Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3911: Return of the Little Firebird

  Chapter 3911 Little Firebird returns

Chen Xuan took out a few high-grade spirit stones from his space ring, and then slowly placed them in front of Little Firebird: "You can eat these things first. Anyway, have you encountered them outside? Water fantasy cloud crow?"

  Little Firebird called again, and then gave Chen Xuan an answer.

  "Since I met, why did you come to me for something to eat?" Chen Xuan said helplessly.

  He thought to himself, with the cultivation base of the little firebird, he could easily deal with the group of water phantom cloud crows, but the little firebird came to him to eat.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know exactly what it was because of.

   Could it be said that this little Firebird is very clingy?

  Chen Xuan was not prepared to think too much. Since the little firebirds are here, he must rely on the little firebird's assistance.

  Chen Xuan pointed to the outside of the cave, and then said to the little Firebird: "Did you find any danger outside?"

  Little Firebird shook his head.

  "Go out with me, I feel that there are still many people watching me nearby, do you know?" Chen Xuan asked before he had time.

  Little Firebird immediately shook his head.

  Looking at the little firebird seemed to be very impatient. Chen Xuan immediately took out two high-grade spirit stones from the space ring and placed them in front of the beast.

  The little firebird screamed very excitedly, and then swallowed two high-grade spirit stones in his abdomen.

   Then Chen Xuan heard the voice in his mind.

   "You mean how many people are approaching in this direction, do you know what their identities are?" Chen Xuan asked.

After thinking about it, Chen Xuan felt that Little Firebird couldn't answer his question, so he could only shook his head and said, "Forget it, I still don't ask you this question. Let's go out with me first. "

  When Chen Xuan walked out, he suddenly saw two disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword School wearing white clothes passing by.

  Not so coincidental, is it?

After   's voice fell, the two disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect also noticed Chen Xuan, with a dazed expression on their faces.

   "Who is he?"

   "I don't know, it's not the person our elder said!"

   "He wouldn't be the one who killed our brother Lin, right?"

  The two disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect had a quick conversation, and then they hurriedly took out the jade pendant, wanting to report the news to Lu Tianrun.

  Chen Xuan immediately scanned the two of them. When he saw the sound transmission jade pendant that the two disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword School took out, his body suddenly turned into a red light.

  With the thunder and thunder, Chen Xuan rushed directly in front of a disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect.

  This disciple originally wanted to fight back, but Chen Xuan directly pierced his chest with a sword, and a burst of blood spurted out.

  He has no room for resistance at all.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan killed a disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, and only this disciple had an extremely terrified expression.

  He immediately knelt on the ground and began to keep kowtow at Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan never thought that the bones of these disciples of the Mu Sage Sword Sect were so soft.

   "Okay, tell me who you are." Chen Xuan waited for the voice and said.

   "I am a member of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, please don't kill me, I am willing to be a bull or a horse for you!" The disciple of the Sacred Sword Sect said quickly.

  Chen Xuanhan smiled: "Are you holding a sound transmission jade pendant?"

The disciple of the   Wood Sacred Sword School immediately handed the jade pendant to Chen Xuan's hand, and then respectfully said: "Sir, I don't know anything, I was just sent by the elder to check the news..."

  After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan just nodded faintly, knowing that the other party must have concealed something.

  "You tell me honestly, why did you people from the Wood Sacred Sword Sect come to Heiyun Peak?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

  He didn't know if the people of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect came to chase him, after all, Lin Wendian had indeed died in Chen Xuan's hands.

  Lin Wendian is the chief disciple of the Wood Sage Sword Sect, and he is also the top of the inner sect. Chen Xuan killed this disciple, and the elders of the Wood Sage Sword Sect will definitely not let him go.

Chen Xuan actually felt what the plan was in the minds of these warriors of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect. The reason why he did not kill this disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect was because Chen Xuan wanted to pry out some news from the other side. .

   "Answer to the lord, we got the information before that Brother Lin Wendian was killed by a mysterious strong man, so our elder brought us together to find out what the murderer came from!" the disciple said.

   Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart, but he didn't expect to be discovered by them.

  He originally thought that he did a good job, killing Lin Wendian would never be known to the elders of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, but now it seems that the elders of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect have already arrived.

  "What is the name of your elder of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

   "Report to your lord, his name is Lu Tianrun."

   "What realm has his cultivation reached?"

   "Our elder Lu's cultivation has reached a great consummation in the realm of spirits and souls!"

  The disciple replied very respectfully. He was worried that Chen Xuan would be upset, so he directly killed him.

After hearing this disciple’s reply, Chen Xuan nodded with satisfaction: "You answered very well. I killed a person before. If I didn’t guess wrong, what he carried should be of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect. Token."

  At this time, Chen Xuan took out a token from his space ring, which was the mysterious grey-robed warrior who was killed by him.

After seeing the token that Chen Xuan took out, the expression of the disciple of the Wooden Sage Sword Sect became extremely stunned. He immediately said, "Yes, that's right, this is indeed our Wooden Sage Sword Sect. Token!"

   "Why does he have a token of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect on his body? You answer me honestly? Why do these people do something to me?" Chen Xuan said.

The expression of this disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword School was very horrified. He didn't know why Chen Xuan asked: "My lord, we didn't find you at all. How could we have done something to you? You can't be mistaken. People are gone!"

After hearing his explanation, Chen Xuan had a murderous intent on his face, and he immediately moved closer to the disciple: "You are not honestly telling me, if you dare to have a lie, today I will I will chop off your head and take it out to feed the dog!"

The disciple of   Wood Sacred Sword School wanted to cry very much. He thought to himself that what he had just said was true, but why Chen Xuan couldn't believe it.

  Suddenly, he thought of something his brothers discussed the other day.

   "By the way, Master Chen, I seem to have thought of something."

   "Tell me." Chen Xuan said in a low voice, he was curious why people of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect would cultivate physical strength.

  When Chen Xuan faced Lin Wendian, he also found that the opponent's physical strength was very weak, indicating that Lin Wendian was mainly cultivating the power of the soul.

"That's it. Our Wood Sacred Sword Sect used to be a two-star sect before, but our sect had a split. It is said that one person wanted to major in the body. Later, he was repelled by our elder. I don't know anything about it. If I have a lie, I will be thundered!" This disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword School was shaking all over, he knew that Chen Xuan had the ability to kill himself in seconds.

  Chen Xuan did not kill anyone, because the other party did not have any threats, so he directly released the disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect.

  Although Chen Xuan let him go, he felt that even if the disciple was in the canyon, he might not be able to go out. After all, the sound transmission jade pendant in his hand had been destroyed by Chen Xuan.

The disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword School originally wanted to ask Chen Xuan for help, but when he raised his head, he found that Chen Xuan had already disappeared.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan came to a safe place, and he felt a little puzzled in his heart: "No wonder the person just now carried the token of the Wooden Sage Sect. It turns out that he was also a disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword before..."

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan seemed to have calculated something suddenly: "Could it be that the main purpose of Lu Tianrun when he came to Heiyunfeng was not to come to me, but to find the people before him to do a settlement?"

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly. He felt that he didn't need to drip this muddy water at all. When that time comes, just let the people of these two factions kill the world and make the fisherman profit.

  At this moment, in a space.

  The faces of several warriors carrying tokens of the Wooden Sacred Sword School were full of killing intent.

The person headed by    is Liu Tianjiu.

"Damn it, why doesn't this kid listen to my dissuasion? He actually dared to provoke Chen Xuan, doesn't he know what level Chen Xuan's cultivation has reached? Well now, he is afraid he is already dead. Chen Xuan's hand!" Liu Tianjiu complained all over his face.

  After hearing Liu Tianjiu's words, none of these warriors dared to refute him anymore, after all, the facts were in front of them.

  A person arbitrarily set out to provoke Chen Xuan, but now his breath has completely disappeared.

  Except for being beheaded, it is impossible for him to reveal a bit of breath.

  With the help of Little Firebird, Chen Xuan's next actions were much easier.

  The little firebird is now equivalent to Chen Xuan’s second pair of eyes. The little firebird’s perception ability is also very strong, and his vision is very sharp.

  Chen Xuan began to look for these disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect in the valley.

  But after a few hours, Chen Xuan still did not find any clues.

   "It's really weird, why do these Wood Sacred Sword Sect people hide here!"

  Heiyunfeng is very dangerous.

  After Chen Xuan killed the warrior of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, Chen Xuan took a lot of caution in his next actions.

  He knew that he had been targeted by many people now, and Chen Xuan did not dare to relax his vigilance.

  According to the original words of this disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, Lu Tianrun's cultivation has reached a major consummation in the realm of Divine Soul.

  If Chen Xuan and Lu Tianrun meet, his chances of winning are relatively slim, unless Chen Xuan sets up a Vermilion Array nearby.

   "Lu Tianrun..." Chen Xuan's heart began to think: "If you come to trouble me, I will kill you directly, I will see how your cultivation level is."

  Time passed quickly, and two hours passed in a blink of an eye. When Chen Xuan was looking for the dragon-printed stele in the cave, he suddenly heard a sensation from outside.

  He hurriedly raised his head, then looked behind him.

   "It seems that someone is here..." Chen Xuan whispered

  At this time, Chen Xuan immediately displayed the power of the dragon pattern, and bursts of agitated spiritual energy continued to revolve around his body.

  Lu Tianrun was wandering nearby with many disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword School.

   "You can go in and search for me, this kid must be nearby!" Lu Tianrun just felt a very powerful breath appearing in the distance, and he knew that this must be released by Chen Xuan.

   "This kid's cultivation level is really good, he has reached this level..." Lu Tianrun thought secretly, he found that Chen Xuan's cultivation level had even approached the first peak of the Divine Soul Realm.

  He didn't worry that he was not Chen Xuan's opponent. The only thing he worried about was the traitors of the sect.

   "You all remembered it for me. Anyone encountered in this canyon will be killed. Once you find him, please report the news to me as soon as possible!" Lu Tianrun said loudly to the group of disciples.

  All the disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect nodded one after another, they didn't dare to defy Lu Tianrun's order.

   "Speaking of which, why did I feel that the breath of the two seniors has disappeared just now, are they two in danger?" Suddenly a disciple said.

   "Who knows, this place is inherently very dangerous. It is better for us to act in a group. If we encounter a powerful monster, we can also deal with it." Another disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword said.

  While they were talking, Lu Tianrun suddenly raised his head and looked at a cave on the rocky cliff. He hurriedly took a few disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword and walked towards the cave.

   "You are all ready to fight, I feel the atmosphere here is very weird!" Lu Tianrun said to them.

  Several disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword faction immediately took out their weapons, and then they followed Lu Tianrun and walked towards the cave step by step.

  (End of this chapter)

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