Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3747: Zhang Gaojie

  Chapter 3747 Zhang Gaojie

  Amidst the continuous discussion, Chen Xuan's expression is always very calm.

   "Zhang Gaojie, Sect Master Black Cloud must have sent you over, right?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "I don't want to repeat it a second time, this incident has nothing to do with the Black Cloud Gate!" Zhang Gaojie roared, and immediately swung his huge sword and slashed towards Chen Xuan.

  The cultivation techniques of the Black Cloud Gate are very messy. Some people practice boxing, some practice spears, but most of the martial artists are practicing swordsmanship.

  They are different from Jian Yuezong.

  Sword Yuezong's disciples are basically sword cultivators and do not practice other techniques.

  Of course, whether it is the sword repair school or the sword repair school, these sects basically practice boxing and footwork.

  Kungfu is something that everyone needs to possess. Although it is not necessary to cultivate through martial arts, it is necessary to master some.

  Otherwise, if you lose your weapon, you will completely lose your ability to resist, and you will definitely be killed by the opponent.

  Chen Xuan waved his long sword, and his whole body exuded a dark red aura.

  Zhang Gaojie's cultivation base exceeds Liu Yongchang, so Chen Xuan did not dare to relax his vigilance.


Suddenly, a fierce aura burst out from Zhang Gaojie's giant sword. This sword aura immediately condensed in the sky, and then slammed down in the direction of Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan was slightly surprised when he felt the terrifying spiritual power carried in this sword aura.

  It seems that Zhang Gaojie’s cultivation is not as simple as I thought!

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately used the power of the dragon pattern, and a dark red pattern appeared on his body. At this moment, Chen Xuan released a fierce murderous aura.

   "Hehe, it seems that you are a little overestimating your own cultivation. It only takes three rounds at most and I can defeat you." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

  Zhang Gaojie laughed wildly, his face filled with a vicious smile: "Don't be so arrogant, don't cry when you lose in my hands!"

  Zhang Gaojie's body rushed over again, and a dark red air current burst out from his body, directly rolling up Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan swung his long sword lightly, and the flames of Vermillion Bird suddenly released from his pupils, which burned directly in the direction of Zhang Gaojie.

  In this instant, the flame exploded directly in front of Zhang Gaojie, and the powerful airflow that bloomed began to spread to the surroundings.

   Zhang Gaojie swung the red giant sword, an astonishing sword aura directly penetrated the flames of the Vermillion Bird, and shot towards Chen Xuan's direction.


   Chen Xuan's body was shaken back by two steps. When he reacted, he found that Zhang Gaojie had already rushed over.

   Zhang Gaojie's expression was very cruel, he wanted to harvest Chen Xuan's life, but how could Chen Xuan honestly wait for his attack.

  Chen Xuan roared, once again swung the long sword, and directly displayed thousands of swordsmanship. This is the most powerful swordsmanship Chen Xuan has ever practiced.

  After he showed this sword technique, Zhang Gaojie also felt dangerous.

The power of Suzaku swordsmanship is very terrifying. In normal times, this swordsmanship plays more of a supplementary role. Whether it is Suzaku swordsmanship or Sword Yuezong's sky-extinguishing swordsmanship, Suzaku fire can be mixed Among them, let the power further break through.

  I have to say that Zhang Gaojie’s cultivation level is not weak among monks of the same level, but in the battle with Chen Xuan, he has never won.

  At this moment, on the square of Xiaoding City, many disciples of the major sects are very fascinated, and they also judge in their hearts who can win the victory.

   "Although Chen Xuan's cultivation base is very strong, it is very difficult for him to defeat Zhang Gaojie. After all, Zhang Gaojie's cultivation base has reached the eighth peak of the Shenluo realm, and Chen Xuan cannot be his opponent."

   "You are right. Although Chen Xuan is considered very strong among monks in the same realm, he is absolutely unable to deal with Zhang Gaojie. After all, this is a realm gap!"

  And when the voices of many warriors just fell, Chen Xuan suddenly waved his long sword, releasing a fierce aura from all over his body.

  They couldn’t imagine that Chen Xuan’s sword energy could release such terrifying power.

   "Can Zhang Gaojie still block his attack?"

   "Look at Xuan, the power of this sword aura is really too strong, even if it makes me appear on the stage, I am afraid it may not be able to resist it."

  In the horrified eyes of many disciples, the sword aura that Chen Xuan waved out instantly hit Zhang Gaojie's body and directly knocked the opponent out.

After being hit by Chen Xuan's sword aura, Zhang Gaojie's body rolled on the ground several times and almost rolled off the competition stage.

  Zhang Gaojie plunged his sword into the ground, his face was full of blood. He thought he could kill Chen Xuan easily, but the result was unexpected.

   "It seems that this kid's cultivation is far less simple than I imagined. No wonder Junior Brother will die in his hands." Thinking of this, Zhang Gaojie suddenly held a hidden weapon in his hand, preparing to plot against Chen Xuan.

  Since my cultivation base is not as good as yours, then I must kill you and definitely not allow you to enter the sea of ​​fantasy.

  If Chen Xuan enters the Secret Realm of the Illusory Sea, it will definitely pose a threat to their Black Cloud Gate. In order to avoid Chen Xuan entering the Secret Realm of the Illusive Sea, Zhang Gaojie is prepared to kill him.

   Seeing the hidden weapon taken out by Zhang Gaojie, Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "Your junior wanted to count me, but I was killed by me. Do you want to repeat the same mistake?"

"Hehe, my younger brother and I are not at the same level. Don't think that you can kill him and you can deal with me. I tell you, today you will definitely die in my hands!" Zhang Gaojie yelled angrily. With a sound, he immediately waved a hidden weapon and shot towards Chen Xuan.

   Suddenly, bursts of turbulent spiritual energy rolled up instantly, and dark red rays of light spread across the entire world.

  At this critical moment, Chen Xuan's body instantly flew into the sky, avoiding the hidden weapon.

  He swung the long sword again and at the same time released the Suzaku fire.

"I will let you know the gap between the two of us, even if you reach the eighth peak of the Shenluo realm, what can you do? It's not going to die in my hands in the end!" Chen Xuande's face was light and calm. With a smile, at the same time, he kept waving his long sword, and an astonishing wind flew out instantly.


  Sword Qi continued to fall on Zhang Gaojie's body. Even though his defense power was very strong, there was no way to resist the fire of the bird.

  When the raging flames burned up, all the disciples showed panic expressions one after another.

   "The power of this flame is too strong, I don't think Zhang Gaojie can resist it!"

   "I really feel a pity for him. Zhang Gaojie's cultivation is already pretty good at Black Cloud Gate, but there is a huge gap between him and Chen Xuan!"

   "If we enter the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea, we must be careful of this guy, his cultivation is stronger than we thought!" said a disciple of the sect.

  Under the continuous flames, Zhang Gaojie's body was finally burned into a bone.

  Chen Xuan doesn’t make trouble, but he is absolutely not afraid of trouble.

  He was not planning to kill Zhang Gaojie, but when the other party took out the hidden weapon, Chen Xuan no longer hesitated.

  He must ensure his own safety, especially Zhang Gaojie and others have been making trouble for him, and Chen Xuan will definitely not let him go.

  Being able to kill a person from the Black Cloud Gate will increase the chance of Chen Xuan getting the treasure of inheritance again.

  These Black Cloud Gate warriors will definitely kill him in the Illusory Sea Secret Realm, and Chen Xuan will not sit still.

   After killing Zhang Gaojie, Chen Xuan's expression was very flat, as if he had just killed an ant.

  In fact, in Chen Xuan's eyes, Zhang Gaojie is indeed an ant, and he does not need to show all his cultivation skills to deal with it easily.

  A few disciples of the Black Cloud Gate were already in the crowd. When they saw Chen Xuan easily kill Zhang Gaojie, their faces were full of horror.

   "How is this possible, even Senior Brother Zhang is not his opponent, and we are even less likely to defeat him!"

   "Hurry up and report to the master, that is, Brother Zhang was killed by Chen Xuan!"

  At this moment, the sky has gradually dimmed.

  The moon hung over Xiaoding City, and these Black Cloud Sect disciples hurriedly rushed toward the resting place of their sect.

  When they reported the situation to the Black Cloud Gate Sect Master, the Black Cloud Gate Sect Master’s face carried a hideous killing intent.

"What are you talking about? Zhang Gaojie was killed by him in two rounds. This is absolutely impossible. His cultivation only has the Seventh Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm. Why can he kill Zhang Gaojie?" The Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate also Very confused, he couldn't believe that Chen Xuan could actually win.

"It seems that Jianyuezong's luck is very good. He actually received such a talented disciple. It is a pity that I must kill him to prevent this kid from becoming a threat to me in the future!" Thinking of this, Sect Master Black Cloud Gate There was a touch of blood on his face, and his heart had already begun to figure out **** Chen Xuan.

  Never let him grow up, otherwise it will become a huge threat to our Black Cloud Gate in the future!

   Thinking of this, the Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate suddenly quietly summoned a disciple.

  This person’s name is Liu Quande, and his cultivation has reached the early stage of the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm.

  In order to ensure that Chen Xuan could be killed, the Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate did not hesitate to do anything.

"Quande, this kid's cultivation base is very terrible. If you meet him, you must be careful and you must not be caught by him. At night, you sneak into the Sword Moon Sect's territory and you must not be discovered by them." Hei The Sect Master of the Cloud Gate began to make small calculations, he wanted to kill Chen Xuan at night to remove the threat to the Black Cloud Gate.

   "Don't worry, Sovereign, I will definitely do this thing smoothly!" The disciple smiled grimly, and then slowly left here.

  At this time, after Chen Xuan defeated Zhang Gaojie, Lei Pojun and others returned to their resting place.

  Zhuge Yun has been waiting here for a long time. He just heard that Chen Xuan promised Zhang Gaojie to go to the square of Xiaoding City to fight him.

  "You are so impulsive, Chen Xuan, these people from the Black Cloud Gate will definitely do something to you. You actually left our resting camp, what if you were killed by them?" Zhuge Yun said.

  It can be seen that Zhugeyun is indeed very worried about Chen Xuan's safety.

   After all, Chen Xuan has a question about whether Jianyuezong can rise again.

  Zhuge Yun has pinned all his hopes on Chen Xuan. He wants to use Chen Xuan's power to re-emerge Jianyuezong as a three-star sect.

"You can rest assured that the Sect Master, the people of the Black Cloud Gate can't pose a threat to me." Chen Xuanxiemei smiled: "My cultivation level has reached the seventh level of the Shenluo realm. Unless the other party's cultivation level can enter the 9th level of perfection, otherwise. No one can threaten me."

  Zhuge Yun naturally knew that Chen Xuan’s cultivation skills were very strong, but he was still very worried: “Chen Xuan, it’s better to be more careful. These Heiyunmen people are very vicious in their minds. What if they are cruel?”

  "You are near the camp. I can protect you. The Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate must not dare to come to your troubles with great fanfare. If you leave our camp, he will definitely do it for you!" Zhuge Yun said slowly.

  (End of this chapter)

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