Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3896: Seen through

  Chapter 3896 was seen through

  Song Yunmin had already noticed all this. He knew that his identity might have been exposed, so he became even more unscrupulous.

   "Unexpectedly, your current position is actually higher than mine." Song Yunmin said with a smile on his face.

   Shangguan Yunhai hung the token around his waist. He did not answer Song Yunmin’s words: “Song Master, let’s go quickly. We can’t delay any more time. It won’t be good if Zhao Zhiyun escapes.”

  Song Yunmin’s expression is very cruel.

  He was thinking in his heart that as long as he seized the opportunity, he must divide Shangguan Yunhai's five horses and kill him.

  Song Yunmin hates Shangguan Yunhai very much.

  In the past few years, he has been looking for opportunities to deal with Shangguan Yunhai, but Song Yunmin has never done anything. He is waiting for opportunities.

  Now that Song Yunmin finally found a chance to kill Shangguan Yunhai, he would never let go of this chance.

"Oh, so you, Shangguan Yunhai, dare to look down on me like this. I think when you can be arrogant, as long as I and Master Zhao work together, you will eventually be killed by me?" Song Yunmin walked in the team. The last side.

  He covered his cheek with his hair, and then followed closely behind Shangguan Yunhai.

  Time passed quickly, and more than half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  Walking along, Song Yunmin suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this road.

   "Shangguan Yunhai, did you go the wrong way? If you want to go to the Demon Snake Tower, you should go to the southeast. Why are you heading to the northeast now?" Song Yunmin asked suddenly.

   Shangguan Yunhai turned around and replied, "Master Song, do you know or I know?"

  "You hadn't been to the Demon Snake Building before, how did you know that you were walking the wrong way?" Shangguan Yunhai whispered.

Song Yunmin frowned, and he vaguely felt something was wrong: "Shangguan Yunhai, although the old man has never been to the Demon Snake Tower, I probably know where the Demon Snake Tower is. Your path is obviously wrong, or you Just follow me."

  As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Yunhai immediately took out the token and said to the three hundred warriors: "Now my identity is equivalent to City Master Huang Guowu. Do you listen to my orders or him?"

   "Song Yunmin, you should also see the token in my hand?"

Song Yunmin said with a sullen face: "What's wrong with your token, don't hold a chicken feather as an arrow, thinking that there is a token given to you by Huang Guowu, so you can ignore me like this. Do you know who you are? A little captain of the guard!"

   Shangguan Yunhai sneered coldly: "Song Master, you obviously don’t see me in your eyes, and you don’t see Huang Guowu in your eyes either!"

   "Everyone, Song Yunmin obviously wants to resist Huang Chengzhu. I don't think he has any thoughts. I don't know what he is thinking. I said you will not collude with the snake gods?"

  This sentence can be said to be murderous.

  Song Yunmin looked at more than three hundred martial artists. He knew that no matter how strong his cultivation base was, he couldn't be the opponent of so many people. In addition, Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation base also reached the first level of the realm of spirits.

  He has no chance of winning.

   "Shangguan Yunhai, your path is wrong, can't I still point out your mistake?"

"Of course you can point out my mistake, but I want to make it clear to you that I am currently higher than you, and I still have a token given to me by Lord City Lord, even if what I said is wrong, You also have to follow the wrong path!" Shangguan Yunhai said word by word.

  He exudes a fierce aura.

  If Song Yunmin dared to refuse, Shangguan Yunhai would definitely take action against him.

  Three hundred warriors did not say a word, all of them were the elites of Tianling City.

  The cultivation of these warriors has reached the fifth level of the Shenluo realm.

  So many people gathered together, even if Song Yunmin reached the realm of spirit and soul, he would not dare to do anything against Shangguan Yunhai.

  At the same time, these guards began to talk quietly.

   "Who said that is right? But I feel that the path Shangguan Yunhai took us is indeed wrong." A warrior said.

   "But Shangguan Yunhai-sama has the token given to him by the city lord after all, and his command says the same..."

   "That's what I said, or let's listen to Lord Shangguan!"

  As these guards were talking, they set their eyes on Shangguan Yunhai's body.

   Shangguan Yunhai nodded very satisfied: "Very well, now you all obey my destiny, right?"

  All the guards didn't say a word, they were acquiesced.

  These guards, whether it is Song Yunmin's high status or Shangguan Yunhai's high position, they only have the token of the city lord in their eyes.

   Shangguan Yunhai has a token given to him by Huang Guowu. These guards will never refute Shangguan Yunhai’s orders. Even if Shangguan Yunhai took them on the wrong path, this group of warriors will follow Shangguan Yunhai without hesitation.

   "Shangguan Yunhai-sama, what road do you want to take, we will all follow you!" said a warrior.

  In fact, these guards admired Shangguan Yunhai very much in their hearts, and they also knew that Huang Guowu had been deliberately suppressing Shangguan Yunhai over the years.

  Shangguan Yunhai is the top celebrity of the entire Tianling City.

  Many guards and monks regard him as their life goal.

   Shangguan Yunhai had reached the Ninth Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm at a young age, and he had helped Tianling City withstand the attack of a powerful monster.

  The cultivation base of that monster beast has reached the nine levels of perfection in the Shenluo realm.

  It is because of this battle that Shangguan Yunhai became famous in the entire Tianling City.

  Song Yunmin knew that he had no way to fight against Shangguan Yunhai, so he could only follow behind with murderous intent.

   "Haha, Shangguan Yunhai, I don’t think you are still making a wishful calculation. I don’t know where this road is going. After all, you don’t really think that your cultivation level can deal with me, do you?"

  Although Song Yunmin knew that Shangguan Yunhai’s idea was definitely not that simple, the reason he took this path was definitely to lead him somewhere.

  But Song Yunmin was very confident, he felt that Shangguan Yunhai could not be his opponent.

  For a long time, he hadn't seen the cultivation level displayed by Shangguan Yunhai, and he didn't even know what realm Chen Xuan reached.

  When Chen Xuan and Shangguan Yunhai came to the City Lord’s Mansion together, he had checked Chen Xuan's cultivation level.

  Song Yunmin discovered that Chen Xuan's cultivation was only the nine levels of the Shenluo realm, and this cultivation could not be his opponent at all.

  After walking for more than 20 miles, Song Yunmin looked around with a little puzzlement. He felt that there was danger nearby.

   Shangguan Yunhai walked at the forefront of the team. He gently squeezed out a jade pendant from his arms, and then slightly hardened his hands, and a burst of red breath suddenly emanated.

  This is the sound transmission jade pendant given to him by Chen Xuan.

  As long as Shangguan Yunhai crushed the jade pendant, Chen Xuan would get the news immediately.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan will bring people to kill.

  Even if Chen Xuan couldn't come, just by Shangguan Yunhai and these three hundred warriors working together, he could be beheaded.

  But Shangguan Yunhai was not prepared to let these three hundred warriors do it. After all, these warriors did not know the relationship between Song Yunmin and the Snake God Sect.

  He wanted to expose Song Yunmin.

   In front of these three hundred warriors, let them know that Song Yunmin is the person of the snake **** sect.

  As long as these three hundred people can help them deal with Song Yunmin, there is no way for Song Yunmin to escape today.

  Far away in the small town of Magic Wind, Chen Xuan saw a burst of red light in the sky, and his expression suddenly became happy.

   "It seems that Shangguan Yunhai has brought Song Yunmin here. I thought I would not be able to bring him until the afternoon. I didn't expect that he would have come at noon." Chen Xuan whispered.

   After hearing his voice, Dugulun immediately leaned over: "Chen Xuan, have they passed by now?"

   "Should we go over now?" Du Gulun said.

  Yu Wenqiu and Li Dongchen also rushed over, their expressions were very nervous.

   "I came so soon, I'm not ready yet."

   "That's right, let's hurry over now, don't let this Song Yunmin run away!"

  Several warriors of Jiuding Inn also began to discuss.

   "This is our best chance to kill Song Yunmin!"

   "We must kill these people of the Serpent God Cult at one go, and it is best to kill Zhao Zhiyun!"

  Chen Xuan said calmly: "Don't worry, a few people with strong cultivation skills will come over with me and have a look. Others will stay in the magic wind town for the time being!"

   "If the Devil Wind Town is empty, it is very likely that people from the Zombie Cult will take advantage of it."

  Chen Xuan’s plan is very detailed.

  If he takes out all the warriors of Jiuding Inn, then all the people left in Mofeng Town will be old, weak, sick and disabled.

  Once Zhao Zhiyun takes the opportunity to break into the Demon Wind Town and destroy the Vermilion Array, then all the people in the Demon Wind Town will die.

  Chen Xuan was not going to bring Dugulun with him, so he let Dugulun defend here.

  Because Dugulun has mastered the tactics to activate the Vermilion Array.

   "Yu Wenqiu, come with me, by the way, Li Dongchen, you take a few people to defend Mofeng Town well, we don't need to pass too many people this time."

  Chen Xuan knew that Shangguan Yunhai still had three hundred warriors from the Celestial Spirit City. Although their cultivation was not top-notch, they all reached the fifth level of the Shenluo realm. The concentration of these people's powers could also threaten Zhao Zhiyun.

  At that time, Chen Xuan and Shangguan Yunhai alone can defeat Zhao Zhiyun, let alone more than 300 people.

  Their winning percentage is very high.

  Chen Xuan and Yuwen Qiuliang quickly rushed towards the location of Shangguan Yunhai.

  Time flew fast, two quarters of an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu came to the neighborhood.

   "Aren't we going there?" Yu Wenqiu said curiously.

  Chen Xuan smiled and shook his head: "Don’t go in a hurry, wait until Zhao Zhiyun comes!

"Zhao Zhiyun will definitely join hands with Song Yunmin to deal with Shangguan Yunhai. We have to let the three hundred warriors of the Celestial Spirit City see who is the inner ghost. As long as these three hundred people follow us desperately, then Mofeng Town The defensive power can be greatly enhanced." Chen Xuan said.

Yu Wenqiu covered her mouth and grinned: "I said Chen Xuan, your wishful thinking is really good, but this idea is really good. If there are people from Tianlingcheng to help us guard the town of Mofeng, We don’t need to worry so much."

  "When are you going to do it?"

  "Wait for Zhao Zhiyun to come, then Zhao Zhiyun will definitely do it, and kill these more than 300 warriors, only need to be killed one or two, that is the time for us to do it..." Chen Xuan said.

  Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu waited patiently for more than an hour here.

  At this moment, the loess in the sky continued to wreak havoc, and the yellow sand was scraped on the body of three hundred warriors.

  They couldn’t help but complain: "Shangguan Yunhai-sama, why have we been waiting here? Why don’t we go there?"

   "Could it be that this is the Demon Snake Tower, but I don't think it looks like it, why do we have to wait so long here!"

  These warriors complained that they had been waiting in place for more than an hour, but Shangguan Yunhai still had no intention of leaving here.

  Song Yunmin knew that his opportunity had come: "Hehe, Shangguan Yunhai, haven't you seen that these people are already impatient? Why did you bring me here?"

  (End of this chapter)

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