Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3758: Warrior of the Dragon Gate

  Chapter 3758 The warrior of the dragon door

  About an hour later, Chen Xuan saw two figures appear in front of him.

  Two martial artists of the martial arts are shuttled quickly toward the front.

  Chen Xuan immediately displayed the dragon pattern perception and began to listen to the dialogue between the two of them.

  "Brother, our luck is really good. Someone seems to be robbing a treasure of inheritance. Let's go and take a look!"

   "I heard it too, hurry over and take a look. We have just entered the magical sea secret realm, and we have discovered a treasure of inheritance. We definitely can't let those guys get it!"

  These warriors are all from the Dragon Gate. Their cultivation is not weak, and they have basically reached the late eighth stage of the Shenluo realm, but in Chen Xuan's eyes, these warriors are not worth mentioning.

  The warriors of the major sects will be forcibly dispersed by the power of the magic sea after entering the magic sea secret realm.

  But some experienced sects will agree with their disciples in advance to gather in a certain place.

Once    is scattered, it is very likely that the disciples of the big sect will be defeated one by one.

  So the warriors of these small sects are basically acting in groups. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for them to separate.

But these two warriors didn’t know why, they were separated from the people of their own sect, but this just provided Chen Xuan with a chance. He could kill these two warriors and seize the treasure of inheritance from them. .

   "I don't know what they found..." Chen Xuan followed closely, his heart full of curiosity.

  At this moment, the two warriors of the dragon door suddenly stopped, and the two of them stared at the front.

  "Brother, how come I feel a little weird ahead, do you want us to take a detour?" said a warrior in a dragon door.

  The face of the dragon door warrior, who was called the big brother, was full of disdain: "Don't worry, there will only be a few beasts here at most, and there can be no monsters!"

   But as soon as his voice fell, there was a burst of light red light suspended in the sky, and a light and shadow that reached the extreme, rushed towards him quickly.

  The dragon door technique is very strange, they are very good at using fans.

  The fans they use are very special, they are all "dragon fans" made of black iron.

  In addition, these iron fans are inlaid with spirit patterns, which will make their skills stronger.

  A warrior of the dragon door took out a dragon fan from the space ring, and quickly stirred it forward.


  A gust of red aura radiated out directly, and instantly hit the monster in front of it.

  The monster beast lost to the dragon door warriors, and was eventually killed by two dragon door warriors, and the fur was taken away.

   After killing this monster, the face of the dragon door warrior was filled with a wild smile: "Hehe, this monster is really courageous, so I dare to come to trouble the two of our brothers!"

   "Let's go, let's go ahead and take a look, if I guess correctly, it is probably a nine treasure flower!" said the warrior.

  Another dragon door warrior showed a puzzled look: "Brother, what is the Nine Treasure Flower?"

   "You don't know anything about it. The Nine Treasure Flower is a very rare fairy grass. As long as an ordinary person eats one plant, it can increase the life span by a hundred years. Do you know what the fairy grass is?"

  The warrior suddenly shook his head.

"Fairy grass is a very scarce resource. We usually encounter spiritual grass. Only some three-star sects may find fairy grass. Moreover, fairy grass is not available to everyone. It is an ordinary fairy grass. , The outside price may have reached 10,000 high-grade spirit stones!"

  As soon as he said this, the martial artist's face suddenly showed shock.

   actually sells so expensive?

  If you want to buy a spiritual grass, at most one or two high-grade spiritual stones is enough, but the price of the fairy grass is tens of thousands of times higher than the spiritual grass.

"If you eat the Nine Treasure Flower, you can also expand the Dantian Qi Sea, which has a great magical effect for the martial artist of the Eightfold Level of the Shenluo Realm. It can not only expand the Dantian, but also temper your soul, allowing you to enter the Divine Soul realm faster, right? Feel very precious?"

  The two warriors were talking to each other, but Chen Xuan was already closely following them.

Chen Xuan is naturally very aware of the scarcity of the Nine Treasure Flowers. It is said that as long as the Nine Treasure Flowers are eaten, the cultivation level may even be directly improved to a small level.

  Even if you can't raise a big realm, it's not easy to just raise a small realm.

  If it is refined by an alchemist, it is very possible to refine a rarer pill.

  Nine Treasure Spirit Pills are very rare. Few people have witnessed it with their own eyes. If you want to get the Nine Treasure Pills, you must have an alchemy master who is proficient in alchemy.

  Shen Luo realm eightfold warrior, already very close to the spirit realm.

  If they want to make a breakthrough in their cultivation base, they must constantly improve the power of their souls, otherwise the cultivation base will not be able to reach the realm of souls.

  In addition, there is another way to break through to the realm of spirits and souls, and that is to expand the sea of ​​qi.

  When a monk enters the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, his dantian will gradually condense out of qi.

  The sea of ​​qi can also hold more auras, allowing the martial artist's cultivation to improve faster.

  As long as the Dantian Qihai stores more aura, the strength will be stronger.

  Every warrior hopes to store more auras, so that they will not lose to the opponent when the auras are exhausted during the battle.

   Although the cultivation method of the Dragon Gate is different from that of the major sects, they all urgently need to improve their Dantian Qihai.

  As long as the sea of ​​Qi can expand, it will definitely improve the cultivation base.

  Not every warrior can use the Nine Treasure Flower to improve his cultivation. There are even some people who eat the Nine Treasure Flower, which will make themselves very poisonous.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan quietly followed behind the two dragon doors martial artist. He had already reduced his dantian aura, and the other party did not realize that he had been followed.

  About three quarters of an hour later, the two warriors of the dragon door finally found the treasure of inheritance.

  In the jungle ahead, suddenly there was a fairy grass exuding lavender aura, swaying constantly in the strong wind.

  Sure enough, it is a Nine Treasure Flower!

   "Hahaha, it seems that this nine-treasure flower has condensed the aura of heaven and earth, once our brothers eat it, it will definitely improve the cultivation base!"

   "Our luck is really great, hey, I just found a Nine Treasure Flower when we came to the Secret Realm of the Magic Sea, go and get the Nine Treasure Flower!"

  "This nine-treasure flower should have grown for more than three hundred years, and the spiritual energy stored in it is even more abundant. Once we eat it, the cultivation of both of us will improve to a small level!"

  The faces of the two dragon door warriors were full of excitement.

Chen Xuan also found the Nine Treasure Flower, and he held the Liaoyuan Sword tightly in his hand, with a smile on his face: "Hehe, although these two people's cultivation is good, it is a pity that they will die in my hands! "

  In a world where martial arts is respected, it is inherently cruel. As long as the strength is strong, you can grab all kinds of magic weapons from the weak.

  There has never been justice in the black rock world, and all the martial arts know this truth, so they all explained to their disciples again and again, if you meet disciples from other schools, no matter what the three or seventy one, kill it first.

  Even if Chen Xuan didn't do anything, the two brothers of the dragon door would definitely attack him if they turned their heads.

  Instead of passively resisting, Chen Xuan might as well take the initiative to attack.

   "Very good, I just met the Jiubaohua after absorbing the energy of the Dragon Magic Vine Fangdian. It is a pity that I will kill both of you!" Chen Xuan's pupils revealed the killing intent.

  The Dragon Gate is also a two-star sect, but it belongs to the middle and low class, and it can't be compared with Jianyuezong at all.

Several inner disciples of Sword Yuezong had already been able to enter the Divine Soul Realm in their cultivation bases, but they could suppress their cultivation bases and kept their cultivation bases in the Shenluo Realm Nine Major Consummation.

The purpose of    is to obtain the treasure of inheritance in the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea. Only the top level two sect like Jianyuezong can have this kind of disciple.

  In the middle and low-class sects like Longshanmen, the only disciple with the strongest cultivation base is the Ninth Peak of the Shenluo Realm.

  The Dragon Gate is just a small sect, and Chen Xuan would not put them in his eyes at all.

  The two disciples at the moment, the strongest in their cultivation is only reaching the late eighth stage of the Shenluo realm. For Chen Xuan, it only takes two rounds at most to kill them.

  Chen Xuan also wants to improve his cultivation, he will not let the Jiu Treasure Flower slip away in vain in front of his eyes.

One of the disciples of the dragon door wearing black clothes gently pulled the Jiubaohua from the ground, and then he let out a wild laugh: "Hahaha, our luck is really great. Come on, hurry up and devour this Nine Treasure Flower, your cultivation level will definitely improve!"

  Another disciple hurriedly leaned forward, with an expression of expectation on his face.

  But at this moment, they found a figure in the distance slowly walking towards them.

  The disciple of the dragon door suddenly took out the weapon, and looked at Chen Xuan with enthusiasm: "Who are you? Do you want to **** our Nine Treasure Flower?"

Ha ha!

  Chen Xuan took a step, and bursts of fierce flames emanated from his body. To the two Longshanmen disciples' surprise, there were still bursts of frost in his flames.

  "Has he already mastered the aura of ice and fire?"

   "This is impossible, what kind of disciple is he?"

   "It should be from Jianyuezong, why does he master the aura of ice and fire? This is not in line with common sense at all!"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the most important thing is that you hand over the Nine Treasure Flowers in your hands, otherwise, you two will not be able to leave here alive!" Of course Chen Xuan wants to **** the Nine Treasure Flowers, but only two dragon fans. The martial artist of the door honestly handed over the Nine Treasure Flowers, and he would not harm the lives of the two of them.

  But if the two of them didn't hand over the Nine Treasure Flowers, then Chen Xuan would not give them face.

"Boy, I think you should be from the Sword Moon Sect. You guys from the Sword Moon Sect are really arrogant. You dare to talk to Grandpa in this tone. When I kill you later, you It won't be so arrogant!"

   "Hey, big brother, I found that his cultivation is only in the early eighth stage of the Shenluo realm. We can definitely kill him easily by joining forces!"

"That's right, this kid is really courageous. An eight-fold clerk from the Shenluo realm dares to come to trouble the two of us. Obediently die, kid, let me see if there is any magic weapon on your body. !"

   Facing the two warriors of the dragon door, Chen Xuan did not have the slightest fear on his face.

  He knew that his cultivation level could deal with two late eighth-layer cultivators in the Shenluo realm, so Chen Xuan was very calm in his heart.

   "Who can grab the hand, who owns the Nine Treasure Flower!" Chen Xuan's face wore a Ruowu smile.

"Hehe, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you anymore. If you are really good, come over and grab it. If you can get the Nine Treasures, we will let you, but if you can’t get it, you will The heads were cut off by the two of us!"

  In this case, Chen Xuan has no worries.

   "You want to do it, I can play with you!" Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and looked at the other party, his face with a gentle smile.

  For Chen Xuan, it would not take long to kill these two warriors at the dragon door.

  Suddenly, a burst of Vermillion Bird's fire was burning on Chen Xuan's body, and the power of the flame suddenly began to spread around.

  All the rocks that touched the Suzaku Fire directly turned into a cloud of dust.

  There is no way for the rocks to withstand the burning of the Suzaku fire, let alone the physical bodies of two dragon-door warriors.

  Suzaku's fire burned them to death is too easy.

  (End of this chapter)

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