Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3888: Deliberately make things difficult

  Chapter 3888 Deliberately making things difficult

  After getting the wine glass, Chen Xuan immediately raised his head and drank it: "This wine tastes pretty good, is there any more? Why is it completely different from the wine I drank before?"

After hearing what Chen Xuan said, Huang Guowu smiled and said, "Since you like to drink this kind of wine, I will send someone to give you a few boxes. Do you think it's okay?"

  Chen Xuan felt very good, so he naturally did not refuse. Anyway, it was a pie in the sky. Since Huang Guowu wanted to spend money to give him wine, Chen Xuan would take it even if he didn't drink it.

   "Okay!" Huang Guowu sat back again, his gaze kept on Chen Xuan's body, as if he wanted to find out Chen Xuan's flaws.

   "I don't know what you mean by coming here this time?" Huang Guowu asked.

  He thought to himself that he hadn't sent an invitation to Chen Xuan, but the other party ran over by himself.

  Huang Guowu has lived for so long and has never seen such a cheeky person.

Chen Xuan said directly: "Huang Guowu, the snake **** teaching martial artist you caught before has half of my credit, and also half of Shangguan Yunhai's credit. As a result, you did not invite me to the banquet. I think you are the truth. Not kind."

   "Oh, I'm so embarrassed, I forgot it before, and how do I know that the zombie warriors were defeated by you, maybe someone else?"

  Huang Guowu didn't directly break it. Although in his heart he didn't want to believe that Chen Xuan could defeat Zhao Zhiyun, he didn't know who could deal with the powerhouse of Zhao Zhiyun's realm.

  At this time, Chen Xuan incredulously inserted a sentence and said: "Shangguan Yunhai's current cultivation has reached the realm of Divine Soul, I think he is very qualified to be the lord of Tianling City."

  As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell silent.

  Even Shangguan Yunhai hurriedly waved his hand and said, “I’ve never thought about it that way before, Master Chen...”

   Shangguan Yunhai cautiously came to Chen Xuan’s ear and asked, “Master Chen, why do you say that? I’ve never thought about it that way.”

After seeing the flustered expression on Shangguan Yunhai's face, Chen Xuan waved his hand calmly: "I just mentioned it casually, but having said that, your cultivation has reached the realm of souls, right?"

   "It's absolutely impossible!" Before Shangguan Yunhai could answer, Huang Guowu stood up and said: "It is absolutely impossible for his cultivation to reach the realm of Soul and Soul. You must be lying to me, right!"

   Chen Xuan thought, do I have to lie to you?

   "It's the mule who came out with a horse, Shangguan Yunhai, if your cultivation level can really enter the realm of souls, Zhao Zhiyun was defeated by you, right?" Huang Guowu asked tentatively.

  He really started to panic in his heart now. If Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation level can really enter the realm of Soul and Soul, his status as the city lord is indeed a bit uncertain.

  Huang Guowu used to bully Shangguan Yunhai before, relying on his identity as the lord of the Heavenly Spirit City, repeatedly asked Shangguan Yunhai to do things he didn't want to do.

  If it weren’t for Huang Guowu to be the lord of Tianling City, Shangguan Yunhai would definitely not endure him forever.

  When Chen Xuan learned from Shangguan Yunhai's mouth about what Huang Guowu had done in those years, even Chen Xuan was very angry.

  How shameless a person can be?

   Shangguan Yunhai’s cultivation had clearly reached the realm of the soul, but Huang Guowu ignored it.

  Huang Guowu felt that Shangguan Yunhai’s cultivation was absolutely impossible to reach this level, and he felt that Chen Xuan was lying to himself.

   "Shangguan Yunhai, you are usually very honest. If your cultivation level really reaches the realm of the soul, you will definitely say to me right?" Huang Guowu asked.

   "I really have reached the realm of the soul." Shangguan Yunhai's character is more sincere. Hearing Huang Guowu inquiring about himself, he directly stated his realm.

  Huang Guowu opened his eyes wide, his face was full of shock.

  For so long, Huang Guowu has always wanted to make his cultivation reach the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm.

  Because he felt that he was very inferior in front of Shangguan Yunhai, even the cultivation base of a younger generation surpassed him by a large level.

  If this matter is known to high-level people, I am afraid that Shangguan Yunhai will be directly promoted to a very important position, and he may even replace him as the city lord.

  Huang Guowu absolutely couldn't bear Shangguan Yunhai standing on his head. He originally thought that Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation base was only a large level higher than himself, and it was not difficult to surpass Shangguan Yunhai.

  Furthermore, Huang Guowu can also use his identity as the lord of the Heavenly Spirit City to make a fortune, and even obtain a lot of heaven and earth spirit treasures.

  In the past few days, he has absorbed a lot of spiritual materials, and now his cultivation is about to reach the ninth level of the Shenluo realm.

  It was when he was most excited, but suddenly he got the news that Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation level had reached the realm of souls.

   "It's absolutely impossible..." Huang Guowu felt that his whole person was not good, and his gaze was constantly looking at Shangguan Yunhai's body, as if he was asking if Shangguan Yunhai was deceiving himself.

  Although he was very upset that Shangguan Yunhai’s cultivation base was better than his own, but Huang Guowu also knew what Shangguan Yunhai’s personality was.

It is absolutely impossible for Shangguan Yunhai to deceive him.

   "Could it be said that Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation has really entered the realm of souls?" Huang Guowu's expression is extremely desperate now, as if he was thrown into the sky in an instant, and then he was dragged to the ground.

  He finally had the opportunity to surpass Shangguan Yunhai, but now he is directly crushed by Shangguan Yunhai.

  This kind of gap in cultivation level is simply not something he can reverse.

  "Could it be that his cultivation is stronger than I thought?" Huang Guowu couldn't help but began to think.

  He is very upset now, because Huang Guowu feels that Chen Xuan is deliberately provoking himself, and he feels that Chen Xuan's cultivation is not as good as Shangguan Yunhai.

  Those words just said are definitely deceiving himself, otherwise Chen Xuan would never be able to say nothing, just observe calmly.

  Chen Xuan has no need to speak

  He discovered that Shangguan Yunhai’s current personality has changed from before.

  Chen Xuan squinted at Shangguan Yunhai.

  Sure enough, Shangguan Yunhai got up a little unhappy and said, "My Lord City Lord, I have been doing my best to contribute to Tianling City over the years, but how did you treat me?"

  Huang Guowu felt as if he was confused. He didn't know why Shangguan Yunhai said that.

"Shangguan Yunhai, you can't be instigated by an outsider. I think this kid Chen Xuan must be uneasy. Don't believe what he said!" Huang Guowu said very hastily. He felt that Chen Xuan had come to find himself deliberately. Troublesome.

Shangguan Yunhai knew exactly what Huang Guowu thought of him, but he never said it.

   Now Chen Xuan suddenly clicked.

   Shangguan Yunhai’s attitude changed.

"My lord, you didn’t send anyone over when the Devil Wind Town was attacked by the Zombie Cultists. As a result, after all these Zombie Cultists were defeated, you let them be wiped out. This is your credit. What I picked up is really quite a set." Shangguan Yunhai said.

  Huang Guowu's face was gloomy and uncertain. He thought to himself that even if he had taken credit in the past, he would have worked hard.

  The cultivation base of those snake gods teaching martial artist is not low, he escaped from the hands of those people after desperately, and he almost died in the hands of Zhao Zhiyun.

  Now that Zhao Zhiyun has been imprisoned in Tianling City, Huang Guowu believes that no one can rescue Zhao Zhiyun unless someone has gotten inside.

   "You came here today to take credit for me?" Huang Guowu said with a smile on his face.

  Chen Xuan didn't say that, he just felt that Huang Guowu's actions were really shameful.

   "Huang Guowu, Shangguan Yunhai has done a lot for you over the years, right? That's how you treated him?" Chen Xuan began to say again.

  Huang Guowu was already impatient by being asked, he wondered why there were so many things about Chen Xuan?

   keeps coming to me for trouble.

"No matter how good my temper is, I can't bear you all the time!" Huang Guowu thought viciously: "Well, this is all the old things before, and the two of you should hurry up and drink the bar. After all, today is a celebration party, you are so Say it doesn't give me face?"

   Chen Xuan thought, of course he knew that today was a celebration banquet, but his purpose of coming here today was originally to anger Huang Guowu.

  He wanted to see what Huang Guowu would do.

  As a result, Huang Guowu was surprisingly tolerant, and Chen Xuan had nothing to do with him.

  Chen Xuan raised a glass of wine and drank it.

  The time passed so fast, and it was late at night in a blink of an eye.

   Halfway through the drinking, a few high-level warriors in Tianling City had already left.

  Huang Guowu's gaze was placed on Chen Xuan's body: "Chen Xuan, why don't you rest in my house today, and you don't go back."

  After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan knew that Huang Guowu would definitely want to take the opportunity to do something against him. This person had a set on the surface and the other set. If Chen Xuan really lived here, Huang Guowu would definitely let someone assassinate him.

   "Okay, thank you very much." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he then got up and stood up, his meaning was already very obvious.

  Where do I live?

Huang Guowu arranged several servants and arranged a place for Chen Xuan. Then he said to Shangguan Yunhai, "Shangguan Yunhai, or you live in my house today, everyone is your own. Don't see outside."

   "I'm sorry for the previous things, but these are old things, I don't think you should take them to heart?" Huang Guowu nodded with narrowed eyes.

   Shangguan Yunhai did not speak, he paused, then followed Chen Xuan and walked towards the room Huang Guowu arranged for them.

  Chen Xuan followed one of the subordinates, who walked toward the front, while turning around to introduce Chen Xuan: "Look, Master Chen, is our city lord’s mansion decorated very prosperously?"

  Chen Xuan took a look and found that the decorations of the City Lord’s Mansion in Tianling City were indeed very luxurious, and he did not know how much money Huang Guowu had made in his daily life.

  He didn't say much, but followed closely behind this subordinate and walked into a room.

   "My lord, you guys will have a good rest here today. If you have anything to do, please call me, you don't need to be polite!" The subordinate smiled and retired.

   Chen Xuan thought to himself, he would certainly not be polite.

   "This room doesn't seem to be very big. Would you let me rest in this room with Shangguan Yunhai?" Chen Xuan said.

  The subordinate was asked, he paused, and then replied: "Master Chen, the house in our City Lord’s Mansion is a bit in short supply, or you can wait a while, I will ask Lord City Lord."

  Chen Xuan replied: "No, we two can live in the same room, you can go back and tell Huang Guowu, ask him to prepare a supper for me, and I will practice in the evening."

  The servant dared not refuse, he nodded and bowed, and left Chen Xuan's room.

  Time is fast, and more than two hours have passed in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan was practicing in the room, and he knew that Huang Guowu would definitely not give up.

  If Huang Guowu sends someone to kill him, Chen Xuan will also be prepared.

  At this time, Shangguan Yunhai suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Brother Chen, I think the city lord’s idea is not that simple. Today you have provoke him, just in case..."

   Shangguan Yunhai looked like he wanted to talk.

  Even if Shangguan Yunhai didn’t need to say more, Chen Xuan knew what Huang Guowu was thinking.

  At this moment, in a bustling room, Huang Guowu's face was full of ferociousness, and he directly threw the cup in his hand on the ground.

"This **** kid, he is really hateful, he dare not put me in his eyes like this, if I find a chance, I will kill him, and I will never give him a chance to escape!" Huang Guowu is vicious! Scolded.

  He knew that he had no way to kill Chen Xuan. Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation had reached the realm of Divine Soul, not to mention that Chen Xuan had also entered the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm.

   Together, the two of them can easily kill Huang Guowu.

  (End of this chapter)

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