Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3901: Essence of Soul Power

  Chapter 3901 The essence of the power of the soul

  Lin Wendian let out a scream again, and then his body slowly fell to the ground. He had already been burned to his skin by the Suzaku fire. Now Lin Wendian's face is full of scars.

   "I'm not reconciled!" Lin Wendian's expression was very unwilling. He didn't expect that the cultivation base that Chen Xuan released would be so powerful that he couldn't even hold on for three rounds.

   "Who is he?" Lin Wendian couldn't help thinking in his heart.

  Chen Xuan walked over quickly, he took out the Liaoyuan sword, and then put the long sword on Lin Wendian's neck: "It's a pity, now you still have to die in my hands."

  Lin Wendian said nothing, he knew he had no room to resist: "I am not reconciled, why are you so strong?"

  The next moment, a sword qi swept across his neck, and immediately after his head and his body were separated, Lin Wendian lost his vitality forever.

  After killing Lin Wendian, Chen Xuan's eyes stayed on the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and he found that his swordsmanship had actually risen to a small level.

  Above the boulders in the swamp, many Zhan Luo Poison Ivy are constantly besieging Li Dongchen.

  Li Dongchen and another Jiuding Inn warrior were seriously injured, but they still have the ability to resist the attack of Zhan Luo Poison Ivy.

  A burst of red light condensed in Chen Xuan's eyeballs, and the flames suddenly burned to the top of Zhan Luo Poison Ivy.

  In a short quarter of an hour, two poison ivy slashing Luo were burned to ashes by the flames.

  At this time, Li Dongchen was very grateful to Chen Xuan. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's arrival in time, he would have died in Lin Wendian's hands.

"Brother Chen, I really thank you just now. If it weren't for you to come in time, I would have died in Lin Wendian's hands." Li Dongchen said gratefully, but at the same time he also showed a panic expression, because Chen Xuan just now The displayed cultivation base is really terrifying.

  He couldn't imagine that Chen Xuan's cultivation level had improved so much than before.

  Li Dongchen knew that Chen Xuan's previous cultivation base was already able to deal with the powerhouse of Zhao Zhiyun's level, but how long has passed since then, Chen Xuan can actually kill Lin Wendian directly.

  Li Dongchen fought Lin Wendian for several rounds, he was not Lin Wendian's opponent at all, and Chen Xuan defeated Lin Wendian easily.

Lin Wendian is the chief disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect. His cultivation has reached the Nine Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm. He couldn't even fight back when facing Chen Xuan, but he was directly obliterated by a stick of incense. Killed.

  This shows that Chen Xuan's cultivation has reached the realm of soul.

  Looking at the entire eastern part of the Demon Wind Empire, there are not many people who can deal with Chen Xuan.

   "Brother Chen, thank you so much!" Another warrior from Jiuding Inn said: "Speaking of which, why did you come here suddenly? Did you know that we were chased by the Wood Sacred Swordsmen?"

  Li Dongchen thinks about it carefully, he feels very curious.

  He was chased and killed by people of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect. No second person could know why Chen Xuan would find here.

  Chen Xuan explained: “I met a person from Jiuding Inn on the road. Now he is seriously injured. If it weren’t because he mentioned the swamp to me, I would definitely not come here.”

After hearing Chen Xuan's explanation, Li Dongchen suddenly realized.

  They rested for a while near the swamp, and then Chen Xuan gave Li Dongchen several healing pills.

  But at this moment, bubbles suddenly burst on the ground, and bursts of fierce aura burst out instantly.

  A Jiuding Inn warrior had no time to react at all, and his body was cut in half by a huge pliers.

   "What happened?" Chen Xuan's expression was terrifying. He didn't even feel any aura burst just now.

  As a result, this Jiuding Jiuding Inn warrior was directly killed.

  Li Dongchen's expression was also very shocked, but he seemed to have thought of something: "Brother Chen, this time is terrible. If I didn't guess wrong, we must have come to the territory of the steel back fire dragon crab."

  Steel back fire dragon crab?

  Chen Xuan had never heard of the steel-backed fire dragon crab name, but judging from the expression on Li Dongchen, it must be a very powerful monster.

  What steel back fire dragon crab?

   Chen Xuan asked.

  Li Dongchen immediately explained: "Brother Chen, the strength of the steel-backed fire dragon crab is very terrifying, and this kind of monster basically lives in the swamp."

  "As far as I know, the steel-backed fire dragon crab has no way to practice. This kind of monster has the bloodline of the ancient fierce beast, because their power is amazing, and they can destroy the enemy completely relying on powerful power..."

   Chen Xuan thought, it's no wonder he didn't feel any spiritual energy revealed just now.

  "Is this steel-backed fire dragon crab really that strong?"

  As the bubbles on the ground got bigger and bigger, Chen Xuan saw a huge monster appear in front of them.

The height of the steel-backed fire dragon crab has basically reached more than 20 meters.

  There are also two huge tongs in his hand. A green poisonous gas is faintly entwined in these two tongs, and there are many poison ivy tangling on them.

   "You have to be careful, the steel-backed fire dragon crab is very difficult to deal with!" Li Dongchen said immediately.

  He has just swallowed two pill now, and his body has not fully recovered. There is definitely no way to help Chen Xuan deal with the steel-backed fire dragon crab.

  Chen Xuan hugged Li Dongchen's body, then his soles slammed on the ground and brought Li Dongchen to a safe place. Then Chen Xuan rushed towards the steel-backed fire dragon crab.

  "Go to death..." Chen Xuan roared angrily.

A sharp sword aura immediately hit the steel-backed fire dragon crab, but when the sword aura hits the steel-backed fire dragon crab, it only repelled the behemoth by two or three steps, and did not bring the steel-backed fire dragon crab. Any harm.

   "How could it be..." Chen Xuan's expression was terrified, he knew how terrifying the lethality of sword qi was.

   But the sword energy he exerted with all his might, but there was no way to break the defense of the steel-backed fire dragon crab.

  The steel-backed fire dragon crab let out an angry roar, and at this moment, the poison ivy slashed around the steel-backed fire dragon crab's arm quickly entangled towards Chen Xuan.

  Although the steel-backed fire dragon crab can only attack the enemy with great power, sometimes this monster beast can also use the power of the poison ivy to kill the enemy.

  Zhan Luo Poison Ivy is highly poisonous, which can make up for the shortcomings of the steel back fire dragon crab.

As waves of Zan Luo Poison Ivy entangled towards him, Chen Xuan quickly exhaled, and then bursts of flames burned out of his dantian. All the Zhan Luo Poison Ivy had not spread to Chen Xuan. In front of him was burned into ashes.

Chen Xuan did not dare to relax his vigilance now, because he knew how terrifying the poison in these poison ivy was. Chen Xuan would not worry about it, but he knew that once these poison ivy hit Li Dongchen, it would definitely be instantaneous. Kill him.

  Especially the rampage of the steel-backed fire dragon crab brought a lot of threats to Chen Xuan.

   "What a strong power..." Chen Xuan muttered in a low voice.

  Facing the charge of the steel-backed fire dragon crab, Chen Xuan did not dare to resist head-on.

  Even though his strength has reached tens of thousands of catties, Chen Xuan has no way to withstand the attack of the steel-backed fire dragon crab.

The arm raised by the steel-backed fire dragon crab once again attacked Chen Xuan. Facing the attack of this terrifying monster beast, Chen Xuan could only hold up his long sword desperately to resist.


  The tongs of the steel-backed fire dragon crab are even stronger than steel.

After being hit by the steel-backed fire dragon crab's tongs, Chen Xuan's body immediately flew out, and then slammed into a tree in the distance.

  Chen Xuan got up and stood up, his expression was very hideous.

   Chen Xuan really felt that his body was about to fall apart. If it weren’t for the power of his dragon markings to reach a certain level, I’m afraid he would have been killed long ago.

   "The power is indeed very strong, worthy of the steel-backed fire dragon crab." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  Even though the power of the steel-backed fire dragon crab is great, Chen Xuan avoided facing the steel-backed fire dragon crab head-on, and he chose to attack the weak spot of the steel-backed fire dragon crab from the side.

  A sword gas instantly slammed into the ribs of the steel back fire dragon crab.


  The body of the steel-backed fire dragon crab was instantly knocked out.

  The steel-backed fire dragon crab immediately stood up from the ground.

  The steel-backed fire dragon crab waved its huge tongs, and began to continuously launch a violent charge towards Chen Xuan.


   Chen Xuan's body was directly knocked into the air for several meters.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan did feel danger.

  Although the cultivation base of the Steelback Fire Dragon Crab is not strong, its strength and defense are extremely terrifying.

  The overall strength of the steel-backed fire dragon crab may have been equivalent to the powerhouse in the realm of Divine Soul.

  Faced with the steel-backed fire dragon crab whose defense was basically full, Chen Xuan still felt unable to start.

   When each of his sword qi hits the steel-backed fire dragon crab, it only knocked the monster out, but it could not bring effective damage to the steel-backed fire dragon crab.

  At this moment, a fierce flame was released from Chen Xuan's pupils, and the Vermillion Bird's fire spread directly to the steel-backed fire dragon crab.

  The flames began to continue to burn the steel-backed fire dragon crab, but still did not cause any damage to the steel-backed fire dragon crab.

  The steel-backed fire dragon crab let out a low growl, and the huge body quickly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Although the body of the steel-backed fire dragon crab is very huge, the speed of the charge is very fast, and it rushes to Chen Xuan in a short moment.

  The steel-backed fire dragon crab raised its huge claws and slammed it down directly in the direction of Chen Xuan.


  Chen Xuan's soles slammed on the ground, and then his body fleeed towards the distance. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's fast running, he might have been smashed into a ball of flesh by the steel back fire dragon crab.

   "The power is too strong..." Chen Xuan sighed and said.

  Li Dongchen has been watching the battle from a distance. At this time, he said: "Brother Chen, the weakness of the steel-backed fire dragon crab is only the abdomen, you can attack his weakness!"

  Chen Xuan thought it was so easy. He and the steel-backed fire dragon crab had fought for several rounds, but they still did not have the upper hand.

  The defensive power of the steel-backed fire dragon crab has basically reached its peak state, and Chen Xuan would not be able to attack the abdomen of the steel-backed dragon crab.

   "I have to think of a way..." Chen Xuan's eyes focused on the steel-backed fire dragon crab's abdomen.

   "You are right, only the abdomen is the weakness of this monster..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  He immediately rushed towards the steel-backed fire dragon crab, Chen Xuan flipped the long sword in his hand, a sharp sword aura, and immediately slew in the direction of the steel-backed fire dragon crab.


  The body of the steel-backed fire dragon crab was overturned directly.

  The steel-backed fire dragon crab was not injured, but his weakness was exposed in front of Chen Xuan.

   "Die me!" Chen Xuan yelled, and dark red rays of light appeared around his body, and a sharp sword aura instantly hit the steel-backed fire dragon crab's body.


  The abdomen of the steel-backed fire dragon crab was directly penetrated into a blood hole, and the green blood was constantly flowing out.

  (End of this chapter)

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