Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3749: Lei Pojun's cultivation base

  Chapter 3749 Lei Pojun’s cultivation base

  Just after coming out of the ruins, Chen Xuan felt the roar of a few monsters nearby.

After a stick of incense, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun beheaded three monsters.

  At this time, a dark red light suddenly appeared on Chen Xuan's skin. This is because the power of the dragon pattern is working.

The power of the dragon pattern can absorb the spirit of the killed monster, and Chen Xuan felt a wave of heat penetrate into his body.

  Feeling this heat wave moving on the skin, Chen Xuan's heart was full of shock.

"The fire of the soul of this monster beast has been absorbed by me, and I have now created the mood of fire. If I can kill a few more green-headed golden-eyed rats, it may really improve my cultivation... …" Chen Xuan said slightly.

  It's a pity that they only met a blue-headed golden-eyed mouse, but even so, Chen Xuan was already satisfied.

   "I don't know if there are other blue-headed golden-eyed rats. If I can kill more monsters, it will definitely improve my Vermillion Bird Heart Art!" Chen Xuan whispered.

  Lei Pojun seemed to hear Chen Xuan’s whisper, so he walked over and asked: "Brother Chen, can you kill these blue-headed and golden-eyed mice to increase the power of the dragon pattern?"

  Chen Xuan nodded.

After    heard, Lei Pojun said immediately: "In this case, let's kill a few green-headed and golden-eyed mice. I heard the sounds of these blue-headed and golden-eyed mice. They didn't come out in the ground!"

  Although Lei Pojun has no dragon mark perception, he can infer that there are still many green-headed golden-eyed rats under the ground based on his rich experience.

  As they go farther and farther, danger is coming.

   "Brother Chen, come with me." Lei Pojun said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan didn't think too much, and quickly rushed behind Lei Pojun, looking for the past. After about two sticks of incense, Lei Pojun suddenly stopped.

   "There is a blood lotus cave here, let's go in and take a look." Lei Pojun said slowly.

  After entering the blood lotus cave, Chen Xuan looked at the front in a little surprised, he felt the power here is very weird.

   "Lei Pojun, how did you know this place?" Chen Xuan asked.

  If it weren't for Lei Pojun to lead the way, it would be impossible for Chen Xuan to find this place.

  This blood lotus cave is very hidden, the atmosphere inside is very cold, and the surrounding area is full of thousand-year-old ice.

  The blood lotus cave must have existed for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

  The power of Frost Ice is really too strong, and Chen Xuan can barely resist this power only by displaying the Suzaku Fire.

   "The breath here is so cold, I am afraid it is not as simple as we thought, we must be more careful." Lei Pojun did not directly answer Chen Xuan's question, but continued to walk forward.

  Chen Xuan felt very confused, but he didn't ask too much.

  The more he walked inside, Chen Xuan felt that a very cold force was constantly being released.


  Chen Xuan suddenly heard the sound of a blue-headed and golden-eyed mouse. He hurriedly swung his long sword, his face was cautious, and he stared closely at the front.

   "Lei Pojun, there should be several green-headed golden-eyed mice in front of you, you must be careful." Chen Xuan instantly took out the Liaoyuan sword, and cut a sword gas towards the green-headed golden-eyed mice in front.


  Sword Qi suddenly fled to the surroundings, and the bodies of the two green-headed and golden-eyed rats were immediately knocked into the air.

  This is not over yet, Chen Xuan stepped out quickly, the flames of the Vermillion Bird condensed all over his body.

  His body instantly hit the body of the blue-headed golden-eyed mouse. At the moment of contact, the two blue-headed golden-eyed rats were completely burned by the Suzaku fire.

  Chen Xuangang was about to continue attacking, but Lei Pojun suddenly walked towards him, pointed to Chen Xuan and said, “Chen Xuan, there seems to be someone in front of you. Let’s go and take a look.”

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan's face suddenly showed shock. How could there be anyone in this blood lotus cave?

  "Are you sure you read it correctly?" Chen Xuan immediately displayed the dragon pattern perception, but he did not notice any breath of life.

   "Obviously there is nothing, you are not mistaken, are you?" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously.

  Under the release of the dragon mark perception, all lives could not escape his tracking, but Chen Xuan did not notice any breath of life.

  Unless the dragon pattern perception is wrong, or Lei Pojun is mistaken, there is no other possibility.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun walked toward the front, and then rushed over a few green-headed golden-eyed mice, but Chen Xuan easily killed them.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan saw four red lights and shadows emerging in front of him, and he heard the voices of four people in front of him.

  The voice of a middle-aged man said: "Let’s not act rashly, as long as we can find the Magic Vine Fangdian, we can gain the power of the entire Xiaoding City!"

  "After the destruction of the first dynasty, they concentrated all their power in the Magic Vine Cube. If the Magic Vine Cube can be found, we will rise to the top."

  Chen Xuan stared at the four lights and shadows in front of him carefully, but he discovered that this was not a real living person, only an image recorded by the formation.

   "It's strange that these images are actually recorded in such detail, hurry up, let's go over and take a look." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he immediately pulled Lei Pojun and walked forward.

  As Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun went deeper and deeper into the blood lotus cave, they vaguely realized that it was not that simple here.

The walls were filled with many strange runes, and Chen Xuan couldn’t understand these words at all. Lei Pojun also had doubts on his face, and gently pressed against the wall with his hands: "If I didn’t guess wrong, there is something here. It may be a relic left by the original mechanical civilization."

Speaking of mechanical civilization, Chen Xuan immediately thought of the ancient ruins left by the First Dynasty.

  Mechanical civilization has always existed in the first and second dynasties, but the history of this civilization has long since disappeared.

  The ruins left by them can be found accidentally in Yunxiao Mansion, but the number is very small.

  There are many precious treasures in the relics of mechanical civilization. If these magic weapons can be found, they will definitely make a breakthrough in their cultivation.

"If this is really a relic of mechanical civilization, then we must be more careful. There must be many demon puppets in this relic. You must be more cautious!" Lei Pojun looked ahead and took out the long sword at the same time. Walked slowly forward.

  "Have you been to the remains of the First Dynasty before?"

   "I have explored the remains of the Mechanical Dynasty by chance. According to legend, they existed in the first dynasty, but in the second dynasty, they suddenly disappeared without a trace..."

  When the first dynasty existed, hundreds of thousands of years ago, no one knew why this dynasty suddenly disappeared overnight.

   "Unexpectedly, the first dynasty has existed for that long, but we still have to be careful. I heard the sound of mechanical movement in front of me. It is very likely that the demon puppet came here."

  As soon as these words came out, the two of them took out their weapons one after another and stared at the front.

The four lights and shadows in front of    suddenly disappeared, but Chen Xuan saw one of the red lights and shadows running towards the front door.

  Chen Xuan came to the gate.

  The gate built by the first dynasty has a very heavy metal feeling. Chen Xuan's hands gently pressed on it, and suddenly felt an astonishing force passing over.

   "Sure enough, there is a very powerful force. The things built by the First Dynasty are very old and heavy!"

  As soon as the voice fell, two heavenly demon puppets suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan in the sky.

  Chen Xuan didn't even notice that these two sky demon spirit puppets had been wandering nearby for a long time.

  The body of the Sky Demon Puppet is made of metal.

  Chen Xuan swung his long sword, a sword aura instantly slew towards the sky devil puppet, and directly knocked the body of the sky devil puppet hundreds of meters away, causing the sky devil puppet to smash against the distant wall.

  But then, the body of the Heavenly Demon Puppet actually began to reorganize, and the Heavenly Demon Puppet, whose arm had been cut off by Chen Xuan, appeared in front of him intact.

   "Be careful, the metal used to create the Sky Demon Puppets is very unique and can be reorganized by itself. It must attack the core of the Sky Demon Puppets, otherwise there will be no way to kill these Sky Demon Puppets!" Lei Pojun said loudly.

  Chen Xuan nodded. He had fought the sky demon puppets before, and knew that the strength of these sky demon puppets was terrifying.

  A sword aura instantly slammed towards the forehead of the sky demon spirit puppet, where the inner core was.

After    was hit by the sword qi at the core, the sky demon spirit puppet burst out with dark red light streams all over his body, and then fell to the ground, obviously having lost the ability to move.

   "You have to attack the inner core. I don't know how many demon puppets are still in the blood lotus cave. We must not separate, otherwise it is very likely that the demon puppets will seize the opportunity to destroy them!" Lei Pojun said hurriedly.

  I have to say that the cultivation base of the heavenly devil spirit puppet is very strong, basically equivalent to the human monk in the middle seventh stage of the Shenluo realm.

  And this is just the most common celestial puppet.

  There are many types of heavenly demon puppets, and there are even some heavenly demon puppets that are almost three meters in size, and are covered with sturdy spirit armor. It is very difficult to kill these heavenly demon puppets.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan and the others encountered in the Blood Lotus Devil's Cave were not particularly strong. The strongest was only in the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo Realm. With the cultivation bases of Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun, they could easily deal with it. .

   "Brother Chen, let's go ahead and search, maybe we can find something good." After speaking, Lei Pojun suddenly rushed forward.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to follow, but he suddenly saw a red light and shadow in the distance, shining continuously in the sky.

  Chen Xuan immediately stopped and stared at the red light in front of him.

  A woman’s voice came over: "What are you doing here?"

  After hearing this voice, Chen Xuan immediately took out his weapon and stared at the red shadow in the air.

   "We stumbled into this place by accident. I don't know who you are?" Chen Xuan asked immediately. He had seen a lot of lights and shadows flashing just now, indicating that someone must have come in here.

   "Hehe, we have got the Rubik's Cube Dian, but the Rubik's Cube Dian is completely different from what we imagined. I wonder if you can do me a favor?" the woman's voice said.

  Chen Xuan felt confused, because he felt that the woman's voice was very similar to one of the four lights and shadows he had seen before.

  "Are you the one who went inside to find the Magic Teng Fangdian?" Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

The woman laughed: "It's a pity that we were all deceived. The power in the Magic Vine Cube Code is beyond our control. I hope you will help me send the Magic Vine Cube Code to the hall inside, and then the property will return to the original owner. , My body has been completely destroyed, and my spirit cannot enter the hall."

   After hearing the woman's words, Chen Xuan immediately responded, but he did not relax his vigilance. Who knows if this woman framed him on purpose.

  The red light in the sky flickered again, and then a magic vine cube diary with a light red light cluster fell into the palm of Chen Xuan's hand.

  Lei Pojun was halfway there, but when he turned his head, he found that Chen Xuan was missing. He hurried back, but happened to see the Magic Vine Fangdian falling on Chen Xuan's hand.

"Brother Chen, no, how did you get the Magic Teng's Cube Dian? If I knew that, I won't run so fast, hahahahaha, I got the Magic Teng's Cube Dian, the cultivation level of the two of us. Anyone can break through!" Lei Pojun smiled heartily, and then walked towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's expression was a little nervous. From the moment he received the Magic Vine Fangdian, he felt a very terrifying spiritual power emanating from it.

   "The Magic Vine Cube Code is not as simple as we thought. I think we should return the Magic Vine Cube Code to the original owner, otherwise it will be difficult for us to leave the Blood Lotus Devil's Cave." Chen Xuan said.

  (End of this chapter)

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