Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3748: Liu Quande

  Chapter 3748 Liu Quande

  Of course, Chen Xuan knew that the people at the Black Cloud Gate would certainly not give up, but he didn’t know that Liu Quande had slipped quietly to the vicinity of the Jianyuezong camp and was about to assassinate him in the dark.

   "Sect Master Zhuge, you don't need to worry about my safety. If they dare to come, I will kill all the people from the Black Cloud Gate..." Chen Xuan said with disdain.

  Many disciples of the inner sect showed their appreciation, and they gathered around and said.

   "Junior Brother Chen is really free and easy, we must be careful of the people in the Black Cloud Gate when we enter the Secret Realm of the Sea of ​​Illusions, they will never give up!"

  Lei Pojun also came and said: "Brother Chen, these Black Cloud Gate people are very dangerous. If they are attacked by them, I am afraid you will also be injured."

  They didn’t discuss it for too long. After all, tomorrow is the day when the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea is opened. All inner disciples need to rest well to ensure that they have enough energy to find the treasure of inheritance in the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea.

  About the early hours of the morning, Chen Xuan was still not asleep, and he planned to take advantage of this evening to break his cultivation to the next level.

  As long as he can reach the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, the chance of finding the most inherited treasure will be greatly improved. Chen Xuan will never relax, after all, he has already provoke the Black Cloud Gate.

  Black Cloud Gate, the top two-star sect of Yunxiao Mansion, few people will trouble them.

   Chen Xuan now seems to be remembered by the wolf.

  The Sect Master of Black Cloud Gate will definitely find ways to kill him.

"Only when the cultivation base is strong, I can guarantee my safety. I must step up my cultivation tonight to see if I can make the cultivation base break through to the next level!" Thinking of this, Chen Xuan swallowed two dragon patterns in a row. Dan.

  He wants to use the power of the dragon pattern to make his cultivation breakthrough a small realm.

   Just as Chen Xuan was continuously absorbing the spiritual power of the dragon pattern pill, he keenly felt that a dark figure in the distance was constantly looking at him.

After feeling this person’s murderous gaze, Chen Xuan’s eyes revealed a vicious murderous intent: "Very well, I dare to come to my trouble. I want to let these people from the Black Cloud Gate know. What is danger!"

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's body slowly turned into a black shadow and disappeared in the camp of Jianyuezong.

  Liu Quande’s face was full of murderous aura. He was observing Chen Xuan in the camp, but Chen Xuan suddenly disappeared.

   Liu Quande felt very flustered inside, and he knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation skills were very strong.

   "Where did this kid go? Why did he disappear suddenly? Could it be that he has found me?" Thinking of this, Liu Quande suddenly left the hiding place.

   But at this moment, a sword aura suddenly rushed towards his body, which made Liu Quande completely unexpected. He originally thought that Chen Xuan was probably resting.

  When this sword aura broke out, Liu Quande hurriedly swung his long sword to prepare for defense.


   Sword Qi exploded in an instant, and bursts of turbulent prairie fire burned on him in an instant.

   Liu Quande's expression was very flustered, he felt a terrifying murderous aura from this sword aura.

  What a strong power!

   Liu Quande originally thought he could kill Chen Xuan in a second, but after he resolved this sword aura, he realized that his cultivation level could not kill Chen Xuan.

   was discovered by this kid, retreat as soon as possible!

  If the elder of Jianyuezong came over, Liu Quande would definitely not be an opponent.

   Waves of fierce auras were released again, and he was swallowed up in an instant.

  Liu Quande hurriedly used the power of refining, preparing to resist the burning of the bird's fire.

  How could Chen Xuan do as he wished. Under the continuous attacks of the Suzaku Fire, Liu Quande's body had already glowed. He wanted to defend against Chen Xuan's attack, but in the end it was all in vain.

  The battle on this side quickly stunned many Jianyuezong's inner disciples, and the weapons they were living in one after another approached in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   "What happened to Brother Chen!" an inner disciple asked.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Liu Quande with his eyes, and said with a smile to everyone, “It seems that a wild dog from the Black Cloud Gate is trying to kill me again. Brothers, don’t let him go!”

  Many inner disciples uniformly took out the long swords, and the continuous sword energy slew towards Liu Quande.

  In a few seconds, Liu Quande's body was all scarred by the sword qi, and his whole body also slowly fell to the ground, with no breath revealed in his whole body.

After beheading Liu Quande, Chen Xuan hurriedly reported the news to Zhuge Yun.

   After learning about this, Zhuge Yun did not show any expressions, obviously calculating the gap between himself and the Black Cloud Sect Sect Master in his heart.

   "It seems that the contradiction is about to break out. Tonight, you should be more cautious. If you can practice, go to practice, and if you can rest, go to rest as soon as possible!"

  Inner Sect disciples all agreed.

  Chen Xuan was planning to practice, but suddenly saw Lei Pojun walking towards him.

  At this time, Lei Pojun looked around, looked at the vast expanse of whiteness, and asked Chen Xuan: "Junior Brother Chen, do you feel anything?"

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes and displayed the power of the dragon pattern, carefully sensing the surrounding breath. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and said to Lei Pojun: "What do you feel?"

   "Brother Chen, if you take a closer look, maybe you will find out!" Lei Pojun said inexplicably.

   Seeing the face he exposed, Chen Xuan nodded, and continued to close his eyes, using the power of the dragon pattern to perceive the changes around him.

   "Did you feel it too?" At the moment when Chen Xuan displayed the power of the dragon pattern, he suddenly discovered a surge of spiritual power, which was spreading from a distance.

   "I heard that there is a very weird monster in Xiaoding City. They usually hide underground. If you don't look for it carefully, you will never find it..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  He felt the breath of a blue-headed and golden-eyed mouse. To be precise, Chen Xuan felt danger.

  There are several green-headed and golden-eyed mice under the ground.

"These blue-headed golden-eyed mice are very good at sneak attacks. Brother Chen, usually the blue-headed golden-eyed mice hide in the ground. It is very difficult to find them, but the fur of the blue-headed golden-eyed mice is very precious. Killing these blue-headed golden-eyed mice will definitely get a lot of good treasures!" Lei Pojun said with a smile.

   "If I didn't guess wrong, there are really a few green-headed and golden-eyed mice under the ground!" Chen Xuan could feel that there was a breath under the ground that could only be emitted by monsters.

  Could it be possible that these blue-headed golden-eyed mice have been waiting underground?

  Thinking of this, Chen Xuangang was about to report to Zhuge Yun, but was held back by Lei Pojun.

   "Brother Chen, don't report this to the sovereign in advance. Let's go quietly to kill these green-headed golden-eyed rats and get their fur!"

After    finished speaking, Zhuge Yun slowly disappeared in place.

  Chen Xuan has never seen a green-headed golden-eyed mouse, so he is naturally curious.

  After the two of them came to a remote place, facing the deserted city, Chen Xuan slowly took out the long sword.

   "As long as we are alone, these blue-headed and golden-eyed mice will definitely attack!" Lei Pojun said.

Now that the two of them are far away from Jianyuezong’s camp, Chen Xuan looked at the vast expanse of Xiaoding City, and his heart was full of shock: "I can’t imagine that Xiaoding City has actually fallen into such a lands. Many green-headed and golden-eyed rats..."

  Although Chen Xuan has never witnessed a green-headed golden-eyed rat with his own eyes, he knows that the places where the green-headed golden-eyed rat appears are basically areas that have been abandoned for a long time.

  In places where humans live, there will never be a large number of blue-headed and golden-eyed rats.

   "Let's go ahead and take a look, these blue-headed golden-eyed mice have not yet come out for a sneak attack!" After Lei Pojun finished speaking, he walked forward again.

  Chen Xuan nodded, and moved forward quickly with Lei Pojun, just when they came to the building with a hole in front.

  Chen Xuan suddenly felt a dangerous breath, which spread from the ground.

  The land began to loosen.

  Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword, his face was full of alertness: "It's really a green-headed golden-eyed mouse!"

   realizing that the blue-headed golden-eyed mouse was about to rush out of the ground, Chen Xuan immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, releasing fierce Suzaku fire from all over his body.

  As soon as a black shadow rushed out, Chen Xuan immediately slashed out a sword aura.


  A gust of wind blew up, only to see the sword qi hit the black shadow, directly knocking the green-headed golden-eyed mouse out of more than ten meters.

  It's just that the size of this blue-headed golden-eyed mouse is far larger than the ordinary blue-headed golden-eyed mouse, and it is still burning with flames.

  Chen Xuan was very clear in his heart that the green-headed and golden-eyed mouse in front of him was absolutely extraordinary, and it was very likely that he was a demon king who had cultivated for a long time.

After stabilizing his figure, Chen Xuan carefully looked at the green-headed golden-eyed mouse in front of him.

  He found that this blue-headed and golden-eyed mouse had dark hair all over, but the flames burning on it were very dangerous.

   "Be careful, the teeth of the green-headed golden-eyed mice are very scary, you must not be bitten, the teeth of these blue-headed golden-eyed mice carry very poisonous!" Lei Pojun reminded.

  He had fought with the blue-headed golden-eyed mouse before and knew that the blue-headed golden-eyed mouse was very dangerous, but Chen Xuan had no similar concept. He felt that he could easily kill the blue-headed golden-eyed mouse.

   "It's just a monster. Can't we kill him if we join forces?"


  The body of the green-headed golden-eyed mouse suddenly bounced.

Although the height of an ordinary green-headed golden-eyed rat is only a meter in height, the size of this demon king has reached more than two meters, and the fire that burns up on him makes this blue-headed golden-eyed rat It seems extraordinary.

  "This blue-headed golden-eyed mouse is absolutely extraordinary. As long as we can kill it, we can definitely get the best fur, maybe we can sell thousands of top-grade spirit stones!" Lei Pojun said.

  Sect disciples like Lei Pojun who do not go out of the gate and do not step out, they will only go out when they are performing combat missions.

  Especially Lei Pojun seldom leaves Jianyuezong, he spends more time cultivating in the sect.

  Chen Xuan is indeed very puzzled, why Lei Pojun knows the green-headed golden-eyed rat.

  It looks like he has fought with the blue-headed and golden-eyed mouse many times.

  Chen Xuan began to infer the origin of Lei Pojun.

  Before he joined the Sword Moon Sect, Lei Pojun was likely to have already forged an enemy with the Blood Demon Sect.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Lei Pojun heard the name of the Blood Demon Sect and would rush into the sword tower at all costs to kill the elders of the Blood Demon Sect.

   Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun's cultivation bases are already very powerful, even the powerhouses of the nine peaks of the Shenluo realm might not be able to support many rounds under their hands.

  After a few rounds, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun joined forces to kill the blue-headed golden-eyed rat.

  The green-headed golden-eyed mouse struggled on the ground for a while, and finally stopped moving. Seeing that the green-headed golden-eyed mouse had lost his life, Chen Xuan immediately walked forward.

  (End of this chapter)

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