Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3742: Blood Moon Frost Jiao

  Chapter 3742 Blood Moon Frost

  If Sect Master Zhuge hadn't blocked the attack of Blood Moon Frostfly in front, these inner disciples would most likely be killed or injured countless.

  Blood Moon Frost Jiao kept tumbling his body on the ground, wanting to fly into the sky again, but these inner disciples are not vegetarian.

  Everyone worked together to display the sword formation, and the whole sky was filled with blue aura.

  A wave of sword shadows continuously attacked the Blood Moon Frostbird, and finally after five rounds, a Blood Moon Frostbird was beheaded.

  Only one Blood Moon Frostbird was left. Sect Master Zhuge swung his long sword, turning his body into a blue light, and chased it.

  This Blood Moon Frost Dragon seemed very frightened. He did not expect that the human cultivation in front of him would be so powerful.

  Strong enough to defeat him in one round!

  After a cyan sword light flickered, the **** moon frost bird's body was suddenly cut into two halves.

  All of the inner disciples cheered for a while.

Sect Master Zhuge didn’t say a word. After he put the blood moon frost bird's body into the space ring, he immediately said to the disciples behind him: “Don’t waste time, everyone, the secret realm is about to open tomorrow, we can’t waste time here. ."

  Chen Xuan followed everyone behind, and he was also thinking about the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea.

  After two days of training, Chen Xuan's current injury has almost recovered.

  A total of twenty-five disciples, basically all disciples of the Inner Sect, Chen Xuan did not have any intersection with them.

  Except for one of them who has a good relationship with Chen Xuan, this person is Lei Pojun.

   "Brother Chen, it only takes a few hours at most for us to reach the place where the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea is opened." Lei Pojun whispered.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "That's right, it must be very dangerous. Fortunately, your cultivation level has been improved. I haven't broken through to the eighth level of the Shenluo realm in recent days.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt very speechless.

   also used the power of Jianyuelou, but Lei Pojun's cultivation base broke through, but Chen Xuan's cultivation base had no clues of any breakthrough.

   "Don't worry, your cultivation is already at the top among the warriors in the same realm. No one is your opponent." Lei Pojun comforted.

  Chen Xuan smiled: "I don't know how many people from the sect will come this time."

  After the Secret Realm of Fantasy Sea is opened, it will definitely attract the attention of the warriors of the entire Yunxiao Palace.

  Whether it is the major sects or other forces, they are all eager to obtain magic weapons in the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea.

  There are definitely not a few people going to the mysterious sea of ​​fantasy, and their cultivation is absolutely above the eighth level of the Shenluo realm.

  "Brother, do you know what magical place is in this sea of ​​fantasy secret realm? Why are so many people flocking to it?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Although he knew that the Secret Realm of the Illusory Sea would only be opened once every ten years, Chen Xuan had very little understanding of the Secret Realm of the Illusive Sea.

After hearing this, Lei Pojun shook his head slightly and said: "Junior Brother Chen, you ask me, I can't tell you, after all, it only opens once every ten years. I haven't been there before. I heard about this mysterious sea. It was handed down during the First Era. So many years have passed, and there are still many heritage treasures in it."

   "It is said that there are many confusing illusions in the Secret Realm of the Sea of ​​Illusions. If you go in, you must be careful." Lei Pojun reminded.

  Chen Xuan thought for a while, thinking that he had cultivated the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique, he still did not put the Secret Realm of the Sea of ​​Fantasy in his eyes.

   "If it's just to confuse the mind, the illusion in the sea of ​​illusion will not bring me danger at all!"

  Many disciples of the Sword Moon Sect, under the leadership of Zhuge Yun, soon came to the place where the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea was opened.

  In the barren mountains, Chen Xuan could not even see a tree growing with green leaves.

  Because of the extremely cold weather, almost all the leaves on the tree have fallen out.

   "It's so cold here. It's a bit wrong. Why do I feel colder than the Dragon Blood Empire!" said an inner disciple.

   "This is still a question. After all, this is the place where the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea is opened. It must be very strange. Let's be more careful. Don't let the people of other sects trick it!"

  There is a city near the Secret Realm of Fantasy Sea.

  The name of the city is Xiaoding City. This city has been abandoned for a long time, and even the city walls are very dilapidated.

  If it hadn’t been for the opening of the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea, no one would have come to Xiaoding City at all.

  It is said that two hundred years ago, Xiaoding City was still a city with very developed commerce and trade, but then for some reason, Xiaoding City gradually became deserted, and few people would come here.

  But as long as the sea of ​​fantasy is open, this dilapidated city will still be overcrowded, and many people will choose to live in it temporarily.

  A dilapidated city has once again become lively.

  Although the city wall is already dilapidated, you can still see the spirit formation on the tower and many fortifications dedicated to defense from outside.

   "Why did Xiaoding City become like this?" Chen Xuan asked.

Lei Bianjun also showed a puzzled look: "I don't know. I heard that Xiaoding City was a very developed city two hundred years ago. Now no one chooses to live here at all. It must be because of encounters. What's the matter!"

At this moment, Zhuge Yun turned his head and replied to many inner disciples: “Xiaoding City was indeed a very prosperous city before. Two hundred years ago, because the Blood Demon Sect wanted to occupy this city, a certain amount of time happened. In the battle, many strong people are fighting here, that's why Xiaoding City has become so desolate."

   "The battle between the strong will spread to the entire city, but this is already a battle two hundred years ago. By now, Xiaoding City has returned to peace!"

   "Why do the people of the Blood Demon Sect occupy Xiaoding City?" an inner disciple asked. He just said this sentence and immediately realized that the question he was asking was a bit low-end.

  The people of the Blood Demon Sect must be in order to obtain the most inherited treasure in the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea, and they will occupy the top city.

The battle between the strong, the destructive power is very terrifying, the original Xiaoding City was directly razed to the ground, although it was later rebuilt, but in the end it was because many residents of Xiaoding City migrated out, this was once prosperous. The city has finally become a fleeting cloud.

  There is still one day to go before the magic sea secret realm opens. When they come to Xiaoding City, they are finally ready to choose to stay in Xiaoding City for a day.

  Although Xiaoding City was already very dilapidated, the warriors of all major sects had already gathered, so when Chen Xuan walked in, he suddenly found that there were many sect disciples on the street.

  Through their costumes, Chen Xuan even saw several Li family members.

  There are still many sects that Chen Xuan can’t name.

   What surprised him most was that there were many civilians in Xiaoding City.

  They sell all kinds of food here, as well as many materials for cultivation.

Seeing Chen Xuan’s puzzled expression, Lei Pojun explained: “You don’t need to think too much. These people know that the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea is open, so they sell things here. Generally speaking, they sell everything. What we need, in just a few days, this group of people can earn a lot of spirit stones!"

  For ordinary people, a piece of spirit stone is already worth a thousand gold, and the warriors of these sects only carry spirit stones, not gold and silver jewelry at all.

  A random spiritual stone in their eyes, but in the eyes of these mortals, it is already very valuable.

   Zhuge Yun took many disciples of Jianyuezong, preparing to find a quiet place, waiting for the opening of the mysterious sea of ​​fantasy.

  "Don't move around here, give me peace of mind. There are many warriors of various sects here. Don't trouble them, otherwise I can't protect you." Zhuge Yun said.

The elite disciples of Sword Yuezong nodded one after another, but at this moment, a voice suddenly reached their ears.

   "Zhuge Yun, I heard that you have practiced in retreat, but I didn't think you weren't dead yet, hahaha!" A very young man in a blue long dress walked towards them.

   After hearing this voice, Zhuge Yun raised his eyebrows lightly: "Unexpectedly, you came here too, haha, have we already seen each other?"

"Zhuge Yun, I heard that a disciple with a very outstanding cultivation base appeared in your Jianyue Sect. I don't know if he has come over this time?" The blue-robed man who spoke was from the Black Cloud Gate and was also a Two-Star Sect. Door, the strength is very good.

   "You don't need to worry about so many things." Zhuge Yun said with a cold face.

"Hahaha, you are still as unpleasant as before, I just asked casually, you actually rejected me, Zhuge Yun, I am really curious about the cultivation level of this little disciple of Sword Yuezong? I don’t know. How do my heirs compare?" the blue-robed man asked.

  Chen Xuan felt that Zhuge Yun had a conflict with the Sect Master of Heiyunmen, but he didn't know what happened between the two.

   Several inner disciples are already discussing.

  (End of this chapter)

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