Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3917: Condensed ancient jade

  Chapter 3917 Condensed ancient jade

  A hint of surprise appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

  He didn't expect that there would be so many condensed ancient jade here.

  Li Dongchen smiled and said: "These ancient condensed jade are enough for us to use. After all, why are there so many ancient condensed jade here? This is something I didn't expect at all."


  A burst of fierce aura was immediately released, only to see bursts of light red light condensed on Li Dongchen's body, and these forces began to continuously impact the slate surrounding the condensed ancient jade.

  After two quarters of an hour, a burst of spiritual energy was released instantly, and the last few condensed ancient jade completely appeared in front of them.

  Li Dongchen completely shattered the earth, and suddenly a large number of condensed ancient jade appeared in front of the two people.

  The entire Snake Cloud Hall is full of rich spiritual energy.

   Chen Xuan's face also showed excitement. He knew that the condensed ancient jade was a very precious treasure, and the ability to obtain so many condensed ancient jade at one time would definitely bring Chen Xuan's cultivation to a higher level.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been cultivating non-stop, but it is not so easy to improve his cultivation.

   Several days have passed, and Chen Xuan has now clearly felt the improvement in his cultivation.

   "Many of the condensed ancient jade here has been absorbed by the warriors of the Zombie Sect." Chen Xuan showed a look of shock. He did not expect that the Snake God Sect would have absorbed so many ancient condensed jade.

  Moreover, there are a lot of condensed ancient jade under the stone slab.

   "How much is there?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Li Dongchen carefully counted them. After about a quarter of an hour passed, Li Dongchen said with great joy: “There is still a lot. Don’t worry, these condensed ancient jade can be absorbed by us for a long time.”

  Chen Xuan did not doubt that although the people of the Serpent God Sect could absorb the power of the condensed ancient jade to improve the cultivation base, the rest of these can also improve Chen Xuan's cultivation base a lot.

   "There is only a little left, but it will definitely be enough for us." Li Dongchen said.

  Simply counted, there were fifty condensed ancient jade in the wall.

  The number of more than fifty condensed ancient jade is already a lot, and Chen Xuan does not need so many condensed ancient jade to improve his cultivation.

  But the most important thing is that he can use condensed ancient jade to refine spiritual pills.

  Looking at the fifty thumb-sized stones, Chen Xuan's face showed a joyful expression: "Very well, these condensed ancient jade can be used by me to refine the pill."

  Li Dongchen knew that Chen Xuan was an alchemist, and since Chen Xuan had already spoken, he naturally couldn't say much.

   "Brother Chen, let's divide it." Li Dongchen said.

  Chen Xuan looked at the condensed ancient jade on the ground, he got up and picked up a piece of condensed ancient jade, and then placed it in front of his eye for a moment.

  "The power of this kind of condensed ancient jade is really terrifying. Since we have got so many condensed ancient jade at once, we can directly absorb the power of condensed ancient jade here!" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  After that, Li Dongchen and Chen Xuan shared the condensed ancient jade equally.

   "Just absorb it here." Chen Xuandao.

  He is not prepared to absorb the power of the condensed ancient jade in other places, just now he can absorb all the energy of the condensed ancient jade. It is best if the cultivation base can improve nature, and if he can't improve Chen Xuan, he won't blame the heavens.

  Obtained twenty-five condensed ancient jade, Chen Xuan sat cross-legged and began to absorb the condensed ancient jade.

  Closed his eyes slightly, Chen Xuan's body was condensed with bursts of red aura. As this power continued to increase, Chen Xuan could clearly perceive that his body was undergoing a certain change!

  "It is indeed the ancient condensed jade." Chen Xuan put a thumb-sized ancient condensed jade into his mouth.

  The next moment, bursts of fiery red aura condensed on his body.

  Ninghua ancient jade followed his throat and entered the Dantian Qi Sea.

  Chen Xuan sighed slightly, he began to absorb the spirit of the world around him, and a burst of blue light continued to gather in Chen Xuan's dantian.

  As the absorption rate gets faster and faster, Chen Xuan’s body has always been filled with a surge of energy

When   Ninghua ancient jade entered the Dantian Qi Sea, the spiritual energy permeated his Dantian.

  The aura in the sea of ​​qi suddenly turned wildly.

   Feeling the changes in the body, Chen Xuan's face revealed a joy.

  But at this moment, he suddenly found that his body had undergone a little change.

  On top of the condensed ancient jade at this time, wild auras were constantly exuding, and these auras quickly merged into Chen Xuan's body.

  Three minutes later, the first sublimated ancient jade was completely absorbed.

   Chen Xuan did not expect that he would have absorbed it for so long.

   "This small piece of condensed ancient jade, it took me so long." About an hour later, Chen Xuan absorbed several pieces of condensed ancient jade.

   Chen Xuan discovered that in the sea of ​​qi, the aura seemed to be a little more refined.

  If it hadn’t been because Chen Xuan had cultivated the power of the dragon pattern, he would definitely not have felt the change in his body. Although the aura had improved a lot, it was not obvious.

  "Go on, I must continue to absorb the energy of the condensed ancient jade, and see if I can make a breakthrough in my cultivation."

  Chen Xuan continued to absorb the condensed ancient jade. Compared with Chen Xuan, Li Dongchen absorbed the condensed ancient jade much faster.

  This made Chen Xuan puzzled.

  It is reasonable to say that Chen Xuan should be able to absorb the condensed ancient jade faster, but Li Dongchen is now absorbing the condensed ancient jade significantly faster than him.

   "Don't think so much, the most urgent thing is to improve the cultivation level as soon as possible, and quickly absorb the remaining pieces of condensed ancient jade." Chen Xuan whispered.

  In the next few hours, Chen Xuan has been absorbing the condensed ancient jade.

  When he turned his head, he found that the condensed ancient jade beside Li Dongchen had been reduced a lot.

  About half an hour passed, Li Dongchen absorbed all the twenty condensed ancient jade.

  At this time, his aura is much stronger.

   Chen Xuan's expression was extremely surprised. Before Li Dongchen's cultivation was only the Shenluo Realm Seventh Consummation, but his current cultivation has broken through a lot, and he is already very close to the Divine Soul Realm.

  In his Dantian Qi Sea, his aura became extremely pure.

  Chen Xuan nodded secretly. He thought that Li Dongchen's cultivation level could be improved so quickly, probably because he had absorbed the cultivation level of the snake **** cultivator.

  After absorbing so many condensed ancient jade, this made his strength improved again.

   "If there are enough condensed ancient jade, my strength can still grow." Li Dongchen said in a low voice.

  He also knows that these condensed ancient jade can improve his cultivation.

  At this time, Chen Xuan slowly gathered aura: "The aura in these condensed ancient jade is indeed very sufficient. Having said that, your current injury should be healed?"

  Li Dongchen smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Chen, if it weren't for you, I would definitely not be able to recover from my injury so quickly."

  Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

  After Li Dongchen had absorbed the condensed ancient jade, he turned his head and looked at Chen Xuan. He suddenly discovered that Chen Xuan was still absorbing it.

  Chen Xuan currently feels that his cultivation distance is only one step away, but he finds that his absorption speed is a bit slow.

"It's a bit strange, why the power of absorbing the condensed ancient jade has not allowed my cultivation level to break through." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart. He originally thought that after absorbing these condensed ancient jade, the cultivation level would definitely be able to be improved. The next small state.

   "Brother Chen, don't worry, slowly absorb the energy in the condensed ancient jade. Let's wait here for a while..." Li Dongchen said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and now his focus was all on the condensed ancient jade. He thought that as long as he absorbed the power of the remaining three condensed ancient jade, he would definitely improve his cultivation to a small level.

  Li Dongchen waited for three hours before Chen Xuan had absorbed all the condensed ancient jade.

  Wow... a fierce aura suddenly emerged.

  Red light shone on Chen Xuan's face.

   Seeing bursts of fiery red light condensed in the condensed ancient jade, Chen Xuan's face showed a surprised expression.

  The moment Chen Xuan opened his eyes, he suddenly found that the aura in the sea of ​​anger had become extremely pure.

  This power is so strong that Chen Xuan couldn't help being surprised.

"As expected, it is a condensed ancient jade. The power is really strong. If I can continue to absorb a condensed ancient jade, my cultivation level will definitely increase to a small level, and my spiritual energy has been refined to this level." Chen Xuan was excited. He knew that the condensed ancient jade was a very precious magic weapon.

  It is not so easy to continue to absorb sublimated ancient jade.

  Today Chen Xuan has absorbed a lot of condensed ancient jade. If he continues to absorb it, his dantian will definitely not be able to withstand this pure power, and it may even cause his dantian to explode.

   Absorbed so many condensed ancient jade, so that Chen Xuan's aura became extremely pure.

  The pure heaven and earth aura is much richer than the ordinary heaven and earth aura.

  Chen Xuan is confident. If he continues to absorb some condensed ancient jade tomorrow, he will definitely be able to break through to the first level of the realm of spirits.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's face was full of joy.

  If you can break through to the first level of the Divine Soul Realm, Chen Xuan's strength can easily crush the warriors of the Divine Soul Realm, and even the warriors who reach the highest level of the Divine Soul Realm will not be afraid.

  He had already been able to deal with the powerhouses in the Divine Soul Realm before, and that was just relying on the nine major accomplishments of the Shenluo Realm.

  As long as Chen Xuan can successfully advance to the Divine Soul Realm, even if the enemy is strong, Chen Xuan can easily win.

   "Are there any ancient condensed jade?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

Li Dongchen stared at the ground, and finally he replied: "Brother, there is no ancient condensed jade, but if you want to absorb it, we can go ahead and have a look. Maybe there will be other ancient condensed jade. ."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan knew what Li Dongchen meant, and he knew that the Ninghua ancient jade would definitely be gone.

   "Since there is no condensed ancient jade, let's leave here as soon as possible, no one knows what dangers there will be."

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to continue to absorb the condensed ancient jade, as long as he could absorb three condensed ancient jade, his cultivation might be able to rise to the spirit realm, but unfortunately, the condensed ancient jade is gone.

  The ancient condensed jade has been absorbed, which has made Chen Xuan feel very happy. In the last few days, Chen Xuan has absorbed a large amount of ancient condensed jade.

   "Let's go, let's leave here, don't stay here for a long time, maybe there are some monsters that haven't appeared here." Chen Xuandao.

   After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan immediately turned on the dragon pattern perception, and after confirming that there were no monsters nearby, he took the lead and walked forward.

  Li Dongchen nodded, he followed Chen Xuan closely, and then the two of them left the Snake Cloud Hall together and appeared in the Black Cloud Valley.

  Black Cloud Valley is still more dangerous.

  When Chen Xuan had just entered the Black Cloud Valley, he felt that there were still many powerful monsters in this Black Cloud Valley, especially some of the monsters' cultivation bases had reached the realm of Divine Soul.

   "Be careful, there are some monsters in the Black Cloud Valley that I can't even name them. Don't startle the snakes." Chen Xuan said.

  Until this moment, Chen Xuan had time to watch this dark cloud valley.

   For a long time, he has not carefully watched the Black Cloud Valley. The most important thing is that there are several warriors of the Zombie Sect in the Black Cloud Valley, and the cultivation of the Snake God Sect is indeed very strong.

  It took Chen Xuan a long time to defeat the people of the Serpent God Cult, and there was a serpentine spirit formation in the Black Cloud Valley.

  When he hadn't entered the Black Cloud Valley, there was always a gray atmosphere in the Black Cloud Valley, which made Chen Xuan unable to see anything clearly.

  "Since we have already come in, don't worry about so much. If there are people from the Zombie Sect who want to make trouble, we can directly kill them." Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

  Walking in the Black Cloud Valley, Chen Xuan's pace became faster.

   "I found the scenery here is quite beautiful." Chen Xuan stared into the distance.

  I have to say that when he first entered the Black Cloud Valley, he did not realize that the scenery here was so beautiful.

  Looking at it now, this Heiyun Valley is a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

  Not only is there a lake flowing in the distance, but the lake is also directly connected to the waterfall, and the surrounding green hills exude a burst of mist.

  Unfortunately, there is a warrior of the Zombie Cult hidden here.

  This made Chen Xuan feel very puzzled. He thought to himself that although it was very close to Leizhou, why did the people of the Zombie Sect appear here.

  It stands to reason that this area is more dangerous.

  (End of this chapter)

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