Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3916: Li Dongchen's promotion

  Chapter 3916 Li Dongchen's promotion

  Chen Xuan knew that once Li Dongchen was confused by the opponent, he would definitely attack him.

  Chen Xuan can deal with this snake **** sect warrior with ease. If he adds another Li Dongchen, Chen Xuan may not be able to win.

  After all, Li Dongchen has been transformed very thoroughly, and his current cultivation level has reached the realm of souls.

  Li Dongchen also worried that if he was deceived, he would lose his mind, and then he would not know Chen Xuan, and would become the servant of this snake **** martial artist and a tool for killing.

  The fifth layer of Suzaku swordsmanship!

   Chen Xuan roared, and the sword aura suddenly enveloped his body.


  This sword qi instantly rushed towards the Zombie Sect warrior.

When   Sword Qi hit the Zombie Sect warrior, he suddenly let out a roar.

  The two collided violently in the air.

  But at this moment, the opponent's body suddenly disappeared.

  Chen Xuan looked around with a puzzled face, he felt very unreasonable...

   "Why disappeared again?"

  Li Dongchen looked at Chen Xuan's direction very helplessly, knowing that he could no longer support it.

Chen Xuan immediately took out a pill from the space ring, and then he took out another magic cloud spirit pill: "Li Dongchen, you eat these two pill first, let's go to deal with him together. "

  Li Dongchen looked at the Demon Cloud Ling Pill in Chen Xuan's hand with some doubts: "What is this?"

  "This kind of magic cloud spirit pill can temporarily restore your sanity. Don't worry about that much. I will clean the drop of evil blood in your body." Chen Xuan said.

  Li Dongchen asked immediately: "But Brother Chen, this snake **** is still nearby, if you help me clear it, will we be attacked by him?"

  Chen Xuan replied: “Don’t worry about it for the time being. I think he’s also injured now. If I didn’t guess wrong, he should hide nearby. You can eat the pill first.”

  Li Dongchen knew that Chen Xuan would definitely not frame him, so Li Dongchen resolutely took the pill in his hand and swallowed it in his stomach.

  At the moment he took the pill, a dark red light suddenly appeared on Li Dongchen's body.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and looked at Li Dongchen, even he couldn't tell whether the other party could dissolve the evil blood in his body after eating the Demon Cloud Spirit Pill.

  After about a stick of incense, Chen Xuan saw a burst of fiery red light appearing on Li Dongchen's body. Chen Xuan immediately condensed the power of the Vermillion Bird, and then lightly patted Li Dongchen on the head.


  A fierce spiritual energy emerged instantly, and then it was wrapped around Li Dongchen's body.

  Li Dongchen enjoys this power very much, but he also knows that once the evil blood penetrates his dantian, he will definitely become a puppet of the opponent.

  After another two incense sticks, the aura in Li Dongchen's body gradually became sluggish.

  "The blood in your body is still not cleaned, you must kill him!" Chen Xuan said word by word.

  Li Dongchen's body is extremely weak, his eyes are looking into the distance: "But Brother Chen, I have cut off contact with him now, and now I can't feel where he is anymore."

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly: "Don't worry, I noticed that there is a snake cloud hall under the ground. This snake cloud hall must also be set up by the people of the snake gods!"

Hearing this, Li Dongchen had to stand up from the ground abruptly, and then followed behind Chen Xuan. He has not fully recovered from his injuries now, and it is not easy to stand up.

   "Are you okay now?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Li Dongchen shook his head: "Brother Chen, I feel like I'm dying now, but I should be able to hold on..."

  At this time, Li Dongchen suddenly said: "Brother Chen, I seem to feel his breath, if I guess correctly, he is under the ground!"

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan's gaze immediately fell to his feet, he nodded gently, and then took hold of the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

  "You go around a bit, I am going to make a cut, and then we two will go in together!"

   Chen Xuan said.

  Li Dongchen got up, and he hid away to the side.

  A fierce killing intent was released from Chen Xuan's pupils, and the sword aura immediately attacked the ground.


  The earth trembled for a while, and then a hole appeared on the ground.

  A huge crack appeared directly in front of them.

  Chen Xuan said to Li Dongchen, "Can I go in from here?"

  Li Dongchen nodded and said: "You should be able to go in too."

  Chen Xuan didn't even think about it, he walked in directly.

   Bursts of wild aura suddenly released from the earth. When this aura met Li Dongchen, he hurriedly covered his head.

   "I feel a headache..." Li Dongchen said.

   "You will endure it first, and when I go in and kill him, everything will be over!" Chen Xuan instantly rushed into the crack under the ground.

  The reason why he dared to go to the Snake Cloud Hall was because Chen Xuan had already weighed it down. He thought that the warrior of the Snake God Sect must have been seriously injured, otherwise he would never run away.

  Chen Xuan did not waste time, he speeded up, and then quickly dived in.

   "This person's cultivation should be very strong, but since he has been injured, it means that he must be worried about me going in." Chen Xuan whispered.

  The moment Chen Xuan entered below the ground, he suddenly felt danger coming from nearby.

  He clearly noticed that there are many monsters nearby.

  Chen Xuan's cultivation reached the realm of Divine Soul, and these monsters did not pose any threat to him.

  Although Li Dongchen had a splitting headache, he still followed.

   "Brother Chen, what shall we do now? Which way to go?" Li Dongchen asked.

  Chen Xuan looked ahead, he found a huge altar and a gate in the very center of the earth.

  Chen Xuan walked directly through the middle of the gate, and then he found that there was a very large hall in front of him.

  It seems that this is the Snake Cloud Hall!

  He heard that the warriors of the Zombie Sect would build the Snake Cloud Hall in various places.

  Chen Xuan once encountered a Demon Snake Tower built by Zhao Zhiyun. The Snake Cloud Hall and the Demon Snake Tower have the same effect.

   is the base camp of the Zombie Sect.

  Although there are zombie warriors everywhere in Leizhou, they are very careful when they act in other areas. After all, many forces are very resistant to the zombie religion.

  That’s why the Zombie Sect will build a snake cloud hall in this area.

The area of ​​the   Snake Cloud Hall was very large, and Chen Xuan began to look for news about the snake gods teaching warriors.

After walking about two quarters of an hour, Chen Xuan saw a dark red figure in front of him.

  He exudes a frightening atmosphere.

After seeing the other party, Chen Xuan's pupils flashed a fierce killing intent: "I didn't expect you to hide here, thinking you can hide?"

  The expression of the Snake God Sect warrior was also very hideous, he did not expect Chen Xuan to find it here.

   At the moment Chen Xuan entered the Snake Cloud Hall, a red light shot out from the pupil of the snake **** martial artist, and the red light instantly slammed into Chen Xuan's direction.

   After feeling the dazzling light, Chen Xuan yelled, he immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, and then severely cut out a sword aura towards the opponent.

  At this critical moment, Chen Xuan felt a fierce breath coming from nearby.

  Li Dongchen clenched his fists, and then smashed his face fiercely, blood even permeating the corners of his eyes: "Brother Chen, I can't hold on anymore. Hurry up and kill him!"

  Chen Xuan did not dare to waste time, he stepped out quickly, and then swung a sword aura.

  This sword qi rushed to the body of the Snake God Sect warrior instantly.


  The body of the zombie warrior was directly knocked into the air.

But there was still a light red aura permeating his body. At the moment Chen Xuan repelled him, the Zombie Sect warrior smiled coldly: "What you think is really simple. Do you think I have no defense here? ?"

  In the next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly realized that a spiritual formation suddenly opened up around him.

  With the opening of these formations, a blood-red breath instantly permeated, and then a series of spiritual energy attacked Chen Xuan frantically.

  Chen Xuan gave a cold smile, his body jumped into the air, and then an extremely terrifying power was condensed from his pubic area.


  The power of the spirit array immediately dissipated without a trace.

  The expression of this snake **** warrior became very shocked. He did not expect Chen Xuan to break the spiritual formation so easily.

   "What the **** is going on? Why can you get rid of the spirit array so quickly..." His voice just fell, and immediately afterwards, a dark red aura appeared in the sky.

  Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan Sword tightly in his hand, and he slew towards the opponent with a single sword.


The head of the Snake God Sect warrior immediately fell on the ground. Chen Xuan did not expect the other party to be so vulnerable. He originally thought he would have to fight the Snake God Sect warrior for a while in the Snake Cloud Hall, but the other party directly He was seckilled by him.

   "It seems that he has been seriously injured before, otherwise I can't kill him!"

  At the moment when the zombie warrior was killed, Li Dongchen's eyes gradually turned into a normal color.

Li Dongchen stood up from the ground, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually became flat: "Brother Chen, I really thank you this time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have died hundreds of times. "

  Chen Xuan nodded silently. He looked around and said, “Let’s be more careful. There are still many dangers in this Snake Cloud Hall.”

  After his voice fell, several water phantom cloud crows suddenly appeared around him.

  These water fantasy clouds and crows rushed towards Chen Xuan frantically.

The number of   water phantom cloud crows is very large, about hundreds of thousands, which is not comparable to the number of water phantom cloud crows that Chen Xuan encountered in the valley before, but the hundreds of thousands of water phantom cloud crows are also very scary.

  Chen Xuan immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, and then he strode out, a fierce aura burned directly on the group of water fantasy clouds and crows.

  Hundreds of water phantom cloud crows were instantly burned to ashes.

  These water fantasy clouds and crows are very vengeful.

Seeing that Chen Xuan killed tens of thousands of water illusion cloud crows at such a fast speed, Li Dongchen was also unwilling to show weakness. His body bounced into the air, and then waved the long knife in his hand. After bursts of black aura bloomed, he blinked. Thousands of water phantom cloud crows were killed in between.

  After Chen Xuanneng and Li Dongchen joined forces, hundreds of thousands of Water Fantasy Cloud Crows were instantly slaughtered.

  The water fantasy cloud crow had no effect on Chen Xuan, so he did not take the bodies of these water fantasy cloud crows.

  Li Dongchen frowned suddenly, and he whispered: "Brother Chen, I seem to be able to feel the traces of the zombie warriors now!"

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Where can you feel theirs?"

   "Although I can feel their trail, but..." Li Dongchen looked like he wanted to say nothing.

  Chen Xuan walked over and said, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

  "It's not because of this. I feel their aura is very strong. What if we find them but are not their opponents?"

  Chen Xuan was slightly surprised, he really hadn’t thought of this problem.

  The scene suddenly became silent.

  Chen Xuan knew that these Zombie Cultists had set up a Snake Cloud Hall here, which means that there must be many masters of the Zombie Cult nearby.

   "If his cultivation is too strong, we can just find a way to escape." Chen Xuan said softly.

Li Dongchen thought about it for a while, and finally he replied: "Brother Chen, the cultivation of these snake gods is indeed very strong. The cultivation of the person we met just now has reached the realm of spirits, maybe in the snake cloud. The cultivation bases of these snake **** martial artists in the main hall have all entered the realm of spirits, I am afraid it is not so easy to deal with."

Chen Xuan fell into silence. He looked around for a while, and then said: "Well, don't think about it so much. Since these people of the Zombie Cult are hiding here, it means that they must have been seriously injured, otherwise they must be There will not be a snake cloud hall under the ground."

   "Let's leave here first."

   Just when Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen were about to leave.

  Li Dongchen suddenly stopped. He winked at Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, wait a minute.

   "What happened?" Chen Xuan asked immediately.

   "I feel that the surrounding atmosphere is a bit wrong!" After speaking, Li Dongchen suddenly walked towards the body of the zombie warrior just now.

  The next moment, Li Dongchen's body was filled with fierce auras, he raised his arm, a red aura condensed from his fist, and then slammed a punch to the ground.


  The ground began to tremble suddenly.

  As the ground trembled more and more, Chen Xuan discovered that a hole had been cracked in the ground.

   "What's going on?" Chen Xuan walked over with a look of surprise, and he discovered that there was a red stone under the ground.

  When he saw this stone, Chen Xuan suddenly revealed a surprise: "This is not a condensed ancient jade, right?"

  The condensed ancient jade is a very rare spiritual material, and it is also the most legendary treasure. It is said that as long as the warrior absorbs the spiritual energy in the condensed ancient jade, the cultivation level can be improved.

  The most important thing is that the condensed ancient jade gathers the aura of heaven and earth and can also enhance the power of the soul.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and looked at the ground: "How did you know?"

   "I suddenly thought of something just now, so I just came over and take a look. If I didn't guess wrong, I now have a part of the memory of that zombie warrior!" Li Dongchen opened his mouth and explained.

  Chen Xuan didn't think much, after all, the condensed ancient jade is indeed a very precious treasure.

  (End of this chapter)

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