Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3908: White skin and bone green monkey

  Chapter 3908 White skin and bone green monkey

  Chen Xuan couldn't see the sun at all under the canyon, only a little light fell from the sky, but the light was dispensable for Chen Xuan, he could see the surrounding scenes clearly with the Suzaku fire.

  As the light got darker and darker, Chen Xuan could only display the Suzaku fire to illuminate the surroundings, and then he continued to walk towards the distance.

  More than three hours passed, and it was late at night.

  Chen Xuan heard the roar of many monsters. He was not going to provoke these monsters, so Chen Xuan rested on the spot for a while, planning to continue walking out of the canyon the next day during the day.

  Just sitting on the ground, Chen Xuan felt a familiar breath passing over.

  His gaze immediately moved to the north direction. A bone green monkey with white fur was still watching Chen Xuan, and his pupils also revealed a green light.

  Chen Xuan is not ready to wait anymore.

  His body suddenly turned into a red light, and then rushed towards the white-skinned green monkey.

  After this bone green monkey discovered Chen Xuan, his body disappeared.

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly, he fully displayed the dragon pattern refining body, and then all this breath was concentrated on the white skin and bone green monkey.

  Sure enough, he locked the bone green monkey.

   What Chen Xuan did not expect was that the body of this bone green monkey turned into a water phantom cloud crow, and then disappeared into the air.

  Chen Xuan tracked to the cliff until he came outside the cave of the water fantasy cloud crow.

  Chen Xuan could no longer find the white-haired bone green monkey. The cave was full of water illusion cloud crows, and he couldn't tell which one was the white-haired bone green monkey just now.

   "Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan's heart was very angry: "You dare to watch me. If you let me find you, you will never steal it from under my nose!"

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes at the water fantasy cloud crow in the cave.

  The next moment, he immediately raised the Liaoyuan sword, and then cut a fierce sword energy toward the cave.

   Regardless of the three seven twenty one, kill all these water illusion cloud crows.

  The cave suddenly produced a fierce fire, and all the water phantom cloud crows were swallowed by the flame.

   But then, all the water illusion cloud crows in the other cave entrances all got up and soared in the air, and then they moved their eyes to Chen Xuan's body.

   Chen Xuan obviously stabbed a hornet's nest.

But he couldn't take care of that much anymore. Chen Xuan had to find out who was watching him. Chen Xuan's erupted cultivation base was extremely terrifying. Hundreds of water fantasy cloud crows hadn't rushed to Chen. In front of Xuan, he was directly burned into ashes by the flame.

  There are still tens of thousands of water fantasy cloud crows trying to rush over, but Chen Xuan only slightly cut out a sword aura, and these water fantasy cloud crows were all burned into ashes.

  At the same time, in a hidden cave.

  A man in a gray robe sat cross-legged on the ground, his face was bloodthirsty: "It seems that he should be a disciple of Jianyuezong."

   "Why did the people of Sword Moon Sect find this place?"

   "Who knows? But since this kid is here, we can't put him back!"

  Beside the gray-robed man, there were two warriors wearing the same outfit.

   "Liu Tianjiu, you decided to take action on this kid. If you kill him, what if the people of Jianyuezong come to the door?" another warrior said.

Liu Tianjiu smiled coldly: "You don't need to think so much, how could the people of Jianyuezong know that we are here? Besides, this kid is obviously investigating our whereabouts. If he finds us, our whereabouts will be exposed. Up."

   "That's right, we must not let our whereabouts be exposed, otherwise it would be meaningless for us to hide here for so long!" Another warrior said.

  Liu Tianjiu pondered for a moment: "He must be killed by hands. I am afraid that this kid's cultivation has reached the realm of spirits, otherwise he will definitely not find the puppets we made."

   "Master Liu, should I take a few people over to kill him?" A warrior said.

   "Hehe, don't act rashly. This kid is lucky to get out of the canyon. We are waiting here for a few days now. If he is swallowed by those monsters, we just don't need to do anything."

  The monster Liu Tianjiu said was the water fantasy cloud crow.

The number of   Water Magic Cloud Crow has reached millions.

"That kid has already provoked the Water Illusory Cloud Crow just now. All the monsters in the Black Cloud Peak are very vengeful. Not only the Yin Demon Leopard is very vengeful, but also the Water Illusory Cloud Crow. Illusory Yuncrow will definitely do something to him." Liu Tianjiu said with a wild smile.

   "Hahahahaha, this kid really doesn't know good or bad, he even dared to provoke the water fantasy cloud crow!"

   "Ah! Alright, alright, let's leave it alone, it is better to practice as soon as possible. One day we will definitely make a comeback..."

   "We must seek revenge from the old man, he dare to exclude us like this..."

   "His cultivation method was originally wrong, it's a pity, he doesn't listen to us at all!" another warrior said.

  At the same time, Lu Tianrun took a few disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect and walked within the Black Cloud Peak, and his eyes began to stay around.

   "You must be cautious and never leave the team during this period of time. If you are discovered by the enemy, you will definitely not be opponents." Lu Tianrun opened his mouth.

  Although there are many disciples of this group of Wood Sacred Sword Sect, their cultivation base is not very strong, and they will not bring any help to Lu Tianrun at all.

  The reason why Lu Tianrun brought them here was just to throw their lives out when encountering danger, and save himself from danger.

  The disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect did not know that they had become cannon fodder, and they were still following Lu Tianrun.

   "My elders, we have all been in Heiyun Peak for several days, why haven't we found him?"

  "What is the origin of this kid..."

  The expressions of these disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword School were extremely puzzled.

  It stands to reason that they have been searching here for several days, and they can definitely find Chen Xuan.

  After all, the area of ​​this black cloud peak is not particularly large, and they are now very close to the canyon.

  At this moment, Lu Tianrun's expression is very hideous.

   "Very good, it seems that you are hiding here. It is not wasted that I spent so long searching for you..." Lu Tianrun whispered.

  A disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword School near Lu Tianrun showed a puzzled expression: "My lord, what were you talking about?"

  Lu Tianrun coldly snorted, "What do you care about so much? It's better to take care of your own business!"

  The disciple didn't dare to say more, he could only nodded in a consensual way, and then ran away in a hurry.

  At this moment, Lu Tianrun said to the group of disciples: "You set up camp here first, I will go ahead and check it out, let me listen, you must not run around, the monsters here are very dangerous!"

  All the disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect nodded in agreement, and they also knew that they could not deal with the powerful monsters in Heiyun Peak.

   "Elder, where are you going?"

   "Yes, elder, if you leave, what if we are attacked by those monsters?"

  Lu Tianrun became a little impatient: "You don't need to worry about that much, the monsters here will not attack you."

  After speaking, Lu Tianrun walked away directly, regardless of these disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect.

  The disciple who heard Lu Tianrun whispering just now suddenly summoned everyone else.

   "How do I feel that the elder is a bit wrong? What did he just say you are hiding here, and he seems to have spent a long time searching for clues..." the disciple whispered.

  After speaking, he raised his head and looked around, for fear that Lu Tianrun hadn't gone far.

   "What do you mean? Why do adults say that?"

   "I just don't know, that's why I am here to ask you!" the disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword School immediately asked.

   Suddenly, a disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword School wearing a red robe gently rubbed his chin with his palm, as if he had inspired him.

   "I seem to have thought of something!" the disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect said loudly.

   "What did you think of?"

   "I heard that our Wood Sacred Sword Sect was divided into two factions before, one of which advocates the cultivation of physical strength, while the other advocates the cultivation of soul strength..."

   "If I didn't guess wrong, our elder was once a leader of a faction. Later, our Wooden Sacred Sword Sect was torn apart. In the past, our Wooden Sacred Sword Sect was also a two-star sect..." the disciple explained.

After hearing what he said, the others nodded suddenly.

   "It turns out that this kind of thing happened before, if it wasn't because you mentioned it, I wouldn't know it..."

   "Speaking of which, did our elders look for them in the past?"

   "This should have happened more than 30 years ago, isn't it that the people of that faction have not been killed?"

   While these disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect were discussing, Lu Tianrun's body suddenly fell to the ground.

   "What are you talking about!" Lu Tianrun snorted.

  The bodies of these disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword School suddenly began to tremble. They were worried that Lu Tianrun had heard the conversation just now, and Lu Tianrun would definitely kill them by then.

   "My lord, we didn't say anything just now!" The disciple said immediately.

   "No, no, we are just talking about what monster beasts are nearby. After all, Heiyunfeng is also a very famous monster beast mountain range. It is better to be careful, hahaha!" Another disciple said.

  Lu Tianrun didn’t think much about it: “You guys should be careful. If you let me hear you talking about me behind your back, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

  These disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword School all know Lu Tianrun’s temper. If they make a mistake, Lu Tianrun will really take him down.

   "By the way, I just found a breath coming from the bottom of the canyon. If I didn't guess wrong, the kid who killed Lin Wendian was definitely there!"

   "He actually dared to kill Brother Lin, we must avenge him!"

   "That's right, he must be found out and killed!" several disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect shouted.

  Although they and Lin Wendian are both disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, their feelings for each other are not strong at all.

  Lin Wendian had been killed, but the disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect had no feelings about it.

  Lin Wendian often relied on his status as the chief disciple to blackmail these disciples and squeeze a lot of money from them.

  All disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword School hated Lin Wendian very much.

  Now that Lin Wendian was killed, they even wanted to applaud, but they knew that Lu Tianrun was very kind to Lin Wendian.

  There are many reasons why Lin Wendian can become the chief disciple because of Lu Tianrun.

  In addition, it was also because of Lin Wendian's relatively strong talent that he was chosen by Lu Tianrun as the heir.

  Lin Wendian has not been in the Wood Sacred Sword Sect for a long time, but he has shown extraordinary talent six years ago.

  And in these short six years, Lin Wendian has directly become the chief disciple, and even the cultivation level of the disciples cultivated by the head of the Wooden Sacred Sword School is far less than Lin Wendian.

  Lu Tianrun not only wants to train Lin Wendian as his successor, he even covets the position of head.

  He must avenge Lin Wendian.

   "This hatred must be reported..." Lu Tianrun thought viciously in his heart. The chief disciple he had finally cultivated died in Chen Xuan's hands.

  This made Lu Tianrun very angry.

   "Dare to fight against me, no one will end well!"

  At the beginning, there were many people who opposed Lu Tianrun on the face of it. Whether it was tactics on the surface or ruthless means in secret, Lu Tianrun got rid of these people.

  Lu Tianrun was not in a hurry to search for Chen Xuan in the canyon, he knew that the danger had not been eliminated.

  Moreover, there are many powerful monsters in the canyon, and there are even some monsters that even Lu Tianrun can't deal with, otherwise Liu Tianjiu and others will never come here.

  (End of this chapter)

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