Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3895: Shangguan Yunhai's thoughts

  Chapter 3895 Shangguan Yunhai’s thoughts

   Shangguan Yunhai raised his eyebrows lightly, he didn't know what Huang Guowu was thinking.

   "My Lord City Lord, just say anything if you have anything!" Shangguan Yunhai said politely.

"That's it. Today I am going to stay in your residence for one night. Tomorrow you and Song Yunmin will go to the Demon Snake Tower to search for Zhao Zhiyun's clues. I must remind you. Be careful with Song Yunmin on the road... …" Huang Guowu said.

  Shangguan Yunhai said, he thought that Huang Guowu, as the lord of Tianling City, was so scared now.

   "Don't worry, Lord City Lord, I will definitely be careful of Song Yunmin, and I will never let him continue to make waves in Tianling City." Shangguan Yunhai said.

   No sleep all night.

   Shangguan Yunhai has always remained vigilant.

  Although he knew that the black warrior killed by Huang Guowu today was not a person of the Zombie Sect.

  But Shangguan Yunhai couldn’t tell if the people of the Serpent God Cult would come to assassinate him.

  At the next morning, Huang Guowu also walked out of the room.

  Huang Guowu did not sleep all night, and he was always worried that someone would come to kill him.

  He is very afraid of death, so he keeps his eyes open all night, and he releases his innocence induction, just to beware of someone coming to assassinate him.

  Unfortunately, no one came to Shangguan Yunhai’s residence last night.

   "Sir City Lord, you got up so early!" Shangguan Yunhai said mockingly.

  Huang Guowu wore dark circles under his eyes. Although he was a monk and could not sleep for several days, he displayed a lot of true energy last night.

   also made him consume a lot of energy.

   "I didn't sleep last night, Shangguan Yunhai, you should accompany me back to the mansion first, I want to find Song Yunmin first." Huang Guowu said.

   Shangguan Yunhai looked down on Huang Guowu very much. The lord of the dignified Sky Spirit City was so afraid of death. He knew that people like Huang Guowu could only share adversities, but they could not share happiness.

  "Good City Lord Huang, let's go now." Shangguan Yunhai said helplessly.

After receiving Shangguan Yunhai's affirmation, Huang Guowu was extremely happy. He thought that he had worn Shangguan Yunhai's small shoes for so many years, and as a result, Shangguan Yunhai no longer considered the predicament.

  Huang Guowu even wanted to thank Shangguan Yunhai’s eight-life ancestors.

"Shangguan Yunhai, please clean up first. This is my token. You will tell those people that you are my spokesperson. If they dare to disobey your orders, they are disobeying me. Now you are from our Tianling City. Second in command!" Huang Guowu said loudly.

  At the same time, in the city lord’s mansion, an old man in a black long coat slowly sat on the couch, and two men in black were standing on either side of him.

   "You went to inquire about the news last night, what did you find out?" Song Yunmin said.

  The two snake **** martial artists said with a smirk: "Master Song, this Huang Guowu is really too courageous. We are not ready to do anything with him. He actually hid in Shangguan Yunhai's mansion last night."

   "Hehe, this old boy is really a coward, I should just kill him directly!"

Song Yunmin paused and said, "Don’t act rashly. Today, I will go to the Demon Snake Tower with Shangguan Yunhai. I have already agreed with Master Zhao that when the time comes, the two of us will kill Shangguan Yunhai. The whole Tianling No one in the city can threaten him."

   "Is this kid named Shangguan Yunhai really that strong? Why did you two kill him together?"

   "Yeah, I remember that his cultivation is only about the nine layers of the Shenluo realm. How could he threaten us, Mr. Zhao Zhiyun!"

   "That's right, this Shangguan Yunhai is nothing to be afraid of. As long as our Lord Zhao Zhiyun does it, we can definitely kill him easily!"

  Several warriors of the Zombie Sect began to discuss.

   After hearing what they said, Song Yunmin was full of disdain and said: "You don't know, this kid's cultivation is very terrifying, he used to be the ninth realm, yes, but now he has reached the first stage of the spirit realm!"

   "Master Zhao was seriously injured before, but I think he is about to recover from his injury now. Even without my assistance, Master Zhao will definitely be able to kill him."

"The two of us did it together just to be on the safe side. If Chen Xuan came here, it would be difficult to handle. Both of them have reached the first level of Divine Soul Realm, which is comparable to mine. "Song Yunmin said.

   "Hey hey, I still don't think you need to be so careful. If you have an adult, you can definitely kill them all easily!" The warrior of the Zombie Sect began to flatter.

  Song Yunmin didn’t eat his set at all: “You’d better save the province. You will come with me today and all prepare me for battle. As long as Shangguan Yunhai comes to the Demon Snake Tower, he will not be able to run out!”

  Now Song Yunmin’s plan is very simple. He wants to deliberately lead Shangguan Yunhai to the Demon Snake Tower, and then join forces with Zhao Zhiyun to kill Shangguan Yunhai.

  As long as Shangguan Yunhai is killed at that time.

  No one in the entire Celestial City can threaten them.

  Zhao Zhiyun can directly kill Celestial City, and then take the throne of the lord of Celestial City.

  Even if Chen Xuan wanted to kill from Demon Wind Town, he couldn't be Zhao Zhiyun's opponent.

   After all, the strongest person next to Chen Xuan was Shangguan Yunhai. Except for Shangguan Yunhai, no one could pose a threat to Zhao Zhiyun and Song Yunmin.

  He is really right.

  Yuwenqiu and Dugulun’s cultivation bases just reached the first stage of the Shenluo realm, and the two of them really could not pose a threat to Song Yunmin. After all, Song Yunmin’s cultivation also entered the middle stage of the first stage of the Shenluo realm.

  As for Li Dongchen and others, let alone.

The strongest cultivation base of the group of warriors in the Jiuding Inn is only about the seventh level of the Shenluo realm. Although Li Dongchen has reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, he still doesn't look enough in the eyes of this group of snake gods.

  If there really is a conflict with the people of the Serpents, Li Dongchen can only deal with some of the Serpents.

  The real big head still needs Chen Xuan to deal with.

  The most important thing is to kill Zhao Zhiyun.

  Chen Xuan has already begun to defend the Devil Wind Town, but he does not know where Zhao Zhiyun has escaped.

  Although Chen Xuan also guessed that Zhao Zhiyun must have returned to the Demon Snake Building, after all, there is still a spirit formation set up by Zhao Zhiyun in the Demon Snake Building.

  If Zhao Zhiyun escaped from the Demon Wind Empire, it would be really difficult for Chen Xuan to catch him.

  You can come to Leizhou by walking more than two hundred kilometers to the east from Mofeng Town.

  Leizhou is very dangerous.

  In case Zhao Zhiyun really returns to Leizhou, it is basically impossible for Chen Xuan to catch Zhao Zhiyun in Leizhou, after all, Leizhou is the base camp of the Serpent Sect.

  There are many masters of the Zombie Sect lurking in Leizhou and Qiushuang Nation, and some of these masters have even reached the peak of Divine Soul Realm.

  There are still some people who can exceed the realm of souls.

  Chen Xuan can't be the opponent of these snake **** masters, he knows how many catties his cultivation is.

  Now what Chen Xuan has to do is to protect the safety of Mofeng Town.

Basically, some high-level members of the Serpentine Sect will not be dispatched, after all, they also have to protect the safety of the Serpentine Sect base camp.

  For a zombie warrior of Zhao Zhiyun's level, he is already a small leader in the zombie religion, so he can lead people to build a magic snake building in the eastern part of the magic wind empire.

   Chen Xuan's current cultivation base can only barely deal with Zhao Zhiyun.

  Zhao Zhiyun’s cultivation reached the first peak of the Divine Soul Realm, but he was already injured. If Chen Xuan went to fight with Zhao Zhiyun, maybe Chen Xuan could really win.

  In Jiuding Inn, everyone continued to discuss.

   "Brother Chen, shall we go and kill Zhao Zhiyun now?" Li Dongchen put his hand horizontally on his neck, making a click.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan slowly shook his head and said: "You can't act rashly. I have already talked with Shangguan Yunhai yesterday. He suspected that Song Yunmin was the man behind Zhao Zhiyun who let go."

   "Wait for Shangguan Yunhai to bring Song Yunmin to us today, let's get rid of Song Yunmin first, and eliminate a threat." Chen Xuan said.

   "No, you mean there is one in Tianling City..."

   "I have heard of Song Yunmin's name before. He wanted to bring people to destroy us, but unfortunately his goal did not succeed." Li Dongchen said with a smile on his face.

   "He wanted to take someone to destroy the Jiuding Inn?" Chen Xuan said.

   "Yes, I heard that Song Yunmin's origin is very mysterious. No one knows where he came from. It is said that he had saved Huang Guowu's life before, so Song Yunmin was able to hold an important position in Tianling City."

   "But I doubt..."

   "What do you suspect?"

   "He may really be a person of the Zombie Cult."

  "No need to doubt, there is no one else but him who can rescue Song Yunmin." Chen Xuan judged.

  He knew that under the original circumstances, only Song Yunmin had the opportunity to release Zhao Zhiyun.

  Because only Song Yunmin’s position can approach Zhao Zhiyun.

   "When shall we do it?" Li Dongchen said again.

"I don't know. This is the jade pendant that Shangguan Yunhai gave me. Let's wait here. As long as Shangguan Yunhai takes Song Yunmin nearby, you will come with me when the time comes. I suspect that Song Yunmin is the same. Think about it." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "Brother Chen, what does this mean?"

"Song Yunmin may also bring Shangguan Yunhai to the vicinity of the Demon Snake Tower and let Zhao Zhiyun kill him. This is something I discussed with Shangguan Yunhai yesterday. You are all ready to prepare, and there may be a hard fight at that time." Chen Xuan sermon.

  No one rejected Chen Xuan.

   Now Chen Xuan's position in the magic wind town is very obvious.

  All the warriors in Jiuding Inn obeyed his orders. If it were not for the existence of Chen Xuan, the town of Mofeng would have been slaughtered long ago.

  "That means we still have to wait patiently here now?"

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, "Of course, wait patiently for a while. I believe Shangguan Yunhai and Song Yunmin will come together soon."

  Heavenly Spirit City.

  Huang Guowu very boldly raised a glass of wine, and then he handed the glass to Song Yunmin’s hand.

   "Song Yunmin, you must be cautious this time. Zhao Zhiyun's cultivation is very strong. If you and Shangguan Yunhai are not rivals, you must run away quickly!"

Song Yunmin said cheerfully: "Don't worry, Lord City Lord, I have planned it a long time ago. Zhao Zhiyun must have not recovered from his injury. I heard that the cultivation base of the little brother Shangguan has broken through to the realm of souls. Zhao Zhiyun can never be his opponent."

"The little brother Shangguan is simply amazing. His talent is too strong. After only a few days, he has broken through to the realm of souls. The old man really admires it!" Song Yunmin looked thoughtfully. Shangguan Yunhai.

   Shangguan Yunhai squinted at Song Yunmin, but he didn’t answer much: "Sir, Song Yunmin and I have passed by now."

   "Okay!" Huang Guowu immediately nodded and said: "If you have anything to communicate with me as soon as possible, when you two pass by, don't be caught by Zhao Zhiyun!"

   Shangguan Yunhai is not going to continue to waste time in Tianling City. He has discussed with Chen Xuan yesterday, and Song Yunmin is definitely a member of the Snake God Sect.

   And he has already made enough preparations.

  According to Chen Xuan’s guess, Song Yunmin and Zhao Zhiyun have already met, and they must first kill Shangguan Yunhai before they go to deal with Huang Guowu.

  Chen Xuan originally suspected that Huang Guowu was also a snake **** cultivator, but after being reminded by Shangguan Yunhai, Chen Xuan carefully pondered it and found that Huang Guowu could not be a snake **** cultivator.

  "Very well, you two should get up and go over now!" After Huang Guowu finished speaking, he immediately returned to the city lord's mansion.

  A total of three hundred guards from the Heavenly Spirit City set off in the direction of the Demon Snake Tower.

  Shangguan Yunhai is the leader of these guards, and his current status is equivalent to the lord of Tianling City.

  After all, Shangguan Yunhai has a token given to him by Huang Guowu.

  (End of this chapter)

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