Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3912: Lu Tianrun and the Wooden Sacred Sword School

  Chapter 3912 Lu Tianrun and the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect

  At this moment, Chen Xuan already felt a powerful force coming from outside the cave, and this breath was full of violent killing intent.

   "I don't know who is here..." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  Two quarters later, Chen Xuan had just taken a step, and suddenly felt an extremely strange breath coming from behind, and an old man in a gray robe walked in front of him.

   "You are Chen Xuan, you dare to kill my precious apprentice Lin Wendian, today you will definitely die in my hands!" Lu Tianrun said angrily.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled faintly: "This can only be blamed on your apprentice who provokes me, otherwise I won't kill him!"

"Don’t talk to me here. One life pays one life. Chen Xuan, you will definitely die in my hands. I thought your cultivation level was very strong. It seems that it’s just like that. I don’t think you have entered yet. Divine Soul Realm?" Lu Tianrun said with a sneer.

  He has also practiced the power of dragon patterns, and he can even feel a fierce aura condensed from Chen Xuan's body.

   "Unexpectedly, you have also cultivated the power of dragon patterns. It is a pity that the difference in cultivation level between the two of us is very different. Today you are destined to die!"

  Lu Tianrun roared, and then an extremely terrifying force condensed in his dantian, and then this breath instantly rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction.

  Chen Xuan took two steps back, and the long sword in his hand released a fierce breath.

  A burst of turbulent spiritual power burst out in an instant, and then slammed into Lu Tianrun's body.


  Lu Tianrun stepped back, his expression became lighter: "It seems that I underestimated you, your cultivation is really good, but you can't be my opponent at all!"

  Chen Xuan shook his head disdainfully: "You are too confident of your own strength!"

Chen Xuan rushed over again, and bursts of light red light condensed from his dantian, and then Chen Xuan's body leapt into the sky, he quickly waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and then a sword aura was fierce. Hit Lu Tianrun.


  Lu Tianrun gently raised his arm, and a dark red light and shadow appeared in front of him, which was a light group produced by the full use of the power of the soul.

   Then shout!

  This light group instantly pounced towards Chen Xuan's direction.

After feeling the horror of the opponent's soul power, Chen Xuan's expression became extremely shocked.

   "What a strong power..."

The next moment, Chen Xuan’s body was shot out instantly, and his whole body fell to the ground. Blood was continuously gushing from his mouth and nose. Chen Xuan quickly took out the Huiyuan Pill from the space ring, and then quickly Swallowed into the abdomen.

  I have to say that Lu Tianrun’s cultivation is extremely terrifying, and Chen Xuan did not have the upper hand in the battle with him.

  The continuous sword energy rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan frantically.

   Feeling the terrifying power carried in the opponent's sword aura, Chen Xuan could only defend desperately, but in the end he still could not defend the sword aura.

  Chen Xuan's whole body flew out directly.

   Then Lu Tianrun shouted and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Lu Tianrun is a great consummated top powerhouse in the Divine Soul Realm. Chen Xuan can only defend continuously when facing his offensive.


  Chen Xuan's body was repelled several steps.

  He hurriedly got up from the ground.

  At this time, Chen Xuan's pupils were full of blood.

   "Damn things, I don't believe them!" Chen Xuan roared.

  A layer of dragon pattern was condensed all over his body. Under the release of the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan's body suddenly rushed out.


  Suzaku sword aura suddenly blasted towards Lu Tianrun.

  Lu Tianrun's expression became extremely hideous: "You will definitely not survive today!"

  The next moment, Lu Tianrun's body was suddenly filled with dragon patterns, and the power of red dragon patterns spread all over his body.

  This power has greatly increased Lu Tianrun's defensive power, and even the breath he released directly soared several times.

  Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression: "What a strong power!"

  He did not expect that the other party would also practice the power of dragon patterns.

   "It seems that you should also know that there is a group of dragon-print stone steles here?" Chen Xuan whispered.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Tianrun’s expression suddenly became more cruel: "It seems that you also came here to look for the dragon stone stele. I am here. You will never find the dragon stone stele, because you will die now. My hands!"

  In the next instant, the breath in Lu Tianrun's body was directly released, and this force instantly suppressed Chen Xuan's head.

After feeling the breath released from his body, Chen Xuan's expression became very low.

I have to say that Lu Tianrun's cultivation is very strong.

  During the battle with him, Chen Xuan had to raise his spirits, otherwise he would be hit by the opponent's sword qi if he was negligent.

  Wood Sacred Sword School is also very strong, the original Wooden Sacred Sword Sect was also one of the two-star sects, although the current Wooden Sacred Sword Sect is no longer good, but Lu Tianrun is a master in the realm of Divine Soul after all.

   Chen Xuan was able to deal with Zhao Zhiyun, who was at the top of the Shenluo realm, partly because Zhao Zhiyun was already seriously injured.

  As for Lu Tianrun.

   is now in its heyday.

  So Chen Xuan did not dare to relax at all.

  Suddenly a light red light appeared on Chen Xuan's body. The Vermillion Bird's fire instantly burned, and then he slammed into Lu Tianrun's direction.


  Lu Tianrun watched the Suzaku fire burn on his body, but his expression was extremely disdainful.

  Because he was confident that the Suzaku fire would not hurt himself at all.

  But when the flame burned on him, he realized that what he was thinking was too simple.

  Suzaku's fire can burn even the soul.

  Not to mention that he was mainly cultivating the power of the soul, but neglected to cultivate his own body.

  Faced with the continuous attack of Vermilion Bird, Lu Tianrun showed a sense of confusion.

  He felt that the fire of the Vermillion Bird was constantly devouring his dantian.

   "It's strange, why this flame can hurt my soul..."

   Suddenly, the Vermillion Bird's fire burst out with an extremely turbulent light, and then Lu Tianrun's body was instantly knocked out.

  Lu Tianrun let out a scream, and he felt that his body was severely injured.

   "It's absolutely impossible!" Lu Tianrun couldn't believe what happened before him. He thought he could easily kill Chen Xuan, but because of his underestimation, his body was already attacked by Vermillion Bird's Fire.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan displayed a sword aura, and the fierce sword light immediately surrounded his body.

   Sword Qi madly attacked Lu Tianrun.


  Lu Tianrun's body was shot out hundreds of meters in an instant, and his whole body was hit to the ground.

  Chen Xuan seized the opportunity, he cut out a sword aura, and the fierce sword light suddenly hit Lu Tianrun's body.

  Continuous sword energy attacked Lu Tianrun fiercely. Even though Lu Tianrun's cultivation base was already very strong, he still couldn't resist the burning of the Suzaku fire.

  Finally after two incense sticks, Lu Tianrun's skin was burnt black, and there were still many sword marks on his body.

   "Hehe, now you know the gap between the two of us?" Chen Xuan roared, and he rushed towards Lu Tianrun again, and a fierce sword aura continued to fall on Lu Tianrun's body.

  But at this moment, Lu Tianrun disappeared completely.

  Chen Xuan looked around suspiciously: "Strange, I was here just now, why did he disappear suddenly? Did he hide some exercises?"

  At the same time, in the Sword Moon Sect.

  Zhuge Yun staggered up from the ground, and the Jianyuezong now has long been turned into ruins. Zhuge Yun felt extremely sad when he saw this scene.


   Zhuge Yun, as the lord of Jianyuezong, has been planning for Jianyuezong in recent years. He originally wanted to make Jianyuezong a three-star sect, but now Jianyuezong has become a pile of ruins.

  Faced with the attacks of the six masters, Zhuge Yun was no opponent at all.

  Even if he holds the Jianyue Giant Sword in his hand, the cultivation base of the six masters is not low, and these six masters also have magic weapons.

  Zhuge Yun glanced at the six strong men in front of him, his heart was full of pain: "We should withdraw as soon as possible. Anyway, I can save my life. As long as I can live, I must find them to take revenge!"

   Zhuge Yun's figure flashed, and he was about to leave here.

   "Never let him go!" a strong man said loudly.

  They are worried that Zhuge Yun will leave here. After all, Zhuge Yun's cultivation is indeed very strong. The most important thing is that Zhuge Yun still holds the Sword Moon Giant Sword in his hand.

  One day Zhuge Yun will come back from the killing, and he will definitely seek revenge on them.

   "Zhuge Yun, you thought you could escape today, hahaha, you are dead today!" A strong man laughed wildly, and then he rushed towards Zhuge Yun.

  Zhuge Yun held the Jianyue Giant Sword in his hand, and his body suddenly condensed with dark red aura, a burst of turbulent energy was released in an instant, and he attacked fiercely around him.


  The body of the strong man who was tracking Zhuge Yun was shot out instantly, and Zhuge Yun disappeared between the electric light and flint.

  The entire Jianyue Sect had blood flowed into a river, and the ground was full of disciples' corpses. The former two-star sect was now in a mess, and no one was alive.

  All the surviving disciples followed Zhuge Bai to the secret base, which was the refuge of Jianyuezong.

  The six powerhouses did not know where the refuge was. They thought that the current Jianyue Sect had been destroyed.

   "Hehe, Jianyuezong has been removed from Yunxiao Mansion now." A strong man said.

  Fifteen days later, the news of the destruction of the Sword Moon Sect spread throughout the Yunxiao Mansion, and even the Shenfeng Dynasty had heard the news.

   "What are you talking about, Jianyue Sect was actually destroyed, isn't it impossible, aren't they the two-star sect?"

"Who can destroy the Sword Moon Sect? I heard that Sword Moon Sect is at the top of the second constellation gate. Unless the opponent's cultivation has reached the peak of the Divine Soul Realm, otherwise they will definitely not be able to destroy the Sword Moon Sect! "

   "Who knows, Jianyuezong was suddenly destroyed. This news is indeed very explosive. I don't know how Zhuge Yun is now!"

  After the news came out, everyone in Yunxiao Mansion was discussing the matter.

  If an unknown little sect was destroyed, they would definitely not be so concerned, but the status of Jianyuezong was different.

  Sword Moon Sect is considered the top of the two-star sects, and was once one of the three-star sects. When facing the attack of the Blood Demon Sect, Sword Moon Sect exerted the greatest strength.

  Now that the Sword Moon Sect has been destroyed, some martial artists have some regrets in their hearts, and some even want to practice in Sword Moon Sect.

  The news just came out, and it immediately caused a sensation in the entire Yunxiao Mansion.

  Shortly afterwards, someone knew who exactly destroyed the Sword Moon Sect.

   "Have you heard of it? It seems that a mysterious man brought our masters from the Cloud Palace to annihilate the Sword Moon Sect!"

   "Who is the mysterious powerhouse?"

   "I don't know what his identity is, in short, this person has a very strong cultivation base, and the five powerhouses all obey his orders!"

   "Really? Even the five Wuhou of our Yunxiao Mansion listened to his command. What kind of identity is this person?"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was still in the Demon Wind Empire, and he had no idea that Jian Yuezong had been destroyed.

  He originally wanted to kill Lu Tianrun of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, but the opponent suddenly disappeared, and Chen Xuan could only temporarily give up this plan.

  Just after he climbed out of the valley, he felt waves of extremely ferocious aura gathering in the mountains.

  A thin white mist filled the surrounding area. Chen Xuan raised his head and couldn't see what was in front of him.

   "Why do I feel that something is wrong in front of me..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart, and he discovered that there was a formation in front of him.

   Just when Chen Xuan's voice just fell, he felt a dark shadow in front of him flashed away.

  (End of this chapter)

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