Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3750: Matokata store

  Chapter 3750 Magic Vine Cube Code

Lei Pojun replied in a puzzled manner: "Chen Xuan, this is a great time to improve the cultivation base. Tomorrow after the magic sea secret is opened, there will definitely be a **** battle in it. We can only deal with it if the cultivation base breaks through. A stronger enemy, don't let the opportunity slip away in vain!"

  Lei Pojun's heart really didn't understand why Chen Xuan did this. They came to the Blood Lotus Devil's Cave to get the Magic Vine Cube.

  This is a treasure handed down from the first dynasty. After finally getting the Magic Vine Fangdian, Chen Xuan wants to return it. What is the reason?

  Lei Pojun was a little puzzled, he wanted to persuade Chen Xuan to take the Magic Vine Fangdian back.

  After all, the Magic Teng's Fangdian inherits the knowledge and exercises of the first dynasty. If you can learn all these exercises, you will definitely make a breakthrough in your cultivation.

  Chen Xuan now understands what the mysterious woman said just now.

"The power of the Magic Vine Cube Code is really not something that mortals can shake. I can feel that this Magic Vine Cube Code is very dangerous. Although the Magic Vine Cube Code may contain the knowledge and techniques of the first dynasty, the cultivation level is not strong enough. There is no way to control him." Chen Xuan said slightly.

  Lei Pojun still didn't take it to heart. Since there is no way to open it, one day his cultivation base will break through, and he will still be able to learn the above techniques.

"Chen Xuan, take the Magic Vine Fangdian back first. After all, only the two of us know about this, and we entered the Blood Lotus Demon Cave by accident. It will not be easy to find the Blood Lotus Demon Cave next time. That's it!" Lei Pojun reminded.

  He wanted to persuade Chen Xuan to dispel his idea, how could the Rubik's Cube Dian he finally found return.

  In the sky, the red light bloomed again, and the woman's voice came over.

"You don’t understand how terrifying the magic vine’s cube canon is. For this magic vine’s cube, we came here from the Dragon Blood Empire. There is a huge danger in the magic vine’s cube. If you don’t take the magic vine cube Dian is back, no one can leave from here."


  Lei Pojun immediately took out the weapon, his face was full of panic and looked at the sky.

  Chen Xuan stopped Lei Pojun and said to him: "It shouldn't be the one who came to harm us. Believe him for the time being."

  Because of the dragon pattern perception, Chen Xuan can clearly perceive the terrifying power hidden in the Magic Vine Cube, and he also heard a heavy boom just now, indicating that the gate to leave the blood lotus cave has been closed.

"If you want to leave from here, you must send the Magic Teng Fangdian to the main hall. There are only so many I can remind you. As for whether you are willing to do what I said, it's up to you two." After speaking, the red light group faintly dissipated until it disappeared.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun glanced at each other, they still hadn’t made up their minds whether to send the Magic Teng Fangdian back.

   "Chen Xuan, what is the origin of that woman? Is it true?" Lei Pojun asked.

Chen Xuan slowly held the Magic Vine Cube Code in his hand, looked into the distance and said, "It may be right. There is indeed a very terrifying power in the Magic Vine Cube Code. The voice just came from you. Did you hear it? The door to the entire Blood Lotus Demon Cave was closed, and we had to move forward."

   "Well..." Lei Pojun could only nod his head.

The two of them continued to walk towards the front of the blood lotus cave. Although they encountered a few green-headed golden-eyed rats on the road, with Chen Xuan’s current cultivation base, the green-headed golden-eyed rats could be killed in just one round. .

  The cultivation of the green-headed golden-eyed mice is not weak, and Chen Xuan can even detect that these blue-headed golden-eyed mice have ice fire in their bodies.

  Chen Xuan walked towards the corpse of the blue-headed golden-eyed mouse, and absorbed the ice and fire in the body of the blue-headed golden-eyed mouse.

  The fire of ice is a very strange flame, and it is transmitted from the depths of the hall.

  The green-headed golden-eyed mouse absorbs a large amount of ice and fire in the hall. The ice and fire can not only make breakthroughs in cultivation base, but also prolong life.

  And the source of the fire of ice is the magic formula.

  Especially after absorbing the fire of ice, he can even break through the mood of ice and fire and master a stronger technique.

  But Chen Xuan didn't know that it was because he had been absorbing the power of the ice and fire that would eventually lead to catastrophe.

  Lei Pojun is also absorbing the ice fire, and this spirit fire has no effect on the two of them for the time being.

  Anyway, it can improve cultivation, and Chen Xuan will definitely not let go of the opportunity to absorb the fire of ice.

  "Go ahead, maybe you can find something useful." Chen Xuan said slightly.

  The two of them kept walking. At this moment, Chen Xuan heard a movement from behind.

  He turned his head hurriedly and found that a rock on the original place suddenly emitted waves of turbulent spiritual power, and a heavenly demon puppet appeared directly.

what happened?

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of doubts, why did the originally good stone suddenly turn into a puppet of a heavenly devil.

  The size of this sky demon spirit puppet has reached more than two meters, and it is also holding a spirit sword in his hand, and it exudes a terrifying aura.

   "Be careful, the appearance of this celestial demon puppet is completely different from what we have seen before, and it may have a stronger cultivation base!" Chen Xuan said immediately.

  Lei Pojun also nodded, and he immediately swung his long sword to display the Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Art, and a swift black sword aura slammed toward the heavenly demon spirit puppet.

  This sword aura hit the body of the Sky Demon Puppet, but it did not cause the slightest harm to the Sky Demon Puppet.


  The body of the demon puppet suddenly emitted bursts of white light, and a violent ice force suddenly spread throughout the cave.

  Chen Xuan displayed the Suzaku Fire, and quickly slew in the direction of the Heavenly Demon Puppet.

  When the Vermillion Bird's Fire and Frost condensed together, Chen Xuan's body immediately took two steps backwards.

"The cultivation base of the demon puppet is so strong this day. This sky demon puppet is completely different from what we have seen before. Not only the cultivation base has become stronger, but the defense is also very terrifying!" Lei Pojun stared at the demon in front of the sky. Said the puppet.

   Chen Xuan immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, and a fierce light group gathered all over his body: "Hurry up and kill this sky demon puppet, let’s talk about it, don’t waste time here!"

  Lei Pojun immediately swung his long sword, and Chen Xuan killed the core of the demon puppet from left to right.

   Just when they thought they were about to hit the inner core, a white light suddenly released from the body of the sky demon puppet.

  The white light suddenly spread to the surroundings. Before Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun touched the demon puppet, their bodies were directly knocked out hundreds of meters.

  Chen Xuan's face was very surprised. He didn't expect that the Heavenly Demon Spirit Puppet could burst out with such terrifying power. Just now, Chen Xuan had already displayed all his cultivation bases, but there was no way to do it with one blow.

   "The power of this sky demon puppet is much stronger than I thought, Lei Tianpo, you attack the sky demon puppet from the left, I will attract his attention!" Chen Xuan can only think of this method now.

  Chen Xuan rushed over again, and he tried his best to attract the attention of the demon puppet, but this day the demon puppet has been attacking Lei Pojun.

   "It's really weird, why the devil puppet keeps launching a fierce attack on me this day!" Lei Pojun cursed, the sky devil puppet is still constantly attacking Lei Pojun.

  Although Lei Pojun's cultivation base is already very strong, he still feels powerless in the face of the attack of the demon puppet.

   "Brother Chen, hurry up and help me contain this heavenly demon puppet, he must be killed!" Lei Pojun yelled.


   Another sword aura attacked in the direction of the sky demon puppet.

  Faced with Chen Xuan's attack, the body of the Heavenly Demon Spirit Puppet suddenly reversed its direction.

  A dark red light was released from the body of the sky demon puppet.

  At this time, the sky demon spirit puppet, a **** light group gathered all over his body, and it instantly shot towards Chen Xuan's direction.


  Chen Xuan's body was directly knocked out several hundred meters, he rolled on the ground several times, and finally stood up.

   "Damn it, the cultivation base of this celestial demon puppet has reached such a terrifying realm. It may have entered the eighth major consummation of the Shenluo realm..."

  The most important thing is that the Heavenly Demon Spirit Puppet is not only very strong in cultivation, but also has a defensive power that has reached its peak.

   is even equivalent to the five layers of Taoism.

  Ordinary weapons can't cause any damage to the sky devil puppet. Only by attacking the inner core of the sky devil puppet can it completely kill the sky devil puppet.

"The power of this sky demon puppet is really strong, hurry up, we can only attack the inner core!" Lei Pojun's body turned into a black light, and the blade in his hand was slayed in the direction of the sky devil puppet. past.


  A gust of wind blew up in the heavens and the earth, Chen Xuan seized the opportunity in an instant, turned around and burst into a sword aura.

The moment the Suzaku sword aura condensed, a wave of fire suddenly filled the blood lotus devil's cave.

  Under the attack of the Vermillion Bird Fire, the body of the Sky Demon Puppet was burned to pieces, but the body of the Sky Demon Puppet was still reorganizing.

  I am afraid that it won’t be long before the demon puppet can fully recover.

   "Hurry up and destroy the inner core, don't let this sky demon puppet resurrect!" Chen Xuan roared angrily.

  At this moment, red sword auras emerged from his Dantian Qi sea, and they continued to float around Chen Xuan's body.

  A total of more than two thousand sword auras, slayed fiercely in the direction of the sky demon puppet.

  After being attacked by thousands of sword auras, the heavenly devil spirit puppet has no way to resist it.

  After killing the celestial devil puppet, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun gasped for breath.

   "Unexpectedly, the cultivation base of this heavenly devil puppet is already so strong, there will be no stronger puppets in it, right?"

  "Who knows, fortunately, we only met one. If there are more, it will really not be an opponent!"

   "Should we go in? There must be more celestial puppets in the hall, maybe there will be one..."

   "What will there be?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "I heard that there is a very terrifying existence in the sky devil puppet. The cultivation base of this kind of sky devil puppet is not only powerful, but also has almost invincible defense power. It is many times stronger than what we have just encountered."

   "The sky devil puppet we just encountered is already very scary. If there is still a terrifying sky devil puppet inside, we must weigh it."

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun took a rest in a hidden corner.

  Because of the dragon pattern perception and the assistance of the Suzaku Fire, Chen Xuan's eyes were much stronger than Lei Bianjun's. He saw several tents in the distance.

   "There will be no one in front, right? There are a few tents there." Chen Xuan said.

  "How is it possible? The blood lotus cave is very hidden, and no one will ever find it." Lei Pojun said slowly.

  Chen Xuan clearly saw the tents in front, and he walked directly over, only to find that these tents were in dilapidated condition. They may have been left over a hundred years ago.

  "These tents have existed for many years, and the hides of the animals have been naturally decomposed."

  These tents made of monster leather look very shabby, and there are traces of fighting on them.

   "It's really strange. Could it be that someone came here a hundred years ago?" Lei Pojun said softly.

   When Lei Pojun reminded him, Chen Xuan seemed to have thought of something. He vaguely remembered the four lights and shadows that he had encountered at the entrance of the Blood Lotus Devil's Cave.

   "Could it be said that this tent was left by those four people? They should have come here to look for the Magic Vine Fangdian, but because of something, they all died here." Chen Xuan said.

  He seems to have guessed what happened back then, and the mysterious woman who has been guarding the entrance of the Blood Lotus Demon Cave may have been killed by now.

   just left the soul waiting in the blood lotus cave.

   "Then shall we go forward?" Lei Pojun asked.

   "Let’s go ahead and take a look. If we don’t return the Magic Vine Fangdian, we won’t be able to leave the blood lotus cave at all."

  Lei Pojun can only nod his head helplessly. In fact, he doesn't believe it at all. If you don't return the magic vine Fangdian, you can't leave the blood lotus cave.

  "Don’t you think that woman is very suspicious? And the power in the Rubik's Cube is absolutely terrifying, why did that woman give you the Rubik's Cube?"

Facing Lei Pojun's questioning, Chen Xuan did not answer.

  (End of this chapter)

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