Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3759: Kill the Dragon Gate Warrior

  Chapter 3759 Killing the Dragon Gate Warrior

  Chen Xuan stepped out of his body, suddenly exuding an outrageous aura, and the Vermillion Bird's fire burned faster.

   "The two of us perform the exercises together to drive the flames out!" A dragon door warrior roared loudly, and he felt the danger from the Suzaku fire.

  Chen Xuan laughed at this newspaper.

  The power of the Suzaku Fire has been increased.

  After all, the Vermilion Heart Technique has been cultivated to the second level by him.

  The power of the current Vermillion Bird's Fire is definitely not something that the two Dragon Gate Warriors in the late eighth stage of the Shenluo realm can resist.

  Chen Xuan kept his eyes closed, he didn't even take out the Liaoyuan sword.

  He was feeling the sound of burning air around him.

  As the flame spread faster and faster, the two warriors of the dragon door were surprised to find that the Suzaku fire was not something they could resist. Even if they displayed the power of refining, they could not resist the burning of the flame.

   "No, retreat quickly, the power of this flame is too powerful!"

  But as soon as his voice fell, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

  In an instant, bursts of light red flames gathered on the body of this dragon door warrior, directly burning his body into ashes.

  There was only one dragon door warrior left, and he turned his head and showed a look of fear at Chen Xuan.

   "This is absolutely impossible. How did he do it? Could it be said that this kid's cultivation has surpassed the Eighth Layer of the Shenluo Realm?"

  He was puzzled. Chen Xuan's cultivation was only in the eighth stage of the Shenluo realm, but he could easily kill his senior.

   "No, I want to evacuate as soon as possible!" This disciple thought in his heart, and then quickly fled towards the distance.

  But Chen Xuan would never give him a chance to escape. If the disciple who was slammed by the dragon door knew about this, Chen Xuan would definitely encounter a lot of trouble.

   got into the Black Cloud Gate and caused him a lot of trouble. Chen Xuan didn't want to make too many enemies for himself. He came here to find the treasure of inheritance, not to trouble.

  In just two quarters of an hour, Chen Xuan killed all these warriors.

  Xiancao is indeed a fairy grass!

  Even though it was burned by the Suzaku Fire, there were still no scars on the Nine Treasures.

  The Nine Treasure Flower continued to emit a white light, and then a light blue light group slowly emerged. Chen Xuan strode over and picked the Nine Treasure Flower from the ground.

  He was not going to swallow the Nine Treasure Flowers directly, it was simply a waste.

  Chen Xuan himself is an alchemy master, he can refine the pill with stronger effects through the nine-treasure flower, and even double the effect of the nine-treasure flower.

"As long as I can refine the Nine Treasure Spirit Pills, I will definitely be able to make a lot of breakthroughs in my cultivation..." Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly. The Nine Treasure Pills are very important to him, and Chen Xuan's cultivation level is difficult to break through. At the eighth level, it was still because of the power of the ice fire that the breakthrough could be made.

  If you want to break through to the next level, if Chen Xuan only cultivates by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it may even take several months, or even a year.

  But the Jiubao Spirit Pill is different. He can use the Jiubao Spirit Pill to improve his cultivation. It only takes a month at most for Chen Xuan's cultivation to break through a small realm.

  If he can continuously devour the Nine Treasure Pills, Chen Xuan's cultivation level will break through faster.

  After getting the Nine Treasure Flower, Chen Xuan began to search for a safe place nearby. He was not going to let go of the opportunity to improve his cultivation.

In the Illusory Sea Secret Realm, there will be danger at any time. As long as the cultivation base breaks through to the next small realm, even if Chen Xuan meets a martial artist in the Shenluo realm at that time, he can guarantee that he can get from the opponent’s hands. Escape.

  Chen Xuan has just entered the eighth level of the Shenluo realm. Using his current cultivation base to deal with a warrior who is at the ninth level of the Shenluo realm is already the limit.

   There are some warriors who have entered the Ninth Level of Perfection in the Shenluo realm. They deliberately lowered their cultivation base and prevented their own cultivation base from breaking through.

  These people are all preparing for the Secret Realm of Fantasy Sea.

  They belong to the group with the strongest cultivation base in the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea, and no one can fight them.

  As far as Chen Xuan knows, there are also a few warriors in Jianyuezong who have reached the Nine Major Consummations of the Shenluo Realm, but the number is very small, only two or three at most.

  The number of other sects will definitely be more. After all, there are some three-star martial arts who are going to the Illusory Sea Secret Realm this time. Their strength will only be stronger than Jianyuezong, not weaker than Jianyuezong.

   After finding a slightly remote place, Chen Xuan immediately took out the alchemy furnace, and then began to refine the Nine Treasure Spirit Pills.

  After Chen Xuan killed the two disciples of the dragon door, not far away, a man in a black long coat suddenly saw a piece of sound transmission jade pendant in front of him.

  He immediately walked over and looked at the sound transmission jade pendant carefully, only to hear the screams from inside.

   "Damn, you were all killed by someone, and I will never let him go!" Thinking of this, Song Yuehe immediately took out the weapon, and his pupils were full of killing intent.

  Chen Xuansi didn't know that she had been noticed by Song Yuehe of Longshanmen.

  Song Yuehe ranked seventh in Longshanmen. His cultivation has reached the early stage of the Ninth Layer of the Shenluo Realm, and his cultivation is very strong.

Moreover, the dragon fan in his hand can even condense the two moods of water and fire. Although it is completely different from Chen Xuan's ice and fire, this dragon fan is a veritable earth-level magic weapon, and it was given to him by his master himself. Refined.

  Longshanmen has many powerful craftsmen, and the magical crafts they make are not weak.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan began to refine the Nine Treasure Pill through the alchemy furnace.

  A dark red aura emerged from his palm, which instantly burned at the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

  Chen Xuan hasn’t made alchemy for a long time, especially for top-notch pills like Jiubao Lingdan. Before, he used to refine some basic pills, such as Rejuvenation Pill and Huishen Pill.

  Rejuvenating pill is a very basic pill. Even an apprentice can refine it, but the rejuvenating pill is different. Only after reaching the level of an alchemist can it be refined.

  After all, Huishen Pill can cultivate the soul.

  But these two kinds of medicines were both introductory spirit pills for Chen Xuan, and he could refine the medicines with stronger medicinal effects in a matter of minutes.

The   Nine Treasure Spirit Pill is different. After all, this is a pill made from immortal grass. If an ordinary person can get one, it is very likely to make a breakthrough in his cultivation.

  Not to mention that Chen Xuan now wants to refine twelve. He plans to use other herbs to fuse the effects of the Nine Treasure Flower to refine more Nine Treasure Pills.

  Chen Xuan kept adding all kinds of spirit grasses to the alchemy furnace. He had obtained a lot of spirit grasses in Taixu Villa before, and now it just played a role.

The vicinity of   Sunyue Fortress happens to be in Leizhou, which is rich in various spirit grasses.

  Although the whole Leizhou is smoldering and filthy everywhere, it provides sufficient nourishment for the spirit grass.

Although the Beishan Mountain where Taixu Villa is located is only one mountain away from Leizhou, there are also many spirit grasses.

  As long as it is the spiritual grass that Chen Xuan can remember clearly, Taixu Villa can basically help him get it.

  So Chen Xuan now has no shortage of spirit grass at all.

  Before, the little firebird had been devouring spirit grass, but Chen Xuan discovered that the little firebird would only devour high-grade spirit stones at present.

Even though the number of high-grade spirit stones devoured by the little firebird was a lot, Chen Xuan could still afford it.

At any rate,    is also the lord of Sky Dragon City. Chen Xuan is not even unable to get the money, otherwise it will make people laugh at it.

  The total opening time of the magic sea secret realm was about two months, and Chen Xuan had enough time to refine the nine treasure flower medicine in the magic sea secret realm.

  In two months, he must continue to fight for the treasure of inheritance.

  The two disciples of the Dragon Door were obviously whimsical. They thought that the Nine Treasure Flowers they got were a treasure of inheritance, but in fact they were far behind.

  The mystery already existed in the first dynasty, but it has not much connection with the first dynasty.

  Many of the magic weapons in the secret realm have been left for tens of thousands of years, and no one knows the origin of these magic weapons.

  But these people know that as long as they get the treasure of inheritance, they can make a breakthrough in their cultivation.

  Except for some people in the court of the Kamikaze Dynasty who want to know the origin of the treasure of inheritance, the monks of the big sect will not worry about these things at all, they only need to let the cultivation base break through.

  While Chen Xuan was refining the Nine Treasure Spirit Pill, he suddenly saw a man approaching him in the distance.

   Chen Xuan felt very surprised. The place where he made alchemy was already very hidden, how could he be discovered suddenly.

  Unless he had left clues when he killed two disciples of the Dragon Door, he would be found.

   "But since he came here, he just killed him, I don't know if there is any magic weapon on his body!" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  Song Yuehe has been searching for Chen Xuan for a long time. He has been searching for Chen Xuan's breath along the way, and finally found Chen Xuan in this hidden place.

"Well, you stray dog ​​of the Sword Moon Sect, you actually killed both of my juniors, hehe, you actually got the Nine Treasure Flower, but unfortunately you have no blessings. Today I will grab the Nine Treasure Flower. Come back, and then kill you again!" Song Yue said with Han.

  He was not only for revenge for his two juniors, but the most important thing was that Song Yuehe’s cultivation had been stuck in the early stage of the Ninth Layer of the Shenluo Realm. He had to use the power of the Nine Treasure Flower to make his cultivation break through.

  If the Nine Treasure Flower can be swallowed, it will definitely improve Song Yuehe's cultivation level, so he will kill Chen Xuan and **** the Nine Treasure Flower.

   "I have already obtained the Nine Treasure Flower, and there is no way to **** it away with your cultivation base. I advise you to leave now, lest I kill you!" Chen Xuan smiled slightly.

  Song Yuehe thought that this was provoking him: "Well, I am a strong man in the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm. You, a small clerk of the Eighth Level of the Shenluo Realm, dare to talk to me in this tone. Do you want to live!"

  He was very upset. In his eyes, Chen Xuan's cultivation had just reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, and he could not be his opponent at all.

   "In that case, don't talk nonsense, come here if you want to kill me!" Chen Xuan waved his hand slightly, and the alchemy furnace disappeared immediately.

   "Okay, this is what you asked for!" Song Yuehe roared, and instantly waved the dragon fan in his hand, bursts of fierce aura shot towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan stepped back slightly behind him. He just wanted to fight back, but found that there were two warriors from the dragon door approaching in his direction.

  There are still people?

  (End of this chapter)

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