Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3889: Song Yunmin's Forbearance

   Chapter 3889 Song Yunmin's Forbearance

  In a shadow, the face of an old man in a black long coat was full of blood: "Sir, what did these two boys say today?"

  This person is Song Yunmin, and he did not attend the banquet.

  However, he already knew about the arrival of Chen Xuan and Shangguan Yunhai.

  Huang Guowu cursed fiercely: "These two little rascals really came to trouble me, and they actually said that the people of the Zombie Cult were caught because of their credit. Where did they say that to me?"

  Song Yunmin chuckled, the old man’s face was full of murderous intent: "I said that Shangguan Yunhai was not at ease. I asked you to get rid of him before, but the city lord did not listen to me."

   "Sir, you must kill him today."

Hearing the words, Huang Guowu smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "It's too late to say anything. His cultivation has reached the realm of spirit and soul. How can I be his opponent now?"

Song Yunmin replied: "My lord, how about his cultivation even if he reaches the realm of Divine Soul? Don't we have the snake venom of the Lock God, as long as he drinks the snake venom of the God Lock, even if he is a strong person in the realm of Divine Soul, he will instantly It's fateful."

Speaking of the lock **** snake venom, Huang Guowu nodded thoughtfully. Of course he knew how terrifying the power of the lock **** snake venom is: "Very well, you are right, as long as they drink the lock **** snake venom. Both of these. Every kid will die because of it."

  This lock **** snake venom is extracted from monsters, and its lethality is extremely terrifying.

  The lock **** snake venom can effectively cause damage to the soul. Once a monk drinks the lock **** snake venom, the effect will not be effective immediately, but will gradually show its effect in the next few days.

  At the beginning, Huang Guowu used this lock **** snake venom to kill a monk who had reached the middle stage of the first stage of the spirit realm.

  He believed that as long as Chen Xuan drank the lock **** snake venom, he would definitely die in the city lord’s mansion.

  The lock **** snake venom was extracted by Song Yunmin.

  No one knows how Song Yunmin extracted this lock **** snake venom.

   "Song Yunmin, how much snake venom do you still have on your body?" Huang Guowu asked.

  Song Yunmin’s face was full of blood. He thought that he finally had a chance to get rid of Shangguan Yunhai. The most important thing was that he wanted to avenge his boss.

  "My lord, don't worry, I still have a lot of lock **** snake venom on my body. I believe that with the power of these lock **** snake venom, I can definitely easily poison the two of them to death!" Song Yunmin said with a laugh.

Huang Guowu seems to have seen Chen Xuan's whole body struggling after eating the snake venom, "Very well, he actually asked me to prepare a supper for him. We can just use this opportunity to let this kid eat the snake venom. !"

  Not long after, Huang Guowu called two servants.

   "Have you prepared meals for Chen Xuan?" Huang Guowu said.

  The two servants didn’t know that Huang Guowu was going to poison Chen Xuan’s food.

  "My lord, the food has already been prepared, but Mrs. Chen said that we should deliver it tonight. It is not the time yet." The servant said.

  Huang Guowu nodded slightly: "Hurry up and bring the food, I will taste it first."

  He is not going to tell too many people about the poison in the dish. If these people reveal the news, Chen Xuan might know that the dish is poisonous.

  Several servants hurriedly brought the prepared meals to Huang Guowu.

  Huang Guowu waved his hand: "Okay, you all get back."

  The two servants dared not say anything, they walked out of the room one after another.

  On the table in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, the food lay quietly on it.

  Huang Guowu’s laughter was very cruel: "Very well, Song Yunmin, you can quickly take out the lock **** snake venom, I can't wait."

  He wanted to see Chen Xuan's death due to poisoning.

  Song Yunmin took out a bottle from his space ring, and the bottle was filled with black liquid.

  He took the bottle, then gently unscrewed the bottle mouth, and made a drop towards the top of the meal.

  In an instant, bursts of light red aura condensed on the food, and then the lock **** snake venom disappeared.

   "My lord, as long as the two of them eat it, they will definitely be poisoned to death..." Song Yunmin said with a smile.

  Huang Guowu is very happy now.

   At the dinner tonight, Chen Xuan has been making trouble for him.

   "Good boy, don't you want to trouble me? As long as you eat this bowl of vegetables, you will be poisoned and die directly, hahaha!"

  Huang Guowu heard that Chen Xuan had obtained the treasure of inheritance before, and he thought that as long as Chen Xuan died in the city lord’s mansion, he could get the magic weapon from Chen Xuan.

   "Very well, you did a good job. We just need to wait patiently now. I believe Chen Xuan will definitely not live for a few days after taking the snake venom." Huang Guowu said.

  The time passed quickly, and more than two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

  While Chen Xuan was practicing, a few people outside the door suddenly rushed in.

   "My lord, I have prepared food for you."

  Chen Xuan opened the door and brought in all these dishes.

  As soon as he got the food, Chen Xuan felt that it was highly toxic.

   "Hehe, it is exactly the same as I thought, this Huang Guowu's mind is really gloomy, he actually wants to poison the food." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

   Shangguan Yunhai leaned over and said, "Brother Chen, there is poison in the food?"

   "Of course, you will know when you come over and take a look." Chen Xuan said.

   Shangguan Yunhai showed his thoughts. He knew that Song Yunmin could develop a very strange snake venom, and even monks in the realm of Divine Soul would be poisoned to death.

   "If I didn't guess wrong, they must have poisoned the snake venom, which is very dangerous. Let's never eat this dish!" Shangguan Yunhai said word by word.

  Chen Xuan would definitely not eat it. He poured out all the dishes, and then began to practice.

  The next morning, Huang Guowu thought that Chen Xuan's body was cold.

   But when he got up early to practice, he found Chen Xuanzheng coming from a distance and said hello to him.

   "My Lord City Lord, I didn't expect you to wake up so early." Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

  Huang Guowu exclaimed. He realized that he was a little gaffe, and then he hurriedly laughed and said, “It turned out to be Chen Xuan. You got up early in the morning. How was your cultivation last night? Did you make a breakthrough in your cultivation?”

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, "As expected of the Heavenly Spirit City, the heaven and the earth here are very abundant. I only practiced for two hours yesterday, and my cultivation level broke through, and now I have reached the realm of spirits and souls."

  God and Soul Realm?

  Huang Guowu's whole person is not good. He thought that he had also cultivated in the city lord's mansion for so many years, but the current cultivation base is still the eighth level of Shenluo realm.

  Why did Chen Xuan just arrive at the city lord’s mansion without a day before his cultivation level could reach the realm of souls?

  Huang Guowu would definitely not believe it.

"Brother Chen, I don't think you can be so bragging. How many days have you been here, your cultivation will be able to break through to the realm of souls, even some geniuses, it is impossible to break through in such a short time." Huang Guowu said.

  Huang Guowu once practiced in a sect. When he first entered this sect, although his cultivation level was not strong, he was the only genius of the sect.

  Unfortunately, his talent never improved.

  Even the elders of their sect did not know exactly why, so Huang Guowu later left the sect and took the post of city lord in the Demon Wind Nation.

Huang Guowu thought that his cultivation was already very strong, but it was not until Shangguan Yunhai was born, and when he reached the ninth level of the Shenluo realm at a young age, did he realize that he could no longer keep up with the pace of some geniuses. .

  Because of this, Huang Guowu's character has become more and more distorted. He believes that his cultivation should reach the realm of spirit and soul.

  The younger generations like Shangguan Yunhai and Chen Xuan are definitely not better than his cultivation.

It’s a pity that things went against his wishes. Shangguan Yunhai has now reached the realm of Soul and Soul, and his cultivation has far surpassed Huang Guowu.

"Brother Chen Xuan, since your cultivation level has reached the realm of Divine Soul, or you will show your hands, let me see how powerful the cultivation of a strong person in Divine Soul realm is." Huang Guowu said with a smile on his face. I'm already waiting to see Chen Xuan's joke.

  In fact, Huang Guowu knew in his heart that Chen Xuan must have not eaten the meal yesterday, definitely because he felt that the meal contained the snake venom.

   Huang Guowu thought to himself, Chen Xuan would definitely not dare to do anything to him anyway, this is his site.

  He thinks too simple.

  Chen Xuan originally had no intersection with Demon Wind Nation, even if he killed Huang Guowu, the people of Demon Wind Nation would not go to Yunxiao Mansion to find him.

  Although the overall strength of the Demon Wind Nation is very strong, they still dare not provoke Yunxiao Mansion and the Kamikaze Dynasty.

  Huang Guowu's expression was gloomy and uncertain, a pair of eyes were constantly scanning Chen Xuan's body, and no one knew what he was thinking.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, I have long heard that your cultivation level is very strong, can't you give it a try? I'm really curious about what realm your cultivation level has reached?"

  Chen Xuan really wanted to refuse Huang Guowu's request. He didn't want to show off his cultivation in front of Huang Guowu when he got up in the morning.

  But Huang Guowu has been pressing Chen Xuan now. He obviously wants to know what realm Chen Xuan has reached now.

  If Chen Xuan's cultivation base is lower than him, he is likely to be attacked.

  When eating last night, Huang Guowu actually felt that Chen Xuan's cultivation level was not low, but he had never witnessed it with his own eyes.

  Huang Guowu's expression is extremely hideous.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan felt the killing intent in his eyes: "My Lord, this place is really too small, should we change the place?"

   "Hahahaha, no, there is a martial arts field in the city lord's mansion, let's go there." After saying that, Huang Guowu got up and set off in the direction of the martial arts field.

  The martial arts venue is right in the center of the City Lord’s Mansion, and it only takes about two quarters of an hour to walk there.

On the way, Huang Guowu was still asking: "Brother Chen, I heard that you defeated several warriors of the Zombie Cult. I don't know if this is true. Could it be that you can deal with Zhao Zhiyun now?"

  Although Huang Guowu had already captured Zhao Zhiyun, he just picked up a basket. Taking advantage of Zhao Zhiyun's serious injury, Huang Guowu brought many warriors from the Celestial Spirit City directly into the Demon Snake Building.

  If it wasn't for Zhao Zhiyun's injury, he could kill Huang Guowu in seconds.

   "Haha, yes." Chen Xuan did not answer directly, he knew what Huang Guowu was thinking.

  From this person's gaze, Chen Xuan could feel bad intentions.

  After about a quarter of an hour, they came to the edge of the competition field.

  The martial arts field in the City Lord’s Mansion was so huge that Chen Xuan could not even see his head at a glance, and there were many poplar trees planted around.

  As for the center, there is a huge boulder. This boulder is obviously used to test the strength. Chen Xuan had seen it in Jianyuezong.

"Go over there and test your strength. I heard that your cultivation is about to approach the realm of Soul and Soul, right?" Huang Guowu asked with a smile. He had already discussed with Song Yunmin last night. Xuan's cultivation has reached the realm of souls, and he is definitely not Chen Xuan's opponent.

  If Chen Xuan's cultivation level did not reach the realm of Divine Soul, he would lead all the warriors in the City Lord's Mansion to directly kill Chen Xuan here.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the huge boulder in the center, then he gently raised the Liaoyuan sword and walked towards the boulder step by step.

   "City Lord, you stay away." Chen Xuan said softly.

  After listening to his words, Huang Guowu had a sneer on his face. He thought to himself that Chen Xuan's cultivation skills were so strong?

   actually dared to let him stay away.

   "Brother Chen, let's forget it, I'll just watch it here, shouldn't you hurt me?" Huang Guowu asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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