Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3907: Haunted by the big monster

  Chapter 3907 The Great Demon Haunts

  Chen Xuan thought about it, but he thought it was impossible.

  There are very few monsters in the Demon Wind Empire, unless it is in the Morrowind area and the base camp of the monsters, a large number of monsters will be found.

   "Could it be that only a monster warrior came to the neighborhood?" Chen Xuan felt that this idea was more reasonable.

  Since the bone green monkey had not come to attack him, Chen Xuan would not cause so much trouble.

  He simply sat cross-legged on the ground, and then continued to digest the effects of Mo Yun Ling Pill.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan felt that the aura in his body was gradually increasing. As this force spread to his dantian, Chen Xuan exhaled a long breath.

  "It takes a long way to break through to the realm of Divine Soul. Now I have just realized the foundation of Divine Soul. If I want to reach the realm of Divine Soul, I must devour more magic cloud spirit pills."

  Moyun Lingzhi is not so easy to refining. It was only by chance that he encountered the azure bone of a celestial eye dragon elephant tiger, and it was difficult for Chen Xuan to find Sanfan Ganoderma lucidum.

  Unless it is purchased in the Chamber of Commerce.

  Chen Xuan is not short of money, but he has no time to go to the Chamber of Commerce to buy Sanfan Ganoderma.

   "It would be great if we could find Sanfan Ganoderma lucidum..." Chen Xuan thought.

  I don’t know if Chen Xuan got it right, or because of his luck.

   Just when he had digested all the effects of the Moyun Ling Pill, Chen Xuan noticed that on the cliff in the distance, there was actually a Ganoderma lucidum growing on the cliff in the distance.

   "No way, is my luck really that good?" Chen Xuan's expression became joyful. If he could continue to find a Ganoderma lucidum, he would be able to refine six magic cloud elixirs.

  Chen Xuan still has four magic cloud elixirs in his hand. If he can continue to refine six magic cloud elixirs, he will be able to absorb the efficacy of ten magic cloud elixirs by then.

  This has a great effect on Chen Xuan's cultivation.

  He was not going to let go of this opportunity, so Chen Xuan hurriedly moved closer to the cliff.

  As soon as he reached the cliff, Chen Xuan felt a fierce aura revealing near the cliff.

  Several water phantom cloud crows hovered in the air.

  Chen Xuan’s palm had not touched the Sanfan Ganoderma lucidum, and a water phantom cloud crow burst into flames.

  The flame burned to the vicinity of Chen Xuan.

   "These **** monsters actually want to prevent me from getting the Three Vatican Ganoderma lucidum, you are looking for death!"

  There were bursts of fierce light bursting out of his pupils, and the water fantasy cloud crow was immediately burned to ashes by the fire of the Vermillion Bird.

  After killing the water phantom cloud crow, many water phantom cloud crows appeared above the cliff, all black, swooping in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Seeing so many water fantasy clouds and crows rushing towards him, Chen Xuan's expression was extremely shocked, he hurriedly reached out and pulled Sanfan Ganoderma from the cliff, and then fled towards the distance.

  I have to say that Chen Xuan's speed is very fast. These water fantasy clouds and crows can only chase after them, but there is no way to catch Chen Xuan's trail.

  About three quarters of an hour later, Chen Xuan got rid of the chase of the water fantasy cloud crow.

  Chen Xuan always had a resentful anger in his heart. He thought to himself that he came to the bottom of the canyon because of the group of water fantasy clouds and crows flying in the air?

   But he has absolutely no choice with this group of water fantasy clouds and crows.

  After all, there are too many water phantom cloud crows.

  It is impossible for Chen Xuan to deal with so many water illusion cloud crows at once, even if his cultivation is already very strong, but with millions of water illusion cloud crows launching an attack together, Chen Xuan simply cannot bear it.

  If it wasn't for Chen Xuan's preparation, he would have been swallowed by these water illusion cloud crows just now.

  Water Fantasy Cloud Crow is a very cruel monster.

After arriving at a safe place, Chen Xuan began to think about the weird bone green monkey he encountered last night.

  According to Chen Xuan's inference, the bone green monkey he encountered yesterday is definitely not that simple, and Chen Xuan always feels under surveillance now.

  This feeling is very weird...

  If it were not for Chen Xuan's mastery of dragon pattern perception, he would definitely not have felt that he had been monitored.

  Before this, Chen Xuan had never been to Heiyunfeng, he did not know the secret of Heiyunfeng.

  Chen Xuan has gone deeper and deeper into the canyon, and he wants to get out of here.

  Although Chen Xuan had read a lot of books in his previous life, some geniuses only got the treasure of inheritance in the canyon, but Chen Xuan knew that there would be no magic weapon in this canyon.

  Although there is a cave in the valley, but those caves are not deep, there can be no treasures.

  Chen Xuan must cross to the other end of Heiyun Peak.

  He wanted to find a way to get out from here, but Chen Xuan felt it was not that simple.

  "Am I really being watched?" Chen Xuan was uneasy, he immediately displayed the dragon pattern perception, and began to perceive every move around him.

  After two quarters of an hour, Chen Xuan did not notice any changes in his breath.

  Not even the breath of a monster beast.

   "Forget it, don't think so much now, I have to think about what will happen next..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  If it is in danger, it means that the opponent's cultivation level must have reached the realm of the soul, otherwise Chen Xuan will definitely be aware of it, instead of not being able to perceive anything like it is now.

  At this moment, Heiyun Peak is outside, and the people of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect are ready to leave and enter Heiyun Peak.

  As the leader, Lu Tianrun said to the warriors behind him: "You are all energetic, Heiyunfeng is very weird. There was a rumor here before..."

   "No, what other rumors are there?" The pace of several disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect suddenly slowed down.

   "I'm not sure. It is said that a group of poachers have established a base inside Heiyun Peak. These people have very strong cultivation bases. No one knows where they came from?"

   "Why are they called poachers?" a disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword School asked curiously.

Lu Tianrun explained: "These people are just criminals. They used to be a warrior of a demon sect. The name of this sect was Black Shazong. After the demon sect was destroyed, these people hid in Heiyun Peak. ."

"This is just a rumor I heard. No one can confirm it is true. Even if someone found them, I am afraid they would have been killed already!" After Lu Tianrun finished speaking, he walked inside. Go in.

  I am afraid that only Lu Tianrun knows that this magic door does not really exist.

   "What are we going to do now..." a disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword School said tremblingly.

  He already felt the danger.

   "Elder, or let's not go in, let's wait and wait for him nearby? How about waiting for him to come out?" The disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect had already retreated.

  Lu Tianrun glanced at him coldly: "If you are scared, just stay outside alone. If any monster comes to attack you, do you think you can deal with it?"

  As soon as these words came out, the disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect smiled wryly, and then he hurriedly followed Lu Tianrun behind him, daring not to say a word of complaint anymore.

"This is decent!" Lu Tianrun nodded slightly. He didn't want to tell this group of disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect. After all, he also knew that these disciples were just mobs, and the strongest cultivation was only God. In the mid-seventh stage of the Luo realm, if they were told that there was a magic door in Black Cloud Peak, these people would definitely be very scared.

  But Lu Tianrun must remind these disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect to avoid ignorance when they come in.

  After Lu Tianrun’s reminder, these disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect were all in awe, for fear that a warrior who rushed out of the magic gate would kill them.

   "Don't worry, this is just a rumor, and this is the news that I have heard years ago. These magic door people may no longer be in Heiyun Peak." Lu Tianrun opened his mouth.

  Hearing this, these disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect slightly relaxed their vigilance, but the expressions on their faces were still very frightened.

   "Elder, do you know where the man who killed our brother Lin went? Why have we all been waiting here for so long and still haven't found his trace."

  Lu Tianrun shook his head and said, “I’m afraid this kid has already discovered our whereabouts. He has very strong perception ability.”

   "Elder, how did you know?"

   "He cultivated the perception of dragon patterns..." Lu Tianrun only replied with one sentence.

  "Is he, like an adult, who cultivates the power of dragon patterns?" The disciple said with a horrified expression on his face.

  He knew that Lu Tianrun had also practiced the power of dragon patterns, and his perception ability was far beyond ordinary people.

   is far from what ordinary disciples like them can compare.

  Lu Tianrun was right. When they walked into Heiyunfeng, Chen Xuan already felt their presence.

   "Unexpectedly, someone came into Black Cloud Peak..." Chen Xuan was walking in the canyon.

  His hairs stood up, and the perception of dragon patterns greatly improved Chen Xuan's perception.

  Chen Xuan can now clearly feel that several disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword School are walking among the Black Cloud Peak.

  "Could it be that they already know the news that Lin Wendian was killed?" Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  At this time, Chen Xuan's gaze was staring into the distance, and he found several water illusion cloud crows hovering in the air, but the breath of these water illusion cloud crows was different.

  "It's a bit different from the Water Fantasy Cloud Crow I met before..." Chen Xuan said inwardly.

  Since Chen Xuan walked into the canyon, he always felt that he was being watched. This feeling was very strange. Chen Xuan believed in his sixth sense. He knew that he must have been watched.

  Chen Xuan suddenly rushed towards Shui Huan Yun Chou.

   Raising the knife and dropping his hand, a sword aura suddenly cut the two water fantasy clouds in half.

  The water phantom cloud crow fell on the ground, but there was no blood flowing from the body.

  Not even the inner alchemy.

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly: “It seems that someone is really watching me. Could it be that these water illusion cloud crows are all their eyeliners, if it is true, it would be too scary.

The number of   water phantom cloud crows has reached millions. If these water phantom cloud crows are all the eyeliners inserted by these people, Chen Xuan's cultivation base will not be able to escape from here, no matter how strong it is.

   "I hope I have thought more about it." Chen Xuan continued to move forward and walked forward.

   Just halfway through, Chen Xuan heard the roar of two monster beasts in front of him.

  It was he who provoked the group of yin demon Thunder Leopard before.

  These Yin Demon Leopards have been waiting for Chen Xuan.

The Demon Leopard is very vengeful. Chen Xuan killed a leader of the Demon Leopard and directly provokes the entire group of Demon Leopards. That’s why these Leopard Demon Leopards have been waiting in the distance of the canyon. With Chen Xuan.

  Now the Demon Leibao finally waited for Chen Xuan.

  A demonic leopard suddenly let out a roar, swooping down several demonic leopards from the rocky cliff, and then madly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

   Seeing so many demons and Leibao killing themselves, Chen Xuan's expression was very calm.

  He is not afraid of the evil spirit Leibao at all.

  The number of Yin Demon Thunder Leopards is only more than 20. Among this group of Yin Demon Thunder Leopards, the strongest cultivation base has only reached the early eighth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  Chen Xuan thought to himself, fortunately, Li Dongchen and the others did not enter the Black Cloud Peak, otherwise even if they had ten lives, it would not be enough.

  The cultivation base of any monster beast has reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm.

  Although in Chen Xuan's eyes, the eight-fold cultivation of the Shenluo Realm was nothing, but Li Dongchen obviously had no way to deal with these Yin Demon Thunder Leopards.

  It took two sticks of incense, and after Chen Xuan killed all these yin demon thunder and leopards, he immediately moved forward and continued searching for the past.

  Along the way, Chen Xuan was still attacked by many monsters, but he had raised his spirit now. These monsters did not pose much threat to Chen Xuan, but he killed a lot of them.

  Time passed quickly, Chen Xuan did not dare to use his true energy to fly, after all, there were many water fantasy clouds in the sky.

  The dense water fantasy clouds and crows were not something Chen Xuan could deal with at all, but when Chen Xuan walked under the canyon, he realized that his original idea was really stupid.

  The canyon is huge.

  Having been walking for more than three hours, Chen Xuan still did not walk out from here.

   Soon it was evening.

  (End of this chapter)

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