Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3954: Mysterious space

  Chapter 3954 Mysterious space

   "Did we just come in an independent space?" Chen Xuan's mind appeared when he had just entered the mountain range.

"It's a bit weird. The place I am now is actually a closed space. Could it be that this is a scheme set up by the black-robed old man, or that he has set up a spiritual formation here..." Chen Xuan's heart secretly Inference.

  Lei Pojun was also puzzled: "It's really weird. I guess we have entered a very unique space now, and this space is very dangerous."

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun continued to walk forward, because the space was very narrow, the two of them had to be close to each other.

   So this kind of space is very narrow and long, but Chen Xuan can see the end at a glance, this is because the power of his dragon pattern is working.

  If there is no dragon pattern power, Chen Xuan may not be able to see what is weird in this independent space, but it is precisely because the power of the dragon pattern is at work that he finds that the entire space is filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

  This breath is very scary.

   And Chen Xuan can clearly perceive that these forces are constantly besieging him.

   "This breath is terrifying, I feel that the place we came is very dangerous, Brother Chen Xuan, should we find a way to leave here!" Lei Pojun said in a low voice.

  Because the space is very narrow, the voice of the two of them can be heard very clearly, and Chen Xuan stopped Lei Pojun from continuing.

   "Let's go ahead and have a look..."

  When Chen Xuan walked toward the depths of the space, he felt that mysterious aura came again, to be precise, this aura was simply murderous.

  It was the first time that Chen Xuan felt such a strong murderous intent. He had never felt such a strong murderous intent when he confronted those assassins before.

   "What the **** is going on here? Why is there such a weird power? It shouldn't have been set by the old man in black robe just now, and his cultivation is simply not that strong!" Chen Xuan whispered.

   "What a strong murderous intent, this kind of power is still surging around, can it be said that we have been in his ambush?"

  Lei Pojun also showed a shocked expression: "Where did we come? I have never been to such a place before, brother, we must be careful."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan looked around, his face solemnly said: "You are right, this place feels very weird to me. Let's go ahead and take a look. Maybe we can find the old man in black robes. ."

   "This black robe old man is gone." Lei Pojun said, "I don't know where he went."

  Chen Xuan nodded, he also knew that the black-robed old man would definitely not stand in front of them and wait for them to attack.

  The origin of this black-robed old man is very mysterious. Chen Xuan has not yet figured out where he came from.

  It is reasonable to say that a blood demon sect seldom will appear in the Demon Wind Empire, after all, this is not their territory.

  When Chen Xuan was about to look for the black-robed old man, suddenly, he found that a dense blood cloud of corpses appeared in front of him.

  After seeing these blood cloud corpses appeared, he suddenly showed a surprised expression.

   "What's going on? These are blood cloud corpses."

   "Blood cloud corpses, how come there are so many blood cloud corpses?"

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun both showed horrified expressions. They saw the blood cloud corpse in this narrow space, which shows that this space is definitely not that simple.

  After Chen Xuan saw it, he immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword, and then stared coldly at the front.

   "Be careful, the power of these blood cloud corpses cannot be underestimated."

  Although he was attacked by these blood cloud corpses, Chen Xuan also understood thoroughly.

  He finally knew that there was such a strong murderous in this space.

   "It turns out that it is because of these blood cloud corpses that they have these breaths..."

"The murderous aura we felt just now was probably caused by these blood cloud corpses." Chen Xuan nodded with satisfaction. At first he still didn't understand why such a horrible space could be released in this narrow space. Killing intent, but he understands now, and all of this must be able to find the reason.

  The space was very dark, and Chen Xuan couldn't see the scene around him even when he raised his head.

  If it were not because he had the fire of the Vermillion Bird, he would definitely not be able to see that many blood cloud corpses were rushing towards him madly in this gloomy space.

  In this space, there is a strong murderous aura, and this murderous aura continues to spread to the surroundings.

  Chen Xuan's eyebrows were tightly locked: "Lei Pojun, if you absorb murderous intent for a long time, it will definitely affect your body. Get out of here quickly."

  After all, he is not a warrior who cultivates magic gate techniques. If those magic gate martial artists are allowed to come here, they will definitely be very satisfied with this space.

  Because as long as they absorb the murderous aura in the air, their cultivation level can be greatly improved.

However, both Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun came from the decent sect. The murderous aura here will not only improve their cultivation level, but will also have a drastic effect on their bodies, and may even affect Lei Po. The blood demon in the army.

   "Lei Pojun, go ahead and look for it, and find the old man in black robes!"

   Chen Xuan knew that he couldn't drag it any longer now, but when Chen Xuan looked at the wall in front of him, he suddenly showed a surprised expression.

  Because the dense blood cloud corpses have been spreading in his direction, the number of these blood cloud corpses is very large.

  No matter how strong Chen Xuanxiu is, it is impossible to kill all these blood cloud corpses.

   "The number of these blood cloud corpses is too much, we must be careful!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

But when his voice just fell, he found that Lei Pojun on the side roared up to the sky, and his eyes became blood red. At this time, Lei Pojun was full of horrible auras, and his body exuded. Shocking killing intent.

   After feeling the changes in Lei Pojun's body, Chen Xuan frowned tightly, and then yelled badly. The blood demon essence in Lei Pojun's body caused his consciousness to loosen.

  If Lei Pojun can't support the swallowing of blood demon essence and blood, then he will be completely regarded as a puppet of the blood demon sect and completely lose consciousness.

   Chen Xuan showed a panic expression on his face: "It seems that the murderous intent here has caused the bloodthirsty murderous intent in Lei Pojun's body. I definitely can't let Lei Pojun be swallowed by these murderous intent."

  He thought secretly in his heart.

  But Chen Xuan now has no way to recover Lei Pojun, because the current situation is very urgent, Lei Pojun is likely to be completely swallowed by the power of the Gorefiend.

   And Chen Xuan has noticed, now Lei Pojun is a bit unable to control himself.

  There is always a terrifying gorefiend in his body.

   "Lei Pojun, hold on, you must not be swallowed by this force." Chen Xuan yelled at Lei Pojun.

  Lei Pojun did not hear Chen Xuan's voice at all, and the long sword in his hand began to sway continuously.

  In an instant, the two blood cloud corpses were directly killed by Lei Pojun.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan became angry with Dantian, and then the power of Suzaku gathered in his pupils.

A breath of breath condensed into Chen Xuan's throat, and then he yelled at Lei Pojun.

  Following Chen Xuan's roar, the earth began to tremble constantly.

  With a sound of vibration, Lei Pojun's head was instantly awake.

  He looked at Chen Xuan with a little doubt.

  Chen Xuan sighed and said, "Lei Pojun, did you know that your body had changed just now? If you can't suppress this force, you will always become a puppet in the end..."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Lei Pojun's consciousness had recovered a lot, but his current expression was still very surprised.

   "Brother Chen, what do I do now."

  "Don't worry, you follow me first."

"Chen Xuan, the murderous aura here is very terrifying. I am afraid that I will not be able to suppress this power, and this murderous aura is continuously destroying my spiritual consciousness. I am worried that he will provoke the bloodthirsty in my blood. Killing intent..." Lei Pojun said in a low voice.

After hearing Lei Pojun's words, Chen Xuan immediately said: "I have already said, don't worry, you are now desperately suppressing the blood demon essence in your body, don't let this force occupy your mind, the next time I will find a way to get out of here as soon as possible."

   "Is there any way to leave?"

  "From above these blood cloud corpses, maybe we can find a way out." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Lei Pojun looked at Chen Xuan. Although his expression was very shocked, he still chose to believe in Chen Xuan.

   "Hurry up!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

  Lei Pojun nodded, and then he hurriedly followed Chen Xuan's back and walked forward continuously.

  Two people move forward fast, fast.

  I have to say that Lei Pojun's original speed is not slow, as for Chen Xuan's speed is faster.

  After a while, the two of them appeared at the end of the space. In this area, Chen Xuan felt a more terrifying aura.

   "Why are there so many blood cloud corpses here? I have never seen such a weird space before. By the way, there are a large number of blood cloud corpses here. Get ready for battle..." Chen Xuan said.

   "That's the same, but I also feel very strange, why someone can make these people into blood cloud corpses, I think these blood cloud corpses have been dead for a long time, but they are full of endless murderous intent."

   "This kind of murderousness is something I have never felt before."

   Chen Xuan also said: "You are right. I have never felt such a terrifying killing intent before. How many people have died in it..."

  (End of this chapter)

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