Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3900: Lin Wendian

  Chapter 3900 Lin Wendian

  Chen Xuan did not have time to waste time with the disciples of the Mu Sacred Sword Sect. What he has to do now is to rescue Li Dongchen and others as soon as possible.

  At this critical moment, Chen Xuan has already arrived near the swamp.

  He found Li Dongchen standing on the boulder.

  What happened?

  Chen Xuan's heart was full of doubts. When he left Jiuding Inn, Li Dongchen promised to protect the safety of Mofeng Town.

  As a result, not long after he had left, Li Dongchen was actually chased and killed by a disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect.

  Lin Wendian saw Chen Xuan coming, and he also saw Chen Xuan killing many disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect.

   "So you are Chen Xuan?" Lin Wendian asked: "I have heard them say about you. This is what they call Brother Chen. Your cultivation level is indeed quite strong, but unfortunately you have no chance now!"

  The next moment, Lin Wendian raised the long sword in his hand, and a fierce sword aura blasted towards Li Dongchen. He was confident that he could kill Li Dongchen before Chen Xuan walked over.

  He was not worried that Chen Xuan would do anything to him, after all, Lin Wendian's cultivation level had reached a very strong level.

   Just when Jian Qi was about to touch Li Dongchen, he suddenly felt a fierce flame spreading in the air, and then his body was entangled by a burst of Suzaku fire.

  After displaying the Suzaku Fire, Chen Xuan's pupils were full of fiery red light.

   Li Dongchen’s pupils are full of surprises: "Great, Brother Chen is here!"

  As for Lin Wendian, his face was full of nervousness. He felt a terrifying killing intent from the Suzaku Fire.

  At this time, Lin Wendian hurriedly gathered the Qi of the refinement body, he wanted to prevent the Vermillion Bird's fire from burning on his body.

  In this instant, Chen Xuan rushed towards him instantly.

  Two poison ivy zhan Luo entangled in the direction of Chen Xuan, but he just lightly shake the long sword, this poison ivy zhan Luo was immediately cut in half.

  Lin Wendian's cultivation base is already considered good in the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, otherwise he would not be the chief disciple.

  At this moment, the sky suddenly caused a burst of light red light, and the Vermillion Bird's fire on his body instantly dissipated without a trace.

  Lin Wendian's expression was very hideous, he didn't expect Chen Xuan to kill him at this time.

   "The two of you must die!"

  He can't manage that much now.

  Lin Wendian must kill Li Dongchen.

  It is impossible for Chen Xuan to give him a chance. He wants to rescue Li Dongchen and others from Lin Wendian's hands.

The   Liaoyuan sword began to sway constantly, and bursts of fierce aura instantly burned out.


  Sword Qi instantly hit Lin Wendian's body.

After being hit by Jian Qi, Lin Wendian let out a scream, and then his body fell directly to the ground.

  Lin Wendian showed a panic on his face, he thought to himself, is Chen Xuan's cultivation level really that strong?

   Just now, Chen Xuan's cultivation base was already extremely close to the realm of the soul.

  "Who are you on earth?" Lin Wendian asked loudly.

  He felt that Chen Xuan might be a monk of a certain sect, but he found that the clothes that Chen Xuan was wearing did not resemble those of the Demon Wind Empire.

  Chen Xuan did not answer.

He looked at Lin Wendian coldly. In Chen Xuan's eyes, Lin Wendian was already a dead body: "I heard that you are the chief disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect. Consummation does not seem to be very strong either..."

  After hearing what Chen Xuan said, Lin Wendian's expression was extremely hideous. He felt that Chen Xuan was looking down on himself.

  Lin Wendian thought that he was the chief disciple of the Wood Sage Sword Sect at any rate, and his status in the Wood Sage Sword Sect was very high. As a result, Chen Xuan actually looked down on him.

  He also felt the killing intent from the sword aura that Chen Xuan waved just now.

  If it were not because of his prompt response, he might have been killed by the Suzaku Fire just now.

   "You die for me!" Lin Wendian yelled, and once again he swung his sword and charged towards Chen Xuan.

In this instant, Chen Xuan's soles slammed on the ground, releasing a burst of dark red air from the long sword in his hand. This breath instantly suppressed Lin Wendian on the ground, and then Chen Xuanfei shot out a palm. wind.

  Lin Wendian's body immediately fell to the ground, at this moment Lin Wendian let out a scream.

  Many poison ivy roots spread in his direction immediately.

   Seeing that Li Dongchen had been seriously injured, Chen Xuan’s pupils were full of killing intent: "What happened, why are you being chased by the Wood Sacred Sword Sect?"

  Li Dongchen didn’t have time to explain, he immediately said gratefully: “Brother Chen, thank you so much this time. If you didn’t show up in time, we might be killed by him!”

  Li Dongchen grinned openly.

  He knew that the reason why he could escape this time was because Chen Xuan rushed over in time.

  It was not because of Chen Xuan's appearance, they would definitely die here.

  At this time, waves of fierce light came from the swamp, and a fierce aura was immediately released.

  The two Poison Ivy Slashing Luo hadn't entangled Lin Wendian's body, they were directly cut off by a red light.

  Lin Wendian has reached the Ninth Level of Perfection in the Shenluo Realm after all. His cultivation is very strong, and he can even enter the Divine Soul Realm with only one step.

  An extra scar appeared on Lin Wendian’s face, which was caused by the burning of the Suzaku fire.

"Boy, you actually have the guts to provoke us Wood Sacred Sword Sect. I don't care what your status is. Since you provoke me, you will definitely be killed by me today!" Lin Wendian was already in madness, and he immediately waved He rushed towards Chen Xuan with a long sword.

  He didn't feel that he was not Chen Xuan's opponent. Had it not been for Chen Xuan's sudden attack, he would definitely not have been shot down in the swamp.

  In Lin Wendian's eyes, Chen Xuan's cultivation is only the ninth peak of the Shenluo realm, and he cannot be his opponent.

  Just now, if Lin Wendian hadn't escaped in time, he would have been stabbed by Chen Xuan's sword aura. If he was hit by the Suzaku Fire, he would not have escaped alive.

  He will definitely be killed by Chen Xuan then.

  So Lin Wendian is very angry now. He feels that Chen Xuan has disturbed his good deeds. He was going to kill Li Dongchen and others, but suddenly he killed Chen Xuan halfway.

   "Chen Xuan, you can't escape from the palm of my hand, today I will definitely kill you!"

   "And do you know who I am?"

   Chen Xuan thought to himself, he must know the identity of Lin Wendian: "Aren't you a member of the Wooden Sage Sword Sect?"

Lin Wendian smiled coldly: "Since you know that I am a member of the Wooden Sage Sword faction, why do you dare to provoke me? Do you know who I am? I am the chief disciple of the Wooden Sage Sword faction, you know I don't know what realm my cultivation level has reached?"

He wanted to use his identity to suppress Chen Xuan, but in Chen Xuan's eyes, Lin Wendian was just a clown, and it was impossible to attract his attention. If Chen Xuan was allowed to exert his full power, he would even be Lin Wendian can be killed in minutes.

  Chen Xuan didn't pay attention to Lin Wendian.

   "You are a disciple of the Wooden Sage Sword Sect. Is this Wood Sage Sword Sect very powerful?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

   "Hey, it needs to be said that our Wooden Sacred Sword Sect is a sect. Don't you know what a sect represents? If you provoke our Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, you will definitely not end well!"

  Chen Xuan was already laughing in his heart, thinking that he was a disciple of Jianyuezong.

  Sword Moon Sect is a top two-star sect in Yunxiao Mansion, and its current strength is still growing.

  "Do you know who I am?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  Lin Wendian doesn’t want to know the origin of Chen Xuan at all? He just wanted to show off that he was a disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect.

   "I care what identity you are!"

   "I am from Sword Moon Sect, I think you should have heard of Sword Moon Sect?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  Wood Sacred Sword School is after all the sect of the Demon Wind Empire.

  As a disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, Lin Wendian has never heard of Sword Moon Sect.

  Chen Xuan saw the puzzled expression on Lin Wendian’s face, but he immediately said: “Our Sword Moon Sect is a two-star sect, and the Wood Sacred Sword Sect is just **** in my eyes.”

Lin Wendian's expression became even more hideous. He felt that Chen Xuan was deliberately mocking himself: "It turns out that this is the case. Then I will ask for advice on your cultivation base, and let me see the cultivation base of Jianyuezong disciple. How strong is it!"

After   's voice fell, his body suddenly turned into a black light, and then quickly rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Seeing Lin Wendian act on himself, Chen Xuan gently shook his arm, a fierce aura instantly released, and a burst of Suzaku sword aura directly slammed Lin Wendian.

   "You don't need to say that I will kill you too!" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  In his eyes, Lin Wendian was already a dead person. From the moment he acted on Li Dongchen, Chen Xuan had already executed Lin Wendian in his heart.

  It is impossible for Lin Wendian to escape from Chen Xuan's hands alive. His cultivation is only the Ninth Level Consummation of the Shenluo Realm. Even Zhao Zhiyun is not Chen Xuan's opponent, let alone Lin Wendian.

  Zhao Zhiyun’s cultivation base far surpasses Lin Wendian, and he can even kill him in seconds.

  Compared with Zhao Zhiyun, Lin Wendian is not worth mentioning at all.

  He is just a small person, so Chen Xuan did not put Lin Wendian in his eyes.

  Faced with Lin Wendian's offense, Chen Xuan did not have the slightest fear at all.

  He quickly grasped the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and then displayed the eighth stage of the Suzaku Swordsmanship. A fierce sword light immediately slew in the direction of Lin Wendian.

After seeing Chen Xuan's sword aura rushing over, Lin Wendian immediately roared, and then a strong sword aura emerged around him, and this aura gathered on the long sword in his hand.

   Hundreds of sword-like lights and shadows appeared in the sky.

  Lin Wendian's body turned into a black light, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly.


  The two sword auras collided violently in the air, and there was a violent noise.

  Chen Xuan's body swayed towards the back, he shook his wrist slightly, and another sword aura slew towards Lin Wendian.

   Just when Lin Wendian went all out against Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan did not show his full strength.

  The gap between the two sides is very obvious.

  Now Chen Xuan has practiced the Suzaku sword technique to the ninth level. Once he has displayed all the nine-episode swordsmanship, he can even kill Lin Wendian directly.

  Lin Wendian was in a panic, he saw a flame of sword aura condensed in the sky.

   caught off guard, this sword aura immediately hit him.

  Lin Wendian's body was directly knocked out hundreds of steps, and he let out a scream, trying to use aura to defend against this flame attack.

  But at this moment, he found that the temperature of the Suzaku Fire was constantly increasing.

   "What kind of flame is this?" Lin Wendian's expression was shocked. Even if he exerted his strength in refining the body with all his strength, there was no way to refine this flame.

  The temperature of the flame is still increasing.

  Lin Wendian already felt the threat. He knew that if he could no longer refine this flame, he would be burned into a pile of ashes.

"In the end what happened……"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's body condensed a more fierce flame sword aura, and at the same time, Chen Xuan vaguely felt that he had merged with the mood of water and fire at the same time.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan heard a voice in his mind, which was produced by the explosion of the power of the soul.

   "Have you already realized the essence of the power of the soul..." Chen Xuan smiled slightly, his gaze was placed in the direction of Lin Wendian, and then he waved a sword aura.

The   Suzaku sword technique had already been practiced by Chen Xuan to the level of transformation. When this sword aura rushed towards Lin Wendian, the opponent had no way to defend.

  (End of this chapter)

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