   "Hehe, except you are an outer disciple, everyone else is an inner disciple, but your cultivation is already very strong, and you are fully qualified to enter the Secret Realm of the Illusory Sea."

  All the elites of Sword Moon Sect who can enter the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea to find the treasure of inheritance.

  If the cultivation base is weak, entering the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea is no different from looking for death.

  After all, the Mysterious Sea Secret Realm only opens once every few decades, and no one wants to let this opportunity pass.

  The treasure of inheritance in the sea of ​​fantasy secret realm is far more than that of sword veins. If you can find a treasure of inheritance in it, you will definitely make a breakthrough in the cultivation base in an instant.

   There are only two days left before the opening of the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea. In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been improving his cultivation level.

  The magical sea secret realm is located in the middle of Yunxiao Department, and it only takes a day at most to rush past.

  In other words, Chen Xuan still has one day to practice.

   "It seems that there is still no way for the cultivation base to break through to the eighth level of the Shenluo realm. I should recover from the injury in the last few days..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

   That night, Chen Xuan checked the Vermillion Bird formation.

After confirming that the formation was safe, he began to practice in retreat.

  The time for this retreat was only one day. When Chen Xuan opened his eyes, the sky was already dimly bright.

  The next morning, the disciples of Jianyuezong left Jianyuezong under the leadership of Zhuge Yun, and rushed towards the place where the mysterious sea of ​​fantasy opened.

  "Where are we going this time?" an inner disciple asked.

   Zhuge Yun replied: “Don’t ask so much, you can just go with me. Remember, you must be in a group when entering the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea. You must not disperse, otherwise you will be taken advantage of by others!”

  A total of twenty-five people, under the leadership of Zhuge Yun, quickly rushed towards the middle of Yunxiao Mansion.

  Jianyue Ancient City is a bit south of Yunxiao Mansion, and it is not so cold.

  But the closer to the Dragon Blood Empire, the temperature becomes lower and lower.

   "It seems to be snowing ahead." Zhuge Yun said.

  "Don't worry about so much, let's go directly!" said an inner disciple.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan suddenly frowned tightly: "I feel a little weird ahead, Sect Master Zhuge, we better be careful!"

  As the Sect Master of Jianyue Sect, Zhuge Yun did feel that there was a little danger ahead, so he stopped all the disciples and did not let them go on.

   "You all be careful, I think there is something weird ahead." Zhuge Yun said.

  These inner disciples stopped their steps immediately and stared carefully at the front.

   "My lord, is it possible that there is something in front of you?"

   "Hehe, no matter how strong a monster beast is, he wouldn't dare to stop in front of us!" the inner disciple said vowedly.

  It is true that all the elite disciples of Jianyuezong gathered together, plus there is a top powerhouse like Zhuge Yun, even if it is a monster beast that is strong, they dare not come to trouble them.

  As the snow fell and heavier, they finally did not fly in the air, but chose to walk there.

  It’s not far from the place where the Mystic Sea Secret Realm opens, and it only takes a few hours to go there.

  While a few of them continued to walk, Chen Xuan found that the power of the dragon pattern on his skin throbbed.

  It’s a bit bad!

  Chen Xuan could feel the breath from the vegetation in front of him, and he could also feel a powerful force blooming.

   "There seems to be a blood moon frost..." Chen Xuan said suddenly.

  An inner disciple showed a disdainful smile: "This junior, do you really think Blood Moon Frost Jiao dare to trouble me?"

   "That's right, no matter how strong the cultivation base of this Blood Moon Frost Dragon is, she will not dare to provoke us. Sect Master Zhuge is waiting in front. He can kill the Blood Moon Frost Dragon in minutes!"

  The cultivation base of a Blood Moon Frost Dragon can only be completed in the Divine Soul Realm at most, Zhuge Yun can indeed kill it easily.

  But what if it were two blood moon frost worms?

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately walked to the front and said to Sect Master Zhuge: "Sect Master, you should know that I have practiced the power of the dragon pattern. I feel that there are two blood moon frost dragons in front of me. We must be more cautious. ."

  Although Zhuge Yun also felt something wrong in front of him, he did not expect Chen Xuan to accurately say the name of the monster.

  "How do you know that it is two blood moon frost dragons?" Zhuge Yun asked.

   "Sect Master, I have dealt with the Blood Moon Frost Dragon before. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this breath, it must be the Blood Moon Frost Dragon." Chen Xuan whispered.

  "If it is two Blood Moon Frost Dragon, it is really not so easy to deal with, but you don't need to worry, I can kill the Blood Moon Frost Dragon alone." Zhuge Yun replied.


   Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and snowflakes slapped Chen Xuan's face, and even caused some pain in his cheeks.

  It seems that these two blood moon frost dragons are coming...

  Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword and stared cautiously at the front: "There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, it's really two blood moon frost dragons!"

   Suddenly, there was another gust of snow blowing in the sky and the earth, and two blood moon frost worms were entangled in the sky and rushed towards them.

  "Humans, why should you set foot on my territory!" said a blood moon frost scorpion.

  As a blood moon frost snail who has been cultivating for nearly a thousand years, he is sure to be able to vomit.

   Zhuge Yun held the cyan long sword in his hand, and stared at the two blood moon frost snails in the sky with a murderous expression: "We are just passing this way, why should the two of us make it difficult for us?"

   "Hehe, you think I don't know what you want to do here, I must have come to find the treasure of the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea?" said a blood moon frost worm.

   Hearing this, Zhuge Yun is ready to fight: "The secret realm is not yours. If you want to stop us, you two have to weigh it!"

   "Okay, this human being is very rampant, let's show him a little bit of color!" A blood moon frost snail roared, and then it kept shaking its tail.

  The gust of wind blew up again, and bursts of amazing spiritual power quickly landed towards many disciples of the Sword Moon Sect.

  Seeing this situation, Sect Master Zhuge just glanced lightly, and a fierce sword intent burst out of his body, instantly killing him towards the blood moon frost.


  The body of a Blood Moon Frostbird was directly knocked out hundreds of meters, and fell to the ground.

   "You guys, don't watch around, go and kill the blood moon frost scorpion!"

  Following his angry shout, many disciples of Jianyuezong took out their weapons one after another, and surrounded the Blood Moon Frost Dragon that fell on the ground.

  I have to say that Sect Master Zhuge’s cultivation is indeed very terrifying, just a sword aura can defeat a blood moon frost worm.

  Chen Xuan knew very well what level of monster the Blood Moon Frost Dragon was. Even if his ten were added together, it would be impossible to kill the Blood Moon Frost Dragon so easily.

  (End of this chapter)

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