Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3887: Huang Guowu

   Chapter 3887 Huang Guowu

  Huang Guowu didn’t know whether Chen Xuan’s words were complimenting him or cursing him.

  Anyway, no matter what Chen Xuan said, Huang Guowu would reply: "It's OK, don't talk so much, Chen Xuan, the lord of Sky Dragon City, right?"

  Chen Xuan nodded first, then shook his head again.

   Seeing Chen Xuan nodding and shaking his head, many warriors in Tianling City were puzzled.

   "What does this kid mean? Why did he shake his head again after nodding?"

   "Did he agree or refuse?"

  The minds of these Celestial Spirit City warriors were very surprised, they didn't know what Chen Xuan meant.

  Huang Guowu was also confused. He immediately asked, "What do you mean? Why do you start shaking your head again after nodding? Am I wrong?"

   "Huang Guowu, of course what you said is wrong." Chen Xuan called his name directly.

  Anyone can hear him, his tone is very disrespectful.

  Although Chen Xuan and Huang Guowu belong to the same level, Chen Xuan does not use honorifics.

  Huang Guowu has no mind to care about these now.

   "What does it mean to speak quickly?" he asked.

  Chen Xuan thought that Huang Guowu kind of likes to be horny, he didn't intend to explain, but since Huang Guowu has already started to ask questions, Chen Xuan still wants to answer.

   "I am not just the lord of Sky Dragon City, I am also a disciple of Sword Moon Sect, and at the same time a capable general under Palace lord Yunxiao. Speaking of my identity..."

  In a moment, Chen Xuan Lao talked for two quarters of an hour, and all the warriors who were eating looked at him dumbfounded.

   "This kid just talked about something eloquently, why I didn't understand anything."

   "I see, what he meant was that he was not only the lord of Sky Dragon City, but also a disciple of the martial arts."

   "What are you dragging? Isn't it just a monk of the sect? Do you really feel that you are noble?"

   "That's it!"

   "By the way, he seems to be from Wanjian Villa?"

After hearing that Chen Xuan was from Wanjian Villa, Huang Guowu's face was indeed surprised.

  Of course he has heard of Wanjian Villa.

   "I didn't expect this kid to have a connection with Wanjian Villa?" Huang Guowu couldn't help thinking.

  He thought that Wanjian Villa was not an ordinary little school, and even the people of the Zombie Sect were jealous of Wanjian Villa. This was a large school surpassing the secular.

  Huang Guowu's gaze stayed on Chen Xuan, he wanted to know what level Chen Xuan's current cultivation level had reached.

   "It seems that your cultivation base is not very good..." Huang Guowu smiled suddenly: "I thought you monks of the sect were very strong cultivation bases, but in the end you only have the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm?"

   Hearing Huang Guowu mocking himself, Chen Xuan almost spit on his face.

  Huang Guowu’s cultivation is only the Eightfold of Shenluo Realm?

  As a result, he actually dared to laugh at Chen Xuan's cultivation.

  Chen Xuan wanted to laugh very much now. He thought that his cultivation was actually equivalent to the power of the Soul Realm. It was a matter of minutes to crush Huang Guowu, but the other party actually dared to laugh at himself.

   "Huang Guowu, it seems that you are very confident in your cultivation. I don't know what realm you have reached?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Everyone can see that there is a strong smell of gunpowder between Chen Xuan and Huang Guowu.

  Because the people present are basically all high-levels of Tianling City, they support Huang Guowu one-sidedly.

  "Does your kid want to live anymore? Fortunately, you are still the lord of Sky Dragon City, and you actually ask this kind of mentally retarded question!"

  "Our city lord’s cultivation base is definitely better than you, I advise you to go back and practice as soon as possible, lest our city lord laugh at you!"

   "That's right, it's impossible to attract our city lord's attention based on your cultivation base, and you say that you are a monk of the sect? I think you may be just a fake!"

   "Shangguan Yunhai, where did you meet this kid? He is definitely not the lord of Sky Dragon City!" Several warriors began to speak loudly.

   Shangguan Yunhai also sat in the chair. When Chen Xuan and Huang Guowu were fighting just now, he didn't say a word.

  Now everyone’s eyes were on Shangguan Yunhai’s body, and he opened his mouth and said, “Brother Chen has a very strong cultivation base. He is basically equivalent to the realm of Soul and Soul. I’m afraid that even Zhao Zhiyun is not his opponent...”

  As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly became surprised.

  They stopped at Chen Xuan with unbelievable eyes.

   seems to be asking, is your cultivation level actually stronger than Zhao Zhiyun of the Zombie Sect?

  Of course they know how terrifying Zhao Zhiyun’s cultivation is.

  At the beginning, Zhao Zhiyun directly killed the three warriors of the Shenluo realm eightfold in Tianling City with his own power.

   After this battle, Huang Guowu was completely afraid of Zhao Zhiyun, so when Zhao Zhiyun attacked Mofeng Town, he did not send anyone to the muddy water.

  Although Shangguan Yunhai brought the people over, Huang Guowu immediately sent someone to get in touch with Zhao Zhiyun, saying that he had nothing to do with this matter.

  The people he sent over stayed in the Demon Snake Tower, because the people of the Blood Demon Sect were attacking the Demon Snake Tower.

  Later, these relatives of Huang Guowu secretly reported the news to him, saying that Zhao Zhiyun was seriously injured now, and Huang Guowu hurriedly brought people over to capture Zhao Zhiyun alive.

  Although his cultivation base was not strong, Zhao Zhiyun was already seriously injured after all and was not Huang Guowu's opponent at all. In the end, Zhao Zhiyun was captured by Huang Guowu.

  Huang Guowu felt that his divine power was invincible, and he deliberately boasted about himself in the Heavenly Spirit City, saying that his cultivation was already close to the realm of Soul and Soul.

  Chen Xuan couldn’t imagine why Huang Guowu’s self-confidence was so overwhelming?

   But after thinking of this, Chen Xuan finally understood why Huang Guowu wanted to target Shangguan Yunhai.

  Huang Guowu values ​​cultivation base very seriously.

  Otherwise, he would not try to weaken Shangguan Yunhai’s rights.

   Shangguan Yunhai kept silent beside him, and he remained silent about everything that happened before him.

  No one knows what Shangguan Yunhai is thinking.

At this time, a warrior from Tianling City suddenly asked, "Shangguan Yunhai, this person is actually your friend. He is simply too rude. If it weren't for the sake of the city lord, I would have already taken a lesson. He is!"

After hearing what he said, not only Chen Xuan found it funny, but Shangguan Yunhai also found it very funny.

  A warrior in the mid-seventh stage of the Shenluo realm, even wanted to teach Chen Xuan.

  Others don't know what level Chen Xuan's cultivation level has reached. Shangguan Yunhai is very clear. He had witnessed Chen Xuan defeating a cultivator with great success in the Shenluo realm, and won so easily.

  Although it was because the opponent did not display the power of refining, Chen Xuan took advantage of it.

  However, Chen Xuan's attack can directly cause serious injuries to warriors in the Divine Soul Realm, which is enough to show how strong his cultivation is.

   Shangguan Yunhai still did not speak, he didn't know what he was thinking.

   "I now doubt whether you are Chen Xuan or not. As the lord of a city, you are so rude to speak." Huang Guowu said to himself.

  Chen Xuan didn’t even want to look at him.

At this moment, Chen Xuan held up a glass of wine by himself, then bowed to the front and said, "Huang Guowu, why are you able to catch the snake gods in the Demon Snake Tower? Haven't you thought about why they were injured? ?"

  After hearing Chen Xuan's words, a warrior from Tianling City suddenly fell into contemplation.

  They know that there is something in Chen Xuan's words.

  Even if the snake gods were seriously injured, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Xuangan to belong to him.

  In fact, Chen Xuan has not defeated Zhao Zhiyun.

  He is only deliberately demonstrating his strength. Chen Xuan's purpose this time is only to deliberately anger Huang Guowu.

  Chen Xuan just waited for Huang Guowu to do something to himself, and then he directly crushed Huang Guowu with his strong cultivation base.

  However, Chen Xuan's wishful thinking was finally lost. Huang Guowu was surprisingly tolerant. He just smiled at Chen Xuan's repeated provocations.

  Chen Xuan knew that Huang Guowu was already very angry.

   "Huang Guowu, these people were defeated by me. Do you now know how strong my cultivation is?" Chen Xuan deliberately said in a very narcissistic tone.

  Huang Guowu frowned tightly. He felt a wild breath from Chen Xuan's body. This force directly forced his face, and seemed to suppress him deliberately.

  He knew that Chen Xuan just wanted to deliberately push his strength out.

  Huang Guowu had already thought about it carefully. He knew that he could not be Chen Xuan's opponent, especially since Chen Xuan had not yet displayed all his cultivation skills.

  Once Chen Xuan broke out his cultivation base, he would definitely be able to be easily suppressed by that time.

  Feeling Chen Xuan's body releasing a burst of aura of detachment, Huang Guowu was no longer angry.

  He felt that Chen Xuan was deliberately insulting himself.

   "Chen Xuan, what if you are the lord of Sky Dragon City? Do you know what place this is? This is Sky Spirit City, not a place where you can go wild!" Huang Guowu said with a smile on his face.

  He still doesn't show an angry expression.

  Seeing Huang Guowu's expression, Chen Xuan felt very happy.

   "Huang Guowu, although the Devil Wind Town is not your sphere of influence, you can't just watch so many people being killed. I hope you can send someone to defend." Chen Xuan said.

   "Send someone over, what qualifications do you have to order me?" Huang Guowu asked.

  At this moment, a warrior suddenly got up and stood up. He didn't think Chen Xuan's cultivation was better than himself.

  From beginning to end, he felt that Chen Xuan was deliberately disrupting the situation, and he felt that his cultivation level could easily suppress Chen Xuan.

   "Mr. Chen, right? How about I toast you a bar!" After the warrior got up and stood up, he immediately walked in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Although the wine glass in his hand shook, but the wine did not spill out at all, indicating that his internal strength is extremely deep, at least he has reached the Seven Major Consummations of the Shenluo Realm.

  He didn't realize what realm Chen Xuan's cultivation had entered, so this warrior had no fear.

  Chen Xuan smiled and did not speak.

   "What's the matter? I drank it when you toasted me?" Chen Xuan said.

  The warrior's face was extremely unhappy: "Chen Xuan, you have to know where you are standing now. This is the Heavenly Spirit City. Do you think that you can escape from here if you provoke our city lord?"

  His identity is not simple, he is also a guard of Tianling City.

  But his status is higher than Shangguan Yunhai.

  Even though his cultivation base is lower than Shangguan Yunhai, Huang Guowu prefers to use people whose cultivation base is lower than himself to hold important positions, so that Huang Guowu will have a sense of accomplishment.

  Huang Guowu had also practiced in a sect at the beginning, he showed extraordinary talent when he was very young, but unfortunately his cultivation level never improved.

  Huang Guowu has always wanted to make his cultivation base break through to another level, for which he paid a huge price, but his cultivation base still hasn't improved.

  Now, Huang Guowu’s cultivation has stayed at the eighth major consummation of the Shenluo realm, and he can enter the ninth level of the Shenluo realm in just one step.

  In the entire Tianling City, except for Shangguan Yunhai, Huang Guowu's cultivation is the strongest, and no one can surpass Huang Guowu.

  If it were not for Shangguan Yunhai’s cultivation base, he had broken through to the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm.

  Huang Guowu will definitely not trouble him again and again.

   Seeing this warrior walking towards him, Chen Xuan did not refuse the other party’s glass of wine to offer him.

  Because Chen Xuan knew that the other party’s thoughts were definitely not that simple.

  This warrior was wearing a blue robe, he walked quickly towards Chen Xuan, and finally put the wine glass in front of Chen Xuan.

   "I have long heard that Master Chen's cultivation is very strong, I wonder if Master Chen can take the wine glass from my hand?" The warrior said with a smile on his face.

  After seeing the smile on his face, Chen Xuan knew that this warrior must be thinking how to insult him.

   Really think I can’t hold this wine glass?

  Chen Xuan just smiled coldly, and immediately stretched out his hand, and then calmly took the wine glass from the hand of the blue warrior.

  Others didn't see it, but the blue-clothed warrior's heart was very shocked. He had already transferred his true energy to the palm of his hand just now.

  The wine glass doesn't move.

   Chen Xuan was very relaxed when he took it over, as if he didn't use much energy at all.

  Among all the people present, only a few people with a high level of cultivation could tell. This blue-clothed warrior obviously wanted to make things difficult for Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuanfeng calmly resolved it.

  (End of this chapter)

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